Get into your neighborhood in Uru Prime 
To get into the neighborhood in Uru Prime (offline, it is normally only accessible online), Link in to the balcony view of the Neighborhood. It is the second page of the book with the swirly image. Turn around and face the stone tablet. Walk (don't run) into the tablet and jump. You should now be standing on the base of the statue. Don't stop running or you'll fall off. 

This part is very difficult. You must quickly turn around, turn on the caps lock to run, and jump. You are aiming to jump to the part where the circular railing meets the straight. If you do it right (it took me several tries), you'll just go over the balcony and fall into the city. If you are still having trouble, try to use the sidestep key to turn complete around and jump.

.:. Uru: Ages Beyond Myst .:.
- Walkthrough by Coelho Buda (aka Orlando Soares, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
- Version 1.2

--- A. Table of Contents ---
 A. Table of Contents
 B. Version history
 C. FAQs
 D. Walkthrough
    1. The Desert Cleft
    2. Relto Age
    3. Teledahn Age
    4. Gahreesen Age
    5. Kadish Tolesa Age
    6. Eder Kemo / Eder Gira Age
    7. Bahro Caves
    8. Return to the Desert Cleft
    9. Final considerations
 E. Short Guide to Journey Cloths
 F. Short Guide to Relto Pages
 G. Contributors
 H. Legal Stuff

--- B. Version history ---

Version 1.2 - (26.11.03) Two submissions to help improve the walkthrough in 
              Teledahn and Kadish Tolesa. One submission on Return to the 
              Desert Cleft. Updated contributors list. Updated list of sites 
              with permission to post this guide.
              (25.11.03) Minor update to list of sites with permission to post 
              this guide.
              (21.11.03) Minor update: Explanation for the tile puzzle and the 
              pillar puzzle in Kadish Tolesa. Updated contributors list.

Version 1.1 - Updated contributors list. Updated FAQ. Added a legend to 
              Kadish Tolesa Tile puzzle. Updated Final Considerations with 
              information on seeing Shroomie and new T-Shirt. Updated list of 
              sites with permission to post this FAQ.

Version 1.0 - Updated contributors list. Updated info on Relto pages.
              Finished walkthrough for the remaining areas. Finished both 
              Short Guides. Corrected a few more mistakes. Added a FAQ 

Version 0.6 - Updated bookshelf on Relto Age. Corrected a few grammatical
              errors and a few FAQ errors. Added Kadish Tolesa Age. Added
              start of Eder Kemo Age. Added Journey Cloth Short Guide and
              Relto Pages Short Guide for Kadish Tolesa. Updated list of sites
              with permission to post this FAQ.

Version 0.4 - Added Gahreesen Age. Added Journey Cloth Short Guide for Desert
              Cleft, Teledahn and Gahreesen Ages. Added Relto Pages Short
              Guide for Desert Cleft, Teledahn and Gahreesen Ages. Updated FAQ 
              with ToC and with some alterations. Corrected a few grammatical 
              errors. Added list of sites with permission to post this FAQ and 
              contributors list.

Version 0.3 - First Version. Walkthrough for Desert Cleft, Relto Age and 
              Teledahn Age.

--- C. FAQ ---

Q: How do I save the game?
A: Unfortunately, there is no way for an user to save the game when he wants 
   to. :p The game automatically saves any change you make to the Ages, and 
   the Journey Cloths save your position within an Age, enabling you to return 
   to it by linking from Relto. By default the game always loads to Relto Age.

Q: Where is ?
A: See my short guide for Journey Cloths at the end of the walkthrough. That 
   way you will not read any major spoiler.

Q: Where is ? / What does  do?
A: See my short guide for Relto pages at the end of the walkthrough. That 
   way you will not read any major spoiler.

Q: Can I change my Avatar's name/sex after I have started a game?
A: No. You are bound to the Avatar you created. If you want a different one, 
   you will have to start a new game.

Q: Why is it my KI device does not work?
A: It will only be fully functional on the Online version of the game. In the 
   single player version it controls the blue doors in Gahreesen Age.

I will post more if I come across any more common questions.

--- D. Walkthrough ---
Hello. This is my very first walkthrough. I have been to several Uru forums 
and I am still playing the game. Throughout the game I have been stuck in many 
of the places where people complain they are also stuck, and so I decided 
doing this as I way to help out everyone. 
That being said, any contributions will be gladly accepted. ^_^

Questions, contributions, corrections and general praise ^_^ can be sent to my 

Warning: This walkthrough contains major spoilers. It could seriously affect 
your enjoyment of the game. I do not give out hints or nudges. I simply state 
how a given puzzle should be solved. That said, read on at your own risk.

So without further ado, on to the game itself.


1. The Desert Cleft

After you configure your avatar, you will appear in a desert setting with a 
volcano in the distance. Behind you and to your left side there is a metal 
plate leaning against a barbed wire fence. Go around the plate, and behind it 
you will find your first Journey Cloth. Touch it and then return to your 
starting position.

