_____          _      _         ____  ______   _____  _    _ _________     __
 / ____|   /   | |    | |       / __ |  ____| |  __ | |  | |__   __    / /
| |       /    | |    | |      | |  | | |__    | |  | | |  | |  | |    \_/ /
| |      / /  | |    | |      | |  | |  __|   | |  | | |  | |  | |       /
| |____ / ____ | |____| |____  | |__| | |      | |__| | |__| |  | |     | |
 \_____/_/    \_\______|______|  \____/|_|      |_____/ \____/   |_|     |_|

                             W A L K T H R O U G H

                                    BY PSY II

Game: Call Of Duty
Console: PC
Developer: Activision + Infinity Ward
Genre: World War Two First Person Shooter
Release: October 29, 2003 (USA)
         November 7, 2003 (UK)
Author: Simon Elliott (Psy II)
Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Copyright 2003 Simon Elliott


 [ C O N T E N T S ]


You can use the "CTRL+F" find function to find what you want by entering in the
content you want to find. For example to find the Training Mission guide, push
CTLR+F and type "[2.1.1]" and the guide will take you straight to it.


[0] - Updates + Authors Comments

[1] - Introduction
    [1.1] - Controls

[2] - Missions

    [2.1] - Miscellaneous Missions
          [2.1.1] - Training

    [2.2] - American Missions
          [2.2.1] - Pathfinder
          [2.2.2] - Burnville
          [2.2.3] - Dawnville
          [2.2.4] - Car Ride
          [2.2.5] - Brecourt
          [2.2.6] - Chateau
          [2.2.7] - POW Camp

    [2.3] - British Missions
          [2.3.1] - Pegasus Night
          [2.3.2] - Pegasus Day
          [2.3.3] - Dam
          [2.3.4] - Truck Ride
          [2.3.5] - Airfield
          [2.3.6] - Ship

    [2.4] - Russian Missions
          [2.4.1] - Stalingrad
          [2.4.2] - Red Square
          [2.4.3] - Train station
          [2.4.4] - Sewer
          [2.4.5] - Pavlov
          [2.4.6] - Factory
          [2.4.7] - Railyard
          [2.4.8] - Tank Drive Country
          [2.4.9] - Tank Drive Town

    [2.5] - American Missions
          [2.5.1] - Hurtgen

    [2.6] - British Missions
          [2.6.1] - Rocket

    [2.7] - Russian Missions
          [2.7.1] - Berlin

[3] - Cheats / Codes

[4] - Copyrights + Contact Email


 [0] - [ U P D A T E S ]

My Computer, England
November 25, 2003
2300 hrs

Finished the main part of the guide, wrote up all missions, added cheats and
edited the formatting. Put contents in and proof read most of it. Submitting
this to GameFAQs soon. Coming soon are:
- Multiplayer tips.
- Weapon Guide.
- Review of the game.
- A list of the mission passed / failed quotes.
- Probably more stuff.

 [0] - [ A U T H O R S   C O M M E N T S]

Welcome to my Call Of Duty FAQ / Walkthrough. I've been a fan of War Time First
Person Shooters since the Medal Of Honor days, maybe before, and I'm also very
interested in World War Two itself, so when I heard about Call Of Duty, and saw
it's amazing graphics I knew I had to get it.

I was a bit late in buying it, I got it about 3 weeks after it was released,
but that was because I had to gather the cash to buy it first, plus I had Medal
Of Honor : Allied Assault to keep me busy.

Anyway, I wrote this guide for a few reasons:
- There wasn't one already.
- I think I'm pretty good at explaining things, so I thought I might as well
  give it a shot.
- I have experience at writing guides.
- I wanted to contribute to the CoD community.

So I hope you find it useful.

About The Guide
All of this guide was written by Psy, and only Psy. It was written while I
played through the game, then typed up. All text here is my own work and I
won't be held responsible for any problems caused as a result of it. All
mission walkthroughs are my own way of beating the mission, and it's up to the
reader to choose if they want to follow them.

This guide can only be seen at:
And my own sites

Unless permission is granted via email. Don't steal my guide and claim it to be
your own work, or host it without asking, because you are breaking the law and
I have the power to do something about it.

Contacting Psy
You may contact Psy to ask questions about the game, or to correct mistakes in
my guide. Please use the following emails:

If its just a normal email (text), use:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If it has an image attached or is a big file, please use:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

No spam, viruses or hate mail. I have tools, and I will use them if I'm

 [1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ]

In the war that changed the world, No one fought alone.

Call Of Duty is an amazing World War Two First Person Shooter. You work along
with your team mates to wipe out the Nazi force and put an end to the war. You
will go through shellshock, witness death to your friends, have to murder
countless people and come up with some quick plans if you are to make it out

* Review Coming Soon *

 [1.1] - [ C O N T R O L S ]

The following are the controls I use for Call Of Duty. I find them very
useful, and I'm showing you them because if you decide to use them and get
used to them, they can work extremely well for you. This is mainly because all
of the buttons you will need to push are very close to each other, and will
save time having to try and find what you want to push.

