 Examine desk, get flashlight, smoke lucky then wait until woman appears.
Take cheque and then get and wear your mac and when Spot comes in you should
read and decode the note (DECODE NOTE) then go down to your car. Examine car
first, then get into your car and examine book to find bank address. 
For driving, you should JOIN WIRES the DRIVE TO....
 First go back to your office, examine the safe and INSERT DYNAMITE INTO 
KEYHOLE. Light fuse with your lighter and go into Velma\'s office to wait
for the explosion. Collect the safe key, battery and gun, insert battery
into flashlight, take both cheques and go back to car. Be sure to CLOSE DOOR
and LOCK DOOR every time you leave your office or else the neighbourhood
kids will break in! DRIVE TO ASTORIA BOULEVARD and just go up to counter
with cheques and bank book to deposit them. Note that bank and Joe\'s Diner
don\'t open until 6 a.m, so you may have to wait til they do. They also
close at midnight so don\'t get locked in! DRIVE TO JOE\'S PLACE, go into 
men\'s room and EXAMINE WALL to learn Ben Durr\'s address.
 DRIVE TO IMRAND STREET and when you find the locked door unlock it, open it
and go in. Wait until Ben arrives, EXAMINE SOFA, TAKE PHOTO, and Ben 
confesses. Go back to car to drive to 21st street, examine mac to find a
crowbar, turn flashlight on before going into open grille to reach the next
closed grille which you also open with the crowbar to go IN and 
EXAMINE DESK to find another piece of photo before returning to your car.
 DRIVE TO POLICE STATION and then go e, e, s, to learn where to go next.
Back to car after Commandant has had words with you. DRIVE HOME and you will
be told to save data for the next part. LOAD UP PART THREE
 Part Three: When you arrive home you\'ll meet a german who will give you a
wad of bills so take these then go in to answer the phone and then go back
to the car. DRIVE TO CHINATOWN, find Wangs shop and EXAMINE CRATES on the 
way. In the shop just SAY TO WANG OPEN DOOR, and he will. Go south, get the
cloth, leave shop, go south, meet Dyke. He will get shot by the villain
so listen to what dying Dyke says before going into the Dragon Bar.
 Inside go down to meet the villain, SHOOT VILLAIN, EXAMINE LEG, GET PHOTO
and back to car. Drive to Brooklyn Heights, make sure you\'re carrying all
four bits of the photo and go to Dame\'s Room. She will join all the bits
together so then take and examine photo to learn next place to visit.
Drive to Kenmare Street, go through the tedious UNLOCK DOOR, OPEN DOOR, IN,
routine twice then examine the banner in the Nazi office and return to your
 Drive to battery park, board the ferry, make the crossing (just wait) and
make your way to the top of the statue and RUB TORCH with cloth (examine
the torch and examine the cloth), READ WRITING and go back to the car.
DRIVE TO CENTRAL MANHATTAN and you will be told to save data for next part.
 Part Two:Give bills to old man in shop in exchange for model airplane and
go to library. Find the librarian and WHISPER TO LIBRARIAN BULLFINCH and 
read paper. Then drive to Central park and make your way to the lake (if
it\'s dark be sure to wait until daylight). Take the net, go to the bridge
and examine it. Shoot the whale, get it and examine it. SMASH BULLFINCH,
READ DOCUMENTS, then back to car and on your return you should get a glimpse
of King Kong smashing the Empire State building. Drive to Central Manhattan,
go to empire state building, PRESS BUTTON inside, enter elevator, PRESS 102,

1)You can only carry so many objects, so store others in car.
2)In each part try typing FERGUS and SPUD, and anywhere in game try PIRANHA,
  DELTA $ and the various swear words.
3)Examine glass cabinets in Wang\'s, or toilet and calender in Joe\'s Diner.
4)Try kissing Velma or the librarian.
5)Try taking model airplane without paying, forgetting to lock your office
  door, visiting Central Park after dark, forgetting to pay the cheques into
  the bank or getting into your car without examining it first.