By Jaromir Krol - \"Jerry King\" - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Elvin  Atombender,  the  evil genius, is  at  it  again. What? Destroying the
 world, of course. And it\'s up to you to stop him. (Actually, the storyline in
 the  manual is a nice read, so take a look at it at Project 64!). All right -
 Elvin  lives  in a complex of nine towers.  You must search the eight of them
 one  by  one, and finally get access  to  Elvin\'s control room, hidden in the
 last  tower.  To get to that room, you will  need a melody code - this is why
 you have the mini recorder at your disposal! :) Read on for more.

 I   recommend   playing  this  game  with   an  emulator  that  has  freezing
 capabilities,  or  with a program/card which  can  do it (Game Wizard, Action
 Replay...).  This  way,  you can freeze  before  dangerous situations, and if
 something isn\'t right, just try again from the same point.

 The  game is obvious, really - search all  the objects in all the rooms (some
 objects  actually CANNOT be reached -  just leave them!), avoiding robots and
 doing  a  lot  of  gymnastics. Now, I  will  just  tell you about the options
 available in the terminals located in the rooms:

 The  platforms  \"resetters\" - now you can  reset the old up/down platforms as
 well  as the new left/right ones. (To use the l/r ones, get on them and press
 1  or  3, depending on the direction you  want to go in). Remember, too, that
 some  u/d platforms go from one room  to another, which sometimes is the best
 way to go to a particular room.

 The  robot freezer - obvious. Don\'t hesitate  to use it (though it isn\'t that
 much  necessary,  actually).  There are various  types  of robots in IM2. The
 worst  ones are the laser-shooters and the ones with big jaws, which will try
 to  push you off the ledge. Others include  a \"spring\" one which you can jump
 from,  a pest which just rides lifts and is otherwise harmless, a robot which
 lays mines on the floor (often in darkened rooms), and a \"suicide bot\", which
 will  try to kill you by jumping at you,  even at the cost of its own life...
 err, state. ;)

 A  time bomb - blows up anything: a robot, floor (sometimes blowing up a part
 of  the floor is the only way to get to some locations), but most importantly
 - the safes. Read on...

 A  mine - will explode when anything touches it (including you!). You may use
 it to blow up some annoying moving robots. To plant a bomb or mine kneel down
 and  press  fire.  Also, remember that an  explosion  will blow up any object
 above  the  bomb/mine, so search it before  you  decide to destroy it (it may
 contain part of the code!).

 A  bulb  - some rooms have light switched  off. You can search them, but it\'s
 annoying, so instead turn on the light in them. :)

 About the codes - you must search each tower one by one, and to move from one
 to  another, you need a code to open  the doors in the lowest sections of the
 corridors  -  the  ones  guarded by  the  dog-like  creatures.  When you have
 collected  the numbers from the particular tower,  go to the door and use the
 right-menu - the number - to assemble the correct code. It\'s all too simple -
 when  any  of  the  three  number is a  part  of  the  full  code, \"FOUND\" is
 displayed, so check each column one by one, and when you have found all three
 digits,  set  them. COMPLETED will appear and  the door will open, giving you
 access  to the next tower. The digits of the code are, of course, to be found
 in  the  objects  you search. Yet another  thing  you may find in the objects
 (apart  from  NOTHING :) is a +10  minutes  time extension (If you have found
 all,  and you\'re using the time-stopper, you will have 9 hours and 20 minutes
 in the end :).

 Now  - for the safes. Each tower has one green safe in it. Each safe contains
 a  tune. These tunes will make the key to the control room in the last tower.
 To  gain access to a safe, blow it up with a bomb, and then search it. Things
 to remember:

 -  The tunes should be recorded in the order you find them, that is, starting
   with the one from the first tower, and so on...
 - Each tune is 24 seconds long, so stop you recorder a second after it stops.
   For instance, when you have found the first tune, stop the tape at 25, then
   at 50, then 75, etc...
 -  If  you stop the tape at any  earlier  position, the previous tune will be
   damaged.  If  you  stop it later, there  won\'t  be enough tape left for all
 -  You  can erase tunes. Simply rewind the  tape to the beginning of the tune
   you  want  to erase (25, 50... etc.), and  go  find the next tune. When you
   have found it, it will have replaced the old one.
 -  You actually have to erase two tunes because there are eight in total, but
   you  need six. Two of the tunes are  duplicates - so after you have found a
   new  tune, listen to all the ones you  already have, and to the new one. If
   the  new one is a duplicate of an old one, rewind the tape to its beginning
   and go to the next tower for the new tune.
 - The tunes in the C64 version are THE SAME MELODY, but played in a different
   way,  so  pay  attention  to the way, not  to  the  notes! :) In e.g. Amiga
   version each tune is a different melody (apart from the duplicates, that is

 Now, when you have the full melody, go to the lift in the lower passage - the
 one  with  a skull in it. Simply take  it... and if you have a correct melody
 collected, you will arrive at Elvin\'s control room.

 The final room is rather easy. Go to the terminal and get a bomb, then freeze
 the  robots, and go right, then to the top ledge. Blow up a hole in it and go
 to  the  three terminals. Now choose one...  but the correct one. With me, it
 was  the  right one (the right one was  the  right one... :), but this may be
 randomly  selected at the beginning, so it  may be different one for you. The
 ending is disappointing (as is the use of old samples from the first part.

 I have the trained versions of both games on my site, BTW, so you may want to
 get  them there: http://www.kki.net.pl/jaromirk/c64joke/ Check the games page
 to download the IMs. L8r!