Look Up - Unbound
Look Down ? Unbound
Mouse Look ? Unbound
Center View ? Unbound
Free Look ? Yes
Invert Mouse ? No
Smooth Mouse ? No
Mouse Sensitivity ? 15?20% up

Forward ? Keypad 8
Back Pedal ? Keypad 5
Move Left ? Keypad 4
Move right ? Keypad 6
Lean Left ? Keypad 7
Lean Right ? Keypad 9
Stand / Jump ? Keypad Enter
Go To Crouch ? Unbound
Go To Prone ? Unbound
Jump / Stance Up ? Unbound
Stance Down ? Unbound
Stance Up ? Unbound
Toggle Crouch ? Keypad Del
Toggle Prone ? Keypad 3
Crouch ? Unbound
Prone ? Unbound
Turn Left ? Unbound
Turn Right ? Unbound
Strafe ? Unbound

Attack ? Left Mouse
Toggle Aim Down The Sight ? Right Mouse
Aim Down The Sight ? Unbound
Melee Attack ? Keypad 1
Reload Weapon ? Keypad +
Change Rate Of Fire ? Keypad 2
Select First Weapon ? 1
Select Second Weapon ? 2
Select Pistol ? 3
Select Grenades ? 4
Next Weapon ? Wheel Down
Previous Weapon ? Wheel Up

Save / Interact
Show Objectives / Scores ? Tab
Use ? Keypad 0
Screenshot ? F12
Quick Save ? F5
Quick Load ? F9
Enable Console - Yes


 [2] - [ M I S S I O N S ]

There are 24 missions in Call Of Duty, and each one has a name. You can find
which one you are on by clicking "Load Game" and then reading what the newest
file is called.

During the walkthrough I will indicate a number of things in different ways.
The main thing is the objectives. All objectives will be highlighted with a
number (eg 1.) in front of it. This will help to distinguish what the
objective I am currently talking about is, and also it will help you so that
you don't need to read through the whole thing to find something which could
be the last objective on a mission. While objectives are being explained, a
number in square brackets indicates how many there are. For example "Blow up
tanks. [4]" would mean there are 4 tanks to blow up.

This walkthrough is very basic and simple, but it should hopefully guide you
through the mission you are on. It would be impossible for me to write a
complete step by step guide through each level, because it's not that kind of
game, you will have to figure out most of it on your own and use common sense
to realise what to do, but I will be able to give you a basic run-down of the

Remember to always use your compass, either to show you where your allies are,
or to find out where you are supposed to be going next.

Remember to use Quicksave (Defauts to F5) and Quickload (Defaults to F9) to
help you as you play through. Experienced players will probably stop using this
to prove they can play through without having to save every 5 seconds.

This guide is written based on the "Greenhorn" difficulty. Because of this,
some things may not be accurate, such as more enemies, more objectives or lack
of weapons and health packs. The guide should be able to cover the majority of
the game, but if it doesn't you'll just have to use your common sense, and move


[2.1] M I S C E L L A N E O U S   M I S S I O N S


 [2.1.1] - [ TRAINING ]

Camp Toccoa, GA ? U.S.A.
August 10, 1942
0900 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Read each sign. [5]
2. Approach the sign indicated by the compass star.
3. Open the gate to the obstacle course.
4. Pick up both Carbines, hit the target a total of 12 times.
5. Pick up the Springfield, hit the target a total of 4 times.
6. Pick up a Thompson, hit the target a total of 10 times.
7. Switch Weapons, hit the target 3 more times.
8. Pick up some Grenades, throw a grenade into each window and door.
9. Plant the explosives.
10. Go through the last gate to exit training.


1. Read each sign. [5]
- Read each of the signs by moving your mouse to face them.

2. Approach the sign indicated by the compass star.
- Walk up to the sign on the left (see the star on the compass).

3. Open the gate to the obstacle course.
- Head North, to the star on the compass and start the obstacle course. Do
  this by opening the gate.
- Crouch down through the tunnels and fence.
- Jump over the other fences and wall.
- Go to prone (lie down) and crawl through the barbed wire.
- Climb up the ladder at the other end.
- Go through the door for weapons training

4. Pick up both Carbines, hit the target a total of 12 times.
- Grab an M1A1 Carbine from the table.
- Get more ammo from the other gun.
- Approach the fence and fire 6 rounds into the target.
- Fire 6 more rounds.

5. Pick up the Springfield, hit the target a total of 4 times.
- Grab a Springfield rifle. Swap it for your Carbine.
- Fire 2 rounds at the target in normal view.
- Fire 2 rounds at the target while aiming down the scope.

6. Pick up a Thompson, hit the target a total of 10 times.
- Swap a gun for the Thompson sub-machine gun.
- Fire 10 rounds at the target, some from hip, some from aiming down the
- Do a melee attack.