Walk/run towards the trailer. Listen to what Zandi has to say, and when he is 
finished, circle towards the back of the trailer. Here is the second Journey 
Cloth, so activate it by touching it. 

Now you could go down the cleft, which is to your right, but before you do, 
let us activate the last of the surface Journey Cloths before going down. Walk 
towards the volcano and circle it to the left or to the right. Behind it you 
will find the remains of what appears to be the telescope from Riven and a 
giant ribcage skeleton from a Whark (one of those whale type sea creatures 
from Riven). Walk between the ribs of the skeleton and proceed towards the 
head. The third Journey Cloth is on the left mandible, to your right, when 
facing the desert or to your left when facing the volcano. Press your hand to 
the cloth and then return to the Cleft.

Locate the wooden ladder that leads into the Cleft and climb down. You will be 
on a ledge facing two wooden bridges, overlooking a gully. Walk towards the 
one on the right, and cross it. It will break, making you fall to the bottom 
of the gully. Turn to the right and walk until you locate what is left of 
another broken wood bridge. Walk towards it and climb it. You will be on a 
ledge with two openings. The one in front of you contains the fourth Journey 
Cloth, so enter it and touch the Cloth. The second opening has a letter from 
Atrus to Yeesha. You can read it if you want to. When you are finished, walk 
outside past the first opening and drop down to a lower ledge.

Cross the bridge made from three wooden planks to the other side. Turn to the 
left and again drop down to a lower ledge. Climb up using what is left of 
another wooden bridge, and you should arrive at Yeesha's home. Enter the room. 
Examine the drawings on the wall to your right, behind a wood plank. Copy 
those four symbols as you will need them to operate the machine opposite the 
door. But first, you will need to turn on the power.

Inside this room, turn to the left and climb down the stairs. When you arrive 
at the first floor, you will see a shaft with a lever and a wheel. Pull the 
lever to release the locking mechanism. Nothing will happen for now. Return to 
the first floor, and exit it. Fall down to the gully and walk to the end of it, 
right to the tree with the hand print on it. This is where you will be exiting 
this age, by the way. Now, climb to your right, up a small stairway and you 
should be by the outside of the room with the shaft, wheel and lever mechanism. 
Cross the gully using the second wooden bridge, the one which is right in 
front of the door, being careful not to fall through the gap on the bridge. 
Once you are on the other side, climb out of the cleft and circle it.

Go towards the wind fan generator and grab the wooden pole that sticks out 
from it. Your avatar will push it and start the generator. Return to the Cleft, 
climb down, and cross to Yeesha's home by going the same way as you did before. 
When you enter the room, the power will be on.

Touch the blue button by the door to close it. Go to the machine on the other 
side of the room, the one with the blue button, not the one with the green 
button. If you have not touched the machine until now, you will only need to 
adjust one of the buttons, the one on the right, until it looks like an eye 
with vertical lines. If not, press the four buttons until they match the ones 
on the wall. Press the blue button. Yeesha's message should play. She will 
also activate a Journey Cloth, the fifth. After the message has finished 
playing, touch the Cloth.

While inside the house, go down to the first floor and open the door by 
pressing the blue button. Go outside, fall to the gully and again cross to the 
other side as if going to Yeesha's. On the door you closed will be the sixth 
Journey Cloth, so touch it. Only one to go.

Fall down to the bottom of the gully, turn to the right and go to the tree. 
Turn to the right, climb up, climb the small stairs and cross the first bridge, 
being careful not to fall through the gap at the end. Once across, there is a 
bucket on a winch and a wooden pedal on the floor. The bucket has the seventh 
and last Journey Cloth on it. Press the pedal and it should lower the bucket. 
Once again, fall down to the gully. Walk to the bucket and touch the Cloth. 
Now you can go to the tree and open the Journey Door. Do so by touching the 
hand imprint on the tree.

Enter the tree hole and climb down the wooden ladder. Follow the path to the 
end. In this room there will be a pedestal with a book on it. This is your 
Relto book and it allows you to link to your personal age, or Relto Age, the 
island in the clouds. Say goodbye to the Cleft and touch picture in the book.


2. Relto Age

Welcome to the island in the clouds. This Age is a refuge, and the starting 
point for the rest of the game. When anything bad happens to you, you will 
automatically link to this age. It will also store the several books you will 
find throughout the other ages.

The island is not very big. It has a house, four wooden cylinders and sparse 
vegetation. You will be able to somewhat customize by finding Relto pages in 
the different ages.

