Clive Barker's Undying
           A Walkthrough by:Xylanic
            Copyright March, 2001.

 Version 0.1
Table of Contents:

1.Author Information, Contact Information
2. Game Walkthrough Part 1- Opening to Gardens
3. Walkthrough Part 2-Gardens to Monastery Past
More To come as FAQ is updated.

1.  About Myself, Contact Information. 

  A. Contact Information:You may contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please 
title your mail with the Heading: UNDYING FAQ. I will give credit to 
anyone who has items to add or take away from the FAQ.

  B.  As for Myself, I am a professional writer who writes fantasy and 
horror in my spare time. This will be my first FAQ for this type of 
game, and the first I have posted to major websites. I decided to write 
this mainly because so far, nobody else has taken the initiave to write 
anything intriguing or new for this game, and many people are stuck and 
looking for answers.  So, being the type of guy I am, I decided to help 
out. If you would like to have this FAQ on your site, please contact me 
for further info. Also, I am not perfect. I know I make mistakes, and I 
may have missed things I would appreciate you contacting me to make 
this as complete as possible however.

  C.  This FAQ will be a general walkthrough of the game, and will be 
updated as I find time to work on it. It will not have a complete 
rundown of the weapons, enemies or of how to use the weapons, and the 
key commands, as that is already written in the manual for your 
enjoyment.  I will note things I find interesting however throughout 
the majority of the game.  This walkthrough is written in the Normal 
mode, which is not that different from the other modes.  One day in the 
future, I may write one for the Nightmare mode. This Walkthrough is 
written in sections through each of the major portions of the game, 
with Letters marking individual parts of the main sections for easier 

  D. Currently, this walkthrough should only be at the following 
  If you would like to post this on your sight, Mail me at 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  E. Version Updates:
  02-28-01-Released Version 0.1
  03-01-01-Updated to 0.2. Updated Contact Information, Added to 
Onerios first part.

  2.  Game Walkthrough Part 1:Opening to Gardens

  A.  Game Opening-Outside.
   Undying begins with a opening in game movie, in which some 
background information is established and it is revealed that you have 
been called by your old War Commander, Jeremiah Covenant, to perform 
him a favor at his estate. Evidently, he is very sick, and as you owe 
him a life debt for him saving your life during the war, you oblige to 
travel to his Estate in Ireland.  Little do you know what awaits you 
  When you first get control of your character, you face the large, 
Imposing Covenant Estate, where lightning strikes down in the distance, 
and generally adds to the grim decor of the Estate.  Press F3 to open 
your journal and read some information about both why you are here, and 
about your current inventory and what you can do with it.  Equip your 
Revolver, and get ready for a journey into ultimate Horror.
  Head forward, and keep an eye out for small rats that will come up to 
you and bite you for a point of damage or so. To use bullets on these 
rats, is, in my opinion, a complete waste of time.  Turn around and 
walk over to the gate that you used to enter the Estate.  You will see 
your first glimpse of several small Howlers, then a much larger 
creature, race across the field behind the gate.  Obviously, this will 
not be a normal visit.
  After you witness this scene, head towards the front door of the 
Estate and use your Scrye spell while looking towards the Entry. You 
will witness a scene that took place in the past, as a person hangs 
from the lamp to the right of the door, further letting you know that, 
Dorothy, your not in Kansas anymore.  A neat little detail of this past 
scene is the rats drinking the blood from the foot of the lamp. How 
  If you wish, you can head to the left of the doors to see a man 
working in the Garden. I kind of found it somewhat odd that this man 
would be pulling weeds and trimming hedges with the current conditions 
and with rats running around that seem to enjoy human flesh...However, 
to each their own I suppose.  However, he has nothing special to say, 
so it's inside of the Estate you go.

