Unlockable Units:
The following units can be purchase by going to \"bonus items\" from the main menu.
* Dark Ram: 150 empire points
* Dopple- handers: 100 empire points
* Genoese Crossbowmen: 100 empire points
* Knights of the Round Table: 200 empire points
* Mons Meg: 150 empire points
* Swiss Pikemen: 100 empire points
* War Wolf: 150 empire points
* Welsh Bowmen: 100 empire points
Unlockable Maps:
The following maps can be purchase by going to \"bonus items\" from the main menu.
* Agincourt: 250 Empire points
* Archipelago Large: 200 Empire points
* Asia Major: 300 Empire points
* Bridges Large: 100 Empire points
* Castles: 150 Empire points
* France: 100 Empire points
* Hannibal\'s Crossing: 250 Empire points
* Hastings: 250 Empire points
* Khyber Pass: 250 Empire points
* King Of The Mountain: 300 Empire points
* Outremer: 150 Empire points
* Skirmish - Desert: 250 Empire points
* Skirmish - Plains: 250 Empire points
* Swamplands: 150 Empire points
* Valley: 100 Empire points
Black Market:
Complete all campaigns with all characters to unlock the Black Market icon at the main menu.
This will allow you to buy previously unreleased characters, maps, campaigns, and movie clips.