Start by going to the house, and opening the door. Inside, you should see a 
small lever to your left. Operate it to open the windows and let some light in. 
In front of you there is a closet that leads to the customization menu, where 
you can alter your appearance. To the left of this closet there is a book case 
with a book describing the four ages: Teledahn (the one with the mushrooms), 
Gahreesen (the fortresses one), Kadish Tolesa (the one with the "clock" 
mechanisms) and Eder Kemo/Eder Gira (Volcano and Garden ages). To the right of 
the closet there is another bookcase that will store the different books that 
you will find throughout the ages. Once you are done checking the house, go 

Walk towards the cylinders. Touch the handprint on each one once to open them. 
Inside each, you will find a linking book. What I did was link to all of them, 
one at a time, and upon arriving at an Age I linked back to Relto. That way 
all the books will be stored in the bookcase, and you can then select the one 
you want to start from. With your back to the house this is their order:

           1      3
           2      4

1 - Eder Kemo / Eder Gira (Green handprint)
2 - Teledahn              (Orange handprint)
3 - Gahreesen             (Cyan handprint)
4 - Kadish Tolesa         (Purple handprint)

I will continue this walkthrough assuming all the books are on the bookcase. 
Their order will be like this (these are the books I have at this point, but 
there may be more):

Slot #           Book Age
 1                Desert Cleft (only appears in the end)
 2                Gahreesen and Gahreesen Prison
 3                Teledahn and Tree Stump
 4                Kadish Tolesa
 5                Eder Kemo
 6                Eder Gira
 7                Douglas Sharper's room; City Balcony view from Gahreesen;
                  Kadish Gallery; DRC Area
 8                Unknown*; City Balcony view from Kadish Tolesa
* See Final Considerations below.

Let us start with Teledahn. Press the book on the third slot and link to the 


3. Teledahn Age

You will arrive on this age inside a hut. On the floor there is a manhole, but 
as there is no power yet, you can not lift it. Go outside, and circle around 
the hut. There you will find this Age's first Journey Cloth. Touch it. Go back 
to the front of the hut and walk to the intersection. There's an elevator 
shaft here and the calling button but it will not work because there's no 
power. Walk outside, and keep walking until you see a fork. Take the left side 
and go up the ramp.

You should be on a platform with another ramp leading to a dead end as the 
ramp is broken and works as a one way return from the final area of this Age. 
There is also a sort of balloon, three levers and a button with the D'ni 
number three on it. This is a solar powered generator and you will need to 
activate it to power up the machines for this Age. To do so, you first need to 
press the button three times. This will make the balloon go up. Walk around 
the platform to the other side and there should be a periscope. Activate the 
periscope. You now have to track the Sun to provide the power. Do so by making 
the periscope rotate to the left at the same speed as the sun and with the sun 
in the middle of the aiming ring. You can then step away. Of the three levers 
only two work, so operate those two. The Age should now be powered.
Go down the ramp to the fork and again take the left side. Walk until you get 
to a lever. To the left of the lever is a small stairway leading to a pathway 
with a dark patch in front of a big bucket. This is a sort of tram. To 
activate it you need to operate the lever which is on a timer. After you 
operate it you have about five seconds to get to the bucket and climb inside, 
by clicking on it. Once you do you will be taken to the control room and be 
unceremoniously dumped on a fan. 

Note: If you miss the bucket, you will have to reset the mechanism. To do it, 
you will have to go to the lever and look at the moving buckets. When one of 
them going up crosses one of the ones coming down, operate the lever. With 
luck, this will make the bucket that is coming down stop in front of the dark 
area I referred before. Then you will have to operate the lever again, run to 
the bucket and climb aboard.

The control room has an elevator to your left, a control console to the left 
and slightly in front of you, two openings with telescopes to the right and 
the second Journey Cloth on the wall between these openings. Touch it to save 
your progress. If you want to, you can use the telescopes to enjoy the view of 

Go to the elevator and you should see a pedal to the right of it. Press it to 
release the brake. The elevator is now operational. Before you use it though, 
go to the console. You will need to unlock the manhole inside the hut and 
drain some water from a section of this Age.

The top area of the console shows what is powered, the lever to the left 
controls the tram and the switch to the right of this lever determines whether 
the tram will function as a "round trip" or "one way" ride. Leave these alone. 
What you need to do is operate the middle lever, to drain the section I told 
you about and to move the rightmost switch so that the manhole becomes 

Now walk to the elevator and press the blue button. The blue button makes the 
elevator go up and the yellow button makes it go down. This will take you to 
the top floor. This room has another telescope, windows you can open by 
operating a lever by one of them, books and papers you should read, a bed and 
a fish tank. Copy the diagram with the numbered squares in D'ni from 1 to 7. 
You will need it to solve the pressure plate puzzle. There is also the third 
Journey Cloth which you should activate. Behind the crate, next to the bed is 
the first of the Relto pages. Touch it to append it to your book. This page 
allows you to customize the roof of the Hut in Relto. (Thanks to Mark for the 

Note: As I said before, the Relto pages allow you to customize your personal 
Age. After the page is in the book, when it is bright green the effect will be 
applied to the Age. When it is dull green, the Age will not have that effect 

Anyway, you should now go to the fish tank, and press the top button by the 
red light for three seconds. A panel slides down and a linking book appears. 
Touch the picture to link to a room with two divisions. The first division has 
three paintings and the second division has a desk with some papers and a 
diary. It is Douglas Sharper's diary. Read it if you want to learn a bit more 
about Teledahn Age. It is quite a long read. This division also has an opening 
that leads to yet another telescope. Next to the telescope, on its left, is a 
linking stone to a Tree Stump, which is a dead end. Link to it, than link back 
to Relto, and then back to Teledahn (thanks to Nolpscpj and Warren Odgers for 
the info).