  B. Inside the Estate to Jeremiah.
   You will witness another in-game cutscene in which you meet a Maid, 
also apparently as intelligent as the guy picking weeds outside of the 
Estate.  She informs you that Jeremiah is in the living quarters, and 
that most of the house staff was let go a while back.  Also, as a 
special bonus, seems most of the house is without electricity. Doesn't 
it just get better and better? She will have you automatically follow 
her through the Main Hall, which is somewhat Resident Evilesque, and 
into the entry to the living quarters on the right, which is where you 
once again take over.
  Head down the hall and follow it to the right and witness your first 
glimpse of a member of the Covenant family-Aaron.  He will appear for a 
moment, then glide down the hall away. Continue to follow the hall, and 
witness a darker, more sinister form appear, which lashes out at you 
briefly, but causes no damage, and disappears. Well, this is about the 
point most normal people would leave the premises, but Then, we would 
not have much of a game, would we?
  Head to the end of the hall, pick up the health pack on the ground, 
you will need it later, and head back to the door on your right. Open 
it.  That's one more thing about the Estate, is the damned doors seem 
to get stuck, jammed, or just won't open. When in doubt, use WD-40. 
Perhaps then they would not have so many problems with stuck doors.
  You will now witness yet another cutscene, in which you discuss 
current going ons with the only living member of the Covenant family, 
Jeremiah.  Seems he is wasting away from an old war wound, and has 
called you to investigate odd happenings inside his estate that have 
heated up since he came home.  He mentions that the staff took most of 
the most valuable belongings in the mansion when he thinned them out, 
and that they fear the family curse.
  Before you and your friend can further discuss current happenings and 
which of his maids is the most attractive, you hear an odd growl and a 
scream from downstairs. With great intelligence, you take out your gun 
and go to investigate as Jeremiah locks the door behind you.

 C. Investigating the Sounds to Jeremiah.

Head back the way you came, towards the Main Hall.  As you enter the 
top floor of the Main Hall, Aaron will fly across the hall, laugh at 
you, and then fly below and disappear. This guy has a serious staring 
problem it seems.  Head down the stairs and note that the door to your 
right is left open. Well, isn't that convenient.  Also note that you 
can walk behind the stairs, use your Scrye spell to light your way, 
this area will be important a little later on. Go ahead and enter the 
door to the next part of the house.
  You have now entered the West Wing. (No, not of the white house, you 
moron.)  As you walk down the hall, the first door to your right will 
open. Enter this room and watch as once again Aaron appears, says a few 
words to you about the bonds of flesh, and then fades away after 
revealing that he learned a few tricks from the film the Exorcist.  
Pick up the bullets on the windowsill and continue down the hall to the 
end, take a left into the next room.
  Don't miss the health pack in the back of this sitting room, then 
make your way forward, past the door you came in, into the next area.  
Walk up to the mirror and pick up the bullets from the table, and watch 