7. Switch Weapons, hit the target 3 more times.
- Switch weapons and fire 3 more rounds at the target.

8. Pick up some Grenades, throw a grenade into each window and door.
- Pick up the Grenades.
- Throw Grenades into each of the holes.
- Pick up the explosives from the next gate.

9. Plant the explosives.
- Plant it on the wall then move away.

10. Go through the last gate to exit training.
- Go through the gate.


[2.2] A M E R I C A N   M I S S I O N S


 [2.2.1] - [ P A T H F I N D E R ]

Outskirts of St. Mere Eglise, France
June 5, 1944
2330 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Link up with Sgt. Heath.
2. Get the sergeants Legbag.
3. Set up the radio beacon.
4. Defend the drop zone.
5. Make your way to the nearest town.


1. Link up with Sgt. Heath.
- Head up the hill and kill the soldier up there. Sometimes by the tree.
- Follow the path around to Sergeant Heath.

2. Get the Sergeants Legbag.
- Pick up the Legbag.
- Head towards the star on the compass and take out the guards.

3. Set up the radio beacon.
- Go out to the front and set up the radio beacon.

4. Defend the drop zone.
- Go towards the buildings and take out any enemies you see.
- Go into the building on the right and work your way through, killing all
  enemies as you go.

5. Make your way to the nearest town.
- Head out along the trench.


 [2.2.2] - [ B U R N V I L L E ]

Ste Mere Eglise, France
June 6, 1944
0020 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Destroy the "Flakpanzer" Anti-Aircraft tanks. [3]
2. Debrief with Captain Foley at the crossroads.


1. Destroy the "Flakpanzer" Anti-Aircraft tanks. [3]
- Make your way across the fields and take out as many of the gunners as
- Head into the buildings.
- Work your way through, killing everyone.
- Kill all of the people in the houses, then go through the back and kill
  everyone there.
- Head into the church, kill everyone there, then kill the people on the
  Anti-Aircraft gun through the hole in the wall.
- Plant explosives on the "Flakpanzer" tank.
- Head out and kill the enemy, then plant more explosives on the next
- Go around the corner and kill the final few soldiers then blow up the final

2. Debrief with Captain Foley at the crossroads.
- Meet up with Captain Foley.


 [2.2.3] - [ D A W N V I L L E ]

Ste Mere Eglise, France
June 6, 1944
0730 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Assemble With Captain Foley.
2. Get a Panzerfaust Anti-Tank weapon from the church.
3. Destroy the tank.
4. Defend the church.
5. Reinforce the Northern approach.
6. Get a Panzerfaust Anti-Tank weapon from the church.
7. Locate and eliminate the enemy mortar positions. [3]
8. Regroup with Captain Foley and get in the car.


1. Assemble With Captain Foley.
- Run across the street into the room with Captain Foley.
- Grab some weapons from near the wall.
- Wait in the room until Johnson is killed then head towards the church and
  kill the Germans who climb over the wall.

2. Get a Panzerfaust Anti-Tank weapon from the church.
- Head into the church and grab a Panzerfaust. Head outside and blow up the
  tank. If you miss, repeat.

3. Destroy the tank.
- Blow up the tank with a Panzerfaust.

4. Defend the church.
- Go back into the church.
- Use the MG42 to wipe out as many Germans as you can. Once you kill enough,
  Captain Foley will tell you.

5. Reinforce the Northern approach.
- Move through the houses and help your team kill the enemy soldiers.
- Head around the corner and wipe out the final few soldiers.

6. Get a Panzerfaust Anti-Tank weapon from the church.
- Run back around to the church, killing everyone on the way there, then grab
  a Panzerfaust and blow up the tank.

7. Locate and eliminate the enemy mortar positions. [3]
- Head along, past the blown up tanks and grab the Sniper Rifle from next to
  the wall.
- Snipe all enemies on the field, and once they are all dead head through the
  trench and kill the remaining few Germans. Don't forget the two behind the
  building on the left.

8. Regroup with Captain Foley and get in the car.
- Go to the car and get in.


 [2.2.4] - [ C A R   R I D E ]

Normandy, Route N13
June 6, 1944
0815 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Report the towns capture to Regimental HQ.
2. Find another vehicle.
3. Defend Private Elder.
4. Get in the Kubelwagon.


1. Report the towns capture to Regimental HQ.
- Switch weapons to a Sub-Machine gun and kill as many Germans as you can while
  you fly past.
- Take out the machine gunners on the trucks which chase you.
- Continue killing everyone and protecting the vehicle until it blows up.

2. Find another vehicle.
- Head out through the houses, killing everyone. Go slowly if you want, because
  you are in no immediate danger.

3. Defend Private Elder.
- Get to the car and use the MG42 to wipe out the Germans on the road block.

4. Get in the Kubelwagon.
- After you kill enough, get in the car and continue killing Germans as you
- Sit tight and wait until you pass the mission.


