After Shock

Take Chair, E, E, drop chair, climb on chair, examine ceiling, remove panel, 
climb out of lift, D, S, W, switch off isolator, examine bench, take torch, 
Ex3, U, E, N, E, E, S, get TV, E, N, E, S, examine bin, take bottle. 

N, W, S, W, N, fill bottle with oil (from the wrecked tanker), W, W, S, S, E, 
S, S, D, switch on torch, E, S, E, N, E, get handle, N, S, W, S, fit handle 
to mechanism, lubricate mechanism (with oil), open sluicegate (to clear out 
the water). 

Drop bottle, S, W, N, N, W, N, U, N, D, E, U, S, E, S, enter kiosk, take 
screwdriver, N, climb over rubble, take beam, W (here you will meet the 
looters, make sure you have the radio or/and the TV, as soon as they are 
gone drop the TV/radio), W (the soldiers will shoot you if you are carrying 
the TV/radio), S, open gate, W, open door, support stairs with beam, U, W, 
N, W, S, W, U, climb down to parapet, jump onto roof.

D, S, E, take buns, S, drop screwdriver, drop torch, N, W, N, U, jump onto 
parapet, climb up roof, D, E, N, E, S, E, D, E, E, N, E, E, climb over 
rubble, N, W, N, D, W, U, N, N, take meat, take fruit, S, W, Nx3, E, E, S, E, 

Give meat to lions, E, give fruit to monkeys, S, S, give buns to elephant 
(They will now move off the ramp), take ramp, N, N, W, S, W, N, W, W, S, E, 
S, D, E, U, S, E, S, climb over rubble, W, W, S, W, W, U, W, N, W, S, W, U, 
climb down to parapet, jump onto roof, D, S, E, S, drop ramp by chasm, take 

Remove body (in the car), examine body, take key, enter car, start engine, 
drive car onto ramp, S, S, E, E, open gate, examine desk, take key, S, D, E, 
unlock door, open door, E, N, examine body, take valve, S, Wx3, connect 
valve to pipe, fit wires to valve (with the screwdriver), E, U, press 

Red Herrings - Pen, radio, desk, tissues, pickaxe, diamond, stick, cap, 
trumpet, ticket, sweets and rusty nail.

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