Typed in by Neo-Rio of the Gamebase 64 team in April 2005 
Checked and corrected by Ville Nurmi of in May 2006

Frankie\'s a long way from home, on his way home. Welcome to the Pleasure Dome.

You have to guide Frankie and build his personality to near perfection. After
that you must guide him to the Heart of the Pleasure Dome, to find the true
secret of self discovery.

In order to win the game, you need to get 87,000 points (99% a complete
person), light up the BANG meter over each of the symbols which make up your
personality (Pleasure, War, Love, Faith). When this is achieved, a special door
opens in the corridors of power, which leads you to the end of the game.

One thing to mention about this game is that you need to be thorough and
complete ALL the tasks, keeping track of which ones you have done and haven\'t
yet done. Even small tasks give you much needed points, and you will need to
complete all of them (collecting all the points) to win the game.

Below, are a list of tasks you will need to complete: 

MUNDANESVILLE (the suburb where you start)

Mundanesville is mapped. There are 4 \"streets\" in it. To move from one street
to the next, go through the green doors and out the back kitchen door. There is
a back yard entrance between streets, as well as a backyard gate in one
area. With a bit of practice, it\'s not hard to move around the place. Each
game, the objects are randomly scattered about in drawers, cupboards, fridges,
and washing machines in each of the houses. You can pick up milk bottles in
front of some houses as well.

Street 1                          1 - to street 1
                                  2 - to street 2
      +-2       +-3               3 - to street 3
      |         |                 4 - to street 4
 F-T  +-+  +-L  +-T               * - to back alley
 |    |    |    |                 R - Red Door
 R    G    R    G                 G - Green Door

Street 2                          m - milk bottle near door
                                  F - Flak jacket on the wall
 +-+-O          +-M-4             T - TV set (use video)
 |              |                 L - Locked door (use key)
 +-C  S-K  +-T  +-T               C - Thirsty cat on the floor
 |    |    |    |                 O - Floppy disk in flower bed
 Rm   R    R    G                 M - Map of Merseyside (touch it)
                                  S - Light switch (lights up dark room)
Street 3                          K - Dark empty room (use light switch) 
                                  B - Cat\'s bowl and door with catflap
      +-+-*     +-+-2             D - Duck flies into shooting gallery
      |         |                 P - Painting of cupid\'s arrows (touch it)
 +-DT +-T  F-+  +-P               
 |    |    |    |
 R    R    Rm   G

Street 4

 +-B-1     +-+-*   
 |         |    
 +-+  +-T  +-+  F-T
 |    |    |    |
 G    R    Rm   R

Below, are a list of tasks you will need to complete in Mundanesville:

* You get points for picking up a type of object for the first time, so in
order to get maximum points you will need to pick up at least one of every kind
of object at some point in the game. However, there are a few absolutely
useless objects in the game. These are : Herrings, Pistols, Bags of Money, Pair
of socks. You will still need to pick up at least one of each of these objects
at some point in the game. As they are useless however, they can be immediately

* You will find a key somewhere in Mundanesville. It opens a locked door in the
living room of one of the houses. The unlocked door opens an entrance to the
\"Corridors of Power\".

* There is a house in darkness (you\'ll see the lights off from the outside)
which you can turn on with a light switch in the main hallway. You can turn on
the switch, enter the room, come out again and flick the switch again
repeatedly to boost your G in BANG. There is absolutely nothing in the dark,
empty room.

* There are pleasure pills (4 different kinds, relating to a different part of
your personality). All four types will need to be used at least once at some
point in the game They are mainly useful for boosting your BANG levels if you
lose in an arcade element.

* Use a video in a room where there is a TV. It will open up a portal to one of
the arcade elements for you to walk into. You will need to use a video at least

* In one of the house living rooms, there is a mousehole in the skirting board
and ducks on the wall. Walk to the very far right end of this room and turn
around. A portal will open and one of the ducks will fly into the \"Shooting
Gallery\" arcade element, giving you a few necessary points.

* There are two wall pictures which, when touched, will open a portal to the
\"Raid Over Merseyside\" arcade element or the Cupid\'s Arrows subgame. The Raid
over Merseyside map appears on a wall in the kitchen in one of the houses. The
Cupid\'s Arrow painting appears in one of the house living rooms. They are easy
to spot when you see them, so make sure you touch them and open them to get the
points you need.

