v1.02, 16 February 2004
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                     |  Creation   of   a   New   World   |
          Anno 1602 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ/Strategy Guide)




1. Preface
- 1.1 Notes 
- 1.2 Credits and Legal 
- 1.3 Version 
- 1.4 Most Frequently Asked Questions 
2. Introduction
- 2.1 What is Anno 1602? 
- 2.2 Who developed Anno 1602? 
- 2.3 What are the minimum requirements? 
- 2.4 "Anno 1602" or "1602 AD"? What are NINA, the Gold Edition and 
Konigsedition? How many different versions are there? 
- 2.5 Where can I get demos and patches? 
- 2.6 What expansions and addons are there? 
- 2.7 Can I run the game on Linux? 
3. Gameplay
3.1 Essential Concepts 
- 3.1.1 How are resources revealed? 
- 3.1.2 How is territory gained? 
- 3.1.3 What limits how I develop colonies? 
- 3.1.4 How does cashflow work? What costs are there? 
- 3.1.5 Must I keep my people happy? 
- 3.1.6 Is territory important? 
- 3.1.7 How do service areas work? 
- 3.1.8 How do roads and carts work? 
- 3.1.9 How does production work? 
3.2 Setup and Interface 
- 3.2.1 Where is the manual? 
- 3.2.2 What are the differences between continuous play difficulty settings? 
- 3.2.3 How do I pause? 
- 3.2.4 How does the game end? 
- 3.2.5 Can you change the names of colonies and ships? 
- 3.2.6 Is there an undo button? 
- 3.2.7 How do I meet a 'balance' objective? 
- 3.2.8 Can I see the objectives during play? 
3.3 Resources 
- 3.3.1 Where do I get Tools or Ore from? How do I mine? 
- 3.3.2 Why does my mine not extract ore from a deposit? 
- 3.3.3 Where did my gold or ore deposit go? 
- 3.3.4 Where is the gold? 
- 3.3.5 Can I have Aristocrats without Gold? 
- 3.3.6 What are north and south islands? 
- 3.3.7 How do islands vary is in size? 
- 3.3.8 Why are my crops dying? 
- 3.3.9 Why do wild animals die? 
- 3.3.10 Are patchy green/brown areas of land less fertile? 
- 3.3.11 Can I clear mountains or rocks? 
3.4 Colony Buildings 
- 3.4.1 How do can I build a ...? 
- 3.4.2 How do I demolish buildings? 
- 3.4.3 What do Gallows do? 
- 3.4.4 How do I get a monument? 
- 3.4.5 What do Palaces, Arches of Triumph and statues do? 
- 3.4.6 Do I need Schools if I have Colleges, Chapels if I have Churches, and 
- 3.4.7 What are the advantages of stone roads and squares? 
- 3.4.8 Why can I not build across a river? 
- 3.4.9 How do I build Warehouses? 
- 3.4.10 What do docks do? 
3.5 Colony Development and Events 
- 3.5.1 What does a question mark above a building mean? 
- 3.5.2 Why aren't my houses developing? 
- 3.5.3 Do I need housing on production islands? 
- 3.5.4 How much of ... will my population need? 
- 3.5.5 What can I do about plague? 
- 3.5.6 Why do fire carts not come to put out fires? 
- 3.5.7 Why do opponents not advance? 
- 3.5.8 How much is buried treasure worth? 
- 3.5.9 What triggers bankruptcy? 
3.6 Trade and Diplomacy 
- 3.6.1 How to set transport routes? 
- 3.6.2 What does the 'check your trade routes' message mean? 
- 3.6.3 What are wagons for? 
- 3.6.4 How many market wagons can I have? 
- 3.6.5 How do I trade with Free Traders? 
- 3.6.6 What do Free Traders sell? 
- 3.6.7 Can I trade more from a larger Warehouse? 
- 3.6.8 Why are am I being attacked? 
3.7 Pirates and Natives 
- 3.7.1 Where do pirates come from? 
- 3.7.2 How do you bribe pirates? 
- 3.7.3 Can pirates steal ground units? 
- 3.7.4 What do native curses do? 
- 3.7.5 How do I trade with natives? 
- 3.7.6 Is it normal for natives to walk around my town? 
3.8 Ships 
- 3.8.1 How can I order soldiers to get into and out of ships? 
- 3.8.2 How do I build ships and supply shipyards? 
- 3.8.3 Can I buy ships from other players? 
- 3.8.4 Why does nobody buy the ships I sell? 
- 3.8.5 How can I get more than 33 ships? 
- 3.8.6 How do I repair ships? 
- 3.8.7 How do I mount guns? 
- 3.8.8 Can cargo be retrieved from sunken ships? Can I pirate or capture 
- 3.8.9 Can ships be sunk by sea-life? 
- 3.8.10 Can I attack Free Traders? 
