Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel Of Darkness Cheat Codes


TRAoD has a number of Command Line Parameters that control the graphics and game play. These command line parameters can be run through the Command Prompt, through a Desktop Shortcut or the TRAOD Startup Configuration Utility (SCU) which can be downloaded from Tomb Raider Chronicle AOD Update Page

All Weapons - All Ammo 

Once the game is started you will find the weapons menu has all the guns including twin Scorpion-X and Vector-R35 pistols, plus all the ammo you need. 

tscu - Tick the All weapons option
cmd - bin	raod.exe -godmode

Flying Lara

Press B key to start Lara flying (well, swimming in air really). You can move Lara through walls and locked doors and she cannot be shot. To finish press the Action key. 
To remove the debug infomation see DebugKeys

tscu - Tick the Debug keys option
cmd - bin	raod.exe -debugkeys

Access Secret Training Area 

There is an inaccessable area of TRAOD that was originally going to form part of the initial training to teach the player some of Lara's moves. This has been locked away behind a door and has not been completed. Start a new game. Walk past the dog and you come to a locked door. Press B key to start Lara flying and pass through the door. You are now in secret area. Press Action key to stop flying. To remove the debug infomation see DebugKeys 

tscu - Tick the Debug keys option
cmd - bin	raod.exe -debugkeys

Any Level Select

tscu - Tick the Play Level/Cutscene/FMV check box and then Play specific level
cmd - bin	raod.exe -selectlevel

Lara Croft Never Dies

Another feature of Lara flying is that she always returns back to full health even when she has just died. Press the B key and then Action and Lara is as fit as a fiddle again. 

tscu - Tick the Debug keys option
cmd - bin	raod.exe -debugkeys

Recording And Replaying Your Game

First select the level you wish to record. You are then offered the option to save as a PAD, which is CORE's basic format and has to use the basic filename. Alternatively you can use Bokkie's XPD format which allows you to specify the filename, remembers the settings used during the recording and compresses the file size. Press Start Game to start recording. Press Alt F4 to finish.