* In order to complete the \"Terminal Room\" arcade element later on in the game,
you will need to collect as many floppy disks as possible. Most of them are
easy to find inside the drawers, cupboards, fridges, and washing machines
inside the houses, but there is one floppy disk outside. In the backyard of
one of the houses, outside the kitchen door, there is a floppy disk in the
garden bed to the left, barely visible. You will need it.

* There is a security pass in one of the houses. It\'s an important item for the
\"Terminal Room\" arcade element. Make sure you get it.

* Inside the entrance hallways of some of the houses are flak jackets hanging
up. You will need to pick up a flak jacket and use one in the game at some
point, at least once.

* There is a thirsty cat on the living room in one of the houses. Pick up the
thirsty cat and get a milk bottle from somewhere. Take both to the house
kitchen that has a cat flap in one of the doors, and a small red cat bowl. Use
the milk bottle first. You will be told that the cat\'s bowl is full of
milk. Then use the thirsty cat. It will drink the milk and then walk out,
jumping through the cat flap. This then opens up a portal to the \"Flower Power\"
arcade element. You will need to come back to this kitchen later to touch the
cat flap again, giving you points, (and simultaneously opening the portal to
\"Flower Power\" again) (Note: Despite what the manual suggests, the cat has no
other uses in the game other than to drink milk. So there!)

* The Murder Mystery. At some point in the game, you\'re going to stumble upon a
dead body in one of the houses. In order to complete the mystery, you will need
to find all the clues about the killer. Seven of these important clues give you
points, and when you have found all the clues, you will be allowed a chance to
return to the body to solve the murder mystery. Finding the killer is a process
of elimination, and clues change every game. There is one victim and eight
suspects. The characters are: Mr Dull, Miss Bland, Mr. Average, Mrs. Average,
Mr. Straight, Mrs. Straight, Miss Mundane, Joe Public, and Mr. Pratt. As you
wander around Mundanesville, red boxes will appear giving you clues. It will
help to keep track of all the clues you have. Naturally enough you can
eliminate suspects which don\'t match the killer\'s profile. Here is a list of
all clues I know of.

     Killer\'s clue                 Eliminates
     Aged 30-40                    retired
     Atheist                       regular churchgoer
     Avid reader                   cannot read or write
     Dislikes music                plays the piano
     Early Riser                   likes to sleep in till noon
     Film Buff                     rarely visits the cinema
     Has no car                    drives everywhere
     Has no children               has a son in the RAF
     Keen gardener                 suffers from Hayfever
     Likes red wine                thinks alcohol is bad for you
     Likes to gamble               hates to part with a penny
     Local Wit                     has no sense of humour
     London accent                 longs to return to Scotland
     Socialist                     always voted for Tory
     Taurean                       July baby
     Vegetarian                    adores a hot beef curry

When it comes time to solve the mystery, if you get it wrong your BANG meter
will drop. If you get it right, you will be told \"It\'s a fair cop\" and complete
this task.


You will need to complete all arcade elements to win the game. Some arcade
elements you have completed will give you a door into the \"Corridors of Power\"
in case you want to escape. If you lose in an arcade element, you will lose
power from your BANG meter, and be returned to Mundanesville.

As you enter the ZTT room, you will be shot at by a wall with guns. You will
need to shoot back with the power of ZAP and break down the wall in order to
pass. If you have a flak jacket here, now is a good time to use it. If you
don\'t have a flak jacket, you can still get past, but it won\'t be easy. If you
have a halo, it will lose a point of power for every hit you take, but will
prevent you from dying. To get past without protection, you need to wait until
the bullets stop firing so you can get close enough to get a few shots in
before the wall start shooting at you again. Keep repeating this tactic and you
should break through. Just past the wall is a series of three white buttons,
which, when pressed, will open a portal to the \"Sea of Holes\". Make sure you
press this button even if you have no intention of going there, you need the

Go up the elevator to the ZTT puzzle. The puzzle is not too hard to complete,
but will take some patience and deduction. You shouldn\'t be too stuck for
long. Completing the puzzle will open a portal to the \"Terminal Room\". As soon
as you finish the puzzle, run to the elevator to go back down, because the
portal doesn\'t stay open for too long.


There are three ways to win this game. Either to shoot enough planes, shoot
enough bombs, or to survive long enough for the timer to run down. It\'s much
easier here to win by shooting enough planes. They take multiple hits, so keep
firing away at them. Be careful that one of their bombs don\'t hit your cannon,
or your cannon will slow down from the damage. If you are not fast you will
need to protect Merseyside by shooting the bombs. If your cannon is destroyed
or if Merseyside is wiped out, you will lose.