what happens in the mirror. At about this point, you feel as if you are 
roaming the Haunted Mansion at Disney World, eh?  Head into the next 
room on your left.  You will hear glass breaking, and a scream, seems 
like someone has had some bad luck.
  Continue through this room and into the next, where you will meet 
your first Howler, viscous, fast creatures that usually travel in 
packs. Luckily, they are not too difficult to kill. The first one will 
come around the side of the small garden in the middle and rush at you, 
just back up, aim carefully with your target in place, and two well 
placed shots should take it down.  Head around the garden and a second 
Howler will rush at you. Repeat, and look around and reliaze this room 
looks like it was taken directly from the Haunting.
  Pick up the health pack lying directly below the hole in the glass 
above, which is where the Howlers entered, and whirl around as a Howler 
comes from the direction of the little garden. Aim quickly, and waste 
it. Pity the poor maid lying on the ground, pick up the bullets lying 
against the wall of the little garden, and head forward into the next 
  As you enter this next small room, another Howler will try to 
surprise you by dropping from the roof. Back up, aim carefully, and 
send it to Hell.  Head down the small inset flight of stairs and 
witness a Howler racing across the next room towards a large curved 
flight of stairs, somewhat far away. Don't let it fool you. Back up, as 
another will drop from just above the doorway. Waste both, backing up 
into the garden room if you have to.
  Enter the room with the large curved flight of stairs, gaze around if 
you wish, as it is beautiful, with the pattern in the glass far above. 
None of the bottom doors open, big surprise, so head up the stairs to 
the Second Floor once again.  Another Howler will race towards you once 
you reach the landing, and you will hear Jeremiah yell for your help. 
However, once you kill the Howler, don't respond to him right away, He 
can wait a bit. Pass by the hall where Jeremiah called for help and 
into the door at the far right, and enter a small study with a book on 
the table.
  Read the book, and it will reveal a bit more of Joseph, the 
Covenant's Father, wanderings and explorations and just what the large 
Tower and standing stones mean. Now, before you leave the room, push on 
one of the bookcases set in the walls in the far corner to open up a 
hidden passage to the balcony above the garden room.  On this balcony, 
you will pick up your very own, dandy, first Amplifier.  Take it, and 
head down the hall where Jeremiah still needs some help.
  A Howler is attempting to beat down Jeremiahs door, which of course, 
we cannot allow. Blow it away, it will not even attack you and should 
only take a few shots to take down. Enter Jeremiahs room once again.  
You will witness another cut scene in which Jeremiah will explain about 
the Howlers, the ritual that may have caused this curse upon the 
family, and that some of the Employees of the Estate have reported 
seeing Lizbeth lately. I guess your spotting of Aaron doesn't mean 
much, hm.  Of course, this is odd, since Lizbeth is long dead.  He will 
also give you a magic scroll, which contains Ectoplasm, which you will 
need later in the game. You agree to study it, and head to bed in the 
Guest Quarters.