You are now back in the room above the control room. Take the elevator down to 
the control room, and down again to the hut at the beginning of the Age. Enter 
the hut. The manhole is now unlocked, which means you can pull the lid to open 
it. Do so.

Climb down the metal rung ladder until you are at the bottom of the cistern. 
Get of the ladder platform, circle to the right until you find another ladder 
and climb down this one too. You will be at the bottom of a water pipe. Run up 
the pipe and when you get to a level section there should be an opening to 
your right. Go through it, and climb the stone steps. You are now in the 
pressure plate room.

This room is a sort of a cell. When you enter turn to your right and activate 
the fourth Journey Cloth. Now let us deal with the pressure plate puzzle. 
There are seven pressure plates in the floor. If you read the diagram in the 
office above the control room, you should know the number for each one. I will 
try to reproduce the diagram below:

   |---|           |---|    
   |   | 4         |---| 2   
   |---|           |---|    

    |---|         |---|
    |   | 7       |   | 6
    |---|         |---|

     |---|       |---|
     |   | 1     |   | 3
     |---|       |---|

           |   | 5

If you look through the bars of the cell door on the right, you will see a set 
of square markers on the wall. Three will be down (light grey) and four will 
be up (orange/dark yellow). Each of these markers corresponds to one of the 
pressure plates. Assume they are numbered from left to right starting from 1 
and going to 7. You need to put weights on the corresponding plates that are 
up. So, following the diagram you will need to put weights on pressure plates 
two, four, six and seven. This will open both cell doors. Go through one of 
them and when you are on the other side, change the position of one of the 
markers. This will make the cell doors close and the door out of this room 
open. If by any chance you want to return to the prison, remember the marker 
you changed so that you know which plate to put/remove weight on/from.

Walk through the now opened door. Proceed down the hallway. Exit to a wooden 
walkway. Go down the stairs to your right to another wooden walkway. At the 
end you will find a raised plank and a lever. Do a running jump and slam into 
it. The plank will lower a bit. Operate the lever and it will lower completely 
allowing you to cross to the other side (thanks to tcgrant for this 
correction). Cross the plank and continue forward and up the stone stairs.

Note: if you operate the lever before slamming it, it will only lower halfway. 
It is still usable, and this was how I was doing it before the correction sent 
by tcgrant.

You will come to a docking area, with crates on both sides of a door, a raised 
platform and the fifth Journey Cloth. Do not worry about it yet. You will 
return here in a few moments. For now open the door and go in. This room has a 
metal stairway, a few crates, some mushrooms, and a linking stone below the 
stairs. Do not touch the picture on it. It links to the second part of the 
Gahreesen Age, and you will return here to use it when the time comes. For now, 
go up the metal stairs, open the door and go through. This hallway has four 
exits corridors. The one you are in leads back to the dock. The one to your 
right with the Journey Door, the one in front of you that leads outside to a 
metal walkway with a lever and a metal wall that you can raise or lower, and 
finally one directly in front of the Journey Door, which is the one you will 
now take.

At the beginning of this corridor you will see the sixth Journey Cloth on the 
left wall. Activate it. Now proceed down the corridor and exit to a walkway 
above the sea. Continue forward until you arrive at a machine. This is a sort 
of gun. You will use it to blow some rocks that are holding a ladder up by the 
fifth Journey Cloth. The controls for the gun are similar to the ones for the 
Solar Generator. The green knob controls the zoom, and the blue button fires. 
The other buttons control the movement of the aiming ring. Aim and blow up two 
rocks, the ones closest to the ladder on both sides. If you want, you can blow 
up the other two. The ladder will fall down. Now, return to the docking area.

Climb to the raised platform by using the crates on the left side of the door. 
Jump across the gap, and continue to the fifth Journey Clot. Activate it. 
Continue forward and climb the wooden ladder. Once at the top, you will be in 
a room with a door that leads down to a secret door on the room below. The 
seventh and final Journey Cloth is on a wall. Activate it. 

Now, to leave this age climb down and activate the fifth Journey Cloth again, 
so that when you link back here you will arrive at the docking area. This will 
help solve the second part of the Gahreesen Age. Enter the room with the metal 
stairway, climb up the stairs and go through the door. Proceed towards the 
Journey door and activate it, by pressing the hand imprint. Walk through into 
the darkness and you should arrive at the Bahro caves.

Listen to Yeesha and wait until the glowing man on the wall stops glowing. 
Then activate the hand imprint on the wall so that the totem disappears. To 
finish Teledahn, jump into the Void or link back to Relto. Next up, Gahreesen.