 [2.2.5] - [ B R E C O U R T ]

Brecourt Manor, France
June 6, 1944
0900 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Secure all enemy maps and documents. [2]
2. Destroy the enemy artillery guns. [4]
3. Provide covering fire for Sergeant Moody.
4. Get the explosives from Sergeant Moody.


1. Secure all enemy maps and documents. [2]
- Follow the squad, then head along the left side and enter the trench.
- Kill all of the germans on the Flak, then move away as one of your team
  blows it up.
- Head along the trench to the South-West.
- Crouch down to avoid the fire, and clear the area of enemies. One of your
  team will then blow up the Flak.
- Go into the bunker and kill all the Germans.
- Go through into the next room and grab the documents.

3. Provide covering fire for Sergeant Moody.
- Fire at the MG42 gunner for a while.

4. Get the explosives from Sergeant Moody.
- Head back along to Sergeant Moody and he will give you the explosives.

2. Destroy the enemy artillery guns. [4]
- Plant the explosives on the Flak then move away.
- Head out across the field and kill the Germans on the other side, then blow
  up the Flak gun. Keep to the left while running across to be safe.
- Head down the trench, kill the Germans, take out the MG42 gunner, then blow
  up the third Flak.
- Move across the grass and take out all of the Nazi's in the building, and the
  few behind.
- Go into the building, kill the Germans and grab the documents. Then use the
  MG42 to destroy the Germans approaching.
- When it looks like there are no more, there is. They are in your building.
  Move down stairs and kill them before they kill your team.
- Go outside and kill the muppet on the MG42.
- Advance around the corner and wipe out the Germans, then blow up the last
  Flak. Mission Complete.


 [2.2.6] - [ C H A T E A U ]

Bavarian Alps, Germany
August 7, 1944
0130 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Break through the main gate.
2. Find a way into the Chateau.
3. Secure any documents and plans.
4. Find the secret communications room.
5. Sabotage enemy communications equipment with your weapon.
6. Find and secure the prisoners.
7. Clear the way to the extraction point.


1. Break through the main gate.
- Go up the hill and take out the MG42 gunner.
- Kill the Germans in the building.
- Move up the hill and kill the guards who come down, and all of the soliders
  on the truck.

2. Find a way into the Chateau.
- Advance around the back of the Chateau, killing all Germans.

3. Secure any documents and plans.
- Head through the corridors and up the stairs to the room on the end, killing
  the Nazi's on the way there.
- Grab the documents.

4. Find the secret communications room.
- Go back down the stairs.
- Before moving towards it, throw a Grenade at the double doors. Move forward
  and the Nazi's will open them, but the Grenade will kill them.
- Get ready to kill the soldiers up on the balcony to the right.
- Move through the rooms and kill the Germans. There are plenty of Medi-Packs
  if you need them.
- Go across the balcony and kill the Nazi's on the truck and at the other end
  of the balcony, in the room.
- Move down the stairs and use the statue to open the secret entrance to the
  communications room.

5. Sabotage enemy communications equipment with your weapon.
- Smash the radio with your gun (use the melee attack to save ammo).
- Kill the guards in the room behind you.

6. Find and secure the prisoners.
- Move through the door, down the stairs and then kill the Germans.
- Your team will then blow the door. Stand back and wait for it to blow, then
  kill the next lot of Nazi's, especially the guy on the MG42, and move through
  to the prisoner, Captain Price.

7. Clear the way to the extraction point.
- Move up the stairs and through the house. Watch out for the groups of Germans
  who come at you.
- Follow Captain Price to the window, then move to the truck to pass the


 [2.2.7] - [ P O W   C A M P ]

Dulag IIIA - Strasshof, Austria
September 18, 1944
0320 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Eliminate the guards at the main gate.
2. Locate Major Ingram.
3. Escort Major Ingram back to the truck.


1. Eliminate the guards at the main gate.
- Snipe the guards at the front gate.

2. Locate Major Ingram.
- Run in, and head along through the buildings killing the Nazi's.

3. Escort Major Ingram back to the truck.
- Rescue Major Ingram, then move back along to the truck. Take out the large
  groups of Germans on the way there.
- Get to the truck to pass the mission.


[2.3] B R I T I S H   M I S S I O N S


 [2.3.1] - [ P E G A S U S   N I G H T ]

Benouville, France
June 6, 1944
0007 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Clear the area of enemies and secure both ends of the bridge.
2. Capture the bunker.
3. Regroup with Captain Price.
4. Find an army engineer.
5. Use the Flak 88 gun to destroy the tank.


1. Clear the area of enemies and secure both ends of the bridge.
- Kill the guards in and around the bunker.
- Head across the bridge and kill those soldiers.

2. Capture the bunker.
- Kill the guards in the bunker and capture it.

3. Regroup with Captain Price.
- When the tank starts shooting, move to where Captain Price is.

4. Find an army engineer.
- Run across in front of the tank and get the engineers attention.

5. Use the Flak 88 gun to destroy the tank.
- Run back to the other end of the bridge and clear the enemies and tank.
- Meet in the middle of the entrance to the bridge.


