Iron Lord - Incomplete Solution


	This game is difficult. If at first you don\'t succeed, then keep trying A  LOT.  You got 
tired of failing on the arcade sequences...? Then I\'ll suggest using an  emulator. You can 
freeze the game on CCS64 and restore it using the keys \'F11\' and \'F12\'. It works well with 
\'Iron Lord\', and this method is extremely useful on the archery tournament, and the dungeons
at the end of the game.


Visit the wizard on its house  at  the  forest.
Not sure,  but the wizard will  sell any  objects you already traded.


Remember,  from  time to  time, on arriving at a  town, you  may be  challenged by
another knight. Fight back, it\'s easy. Just defend by moving  in the direction of  the attack.
If you press the button after you defend, a shield will appear. The enemy will stand still
for a second. Try an attack by moving in any direction. With some luck,  you\'ll hit. You are always 
at an advantage if you keep your health from battle to  battle.

It is vital that you reach the final stage of the game with as much health as you can.


Go to Chatenay Malabry, enter the archery tournament and win the cup.
It\'s hard but not impossible, and you can better the odds by cheating and freezing the game,
getting the best possible shot having the same wind.

Remember, you must make a near-perfect hit on every target on the three rounds to win the cup.
Usually a shot of 85+ points on each target will do it. Besides, every time you hit dead center,
you win a bag of coins.

Give the trophy to the herbalist in town.
The herbalist will now help you.
Buy the herbs.

Buy wine from shopkeeper on Lorando.
Buy the flour sack from monk on mill.
Buy cross from monk on abbey.
Buy key from knight on abbey. (The knight is a Templar)
To get to the knight, go to the  abbey map, then explore a bit until you find
two walls forming a sort of hall. Follow the hall, and at the end you\'ll see the building.

Go to Torantek, find the bar and go there.
Win the arm contest, the lady from the bar will give you a pendant.
To win the contest, you have to move the joystick rapidly left,  right, left,  etc; like
some of the Decathlon events or Summer Games contests.
If it\'s hard for you, use an emulator and lower the speed to about 50%.
By the way, you need money to buy the objects. You probably collected some gold from the 
archery tournament; but not  enough. There\'s a knight in the bar which will happily provide
all the gold you need if you can win it on the dices. Again, freeze the game, play until you
see who will win the pot. If it\'s  you, restore the freezed game and place a high bet.
If Conrad  will win, let him take a small pot. Then freeze  and repeat.
The results are random but will follow the sequence, that is,  if you freeze and restore,  they
will  be the same  random  numbers.

Give pendant to mercenary  on Torantek.

Buy ruby and armour from  merchant on Lorando. (Lots  of money required!)
Give ruby and armour to mercenary.

Give collar to  merchant.
Buy antidote from herbalist on Chatenay Malabry.
Give antidote to monk.
Visit the templar.
Now  monks and templars will help you.

Visit the inn keeper and  then the monks at the  mill.
They will both help you now.

Now, if all went well, you have  \"...gained people\'s respect...\", etc.
They will fight on your side.  Now go back to your  castle, find the  tower, go  there  and
select \'Go to war\'.


Now, you are engaged in a sort of mini-strategic turn-based game. Give orders to every unit. You have more units
if  you recruited more people  on your side, so all  the previous work pays off now.

Push forward and the unit will  receive an advance order. Push back to cancel the last order.
Push to any side to turn the path of that unit. After choosing the order, press the  button and that unit
will remember its orders. After giving all the units its commands, press the turn button.

After  a couple of rounds, your units will fight. 
Normally, you will want to attack one enemy unit with two or more of your own. Anyway, it\'s not hard to win. 
In fact,  every time I played I won  without special effort, compared to the archery tournament or the arm  contest.


After you defeat the enemy, you are left alone in a castle filled with dungeons.
You have a very limited top-down view of the area. Time runs out, and you lose life when time  passes.
You have  to go  through several dungeons. On  each dungeon, you have increasingly complex
labyrinths,  with  doors and keys. It\'s hard to even  map because of the restricted viewing  area.
This is  very annoying. If  you manage to solve a dungeon, you will have to work your way  on another arcade sequence.
One small room with some enemies to shoot. The problem is, if you get hit, you lose life.
YOU NEVER WIN LIFE BACK! And you enter the next  dungeon with the same health.
There are, at least, 8  to 10 dungeons.

This is not easy at all.  I got tired, to say the least, at this point. Maybe someone with spare time can
(or already did) solve this game and tell us about it.

If you solved this game, write to Martin Fernandez (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Good luck on solving the game!