Written by G. Everitt Weston/Dorothy Millard
          Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version)
You are Trasher, a famous adventurer.  It is your mission to blow
up the residence of the evil ruler Antrax, who rules the once
peaceful village of Partomina.

Walk Through
(Start on a windswept crag overlooking the valley of cyclones...
you meet Zendala – don’t follow her but) C (continue – you arrive
at Fostogon and are hungry – don’t stop to eat though), G (go on
– you arrive at Partomina), L (enter the left gate – don’t climb
the wall), E (examine the courtyard) T (examine tapestries –
don’t climb the vine), F (examine fountain then you can do one of
the following:

Option 1
D (drink from the fountain – you doze off and awake to find your
possessions gone... you hear a noise – don’t stand and fight), D
(dive behind a bush... you follow a rabbit and suddenly all your
gear reappears and you enter the right gate.

Option 2
E (examine underneath fountain where you find a box – do not
smash the box), O (open box and you find a ring), W (wear ring
which leads you to the tapestries which seem to come to life...,
you run out of the courtyard and enter the right gate.

A fight is in progress – don’t join in), S (sneak past... a
goblin spots you so) P (pull out your sword and fight... you kill
him and enter a store room where you find a box containing the
equipment you need to blow up the castle... you climb the wall
and enter the castle and proceed to blow it up.

                        Well done Trasher
                You have completed your Mission.
   You are awarded a badge of honour and 4000,000 gold pieces.