  D.  Day Two, Guest Bedroom to North Wing Lower.

  As you wake up (Odd, unlike most Horror Games, seems you had a 
perfect nights sleep with no disturbances during the night. Personally, 
I would not sleep well if where I was staying the night had maneating 
dog like creatures prowling, however, I suppose Patrick is different. 
Anyways, move forward and pick up the scroll that Jeremiah gave you the 
night before, It is the Ectoplasm spell. I personally amplified the 
spell with the amplifier we found earlier, to give myself more power, 
but that is up to your discretion.
  Move through your room, pick up the bullets lying on the table, and 
proceed through the door ahead of you, leaving the Guest Bedroom. After 
the loading screen, you stand in a Hallway. To your left is a statue 
and a dead end, to your right is a short flight of stairs heading down, 
obviously, this is the way you should go.  As you head down the 
hallway, A butler will pass by and inform you that someone broke into 
Lizzbeth's room while you slept last night, and that it is quite a 
mess. After he is finished talking to you, follow him down the hallway.
  All other doors are locked, or jammed, as is per the norm here in the 
Covenant estate.  Although, take note of Bethany's room, although it is 
locked, and the study. Proceed into Lizzbeth's open room after the 
Butler. A maid will approach you.  She will tell you a few interesting 
details, including that recently the Groundskeeper claims to have seen 
Lizzbeth somewhere. She will inform you that you can talk to this man 
by entering the Garden through the Kitchen.
  After this oh so exciting conversation, continue forward into her 
room to snoop around a bit.  Items of interest in her chambers include 
a health pack in the bathroom, a diary letter she wrote about the 
Monastery and how she wonders about what takes place within, and if you 
use the scrye spell on the painting by her bed, you will see what 
Lizzbeth has now become. Horrible and tragic, Indeed.
  Head out of her Bedroom, turn left and start to head down the hall. 
You will hear the sound of breaking glass, and a scream. The Butler 
will rush past you, yelling for help and injured. Head back towards the 
room, Ectoplasm and Gun at ready, and let loose on the two Howlers that 
have just slain the maid that was so helpful before. Back down the hall 
while firing if you have to. When they are also lying in a puddle of 
their own blood, follow the hall that you had originally turned down, 
where the Butler went running.
   When you have almost reached the end of the Hall, two more Howlers 
will come at you. Back up quickly and fire carefully, keeping out of 
their range, and bringing them to the ground as well. Continue down the 
Hall. You will pass the injured Butler, hiding in a corner, holding his 
arm. Head out the door at the end of the Hall to enter the second floor 
of the Main Hall. Looks familar, huh? Notice that the large double 
doors directly to your left as you enter the Main Hall are open. Go 
ahead and go inside.
   Entering this room, turn to your left and enter the bedroom. If you 
wish, use your scrye spell to see what happened during the birth of 
Lizzbeth. Very lovely.  Pick up the bullets and the letter on the table 
by the bed, and the health pack in the bathroom.  This was a letter 
written by Evaline a while back, involving her thoughts on her husband. 
Very interesting. At this point, two more Howlers will be coming across 
the room you entered these chambers from. Be ready for them, and slay 
them as well. If you need to, use a health pack.
   Exit Evaline's bedroom and cross towards where Jospeh's bedroom is. 
Odd, they slept in separate beds it seems. Anyways, be prepared for the 
Howler that will drop from the ceiling and attempt to surprise you. 
Surprise it with a bullet to the head, and pick up the letter on 
Joseph's bed, and get a better idea of just what is going on here. Go 
ahead and exit these chambers and reenter the Main Hall.
   You will hear Howler's somewhere below, and as you approach the 
stairs to go to the first floor, you will hear Aaron's taunting laugh. 
Go ahead and descend to the first floor. As you reach the landing and 
are nearly to the bottom, you will clearly hear what sounds like flesh 
being ripped from bones. This should not concern one as brave as you, 
should it? Once you have reached the first floor, prepare yourself, and 
head BEHIND the stairs that I mentioned earlier.
  Here, three howlers dine on a recently slain maid. Take them out one 
at a time, heading up the stairs if you have to to keep them at a safe 
distance from harming you. I found heading up the stairs keeps them 
coming more slowly. Once you have dispatched these three, head back 
behind the stairs, and pick up the servants key lying by the corpse of 
the maid. After you have picked up the key, come out from behind the 
stairs and enter the door on the far right of the Main Hall if you were 
facing the stairs.
    Once you have entered this hallway, take a left and start walking, 
turn right into the hall ahead of you as you hear Aaron laugh yet again 
and the door you came in will slam shut behind you. Fantastic, eh? 
Proceed all the way to the end of the hall and enter the door on your 
left, as the one on the right is locked anyways.  Note: If you had 
turned right at the intersection when you entered this part of the 
house, you can see a large family painting. If you use scrye on it, you 
will see a grisly scene of what could be...Proceeding down the hall as 
if you were going towards the east wing would result in the door 
slamming shut to the East Wing and Lizzbeth appearing at the other end, 
where she will release two howlers after you. This is not nessacary, as 
you will return here later.