4. Gahreesen Age

While in Relto, go inside your hut and select the second book from your 
bookcase. Click on the picture to link to Gahreesen Age. You will appear in 
the middle of a hexagonal room. Walk through the only exit, cross and exit the 
next room and then turn right in the hallway.

Go down this hallway, through the next door and continue until you see two 
signaling cones. To your right is a door. Go through it. You should be in a 
room with some closets on the walls. Some are opened and some are closed. With 
your back to the door, turn right and go to the last closet. In here there is 
linking stone. Touch it to link to your first view of the City. You will 
appear in a balcony and will have to link back to Relto to continue. Do so. 
You will also notice that there is a new book on the bookshelf. It corresponds 
to the link you just found. 

Link to Gahreesen again, and go to the room you just left. This time, with 
your back to the door turn left, and exit through the door. This leads to a 
room with a KI device dispenser. You must operate it, because you need the KI 
device to operate the doors and elevators in this level once you have powered 
up the Age. The other functions will only be active for those of you who have 
access to the online portion of the game.

Exit this room through the door past the orange cones. This next room has a 
crevice in the middle. Before going down there to retrieve your second Relto 
page, jump across and climb the debris. Behind it, there is a recess and the 
first Journey Cloth for this age is on its left wall. Activate it. Now climb 
the debris again, and fall into the crevice. Touch the Relto page to add it to 
your book. This page allows rocks and logs to appear in front of the hut. 
Again, since this is a dead end, link back to Relto to continue.

Once you are in Relto, link to Gahreesen using the Journey Cloth marker. You 
will appear in the crevice room. Climb the debris and exit this room through 
the door on your right. Walk along the hallway and through the door. Continue 
walking along until you see a crack in the wall. Step through it into the next 
room. Climb the wall in front of you. Once at the top, you will see the second 
Journey Cloth to your left. Activate it. Now climb down or jump across to the 
other side of the room. If you do not make the jump do not worry. You can 
climb up using the metal grate on the other side of the room.

Walk along the ledge and climb the fallen stone slab until you reach the 
debris. Climb it (three jumps should be enough). Once you are up there, turn 
left and walk between the cones. Cross the gap using the wooden plank. Now 
exit through the hole in the wall and continue in front, going behind the 
protection barrier. Walk to the end of this tunnel and you should see a fast 
rotating wall. Keep walking into it. You will enter the hole in the wall and 
it will carry you around. When you see a large room, exit as soon as you can.

This room has a huge cogwheel on the floor with two pedals. There are four 
buttons with labels in the back wall, and a bit to the left of them, behind a 
structure, there is a plate you can step on to power a generator. There are 
also to doors. This puzzle will take a bit of effort to solve. I suggest you 
lock on running mode, as it is easier if you do so. Familiarize yourself with 
the layout of the room and when you are ready, activate the third Journey 
Cloth on the left of the four buttons.

Go to the plate and step on it until the column is at the highest it will go. 
Now run to the first button (leftmost, nearest to the Journey Cloth, labeled 
with three sticks) and pull it. Run back to the plate and step on it until the 
column is at the highest point. If you let it come down all the way to the 
floor throughout the puzzle, you will have to start over. When ready, run to 
one of the cog pedals and operate it. Run back to the plate and let it charge 
to the top. Run to the other pedal and operate it. Run back to the plate and 
let it charge to the top. Run to the second button from the left (labeled with 
a cogwheel) and pull it. You can now let the column reach the floor as the 
cogwheel will raise giving power to the doors and elevators. Pull the 
remaining two buttons to give power to the elevators outside. The Age is now 
powered up.

Exit this room via the door on the left. When you get close to it a blue light 
will blink and it will open. Doors with blinking green lights do not open. 
Proceed along the hallway. Pass the green blinking door on your right and go 
through the door at the end. You are back in the hallway with the tunnel to 
the rotating wall on your left and a hole to the room with the plank on your 
right. Enter this hole and fall down near the wooden plank. You will be back 
in the room with the crevice and the Relto page. Jump across the crevice, go 
through the door and you should be on the KI dispenser room. This time use the 
door in front of the dispenser to exit this room. In front of you is an 
elevator. Press the button on the middle of the door and you will 
automatically be taken up.

Once you are outside, take a moment to enjoy the view. You are on the top of 
the rotating building. When you are ready, turn to your left (when your back 
is to the elevator) and cross the walkway until the end. Wait for the stone 
with the fourth Journey Cloth to come into view and jump to it. Activate the 
cloth. With your back to the cloth, if you walk slightly to the left, you will 
see a stone mesa a bit down. To the right of this mesa, and on a lower level, 
is the Journey Door to leave this age. You will be returning here, so do not 
forget this place. 

Turn towards the other big rotating building and wait for one of the walkways 
to line up with the mesa you are on. Jump to the walkway and run across it 
until you get to the door. Enter the building.

