Random House
          Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version)

You have twelve hours to stop the VODAC world domination
conspiracy and are sent to Alpenhof Ski Resort.

1.   You must type GO UP or GO DOWN, not just U or D.
2.   LISTENing and LOOKing are very important.
3.   If you carry the vase around and run into the inspector he
  will arrest you, so you must “Call Inspector” once you have
  found the vase.
4.   There are lots of locations not visited in this walk
  through, but they aren’t necessary to complete the game.

Walk Through
(Start outside the exclusive Swiss Resort Alpenhof), INVENTORY
(you have a wallet), EXAMINE WALLET (contains 1000 Swiss
Francs), N (lobby), N (central hall), W (registration desk),
REGISTER (complete the form - the manager hands you the key to
room 56), E, E (newsagents), BUY NEWSPAPER, READ NEWSPAPER (a
priceless Chinese vase has been stolen).

E, S, GO UP, N, E, N, N (guest room 56 is east), UNLOCK DOOR, E,
S (adjoining room where you see a blond woman and a handbag),
LOOK IN HANDBAG (see note), READ NOTE (to Renee which says to
keep our bundle of joy safe until half past eight, then we shall
be off to a new life of luxury tonight from your clever
Frenchman), LOOK (see various objects which you should look at
until the woman leaves), W (you meet the inspector who tells you
to call him if you find anything), S, W, S, GO DOWN, N, W
(newspaper stand), LOOK (repeat until the woman heads west), W
(to front hall where the manager is), LOOK (repeat until the
woman leaves), W, S (cloakroom), W, N (restaurant), LISTEN
(Renee Faucher is talking to Franz Cloutier she arranges to meet
him for lunch), N, N, N (west in bar), LISTEN (Renee says that
if all goes well this will be her lucky day), LOOK RENEE (she is
wearing a backpack), LOOK IN BACKPACK (find vase), GET VASE,

 The Inspector reclaims the backpack and the antique vase inside
   He commends you for not damaging the fragile piece with its
                          hidden code.
  He wonders to himself whether the VODAC leaders will ever be
 You return to headquarters and receive commendation for finding
      missile plans before they are sold to the terrorists.