- 3.8.11 How can I set a patrol around an island? Can I escort ships? 
3.9 Combat 
- 3.9.1 How can I order soldiers to get into and out of ships? 
- 3.9.2 How do you build ground units? 
- 3.9.3 Is there a limit on the number of ground units I may have? 
- 3.9.4 How do you heal troops? 
- 3.9.5 Why don't groups of troops work? 
- 3.9.6 How do I retire soldiers? 
- 3.9.7 Can I destroy trees? 
- 3.9.8 Why don't my towers shoot? 
- 3.9.9 How do I conquer enemies? 
- 3.9.10 Why can't I delete old roads on an island I have conquered? 
- 3.9.11 Why do I lose money when I take over another players' city? 
- 3.9.12 How do I invade an enemy that keeps on rebuilding walls? 
- 3.9.13 Can I garrison troops? 
3.10 Multiplayer 
- 3.10.1 How can I find online games? 
- 3.10.2 Can different versions be used by different players in multiplayer 
- 3.10.3 How do you load a multiplayer saved game? 
- 3.10.4 How do you chat? 
4. Scenarios
4.1 Tutorials 
- 4.1.1 Overview 
- 4.1.2 Explore 
- 4.1.3 Settle 
- 4.1.4 Trade and Diplomacy 
- 4.1.5 Naval battle 
- 4.1.6 Land battle 
4.2 The End of a Long Trip 
- 4.2.1 Objectives 
- 4.2.2 Resources 
- 4.2.3 Map 
- 4.2.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.2.5 New concepts 
4.3 One Lone Settlement 
- 4.3.1 Objectives 
- 4.3.2 Resources 
- 4.3.3 Map 
- 4.3.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.3.5 New concepts 
- 4.3.6 Secondary colony 
- 4.3.7 Florinz 
4.4 The Search for Ore Deposits 
- 4.4.1 Objectives 
- 4.4.2 Resources 
- 4.4.3 Map 
- 4.4.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.4.5 New concepts 
- 4.4.6 The mission does not finish when using the Dutch version. Why? 
4.5 Peaceful Reign 
- 4.5.1 Objectives 
- 4.5.2 Resources 
- 4.5.3 Map 
- 4.5.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.5.5 New concepts 
- 4.5.6 Mixed trading and colonization strategy 
- 4.5.7 Minimal trading strategy 
4.6 The Test (The Trial) 
- 4.6.1 Objectives 
- 4.6.2 Resources 
- 4.6.3 Map 
- 4.6.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.6.5 New concepts 
4.7 Little Land 
- 4.7.1 Objectives 
- 4.7.2 Resources 
- 4.7.3 Map 
- 4.7.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.7.5 New concepts 
4.8 New Discoveries 
- 4.8.1 Objectives 
- 4.8.2 Resources 
- 4.8.3 Map 
- 4.8.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.8.5 New concepts 
- 4.8.6 Land grab 
- 4.8.7 How do I get a 500 trade balance? 
- 4.8.8 One AI player does not settle. What happened? 
4.9 Good Neigbors 
- 4.9.1 Objectives 
- 4.9.2 Resources 
- 4.9.3 Map 
- 4.9.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.9.5 New concepts 
- 4.9.6 I have enough money, goods and the right people, but the largest other 
island is stuck at 9xx inhabitants. What did I forget? 
- 4.9.7 Does it matter which neighbour I help? 
4.10 Dark Clouds on the Horizon 
- 4.10.1 Objectives 
- 4.10.2 Resources 
- 4.10.3 Map 
- 4.10.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.10.5 Colony development 
- 4.10.6 Early combat strategy 
- 4.10.7 Trading strategy 
4.11 Competition 
- 4.11.1 Objectives 
- 4.11.2 Resources 
- 4.11.3 Map 
- 4.11.4 Strategy overview 
4.12 The Monopoly 
- 4.12.1 Objectives 
- 4.12.2 Resources 
- 4.12.3 Map 
- 4.12.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.12.5 What is a trade balance? 
- 4.12.6 Can I share an island with another player? 
- 4.12.7 Why did I get deposed? 
4.13 Cooperation 
- 4.13.1 Objectives 
- 4.13.2 Resources 
- 4.13.3 Map 
- 4.13.4 Strategy overview 
4.14 The Alliance 
- 4.14.1 Objectives 
- 4.14.2 Resources 
- 4.14.3 Map 
- 4.14.4 Strategy overview 
4.15 A Plague of Pirates 
- 4.15.1 Objectives 
- 4.15.2 Resources 
- 4.15.3 Map 
- 4.15.4 Strategy overview 
- 4.15.5 Pirates 
- 4.15.6 Economy 
4.16 The Intruder 
- 4.16.1 Objectives 
- 4.16.2 Resources 
- 4.16.3 Map 
- 4.16.4 Strategy overview 
4.17 The Fortress 
- 4.17.1 Objectives 
- 4.17.2 Resources 
- 4.17.3 Map 
- 4.17.4 Strategy overview 
4.18 NINA Campaigns and Scenarios 
- 4.18.1 What is the order of the NINA campaigns and scenarios? 