This first room is empty. Climb the stairs and exit through the door at the 
top. You are now in an intersection with a door in front of you, a door behind 
you and two open corridors to both sides of you. Go inside the room in front 
of you. This building was built for two teams of Maintainers (as you will find 
out in a bit). Accordingly, it has two rooms of three different types: control, 
locker and conference. Now, depending through which side you entered the 
building, you should be in one of these rooms. What you need to find are both 
conference rooms. They are on opposite sides of the building.

The conference room has a big round table and chairs in it. The locker room 
has a suit as if it was in display. The control room has a chair at the end 
and machines to both sides of it. One of the conference rooms has a handbook 
about the KI device. The other one has a notebook about Gahreesen and the 
fifth Journey Cloth. Find the one with the Journey Cloth and activate it. 
After that you will need to make a small detour to Teledahn to continue our 
journey. So, link back to Relto, and from there use the Journey marker to 
return to the Docking Area in Teledahn. If you are following this guide, you 
should appear near the fifth Journey Cloth, in the Docking Area.

Enter the Docking Area room, and find the linking stone I referred earlier. It 
is below the metal stairway, behind some crates. Touch the picture to link to 
the Prison Area in Gahreesen.

You will appear inside a prison cell. To your left is the sixth Journey Cloth. 
Behind you, on the pillow in the cot is the third Relto page. This one adds a 
waterfall and lake to the island in the clouds. You can see it behind and to 
the right of the hut. After adding the page to your book, activate the Journey 
Cloth and then climb down the manhole.

You are now in the cell corridors. Turn around and walk to the inner corridor. 
You can now turn left or right and walk towards the green light. You need to 
find a recess with a metal ladder leading up. When you do, climb it. At the 
top of the ladder, walk around to your left and enter the door. Go to the 
middle of this room and climb one of the metal ladders. At the top, you will 
again be outside. This is the top of the big rotating building. The last 
Journey Cloth, the seventh, is on the back of one of the outer stone pillars. 
Find it and activate it. When you do, link back to Relto.

Link back to Gahreesen, by using the main link. You can turn pages in the 
linking books, in case you had not found out by now. Anyway, once you are back 
in Gahreesen, go to the KI dispenser room. Exit through the door in front of 
it, and use the elevator to go to the top of the small rotating building. Once 
there, you will need to jump to the middle mesa where the fourth Journey Cloth 
is. Press the cloth to save your position in case you fall. Now, with your 
back to the Journey Cloth, walk a bit to the left of the raised section in 
front of you. You should see a lower stone mesa down there. Do a running jump 
to it. With a bit of luck, you should land smack in the middle. Turn to your 
right and you should see the Journey Door. Line up with it and do another 
running jump.

Once you have landed, walk to the door and touch the hand imprint. Walk into 
the darkness and you should automatically link to the Bahro Caves. Listen to 
Yeesha's story and wait until the glowing man on the wall stops glowing. Press 
the hand imprint on the wall to make the totem disappear. To finish Gahreesen, 
jump into the Void or link back to Relto. Next up, Kadish Tolesa.

5. Kadish Tolesa Age

While in Relto, go inside your hut and click on the fourth book to open it and 
link to Kadish Tolesa Age. This is one of the most difficult Ages to solve. It 
is also one of the most beautiful ones, at least in my opinion. Fortunately, 
there are a few clues to help you with the puzzles, in a place called Kadish 
Gallery. But first things, first.

You arrive on this age on a room with fallen leaves, a huge tree trunk and two 
exits. One on the left, through a high arch which is broken, and the other, on 
the right, has an arch with a lamp and is also broken. Go through the left one 
and walk along the path.

You will arrive at a circular room with a broken walkway all the way around it. 
Go around this walkway to the other side of the room. On the back of the last 
pillar is the first Journey Cloth. Activate it. Now retrace your steps to the 
beginning of the walkway and climb the stairs to the dais. On your left will 
be the controls for the clockwork machine and on the left, a linking book to 
the Kadish Gallery. Link to it.

You are now in the Kadish Gallery. This room has clues for most of the puzzles 
in this age, so I suggest you take a good look around. Also, if you can, do 
print screens of the paintings (you can even use Paint for this) or copy them 
to paper. It is also important to note all the figures in the rotating 
pyramids on the back wall and the corresponding numbers. There is a painting 
with rotating numbers, a painting with three blue buttons, a red square and a 
path in white, and a painting with three circles each of which with areas 
highlighted in white. When you are finished, return to the room with the dais 
that you just left, via linking book in the middle of the Gallery.

Go to the machine controls and activate them. If you have the print screen of 
the painting with the three circles this will be a lot easier to explain. If 
not it will be a bit difficult. You need to get the wheels in the positions 
shown on the painting. This one corresponds to the top circle. The three 
buttons control each of the wheels. Do not press any button until you have 
finished reading this paragraph. The left one controls the outer wheel, the 
middle one controls the middle wheel, and the right one, the right wheel. If 
you have not pressed any button, to solve the puzzle press the left button 
four times, the middle button one time and the right button five times.

