The Incredibles [cheats] 
Start game as usual, during gameplay go to the Secret codes menu and 
use the following codes: 

Unlock - Unlock All Missions (MasterCheat) 
GazerBeam - Shoot Beams For A While 
SmartBomb - Kill Enemies And Every Item Near You 
SassMode - Game Becomes Faster 
UUDDLRLRBAS - Refill 25% Health 
Showtime - Get Incredipower For A while 
DanielTheFlash - Get Incredipower For Superspeed - Press 
Right Mousebutton While Running 
McTravis - Get Incredipower - Press Right Mousebutton 
For Fast Running And Ramming Everything 
Kronos - Get Windtrails And Superpunch 
AthletesFoot - Enable Fire Trail 
BWTheMovie - Toggle Player Slowmotion 
InvertCameraX - X Cam Controls Change (Mouse) 
InvertCameraY - Y Cam Controls Change (Mouse) 
Einsteinium - Large Head 
DeEvolve - Small Head 
bHUD - Toggle Hud 
BoaPlace - Nothing 
RotAIDalg - Nothing 
Hi - Show Intro 
YourNameInLights - Show Credits 
TheDudeAbides - ? 
SpringBreak - ? 
PinkSlip - ? 
Labombe - ? 
InvertTurret - ? 
EMode - ? 
DiscoRules - ? 
Dandruff - ? 
TonyLoaf - ? 
Flexible - ? 
DashLikes - ? 

Notice that some codes only work on certain levels/missions. 

To enable MasterCheats you must first add "AllowMasterCheats = 1" 
(without the quotes) on a separate line to your .Gamein.ini file 
then restart game. The way to know that AllowMasterCheats has been 
correctly activated is by looking for debug info during gameplay, 
namely game build version aswell as a FPS counter will show on screen. 

NOTE: Here's a little rant for your entertainment. 
It seems that some guys just never learn, and our patience 
is soon completely depleted: 

You may, or not, have seen 'Knight_Rider_2_Cheats-MMDoX' 
released earlier this week. It claimed to enable various 
cheats like unlimited energy, no failure on levels, etc. 

However, and after exhaustive testing, we were unable 
to make the release do what it said, - despite testing 
on multiple computers with different setups. 

Once again, MMDoX is back in business, releasing crap... 

...and again 'The_Incredibles_Cheats-MMDoX' 
is no exception. 

It misses essential codes like 'unlock', 'YourNameInLights', 
etc., some of which can only be activated/used 
when bypassing the master-cheats internal check in the game. 

Luckily for you, dear enduser, team PiZZADOX comes to the 
rescue and cleans up some of the mess and havoc that always 
is produced when MMDoX tries to release their so-called 
'dox' into scene. 

This just proves that while MMDoX has been around for a rela- 
tively long time, they have NOT changed at all, and keep 
their long tradition of putting out INCOMPLETE cheats 
and even completely NON-WORKING releases. 

These guys are either complete idiots or have little 
or no quality assurance/testing. 

Makes you think that their only motivation is to put out 
anything that remotely resembles DOX releases, in order 
to be able to affiliate/stay on sites. 

Thank you MMDoX for putting the DOX-scene to shame!