  E.  North Wing Lower to Keisinger's room.

  As you enter this small room, proceed forward into the second door on 
your right and pick up a health pack on the table, you may need it 
sooner or later.  Leave this little room and enter the wooden door that 
was not locked.  You have now entered a small dining room, which 
connects to the kitchens.  Cross the dining room to the door on the far 
right if you had just entered the chamber.
  Walk around the barrels and other items in this storage room and turn 
left to enter the main Kitchens, where a blazing fireplace sits in the 
middle.  On the far right hand side of the room is a health pack 
sitting on a table, take it. To the right of where the health pack is 
is the entry into the cellars, although it is locked. You can bring 
down the small elevator in the wall, but it brings a Howler with it and 
is pretty much useless. Proceed towards the room to the right of the 
fireplace, where a large cook who has tasted too many samples from the 
Kitchens waits.
   She will inform you that although she stands by the door to the 
Gardens, it is currently locked and she lent the key outside to one of 
the maids, who is cleaning Otto Keisinger's guest room in the east wing 
of the house.  After this conversation, read your journal and discover 
that you have a rather deep disliking for Otto, and if you encounter 
him within the Estate it will not be a pleasant affair. 
   After you have finished reading this letter, proceed out of the 
kitchens and back towards the little dining room that you entered the 
kitchens through.  As you reach this small room, Lizzbeth will come out 
of the chamber where you entered the North Wing Lower through, and pick 
up some stones to throw at you. Either strafe to advoid being hit, or 
back up into the storage room and around the corner.  She will then 
dissapeer back into the house, unleashing two more Howler's at you. 
Take careful aim, and get rid of them. Proceed through the door 
Lizzbeth popped out of and exit this part of the House, getting ready 
to head back to the East Wing.
    Once you have reentered the hallway off of the Main Entry Hall, the 
door across from you will automatically open, the one that was 
previously locked. Spooky eh? Cross the hall and enter this room.  You 
have now entered a library, where Aaron's Ghost is flying around, 
searching for a book. You will hear him yell in anger as he is unable 
to find what he is looking for, until he floats to a top shelf and 
discovers it. After leafing through some pages, he will leave the book 
on a top shelf of one of the bookcases, and exit through a wall.
  Now, use your pistol and fire AT the book. It will fall off the shelf 
to the floor below, where you can read on just how sick Aaron is, and 
learn a little bit about Eternal Autumn, for much later in the game. 
After this fascinating reading, and wondering why Aaron never became 
the next Stephen King, exit the room back into the hallway and head 
towards where the locked East Wing Door is that I mentioned earlier.
   Upon entering the hall, two Howlers can be seen at the opposite end, 
towards where you need to go of course, yet they will run off in the 
other direction, away from you. Keep walking. Prepare yourself, for 
just as you pass the locked door to the Main Hall, these two Howler's 
will drop from the cieling, attempting to surprise you. Back up and 
take them out one at a time, and you should advoid damage that them 
surprising you would have caused. Continue towards the hall with the 
large painting of the Covenant children and the door to the East Wing.
    Just past the family painting, your old buddy and pal Aaron is 
floating and will speak for about a minute, about how HE will rise 
again, and how the ritual continues through the Covenant blood. After 
this heart-warming, milk and cookies discussion, he will float away and 
through a wall. Continue to the door to the East Wing.
    You have now entered the East Wing of the house, and stand in a 
small room with two chairs at one end, and another door at the other. 
As much you would love to marvel at these chairs for a few hours, go 
ahead and head through the door at the other end. Go ahead and walk by 
the Knights in Armor on the wall in this small room, don't worry, they 
don't jump out at you =).  Go down the little flight of stairs into the 
next hallway.
    Ignoring the door at the far end of the hall for now, enter the 
door almost directly across from you. A short cutscene will take place 
in which you talk with a maid. It appears that this room was formerly 
Bethany's office.  There is not much to see here, however there is a 
letter on a small tablestand that reveals Bethany's craving to be a 
world-class Mage, and if you use Scrye on the picture of the Baby on 
the wall, you will witness something rather disturbing. Leave the 
office, holding back the temptation to blow the maid to bits for 