If you have completed the duck task in Mundanesville, you\'ll see a duck fly
into the game at the start. Make sure you hit it. The shooting gallery is very
unforgiving. You have to make sure that all your shots hit their target. One
miss and you will lose this game. It is best to keep your cross hairs in the
middle and only try to hit those targets closest to you. Take your time, and
don\'t rush.


When two tribes go to war, a point is all that you can score. Here you can
choose either Ronald Reagan or Gorbachev. You have to \"gob\" your opponent until
he loses all his points, whilst the computer will try and do the same to you.
Walk to the politics you want and get firing. I find the best strategy for
easily winning this section is to shoot out the top most blocks, and let your
opponent do the same. Then shoot through this hole, moving up and down to dodge
the opponent\'s gobs, and guide your opponent into your fire. Your computer
opponent is pretty slow and usually gets hit this way.


The manual says that there\'s more here than meets the eye, but in my opinion
that\'s not true unless you have a dirty mind. You need to get to the floor
beneath you by riding through the pleasure \"holes\". More than anything, this
subgame is frustrating and boring. Persevere and eventually you will hit the
bottom, and if you don\'t you\'ll probably just miss the floor by a few pixels
and tear your hair out until you do. Thankfully a door to the corridors of
power will appear if you wind up back here after completing this exercise in
pointlessness - but even that is hard to get to.


The WAR! room is probably the easiest room to die in if you don\'t have a flak
jacket or a halo. If you have a flak jacket, then by all means use it here.
Portals to different arcade elements open up here and spew different
personality symbols out at you. You only need to hit one symbol to open a
portal and exit the WAR! room, however in order to complete this arcade
element, you will need to shoot each of the four personality symbols at least
once for the points. The best strategy is to put on a flak jacket as son as you
arrive in this room, and stay in the WAR! room until you have shot all four
different symbols. A door to the corridors of power will open if you escape
this room once.


There are four cybernetic breakout games that you need to complete (Again, one
room for each of the personality symbols.) You need to guide the symbols into
the spark at the top of the screen within the time limit. If that\'s not bad
enough, you have to make sure that symbols doesn\'t get stuck to you and drain
your personality. As the symbol bounces around, align yourself up with the
spark and the symbol so you can bounce the symbol off you and into the
spark. This takes practice. Also note that you can use flak jackets in these
rooms to prevent you from getting damaged should the symbol wind up getting
stuck to you.


You will need to collect all the floppy disks you can from Mundanesville, as
well as the Security Pass and use them all in this room. Some of the floppies
will be corrupted and not load (not too unlike the real things!). If you\'ve got
all the right floppies and the terminal card you can open all the \"Cybernetic
Breakout\" subgames from this room. Each of the four terminals opens up a
different Cybernetic Breakout game, (although getting to some of the portals
before it closes in this room is nearly impossible!) If you haven\'t got any
necessary items, the platform will return you to Mundanesville. If you are back
here after completing this room, you can go to the \"Corridors of Power\" by
pressing an orange button on the second floor.


Here you have to collect as many flowers as possible. I find it best to face in
one direction and run forwards and backwards, collecting the flowers as you
go. It is easy to miss a falling flower if you are turning around all the
time. Work quickly to catch as many flowers as possible before your time runs
out. It is best to chase after flowers closer to each other, enabling you to
get more flowers in a shorter space of time.


This game is particularly tricky, and easy to lose in. You need to fly a cloud
to the halos, without getting shot by the arrows. There are three halos
initially. If you get hit, one of them disappears. If you get hit three times
you lose. You can go backwards to dodge an arrow, but you cannot move forward
without riding on a cloud. You only need to get one halo to win this arcade
element, but the more halos you get the better off you will be. Halos can
protect you in some arcade elements, preventing you from taking too much damage
if hit, and as long as you have a halo already in this subgame, you cannot die


The corridors of power is a conduit which links up all the arcade elements to
Mundanesville. What this means in reality is that it is an 8x8 maze, which is
easy to get lost in. However, the maze is mapped and if you know how to use it
you can move from one arcade element to the other. However, even when you have
the map, when you enter the maze you will not know where you are initially. All
the corridors will seem the same, and this is where the coloured man holes can
help your navigation. Even still, the corridors of power is no simple maze. In
some places, the door will block off the other exits to the same area.

Movement is done by pushing up (to move forward), going left, or going
right. Pulling down of the joystick makes you turn around on the spot.

