A. Summer/D. Millard
          Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version)
As a famed adventurer you have been chosen to enter the caves to
recover the gold which was stolen and which is guarded by a
fierce dragon.  Once you have recovered the gold it should be
taken to the prince who will then raise an army to fight the evil

Walk Through
(Start at the cave entrance), E (cave – note the door can’t be
opened from this side), S (cave), GET BOAT, LOOK BOAT (it has
holes in it and if you try to use it you will just drown), DORP
BOAT, E, E, N (crossroads), GET SWORD, N (bat room), LOOK BOX,
GET KEY, S, W (guard room), GET ROPE, OPEN DOOR, S, E, E, E
(dragon’s den – the dragon runs away when it sees your sword), N
(store room), E (throne room), GET GOLD, S (face of cliff), TOSS
ROPE (it catches on the top of the cliff – don’t climb the broken
ladder), CLIMB ROPE (store room), W, S (boat storage area), GET
BOAT, LOOK BOAT (no holes in this one), W (river), ROW B OAT (you
row along the river and arrive at the castle where you are
escorted to see the prince), DROP GOLD......

     You have successfully returned the gold to the Prince.
Originally found on Dorothy Millard\'s site at