KINGDOM HEARTS (US VERSION)                      |
|                        FAQ/Walkthrough Final Version                     |
|                      Written By: Mogg 13-42 and Akram Ajlouni            |
|                        Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                     |


This FAQ is (c)2002 Akram Ajlouni and Mogg 13-42. No part of this document
may be used for anything profitable, either electronic or mechanical.
Likewise, never try to rip it off! You may print a part of this FAQ or all
of it provided that it's only for personal use. One more thing, if you wish
to post this guide on your site just send us an e-mail and ask for our

* Only send questions that are not yet answered in the guide and please
  allow at least a day or two to get a reply back. We'll try to answer all
  the e-mails if possible so be patient.

* If you're going to send contributions, type "contribute" at the subject

* Please state your questions clearly. I've received a lot of mails before
  containing questions I don't understand. So if we can't make out what you
  wish to know, we will ignore your mail.

* NO VIRUSES! PLEASE! I've received 30 copies of Klez a day on average at my
  other mailbox. So I don't want any more here!