When inside the corridors of power, you have the task of shooting all the
fireballs rising from the manholes. Each type of fireball shot (pleasure, war,
love or faith) gets you much needed points. You will need to shoot all the
necessary fireballs to win the game eventually. Be careful that you are not
zapped by a fireball because then you will die and be returned to
Mundanesville. Fireballs appear only at manholes and at crossings (not

There are 16 doors in the maze. 3 of them exit back to Mundanesville, while the
rest go to each of the arcade elements. Initially, only some doors exist. Every
time you shoot your first fireball of some type (when you get points from it),
new doors appear somewhere in the corridors. Also, if you entered the Corridors
of Power from one of the arcade elements, the door to that element will not
appear. A door at a T-junction or a crossing will always block off the corridor
that you are facing. The 17th door to the heart of the Pleasure Dome (the end
of the game) appears only when you have completed all tasks, lit up the BANG
meter completely, are 99% a real person, and have 87,000 points. The door to
heart of the Pleasure Dome is easily recognizable when it appears, because even
though it is red like the other doors it is the only one found in a dead end.

1      A|    B|   2     C |    D|          E|   1-Flower Power
  +-- --+     +-- --+     +-- --+-- --R     |   2-Cybernetic Breakout, Faith
  |     |     |     |     |           |     |   3-Cupid\'s Arrows
                                                4-Cybernetic Breakout, Love
  |     |   3 |     |     |           |     |   5-Cybernetic Breakout, Pleasure
  |     +-- --+     |     |     G-- --+-- --+   6-Shooting Gallery
  |     |           |     |     |     |*        7-Mundanesville
                                                8-Cybernetic Breakout, War
  |     |         4 |   5 |     |   6 |         9-Terminal Room
--+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- --L-- --+     +-- ----- 10-WAR! Room
        |*    |    V     V      |    V|         11-Sea of Holes
                                                12-Talking Heads
        |   7 |    ???        8 |     |         13-ZTT Room
--+     |     +-- ----- --P-- --+-- --+-- ----- 14-Mundanesville
  |     |          ???    |    V|*    |*        15-Raid Over Merseyside
  |     |               9 |     |     |   10    ??-Heart of the Pleasure Dome
--+     +-- --+-- --R-- --+     |     |     +--
  |     |     |     |           |     |     |   L-Blue Manhole (Pleasure)
                                                G-Grey Manhole (War)
  |     |   11|     |           |   12|     |   R-Brown Manhole (Love)
  +-- --+-- --G     +-- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+   P-Pink Manhole (Faith)
  |          V|           |          V|*
                                                A,B,C,D,E-wrap around the map
  |   13      |   14      |   15      |
--+     L-- --+     +-- --+     +-- --+-- --+-- *-Fireball in the corridor
  |     |           |           |           |   V-Door blocks off an exit

  |     |           |           |         16|
--P     +-- --+-- --+-- ----- --+     +-- --+--
 E|          A|    B|*         C|    D|    V

I won\'t tell you what\'s at the end of the game. That\'s for you to
discover... all by yourself!

BANG! Frankie say............ no more.

Ville Nurmi

release duck to Shooting Gallery (100)
touch the triple buttons in ZTT Room (100)

switch on lights to dark room (200)
touch map of Merseyside (200)
touch painting of Cupid\'s Arrows (200)
touch catflap after cat has drunk milk (200)

pick up pair of socks (400)
pick up bag of money (400)
pick up herring (400)
pick up pistol (400)
pick up war pill (400)
pick up love pill (400)
pick up faith pill (400)
pick up pleasure pill (400)
pick up key (400)
pick up video (400)
pick up milk bottle (400)
pick up thirsty cat (400)
pick up flak jacket (400)
pick up broken floppy disk (400)
pick up working floppy disk (400)
pick up security pass (400)

shoot war symbol in War! (800)
shoot love symbol in War! (800)
shoot faith symbol in War! (800)
shoot pleasure symbol in War! (800)
find dead body (800)
find a killer clue (800)
find a killer clue (800)
find a killer clue (800)
find a killer clue (800)
find a killer clue (800)
find a killer clue (800)
find a killer clue (800)

shoot fireball in Corridors of Power (1500)
shoot fireball in Corridors of Power (1500)
shoot fireball in Corridors of Power (1500)
shoot fireball in Corridors of Power (1500)
shoot fireball in Corridors of Power (1500)
shoot fireball in Corridors of Power (1500)
shoot fireball in Corridors of Power (1500)
shoot fireball in Corridors of Power (1500)
complete Cybernetic Breakout, War (1500)
complete Cybernetic Breakout, Love (1500)
complete Cybernetic Breakout, Faith (1500)
complete Cybernetic Breakout, Pleasure (1500)