 [2.3.2] - [ P E G A S U S   D A Y ]

Benouville, France
June 6, 1944
1230 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Hold the bridge until Allied relief shows up.
2. Defend the west bank of the canal.
3. Fall back to the machine gun and provide covering fire.
4. Destroy the incoming tank.
5. Help the reinforcements clear the area of any remaining enemies.
6. Debrief with Captain Price.


1. Hold the bridge until Allied relief shows up.
- Move to the other side of the bridge, grab some weapons and start killing
  everything that moves.

2. Defend the west bank of the canal.
- Kill a lot of people and you will be ordered to retreat to the bridge.

3. Fall back to the machine gun and provide covering fire.
- Run across the bridge and man the MG42.
- Fire at the Germans.

4. Destroy the incoming tank.
- Get on the Flak 88 and blow up all tanks that arrive. Medical supplies are
  near by if you require them.
- There are tanks in the following places:
  - South from your position.
  - North from your position.
  - South from your position.
  - North-East from your position.
  - Across the river, South.
  - North-East from your position.

5. Help the reinforcements clear the area of any remaining enemies.
- Hop off the Flak and kill any and all Germans who are left. Keep killing them
  until there's no more.

6. Debrief with Captain Price.
- Meet up with Captain Price at the East end of the bridge.


 [2.3.3] - [ D A M ]

Eder Dam, Germany
September 2, 1944
0545 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Destroy the AA guns on the top of the dam. [6]
2. Plant explosives on the generators.
3. Destroy the AA guns at the bottom of the dam.
4. Meet up with Captain Price at the top South end of the dam and escape.


1. Destroy the AA guns on the top of the dam. [6]
- Start by blowing the brains out of the guards on the left with your sniper
  rifle. Don't forget to splatter the few Nazi's that run across the dam too.
- Head along the top of the dam, placing the explosives as you go. Kill the
  guards who shoot at you, especially after you blow up the fourth Flak.

2. Plant explosives on the generators.
- Go down through the open room.
- Be prepared to kill 'LOTS' of Nazi's.
- Go down the left stairs and follow it along, across, down, across, along
  across and down the lift. Medical supplies are plentiful for the needy. Most
  dead Germans will drop one.
- After taking the lift down, follow the corridor along and down, killing all
  Germans you see.
- Place the bombs on the generators and Flak 88's.

3. Destroy the AA guns at the bottom of the dam.
- Move down and kill the few Nazi's down there.
- Plant the explosives on the Anti-Aircraft guns.

4. Meet up with Captain Price at the top South end of the dam and escape.
- Move back through the dam, the same way you came before, only the opposite
  direction. Watch out for the large amount of Germans who will be coming after
- Get back up to the top of the dam then get in the truck and shoot the Germans
  as you escape.


 [2.3.4] - [ T R U C K   R I D E ]

Eder Dam, Germany
September 2, 1944
<-- Objectives -->
1. Get to the airfield.
2. Cover Sgt. Walters while he blows the bridge.


1. Get to the airfield.
- Grab a Panzerfaust from Walters and blow up the chasing truck.
- Get another one, then turn around and blow up the parked trucks. If you miss,
  turn back around and get them while they are chasing you.
- Blow up the next truck.

2. Cover Sgt. Walters while he blows the bridge.
- Cover Sergeant Walters by sniping the Germans who are trying to cross the
- You can use other guns if your sniping skills aren't quite perfect.
- Grab another Panzerfaust and blow up the chasing truck.
- Blow up the other trucks with Panzerfausts.
- Shoot the people in the back of the trucks with a machine gun.
- Keep the trucks off your back until you go through the dirt-track.


 [2.3.5] - [ A I R F I E L D ]

September 2, 1944
<-- Objectives -->
1. Draw enemy fire while the rest of the team steals a German plane.
2. Get back in the truck and escape to the plane.


1. Draw enemy fire while the rest of the team steals a German plane.
- Fire at the Germans on trucks.
- Keep the fire off the truck by killing as many people as you can.
- Get on the Anti-Aircraft gun and shoot the planes on the runway. There are 4
  of them.
- Shoot the dive-bombers in the sky. There's about 14 altogether.
- Medical supplies are near if you need them.

2. Get back in the truck and escape to the plane.
- Get back in the truck and fire at the Germans until you reach the plane.


 [2.3.6] - [ S H I P ]

Hakoya, Norway
October 27, 1944
1900 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Board the German battleship Tirpitz.
2. Locate the ships armoury.
3. Retrieve the explosives from the armoury.
4. Plant the explosives on the ships boilers. [4]
5. Destroy the Anti-Aircraft radar electronics near the bridge. [3]
6. Retrieve the naval patrol logs.


