  The Young Ones
 Solved by Endurion
    and NeoStuey
Map and object list done by Martin Brunner
Found at the C64 Walkthrough Site
Solution V2.1 / 2005-11-02

+------------+ +------------+                   +---------+ +---------+
|Launderette |-|    Shop    |  ______________   |Bathroom +-+Mike\'s BR|         
+------------+ +------+-----+ /              \\  +----+----+ +----+----+
              \\       |      /                |      |     /     |
+------------+ +------+-----+ +------------+  | +---------+ +----+----+
|Under Stairs|-|    Hall    +-+   Garden   |  +-+ Landing +-+ Vyv\'s BR|
+-----+------+ +------+-----+ +------+-----+    +----+----+ +---------+
      |       /       |              |               |     \\
+-----+------+ +------+-----+ +------+-----+    +----+----+ +---------+
|  Cellar    | |Living Room +-+  Kitchen   |    |Rick\'s BR+-+Neil\'s BR|
+------------+ +------------+ +------------+    +---------+ +---------+

Here is an object list. Note that the other guys also pick up and put
down objects, so this list might be in a mess the longer you play
the game. But i hope it helps somehow.

Kitchen      Garden         Living Room  Cellar       Under the Stairs
============ ============== ============ ============ ================ 
Bomb         Kitty          Walkman      Gas Cylinder Suitcase
Radio        Cage           Video Rec.   Axe          Blow Torch
Kettle       Flower Pot     T.V.         Oil          Hoover
Fridge       Wheelbarrow    Cracker      Lager        Packet of Seeds
Cooker       Frog                        Super Glue   Spade
Cupboard     Special Branch                           Thermos Flash
Sink         Bin                                      Ruck Sack

Launderette  Shop           Hall          Landing       Bathroom
============ ============== ============= ============= =============
Lighter      Lucozade       Telephone     10 Pound Note Cassette
50 P         Girlyfun       Medics Handbk               Headphones
1 Pound      Envelope       Address Book                Crash Helmet
Waching Mch. Bag of Lentils Letter Box                  Goldfish Bowl
Soap Machine Post Box       (Narnia)                    Toilet Roll

Mike\'s BR     Rick\'s BR     Neil\'s BR    Vyvian\'s Bedroom
============= ============= ============ ================  
Loud Tie      Piggy Bank    Bin Liner    Chainsaw
Stained Duvet SPG           Cup          Sledge Hammer
Bed           Girly Dress   Guitar Case  Disection Kit
              Record Player Joint        Bed
              Bed           CCCKH Radio
              Floorboards   Bed

Solution for Mike
  by Endurion

As states in the partial solve (and the ZZAP magazine) Mike needs: 
Loud Tie 
Clean Duvet 
5 Pound Note 
Girly Fun 
Party Hat 

All items need to be put in the suitcase and the suitcase be closed. 

To get kitty: 
Get the defrosted peas (usually in the kitchen fridge). Get the blow
torch, and the lighter. Drink the lucozade. Mike should be able to
pick up the gas cylinder. If not then you might put down some objects
or eat the spinach that can be found in the kitchen cupboard. Then
you can carry it. Put the gas cylinder inside the blow torch
and switch both the blow torch and the lighter on while carrying the
frosted peas. With the defrosted peas you can pick up kitty. 

To get the loud tie: 
Get the walkman, the cassette and the headphones. Put the cassette
into the walkman and switch it on. Now you can pick the loud tie up. 

They start out in Narnia. You\'ll need the key to get to Narnia.
Can be simply picked up. 

Clean Duvet: 
Get a Bio Sud and the stained duvet. Put both in the washing machine
and switch it on. 

5 pound note: 
Have the bomb and call the fifth number. Before you need the
sledge hammer. With it you can smash the piggy bank and this
will give you a 10p piece. When you carry the 10p and the bomb
the call works. The 10p and the bomb vanish and you receive a
5 pound note. The bomb will be sold (to Gadaffi?) and you\'ll
get the 5 pound note. 

Girly fun: 
Buy the lucozade and drink it. Now you can buy the Girly fun. 

Golf ball: 
Get the hoover and switch it on. Open the toilet and now you can pick
up the golfball. 

Party hat: 
Starts inside the cracker. Can be simply picked up. 

Starts in the cellar (or in Under the stairs). Can be simply picked up.

Solution for Neil
   by NeoStuey

Anyhow, Neils items are as follows, in no particular order. 

The container Neil uses is the Wheelbarrow. 

Thermos Flask (containing hot lentils), clue was on the radio or TV
about going on a long journey. 

ANKH, recovered from narnia. 

Vegeburger from the fridge in the kitchen. 

Guitar case, with the guitar in it silly! 

Magic Mushrooms:
Cold tea(just put down the kettle and the hot tea goes cold), open
the grave withn spade put in the tea and the seeds from out of the
seed packet close grave and then open it = magic mushrooms.

Special branch:
CCCKH radio and a turned on chainsaw allows you to pick it up.

Goldfish bowl, again make sure you have the golfish in it first! 
How to get the goldfish in the bowl. At first you can\'t open the
goldfish bowl just put it in the sink switch on the tap pick up the
bowl, close the sink. You can now open the bowl drop in the fish and
close it, simple.

And finally the Frog, make sure you light a joint first to get it, Far
out Man!! (as Warlock would say). I am glad the frog belongs to Neil I
spent my entire youth convinced that it should go in the disection kit. 

Solution for Vivyan
    by NeoStuey

Bin Liner as your container. 

Medical handbook (with the hand from the disection kit inside). 

The Begonia (made using the manure in the flower pot). 

Apple (found in the fridge) 

kebab+biosud+lager put them in the washing machine in launderette and
close, switch on and then open. You get a little green man=Salmonella.

Disection kit (EMPTY!!! no frog no nothing, sorry if I put you off the
scent I honestly spent the last twenty years thinking something should
go in here). 

Video Nasty. Smash VCR, pick up VCR, open VCR, pick up Video Nasty,
close VCR, put down VCR 

Pick Axe. Firstly drink the oil from the cellar, then pick up the helmet
in the bathroom, you can now open it for the pick axe. 

Last item is the Cage containg SPG. Just use the carrot form the grave
to pick up SPG and then put him in the cage.

Solution for Rick
   by NeoStuey   

NOTE: This solution works on the Spectrum or CPC but will not work
on the C64 yet. It is believed that the Rick is doomed to stay forever
trapped alone in the house on the C64 due to a bug.

Ruck Sack as container for the items. 

Yogurt from the fridge. 

Cosmo from under the floorboards in Rick\'s room. 

Anarchy Badge that you send away for. 

Deodorant from out of the cage. 

The Address Book, with the girly dress placed inside. 

Toilet Roll, well you know I\'ve got a runny botty!  

Clean Undies. 

Record Player, well how else am I going to listen to Cliff. 

Poetry Book.