staying and cleaning a house full of monsters and ghosts, and enter the 
door I mentioned above.
   Aaron is at the end of the hall, but he does not do much and once 
again he dissapeers. However, from the small door to the right further 
down the hall, two Howlers will come out and race towards you. For some 
fun, back up into the office where the maid is, and watch them rip her 
apart, then take them out with your pistol and Ectoplasm. Proceed back 
to the hallway.  Enter the door in the alcove where the Howler's came 
out at you, the other doors at the end of this hallway are locked or 
jammed, as usual.
  At the very end of this hall, you can see some more Howler's enjoying 
a meal of another maid. Wonderful. Prepare yourself, as you are about 
to face a total of FIVE Howlers. Begin by taking careful aim and taking 
care of the one eating the body of the maid. After you kill this one, 
the other four will come around the corner. BACK UP through the other 
halls if you have to, always keeping them at least ten feet away from 
you, as you take them out. Concentrate on one at a time rather then the 
whole group, and you will have success.  Then, after you have taken 
care of them, head back down the hall, passing the locked door on your 
left, and pass the corpse of the maid they were feeding on, turning 
      Head up the stairs and into a hallway where curtains blow in 
front of the open windows. The atmosphere here is fantastic. Pass 
through the hall and enter the door at the far end. You have now 
entered the East Wing Lower, proper. Go ahead and walk into the door 
directly across from you, into the childrens playroom. Pick up the 
health pack behind the toy chest in the right hand corner, and read the 
journal on the bed to understand that Lizzbeth has a biting fetish. 
Kinky.  If you wish, use Scrye to hear the children breaking things and 
a maid crying as they torment her. Wonderful family, aren't they? Exit 
the room.
    Head LEFT, not right just yet as soon as you have left the 
playroom. Turning the corner, be prepared for a Howler to drop from the 
roof. Since you know it is coming, take care of it without a problem, 
and proceed to the door at the end of the hallway. Enter it, and go 
through another short loading scene. You have now entered the chapel. 
Yes, that's right, the Covenants have their very own, handy dandy 
church in the house. Pass through the sitting room without incident and 
down the little flight of stairs into an antechamber where two open 
arches are on your right and left. Both lead to the same area, but for 
the sake of keeping this walkthrough in order, we will go left.
  Once you enter the chapel proper, notice the short flight of stairs 
going up to the priests room, and the key lying on the rafter above. 
Climb the stairs, jump onto the BANNISTER of the stairs, and use this 
to jump towards the priests key, and grab it. Pick up the health pack 
on the table in the priests room, but DO NOT open the dresser in the 
corner with the key yet, as it brings several ghosts to attack you. You 
do want to open this, eventully, but wait for now.  Leave the room and 
head towards where the Amplifier is glowing on the cross at the end of 
the room.
  Use your pistol and fire at the Amplifier, and watch as it falls to 
the floor in front of you. Pick it up, and use it how you wish, or 
conserve it. Now, head back to the priests room and towards the dresser 
I just talked about. There are several ways you can do this, however, I 
found this to be the easiest way. Pick up the four ether traps and the 
bullets, I'm sure your running low on ammo by now, and run down the 
stairs and towards the exit of the chapel, heading back to the East 
Wing. As you run, you will hear the voice of the dead priest yelling, 
Who dares to rifle through my belongings, Guards, At Once!
  Use Scrye as you run which enables you to see the ghosts of the dead 
monks better, and run right by them. Although you could use an ether 
trap and send them to another dimension, I preferred to save them for 
later, and run by the monks by using Scrye to see them better. 
Conserver your health, ammo and possibly a death and run back to the 
East wing, safe and sound. Proceed down the East Wing hallway, past the 
playroom, and activate Scrye again, then switch back to Ectoplasm. Your 
going to need the light, trust me.
  As you pass by the playroom and enter the next hallway, Bam, the 
lights go out and two Howlers come from one direction, and one from 
another. Although, if you used Scrye like I suggested, you will be able 
to see them fine. Take aim at the two first, moving past them if you 
need to, and bring them down. Then whirl and take care of the third, 
which should be close to you by now. Use a health pack if you need to, 
but I took no damage here due to being prepared. Continue down the 