Return to the starting room, and take the right path, through the lit broken 
arch. Walk along the way, through the circular opening, and when you arrive at 
an intersection, go left. Pass under the large clock like structure and you 
should arrive at a room with another dais. Climb the stairs and go around to 
the right. Activate the second Journey Cloth. It is on the dais wall. 
Afterwards, go around to the left. Near the back wall there is a linking stone. 
Touch it. This leads to your second view of the D'ni City. You will need to 
link back to Relto, and back to Kadish Tolesa via Journey Marker to continue.

You will appear in the room with the linking stone to the City. This time 
climb up the dais to another controlling machine. This one corresponds to the 
middle circle in the painting. To align it press the right button three times.

Climb down the dais and return to the intersection. Go straight ahead into a 
room with the final controlling machine. This one corresponds to the bottom 
circle on the painting. To align it press the left button three times, the 
middle button seven times and the right button three times. If all the 
machines are aligned correctly, a door will open at the end of this room.

Note: here are the diagrams submitted by Piha to help you with this puzzle.

       /-----------               /-----------
     /       |                  /       |       
   /         |                /    /-------   / 
 /           |              /    /           /    
|            |            | |                       |
|            |            | |        O            |   |
|           /-   |       | |           O     |   |   |
|   |---|   | |   |-      | |   |---|        |-  |   |
|   |   |   -/   |       | |   |   |        |       |
|   |           /        | |   |          /        |
|      /  ---/          | |      /  ---/         |
                 /    /                   /    /
        -------/    /            -------/    /
                    /                          /
       -----------/               -----------/

     /       |       
   /    /-------   / 
 /    /           /    
|          /---         |
|        /     /     |   |
|       |   O    |   |   |
|       |---||   |---|   |
|       |   -/          |
|                       |
|       /    O           |
     /      |          /
   /        |        /
            |       /

Exit through the now open room. Exit the circular room and turn to your left. 
Press the blue button. It will block you from returning to the section you 
left, but will reveal the third Journey Cloth inside the circular room. 
Activate it. If you need to return to the beginning of the Age, you will need 
to realign the clockwork mechanisms.

Continue forward to a balcony overlooking a cylindrical room with a spiraling 
downward slope. Proceed down. Near the bottom, there will be a balcony with 
five buttons. Assuming the one nearest to where you step off of the spiraling 
slope is number one, you need to press buttons number two, three and five. 
This will light a pattern equal to the painting with the red square I 
described above. Go down the small staircase at the end of this balcony and 
walking on the outside of the room, being careful not to step on anything, 
walk to the point corresponding to the red square on the painting. You now you 
are there when you are facing the balcony. You need to walk the dark path in 
front of you to the centre of the room, without touching any lighted parts. 
When you do, the path will lower, revealing an exit. Take it. Climb up the 
stairs and do not touch the blue button unless you want to solve this puzzle 
again when you return to this age.

Continue forward along the winding corridor until you arrive at a large open 
area, with a lake. Turn left and proceed towards a small staircase. Before you 
climb it and pass through the door, take a look to your right. You should see 
a Relto page in the distance. Go and get it by jumping across to the other 
side. Touch the page to add it to your book. This one allows the pine trees to 
grow on Relto. It has to be used with the rain making one to have any effect, 
and even so you will need to wait a while. Mine have not started to grow yet.

Jump across the gap and climb the steps. Enter a room with a large pyramid. Go 
around it to the right to find the fourth Journey Cloth hidden on a recess on 
the pyramid wall. Activate it. Return to the front of the pyramid and go in. 
Climb the staircase in front of you and operate the blue button on the balcony 
overlooking the room. This will light up the floor. Climb down from the pulpit.
Walk around the now lit floor until you hear a rumbling sound (for me it 
happened near the tile marked with an "o"). Return to the pulpit and press the 
blue button again. This time the floor should turn cyan. If the floor does not 
turn cyan, keep messing with the switch and walk on the floor until it does. I 
will try to reproduce the floor and correct path as best as I can:

      |*|/-| |
   /--/| |-//-
   | |/--//-| |
/--/|*|/-| |-//-            Legend: 
| |/--/| |-//-| |            E   - End
-/|*|/--//-| |-/            S   - Start
/--/| |/-| |-//-            *   - Path to follow
| |/--/|*|-//-| |            o   - Rumbling sound
-/|*|/--//-| |-/            /-
/--/|*|/-|*|-//-            | | - hexagonal floor tile
| |/--/| |-//-| |            -/
-/|o|/--//-| |-/
/--/| |/-|*|-//-
| |/--/| |-//-| |
-/| |   -/   |*|-/
   -/         -/

Hope you can make something out of this. Return to the floor and, starting on 
the right side of the room, look for a tile that has a picture of a tree. You 
will need to cross the floor by stepping only on tree tiles (the tiles marked 
above with the *). When you get to the last tile, it should lower taking you 
with it to the next section and to the next puzzle.