1. Board the German battleship Tirpitz.
- Board the ship and follow Captain Price to the room with the two guards.

2. Locate the ships armoury.
- Wait till he kills them, then grab their guns.

3. Retrieve the explosives from the armoury.
- Pick up the explosives from the shelf.

4. Plant the explosives on the ships boilers. [4]
- Plant them on the boilers as you go past.

5. Destroy the Anti-Aircraft radar electronics near the bridge. [3]
- Head back up the stairs, then go to the right and through the door.
- Follow it up and around until you reach the top.
- Shoot the Anti-Aircraft electronics, then head down two sets of stairs for

6. Retrieve the naval patrol logs.
- Kill the Captain and pick up the naval patrol logs.
- Go all the way down and get back to the boat.
- You can't kill everyone, so just run like hell out of there.


[2.4] R U S S I A N   M I S S I O N S


 [2.4.1] - [ S T A L I N G R A D ]

Volga River, Stalingrad
September 18, 1942
1100 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Acquire a weapon or some ammunition.
2. Find a more experienced soldier and obtain new orders.
3. Enter the city of Stalingrad.


1. Acquire a weapon or some ammunition.
- Enjoy the boat and landing scene from the movie "Enemy At The Gates".
- Get your ammo.

2. Find a more experienced soldier and obtain new orders.
- Run up the hill using the walls and crouch for cover.
- Get to Sgt. Borodin and the Medical supply if you need it.
- Follow his orders and run across to the wrecked truck when he gives the
- Run across to the next car when he tells you to.
- Run down to the broken building.
- Wait for the artillery to destroy the machine gunners.

3. Enter the city of Stalingrad.
- Run up the bank on the left.


 [2.4.2] - [ R E D   S Q U A R E ]

Red Square, Stalingrad
September 18, 1942
1300 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Retake Red Square.
2. Find a good flanking position.
3. Eliminate the officers in the enemy blockade. [4]
4. Rendezvous with Major Zubov via the train station.


1. Retake Red Square.
- Run across the Sgt. Makarow, picking up weapons and dodging bullets on your
  way over.

2. Find a good flanking position.
- Keep to the right and the wall will blow up.
- Move in and kill everyone.
- Head through, and go up the stairs.
- Kill the guards and grab the sniper rifle.

3. Eliminate the officers in the enemy blockade. [4]
- Shoot the 4 officers with the sniper rifle. They are the men in light
  coloured suits standing there, waving their arms.
- There are 2 in the trench, and 2 at the entrance to the building.
- Once you kill them, move outside and watch the explosions.

4. Rendezvous with Major Zubov via the train station.
- Move along to the right, go through the bunkers, then work your way through
  the buildings slowly, killing everyone as you go.
- Move towards the train station door to pass the mission.


 [2.4.3] - [ T R A I N   S T A T I O N ]

September 18, 1942
<-- Objectives -->
1. Rendezvous with Major Zubov.


1. Rendezvous with Major Zubov.
- Head up and through the station, killing all Germans.
- Grab medical supplies as you go, if you need them.
- Keep going through, following the compass and snipe the large amount of
  Nazi's at the station.
- Proceed along through the houses.
- Snipe the people in the large open space, then work your way through to the
  next one.
- Meet up with Zubov.


 [2.4.4] - [ S E W E R ]

Stalingrad Sewers
November 9, 1942
1300 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Use the sewers to bypass the enemy lines.


1. Use the sewers to bypass the enemy lines.
- Head down, through the sewers.
- Kill all of the Germans who approach and watch out for friendly fire on your
  own team.
- Keep moving through the sewers.
- Move up at the end of the sewer and kill the people in the house, then drop
  down to complete your objective.


 [2.4.5] - [ P A V L O V ]

September 18, 1942
<-- Objectives -->
1. Assemble with Sgt. Pavlov's squad.
2. Eliminate the snipers. [7]
3. Get across the field.
4. Clear out the apartment building. [6 Floors]
5. Regroup with Sgt. Pavlov on the fourth floor.
6. Use the 2nd floor anti-tank rifle to blow up the tank.
7. Use the 3rd floor anti-tank rifle to blow up the tank.
8. Hold the building until relieved by friendly units.
9. Clear the area of any remaining forces. [5]
10. Assemble with the reinforcements out front.


1. Assemble with Sgt. Pavlov's squad.
- Move through the dirt tracks crouched down to avoid the snipers.

2. Eliminate the snipers. [7]
- Look at the building and take out the snipers on the different levels.

3. Get across the field.
- Run across the field, taking cover when you need it.

4. Clear out the apartment building. [6 Floors]
- Hide behind the wall, and kill the machine gunners with a sniper rifle. I
  strongly suggest using the lean feature to avoid their fire.
- Move over to the building and kill all the Germans on each floor. An SMG
  works best.

5. Regroup with Sgt. Pavlov on the fourth floor.
- After you kill all of the people in the building, head to the fourth floor
  and meet up with sergeant Pavlov.

6. Use the 2nd floor anti-tank rifle to blow up the tank.
- Move down to the second floor, get on the anti-tank rifle and fire a few
  shots at the tank to blow it up.

