
All codes require you to be in DEBUG mode.

Press F9 and a place to type stuff will appear at the top of the screen. 

To turn on debug mode, type in BANGUNSNOTGAMES.

This will make you invulnerable. 

These cheat codes are typed into the F9 input line:

Code 		Result 
BOO 		Cluster of explosions 
CRINKLES 	Turn Crinkles on/off 
DARCI 		Control Officer D\'arci 
ROPER 		Control Roper 
FADE # 		Sets fog fade level where # is any number 
WORLD 		Select music 
AMBIENT # # # 	Set ambient light (R,G,B) 
WIN 		Win the level 
LOSE 		Lose the level 
CCTV 		Everything turns fluorescent green 
TELW # 		Go to important game point # 
TELS 		Save a waypont on map 
TELR 		Return to saved waypoint 

The rest are simple key presses. Just press the corresponding keys to make these happen:

Key 		Result 
Q 		Show car paths 
W 		Make rain ripples 
E 		Make random vehicle 
R 		Make explosive barrell 
I 		Show pedestrian walking areas 
[ 		Toggle enemy view 
] 		Toggle enemy view 
P 		Enemy view on/off 
;		Slow motion 
\' 		Pause action 
> 		Fart smoke 
/ 		Stealth Debug 
CTRL 		Show statistics 
G 		Move forward 10 feet or onto ledge 
J 		Coordinates grib show 
L 		Create light 
F11 		Clouds on/off 
F12 		Creates game weapons 
F3 		Exits game 
Keypad 7 	Select game effect 
Keypad 5 	Execute game effect 
Keypad 3 	Weird orange fog 

 Files    : 1, NeW:06.01.00, oLD:06.01.00
 uL Node  : 1, NFo:NONE, D?Z:NONE