eat war pill (2000)
eat love pill (2000)
eat faith pill (2000)
eat pleasure pill (2000)
use video (2000)
unlock door (2000)
put milk in cup (2000)
let cat drink milk from cup (2000)
use flak jacket in War! (2000)
use working floppy disk in Terminal Room (2000)
use working floppy disk in Terminal Room (2000)
use working floppy disk in Terminal Room (2000)
unreported points for completing Terminal Room (2000)

complete Sea of Holes (2500)
complete Flower Power (2500)
complete Talking Heads (2500)
complete Cupid\'s Arrows (2500)
complete Shooting Gallery (2500)
complete Raid Over Merseyside (2500)
use security pass in Terminal Room (2500)
shoot wall in ZTT Room (2500)

complete murder mystery (3000)
complete puzzle in ZTT Room (3000)

TOTAL 87000 points

Each listed action works only once.

Broken and working floppy disks both appear plainly as floppy disks. You know
which one is which only when you use them in Terminal Room.

You have to use three working floppies and a security pass in Terminal
Room. You can use them in any order. The item you use last will give you 2500
points, and all the others give 2000 points each. The list above assumes that
security pass is the last used item. After using all these items, you receive
2000 extra points that are not announced in the game. Also these points are
listed above.

Ville Nurmi

Things can be done in varying order. This walkthrough attempts to be a simple
guide to doing every required thing. The main idea is that first you deal with
tasks in Mundanesville, then with the subgames. For further explanations of
unclear things, see the solution by Neo-Rio.

You start in Mundanesville. Do all of the things listed below. Many of these
things will open windows to the arcade elements. To keep things simple, do not
enter them yet. At some point you will run into the dead body, and the murder
mystery starts. This means that you will have to gather all the 23 murder
mystery clues. A good way to do this is to systematically visit every room in
Mundanesville, street by street, including the backyards that some of the
houses have, and then return to the body. Use the map by Neo-Rio. Write down
the clues in order to deduce who is the killer.

Do all of these tasks while walking in Mundanesville.
- Switch on lights to the dark room.
- Release duck to Shooting Gallery.
- Pick up and eat one of each pill (pleasure, war, love, faith).
- Pick up and use one of each type of useless item (bag of money, pistol,
  herring, pair of socks).
- Pick up a video and use it in a living room with a TV set.
- Pick up the key. Go and unlock the locked door. This door leads to the
  Corridors of Power which is a good access to the arcade subgames. Don\'t go in
  quite yet.
- Pick up the cat and a milk bottle. Use the milk and then the cat in the
  kitchen with the milk cup. Then touch the door with the catflap in the same
- Touch the map of Merseyside.
- Touch the painting of Cupid\'s Arrows.
- Pick up all 7 floppy disks and the security pass. Note that you can carry
  only 8 items at a time, so you cannot carry anything else.

Now it is time to start dealing with the arcade subelements. Enter the now
unlocked door. It will lead you to the Corridors of Power. The list of tasks
- Shoot a fireball at each of the 8 manholes. Shooting more does not give you
  extra score. Note that shooting a horizontally flying fireball sometimes
  equals shooting a fireball at a nearby manhole. In any case, shoot fireballs
  until you are given 1500 points for 8 of them.
- Go to Terminal Room, use security pass and all 7 floppy disks.
- From Terminal Room go to any of the Cybernetic Breakouts. Do not complete the
  Breakout yet. Just wait until the time runs out, and you will be returned to
  Mundanesville. Do not worry about low bar charts at this point.
- Pick up a flak jacket. You can even pick two to be safe, but this is not
- Re-enter the unlocked door and go to the ZTT Room.
- Use a flak jacket. Shoot the wall. Touch the triple buttons. Complete the

From this on you will be moving from one subgame to another. Every time you
complete one, a window to another will open. If you happen to die at a subgame,
just enter the unlocked door again, and continue your journey through all the
subgames. Remember to keep note which ones you have completed already. You only
need to complete each one once. Many subgames you will surely understand how to
complete. Perhaps the only unclear one is War! where you will do best by
shooting each kind of symbol (pleasure, war, love, faith) once before entering
any opening windows. If you picked two flak jackets earlier, the War! room is
the place to use the second flak jacket.

After you have done all this, make sure you have the bar charts full so that
you can read BANG above them. If not, go shoot additional fireballs in the
Corridors of Power. Then you can find the heart of the Pleasure Dome. Entering
it completes the game.