7. Use the 3rd floor anti-tank rifle to blow up the tank.
- Move back up to the third floor and use that anti-tank rifle to blow up the
  incoming tank.

8. Hold the building until relieved by friendly units.
- Stay on the third floor, near the anti-tank weapon and blow up tanks if they
  are coming.
- You can basically camp (stay in one place and wait for the enemy to come to
  you) in a corner and wait until the time runs out.

9. Clear the area of any remaining forces. [5]
- Next, move down stairs and kill all of the Nazi's.

10. Assemble with the reinforcements out front.
- Meet up with Sgt Pavlov outside at the front of the structure.


 [2.4.6] - [ F A C T O R Y ]

Warsaw, Poland
January 17, 1945
1030 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Secure the tank repair facility.


1. Secure the tank repair facility.
- Eliminate all of the outdoor guards.
- Let the people on your team blow the door, then move in and kill the
- Go down the stairs to the left.
- Head through the building and kill the Germans.
- Help out your team outside by firing through the window.
- Continue through the facility.
- Head up through the building, killing the Nazi's.
- Work your way around and down, then go outside.
- Go through the door slowly, and make it to the end door.


 [2.4.7] - [ R A I L   Y A R D ]

Warsaw, Poland
January 17, 1945
<-- Objectives -->
1. Regroup with the 4th army on the outskirts of the complex.


1. Regroup with the 4th army on the outskirts of the complex.
- Help your team kill the huge amount of people in the main yard.
- Head into the hangar and blow up the tank with a Panzerfaust.
- Kill all of the Germans in the hangar and feel free to blow up the other
  tanks if you want.
- Move out and kill the soldiers, then meet up at the truck.


 [2.4.8] - [ T A N K   D R I V E   C O U N T R Y ]

Approaching the Oder River
January 26, 1945
1345 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Reach the outskirts of the next town.


1. Reach the outskirts of the next town.
- Drive your tank around the roads and blow up the enemy tanks. Aim for their
  turret which usually makes them blow up in 1 shot rather than 2 or 3.
- Keep moving to avoid their rockets.
- After you get past the large group of tanks, you're finished.


 [2.4.9] - [ T A N K   D R I V E   T O W N ]

Approaching the Oder River
January 26, 1945
<-- Objectives -->
1. Destroy the Flak 88 artillery guns. [2]
2. Destroy the Flakpanzer anti-aircraft gun.
3. Secure the Western edge of the town.


1. Destroy the Flak 88 artillery guns. [2]
- Progress through the town, blowing up buildings to prevent rocket launchers
  firing at you, and enemy tanks.
- Take out the 2 tanks around the corner before they get your squad.
- Move around and kill the big group of tanks, then continue to move around the
- Blow up the 2 Flak's with your tank's rockets.

2. Destroy the Flakpanzer anti-aircraft gun.
- Move around and shoot the front, lower section of the anti-aircraft tank,
  then blow up any tanks you missed.

3. Secure the Western edge of the town.
- Take out the 5 or so tanks which are coming towards you.


[2.5] A M E R I C A N   M I S S I O N S


 [2.5.1] - [ H U R T G E N ]

Northeast of Bastgone, Belgium
January 15, 1945
1520 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Capture all enemy documents. [2]
2. Destroy the German tanks. [2]


1. Capture all enemy documents. [2]
- Run across the fields and kill the guards.
- Move down and around, and take out the MG42 gunner.
- Clear out the bunker and grab the first lot of documents.
- Move to the next bunker.
- Kill everyone there and grab the second set of documents.

2. Destroy the German tanks. [2]
- Run up the hill and use the Flak 88 to take out the tanks, or a Panzerfaust
  from in the bunker.


[2.6] B R I T I S H   M I S S I O N S


 [2.6.1] - [ R O C K E T ]

Burgsteinfurt, Germany
February 2, 1945
1600 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Destroy the Flakvierling anti-aircraft cannons. [2]
2. Intercept and destroy the supply trucks. [2]
3. Locate the V2 launch site.
4. Fuel the rockets.
5. Destroy the V2 rockets. [3]
6. Exfiltrate through the Northern bunker.


1. Destroy the Flakvierling anti-aircraft cannons. [2]
- Snip the guards in the snow and move across slowly.
- Kill all the guards as you go with the sniper rifle.
- Move around and take out the guards, then blow up the first Flak 88 gun.
- Head around again and take out the next lot of guards and blow up the next

2. Intercept and destroy the supply trucks. [2]
- Head North with Walters.
- Kill the few soldiers and head along to watch the trucks blow up.
- Kill the surviving soldiers and head North again.

3. Locate the V2 launch site.
- Kill all of the people near the rocket and go down into the left bunker.

4. Fuel the rockets.
- Kill your way through the bunker and get to the switch to put some fuel into
the rockets.

5. Destroy the V2 rockets. [3]
- Head back up and plant the bombs on the 3 rockets.
- Move away as they explode.

6. Exfiltrate through the Northern bunker.
- Get to the Northern bunker and escape through the corridor.


[2.7] R U S S I A N   M I S S I O N S


 [2.7.1] - [ B E R L I N ]

Approaching the Reichstag, Berlin
April 30, 1945
1100 hrs
<-- Objectives -->
1. Destroy all enemy tank positions. [4]
2. Storm the Reichstag and get to the rooftop.
3. Hold the line until the tanks arrive.


