X2: The Threat
Get 400k at the start of the game:

complete the first mission - deliver computer parts. 

mission 2 collect scientist, when you get back to
destination before you contact your empoyer sell the
shields + guns on the ship you are flying and you get
around 400k+ credits - you only get to fly the ship for
that mission anyway.
-from Cool Menace

Hint: Mission 3 (I guess?) when going to investigate the broken gate in
Brennans Triumph. Having problems getting close to the nacelles to
investigate without being blown up by the SQUASH mines? Simply stop by the
Argon Free Trading system just north of the goner temple (in cloudbase
southwest) and purchase a few Fighter droids. When you get to brennans
triumph, release one droid at a time and tell it to FOLLOW one of the squash
mines, (make sure your far away when you do this!!) wait a few minutes and
before you know it most all of the mines will blow up. You may need to send
another droid or two to clear the rest of the mines, there are alot of them.
-from sir_slick

Hint: I was only able to do this once but on your way to investigating
Brennans Triumph, the first sector west of cloudbase southwest I was able to
make a pirate eject from his ship by firing at him. I guess it was
coincidence that an Argon Titan was there firing too, simply shoot the
pirate in his space suit (Eh, he'd do the same thing to you if he had the
chance ;) ) and take his ship! I made the mistake of not going back and
saving this progress however and died later on. A pretty good catch
considering there's no chance in hell to take on this ship at the beginning.

Thanks 'Cool Menace' for the first hint, those 25mw shields are expensive! 

Script Editor
Type Thereshallbewings as a case-sensitive code while flying a ship in space.