darkened hall, using Scrye to light your way, and enter the door at the 
end on your left.
   You now stand in a dimly lit room with a painting of a female on the 
wall opposite you. Turn to your left and pick up the health pack lying 
in the corner, then enter the door that you have not been through yet 
on the other side of the chamber. In this well lit room, with two 
paintings on the wall, another pair of Howlers will attempt to get the 
drop on you. Laugh at them, as they are pathetic in trying to scare 
you, and take them both out with your pistol and Ectoplasm. If you have 
used the amplifiers on your ectoplasm, as I suggested, you should be 
able to down them with a couple shots of ectoplasm now without a 
problem. Enter the next door in this room, in the upper left hand 
corner if you had just entered.
   You now stand in a small antechamber with a billowing curtain. 
Proceed forward and stare down the hall to your right, full of curtains 
blowing in the wind.  The Covenant family has some problems keeping the 
windows intact and keeping the curtains from blowing, obviously. 
Prepare yourself for another battle, and begin down the eerie hallway. 
The first door to your right is jammed, so continue forward slowly, 
enjoying the breeze. Hehe.  As soon as you hear the howl of a Howler, 
whirl around and take care of the one behind you first with a bullet to 
the head. Down it quickly, and turn around again, facing the hall of 
billowing curtains, where two more race at you.
  Take care of these two however you please, backing into the 
antechamber if you must, then continue down the hallway. Open the door 
on your right, where two more Howlers feast on a maid.  Enter the room 
and strafe around it, firing and using ectoplasm on them at will until 
they die. Pick up the bullets on the seat in the corner, but do not 
enter the door on the other side. Retrace your steps into the hall with 
billowing curtains and proceed to the end of the hallway. Pick up the 
health pack in this sitting room, and proceed through the double doors 
into a small chamber with stairs going to the second floor.  
  In this chamber, sits an Amplifier in plain view on a table, almost 
seeming to say, take me. Well, you can take it, but be careful. See 
that large chandilier directly above the table? As soon as you take the 
amplifier, it comes crashing to the floor. So, line yourself up across 
from the table, run and jump over it, grabbing the amplifier and 
advoiding the lamp crashing below, which would kill you otherwise.  
Now, once again, the lights are out. Advoid going upstairs, there is 
nothing worth doing there except more creatures which can cause more 
damage and make your life more difficult. Cross back into the room 
where you picked up the bullets on the seat and proceed to the door on 
the other side.
    After passing through another doorway, you stand inside a large 
marble floored room with a grand statue in the center, and a stairway 
heading up. Go ahead take these stairs, as the door on the other side 
of the first floor is jammed. Once you have arrived at the landing on 
the top of the stairway, take the door directly to your right for 
another loading sequence.
  Allright, now you have entered the Care Bear's realm. No, not really, 
but I just decided to divert your attention for a moment. You now stand 
in yet another small room, however we are now close to our goal, 
Keisinger's room.  Take the open archway to the right and hear 
muttering and chanting in this large room of paintings. If you use your 
scrye in this chamber, you will see what Keisinger has now become 
through the usage of his magic. Well, you never liked the fellow 
anyways, so does it really matter?
  Proceeding through this room, you will pass a tiny chamber on your 
left. You can go inside if you wish, but as far as I could tell, there 
was nothing of interest inside. Proceed up the stairs and turn right. 
There are some doors at the other end, but both of them are stuck. Go 
up a tiny flight of stairs and hear more chanting. You are now VERY 
close to the room you have went through so much danger to get to. Enter 
the chamber on your right as you go down the hall through the open 
door, and witness a room that, quite frankly, is rather odd.
  Go through the living room and into the back lefthand corner of the 
room, into the attached Bedroom.  Notice to your right a door where 
from what little you can see, something VERY strange is going on. 
First, however, pick up the journal from your bed and read through it. 
Spoiler:The person he killed was Bethany, when he first arrived at the 
Estate, since he seeks all the power for himself.  After reading the 
letter, head towards the door to the left of the bed.
  Watch as the door floats away, and it appears you are looking into 
another realm. Well, you are. Enter the door, and proceed to the next 
section of the FAQ =).

F. First Visit to Oneiros 