Refining Guide for the Spagyric Cube
Author : Mitzrah Keoni ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
Guide Version : 1.07                  Date Last Updated : 9 January 2004

This is my work, so please respect it by not posting it on your web site and 
claim that it's your work. It's called PLAIGIARISM! Any comments or amendments 
are more than welcome. Email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you!

Directions : Just combine the ingredients into the Spagyric Cube and the press 
the tick button. You can only start using the Spagyric Cube after you rescue 
Graver Shen in Chapter 1. He would be hiding in the underground cave where in 
Ge's Manor. Then return to Wa Dang Village and he'll be in the west side of 

Healing Potion           = 3 M. Healing Potions
L. Healing Potion        = 3 Healing Potions
Ult. Healing Potion      = 3 L. Healing Potions

Stamina Potion           = 3 M. Stamina Potions
L. Stamina Potion        = 3 Stamina Potions
Ult. Stamina Potion      = 3 L. Stamina Potions

M. Rejuvenation Potion   = 2 M. Healing Potions + 2 M. Stamina Potions
Rejuvenation Potion      = 3 M. Rejuvenation Potions
OR                       = 2 Healing Potions + 2 Stamina Potions
L. Rejuvenation Potion   = 3 Rejuvenation Potions
OR                       = 2 L. Healing Potions + 2 L. Stamina Potions
Ult. Rejuvenation Potion = 3 L. Rejuvenation Potions
OR                       = 2 Ult. Healing Potions + 2 Ult. Stamina Potions

Basic Jewels:
C. Jadedite              = L. Healing + L. Chi + L. Rej Potion
R. Jadedite              = Ult. Healing + Ult. Chi + Ult. Rej Potion
OR                       = 3 C. Jadedite
P. Jadedite              = 3 R. Jadedite
(+Dam +Def +Power Rest)

C. Amber                 = L. Chi + L. Rej Potion
R. Amber                 = Ult. Chi + Ult. Rej Potion
OR                       = 3 C. Amber
P. Amber                 = 3 R. Amber
(+Dam +Sharpness)

C. Amethyst              = L. Healing + L. Rej Potion
R. Amethyst              = Ult. Healing + Ult. Rej Potion
OR                       = 3 C. Amethyst
P. Amethyst              = 3 R. Amethyst
(+Stamina +Def)

C. Kyanite               = C. Amber + C. Amethyst
R. Kyanite               = 3 C. Kyanite
OR                       = R. Amber + R. Amethyst
P. Kyanite               = 3 R. Kyanite
OR                       = P. Amber + P. Amethyst
(+Def +Dam +Chi)

C. Chalcedony            = C. Jadedite + C. Amber 
R. Chalcedony            = 3 C. Chalcedony
OR                       = R. Jadedite + R. Amber
P. Chalcedony            = 3 R. Chalcedony
OR                       = P. Jadedite + P. Amber
(+Def +HP)

C. Danburite             = C. Jadedite + C. Amethyst
R. Danburite             = 3 C. Danburite
OR                       = R. Jadedite + R. Amethyst
P. Danburite = 3 R. Danburite
OR                       = P. Jadedite + P. Amethyst
(+Dam +Hit Rate)

Avarice Star = P. Danburite + P. Kyanite
(-HP 43 +Chi 34% +Dam 2% +Def 2% +Chi Rec 26% +Hit Rate 26% -Sharp 12%)

Star of 7 Deaths = P. Chalcedony + P. Kyanite
(+HP 28% +Chi 22% +Def 2% -Hit Rate 20 -Power Rest%)

Ecodoom Star = P. Chalcedony + P. Danburite
(+HP 28% -Chi 28 +Damage 1% +Hit Rate 7% +HP Rec 24% -Sta 52%)

Lunar Pearl = P. Chalcedony + P. Amethyst
(+Def% +Power Rest% +Sharpness%)

Solar Pearl = P. Amber + P. Danburite
(+Dam 19% +Stam 27%)

Selene pearl = 3 x Lunar Pearls 
(+Def% +Power Rest% +Sharpness%)

Helios pearl =  3 x Solar Pearls
(+Dam 19% +Stam 27%)

SYZYGY! = Helios + Selene 
(+Damage 42% +Def 65% +Hit Rate 65%) 
(cannot combine with pav. or rainbow agate)

Demolish Diamond = 3 Ecodoom Stars
(+Dam 8% +HP 40% +Hit Rate 20% +HP Rec 20% -Chi 40 -Sta 62%)
Esurient Diamond = 3 Avarice Stars
(-HP 107 +Chi 82% +Dam 5% + Def 8% +Chi Rec 57% +Hit Rate 40% -Sharp 24%)
Massacre Diamond = 3 Stars of Seven Deaths
(+HP 37% +Chi 63% +Def 5% -HitRate 58% -PowerRest 66%)

Uber Jewels (Level 9 Jewels)
Can be only done on High difficulty game mode, not in normal one

Cataclysm = Essurient + Massacre 
(+Chi 175% +Def 20% +Chi Reco +Hit Rate 115% +Power Rest 70%)

God?s Eye = Demolish + Massacre
(+HP 70% +Dam 15% +HP Rec 15% +Stam 60%)

Prodigio = Esurient + Demolish
(+Dam 110% +Def 20% +Hit Rate 95% +Sharp 50%)

* Very high risk of failure when refining these jewels. Fill the cube
with other items when refining and the risk will be cut down.

Won Zon = Ult. Healing + Ult. Chi + Ult. Rej Potion*
Martial Pill = 3 P. Jadedites*
(+Power 1000)
Pavonine / Rainbow Agate = Diamond + 1 P. Jadedite + 1 P. Amber 
+ 1 P. Amethyst + 1 P. Danburite + 1 P. Kyanite + 1 P. halcedony
Pavonite Agate = 6 Perfect Jewels (one of each) + Any Star 
(has a percentage to miss when doing an amulet)
Rainbow Agate = 6 Perfect Jewels(one of each) + Any Diamond 
(has 100% chance of success when doing amulet)

* = There's a chance of failure

Tips for Refining Gems:
Ken Brown : I noticed that when something had a "chance of failure" if you 
crammed the cube full of other stuff (i.e. your trying to make a lunar pearl 
with an amethyst and chalcedony, so you cram the other 5 spots with 
Kyanites) you wouldn't lose the two items to the 'failure' as often. Try 
it, you'll see what i mean. 

EnGeLMaN : Amulets can only be refined with Level 7 Jewels or lower. This 
excludes Diamonds, High Pearls and Uber Jewels.

Credits to Contributors:
Thanks to Ken Brown for contributing Selene, Helios and SYZYGY! and the tip
on minimizing the chances of failure when refining items.

Thanks to Santi Darcera from Cebu, Philippines for pointing out the error
regarding making Common Amethysts and Refined Amethysts.

Thanks to Albucard for the contribution on the Massacre Diamond & stats.

Big thank you to EnGeLMaN for sending in the Super Jewels, stats and some 

Note: Please email me if you have any other combination that works, I'll be 
happy to add your name to the list of contributors!