1. Destroy all enemy tank positions. [4]
- Head up the hill and snipe the machine gunners.
- Keep to the left and kill the few machine gunners you can see from there.
- Run across and plant the explosives on the Flak 88.
- Head up and around, through the blown up building.
- Jump out the window, then back in the next one along.
- Move around and kill the Nazi's then stick the explosives on the Flak 88.
- Move down and to the right and plant more explosives on that Flak 88 then
  move away.
- Move along next to the tank, then crouch down and crawl in front of it and
  plant the explosives on it. Then move out the way.

3. Hold the line until the tanks arrive.
- Head up and through the hole in the wall made by the tank.
- Kill the few guards then snipe the machine gunners in the building until you
  get support from the tanks.

2. Storm the Reichstag and get to the rooftop.
- Go into the building and help the team dispose of the enemy guards.
- Move up towards the roof and snipe the machine gunners.
- Go up to the roof and around the corner.

- Congratulations. You beat Call Of Duty!!!
- Enjoy the ending scene and credits.


"Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy, forget in time that
men have died to win them" - Franklin D. Roosevelt.


[3] - C H E A T S   /   C O D E S


Firstly, right click on the shortcut to start Call Of Duty, then add the
following after the link to the .exe file." +set monkeytoy 0 +set sv_cheats
1". (Remove the quotes).

When in game, make sure you have the console active in options, then push the
key next to "1". On some keyboards it is "`".

In here type in "setrandom sv_cheats 1" (without the quotes again).

Finally enter in the following in the console for the desired effects.

Code                     | Effect
give                     | Gives player an object ("give mp 40", etc.)
give health              | Gives you full health .
god                      | Invulnerability .
notarget                 | The enemies won't shoot you.
noclip                   | Walk through walls and such.


Here are some extra console cheats I hacked myself:

NOTE: all of these were tested on the training mission. I'm not sure if they
work on the main missions, or on anything above "Greenhorn" difficulty.

Firstly, right click on the shortcut to start Call Of Duty, then add the
following after the link to the .exe file." +set monkeytoy 0 +set sv_cheats
1". (Remove the quotes).

When in game, make sure you have the console active in options, then push the
key next to "1". On some keyboards it is "`".

In here type in "setrandom sv_cheats 1" (without the quotes again).

Finally enter in the following in the console for the desired effects.

Code                     | Effect
give all                 | Gives the player all weapons in the game.
ufo                      | Allows the player to zoom around the level, going up
                         | with jump and down with crouch.
toggle cg_thirdperson    | Puts the camera at the 3rd person view. You are
                         | sometimes invisible.
toggle r_measureOverdraw | Puts the game in multi-colours.
toggle r_showtris        | Shows the game in wireframe.
viewpos                  | Shows your co-ordinates in the console.
toggle g_entinfo         | Shows scripts above all soldiers and highlights
                         | important objects.
toggle r_showLeafLights  | Displays lines where the light comes through the
                         | leaves.
toggle r_showtricounts   | Displays numbers on each texture.
toggle r_showportals     | Displays where you can access.
toggle cg_drawshader     | Tells you what each texture is.
toggle cg_drawgun        | Makes your weapons invisible. Useful for people with
                         | lag.
toggle r_lightmap        | Makes the ground and walls white.
toggle cg_draw2d         | Disables the on screen icons, such as radar and
                         | health. Useful for taking good screenshots.
toggle r_lockpvs         | Some textures turn invisible.
toggle r_fastsky         | Removes clouds and makes the sky lighter.
map_restart              | Restarts the current level.
r_vc_stats               | Shows some stats about the game in the console.
kill                     | Kills the player.
give ammo                | Gives the player 10 Grenades and 1 Panzerfaust. May
                         | not work on some levels.


[4] - C O P Y R I G H T S   /   C O N T A C T   E M A I L


About The Guide
All of this guide was written by Psy, and only Psy. It was written while I
played through the game, then typed up. All text here is my own work and I
won't be held responsible for any problems caused as a result of it. All
mission walkthroughs are my own way of beating the mission, and it's up to the
reader to choose if they want to follow them.

This guide can only be seen at:
And my own sites

Unless permission is granted via email. Don't steal my guide and claim it to be
your own work, or host it without asking, because you are breaking the law and
I have the power to do something about it.

Contacting Psy
You may contact Psy to ask questions about the game, or to correct mistakes in
my guide. Please use the following emails:

If its just a normal email (text), use:
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If it has an image attached or is a big file, please use:
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No spam, viruses or hate mail. I have tools, and I will use them if I'm

Copyright 2003 Simon Elliott
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.