- 4.18.2 New Horizons: Halfway There: How do I get started? 
- 4.18.3 New Horizons: To Each His Own Island: Why can't I build an Iron mine? 
Why can't I get tools? 
- 4.18.4 New Horizons: To Each His Own Island: Why does the game not finish? 
- 4.18.5 New Horizons: Appearance can be Deceiving: How do I finish? 
- 4.18.6 Trust No One: Humility Is a Virtue: How do I keep the other players 
- 4.18.7 Trust No One: Humility Is a Virtue: How do I find the Gold needed to 
create 1200 Aristocrats? 
- 4.18.8 Trust No One: The Thief: How to get started? 
- 4.18.9 The Magnate: Gold Rush: How to finish? 
- 4.18.10 The Magnate: Spice Monopoly: What's the objective? 
- 4.18.11 Unfriendly Neighbors: Break the Spice Monopoly: What's the 
- 4.18.12 At His Majesty's Service: Veni, vidi, veci: My trade balance is 
above 500. Why does the game not end? 
- 4.18.13 At His Majesty's Service: At all Costs: How to get started? 
- 4.18.14 Delusions of Grandeur: How to get enough Aristocrats? 
- 4.18.15 Fireland: How to get Tools? 
5. Strategies
5.1 Colony Planning and Building 
- 5.1.1 Initial colony building 
- 5.1.2 City planning 
- 5.1.3 Ultimate city designs 
5.2 Industry Planning and Building 
- 5.2.1 Limited island resources 
- 5.2.2 Planning and construction 
- 5.2.3 Ultimate industry designs 
- 5.2.4 Ore and Stone 
- 5.2.5 Food supply 
- 5.2.6 Vines or Sugarcane to produce Liquor? 
- 5.2.7 Sheep farms or Cotton plantations for Cloth? 
5.3 Colony Management 
- 5.3.1 Tax 
- 5.3.2 Alternative uses for market wagons 
- 5.3.3 Fires 
5.4 Trade and Diplomacy 
- 5.4.1 Trade 
- 5.4.2 Trade routes 
- 5.4.3 War or peace? 
- 5.4.4 Alliances 
5.5 Pirates and Natives 
- 5.5.1 Dealing with natives 
- 5.5.2 Dealing with Pirates 
5.6 Military Units 
- 5.6.1 Ship choice 
- 5.6.2 Ground unit choice 
5.7 Military Tactics 
- 5.7.1 Economic warfare 
- 5.7.2 Defence 
- 5.7.3 Invasions 
- 5.7.4 Destroying towers 
- 5.7.5 Naval battles 
6. Cheating, Editing and Custom Scenarios
- 6.1 What are the cheat codes? 
- 6.2 How do I access all the scenarios? 
- 6.3 Are there other gameplay 'cheats'? 
- 6.4 Are there any trainers? 
- 6.5 Can I create scenarios and custom maps? 
- 6.6 Can I create custom islands? 
- 6.7 Where can I get custom scenarios and maps? How do I play them? 
- 6.8 Can I play custom scenarios without NINA? 
- 6.9 Can I create campaigns from scenarios? 
- 6.10 What are the editor codes? 
- 6.11 Can I open a saved game in the editor? 
- 6.12 Can I change the music? 
- 6.13 Can I place treasure using the editor? 
- 6.14 Can damaged ships or buildings be set in the editor? 
- 6.15 How do the editor's passivity and activity settings work? 
7. Technical Issues
- 7.1 Why does installation under Windows XP/2000 fail with file name too long 
or similar error messages? 
- 7.2 Does the game run under Windows XP/2000? Why does it crash during 
battles or after an hour of play? Got any troubleshooting tips? 
- 7.3 How do I backup the game prior to reinstalling? How do I move savegames 
between machines? 
- 7.4 Can I save more than 12 games? 
- 7.5 How do you take screenshots? 
- 7.6 Why can I not see the cursor in-game? 
- 7.7 Have you got any suggestions for dealing with CD-ROM problems? 
- 7.8 How do I play across a firewall? 
- 7.9 Why do online multiplayer games crash frequently? 
8. And Finally...
- 8.1 Don't you hate it when... 
- 8.2 That's odd... 
- 8.3 Ways you can tell that you play 1602 too much... 
- A. Building and Industry Data 
- B. Production Links 
- C. Population per Industry 
- D. Production Efficiency 
- E. Military Data 
- F. Final Score 
- G. AI Trade Prices 
- H. Keyboard Shortcuts 

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