Note - my explanation for this puzzle: the theme for this Age seems to be 
"What's missing?" but the mood is definitely "Trees". Throughout the game the 
symbol associated with  Kadish is a tree, you start the age in a tree room 
with fallen leaves, trees are what you see most in this Age and the several 
representations for tree are present in the paintings of the Gallery and in 
the spinning triangle for column one. When I saw the first tile with the tree 
symbol and the other ones next to it forming a path, it was a matter of 
following it to the end. I agree it was somewhat of a hunch and the solution 
for this puzzle is extremely subjective, requiring a degree of lateral 
thinking that borders on insanity. You could say I got lucky with this one. 
^_^ It compensates for the time I spent in the pillar room trying random 
combinations until I got it right. :p

As for turning the floor lighting from white to cyan, opinions are still 
divided on this one: I have read posts that state you have to wait a minute 
after pressing the button and the floor will turn cyan; others say you have to 
press the button, walk the floor, and press the button again; still others say 
that you just press the button once, and then press it again without waiting 
or walking the floor; for me the way it worked is the way I described; I don't 
know which is the right one. I guess we will have to wait until someone can 
offer an explanation that works all the time for all the people, or for 
someone with the official strategy guide to post how the bedeviled thing works.

Exit the elevator tile, do not press the blue button and proceed forward. To 
your right will be the fifth Journey Cloth. Activate it. Continue on to the 
next room.

This room has four pillars, four levers, a button to reset the pillars and 
four counterweights. There are many possible configurations for the pillars, 
but you only need to use two. One to get to the sixth Journey Cloth that is 
near the ceiling of the room and the other to reach the middle of the room and 
continue to the next puzzle. The counterweights limit the number of times you 
can pull a lever to raise a pillar. Assume the levers are numbered from 1 to 4, 
left to right. Each lever controls a pillar: number one controls the closest 
to you, number four the farthest from you, with two and three controlling the 
middle ones.

To set the pillars so you can go to sixth Journey Cloth do the following: pull 
the fourth lever four times, the third lever three times and the second lever 
one time. The counterweights should now be at the bottom. Climb the pillars, 
go up the stairs at the top and continue to the sixth Journey Cloth. Activate 
it. Turn left and descend using the stairwell. Operate the lever at the bottom 
to open a secret door. Return to the levers and press the blue button to reset 
the pillars.

To set the pillars and continue your journey, pull lever one once, lever two 
four times, lever three once and lever four two times. Four weights will rise, 
and some metal rings and a metal ladder will fall from the ceiling to the top 
of the second pillar. Climb the second pillar. When you are at the top, climb 
the metal ladder and exit to the next area.

Note - explanation for pillar puzzle (thanks to Chris Bailey and Uriel 
Klieger). The rotating wheel they are referring to is the one found at the 
Kadish Gallery. 

Chris Bailey wrote:
"The colored rectangles in the middle represent the levers that you pull to 
raise the platforms. They assume you are standing behind the switches, facing 
the platforms. So the farthest from the reset button is red, then white, then 
green, then blue.

The bronze-ish colored number panels are just there to confuse you, ignore 
them. The way this clue works is similar to the vault combination puzzle. Each 
color has three corresponding numbered panels. I noticed that each of the four 
colored rectangles has one number that is not on a similarly colored panel. 
When I figured what each missing number was for each color, I came up with the 
sequence, from left to right, 1-4-1-2. Red was missing 1, White was missing 4, 
Green was missing 1, and Blue was missing 2. As you know, this is the 
combination necessary to advance in the level."

Uriel Klieger wrote:
"There are four colored rectangles in the center (Red, White, Green, Blue), 
which correspond to the four handles in the column room, in order, if you're 
at the controls. 

Around the wheel, there are a number of pointless brown spots and 
several colored ones corresponding to the four colors. Each has an unique 
number from 1 to 4. Their order is irrelevant; but they are as follows: 
Red:   234                                       Red: 1 
White: 213           So what's missing?        White: 4 
Green: 432                                     Green: 1 
Blue:  143                                      Blue: 2"


Continue to the Vault area, and the last puzzle. Proceed along the path to an 
area with a console and six buttons. One of them is labeled with the D'ni 
number I. All you have to do is figure out the order for pressing the 
remaining buttons. Remember the rotating triangles in the Kadish Gallery? Each 
had three symbols on it, and the column had a D'ni number. Look at the panel. 
Above each button there are four symbols. By making a correspondence between 
panel symbols and column numbers, you have the following numbers represented 
in each button:

                1         2        3        4        5        6
Represented: 3 4 6 2    4 5 6    6 2 5   2 6 1 3  1 4 3 5  4 3 5 2
Missing:       1 5      1 2 3    1 3 4     4 5      2 6      1 6

It is important to know the missing numbers, because they will let you know 
the order in which the buttons should be pressed. By default, the first button 
has to be pressed first. Remove number 1 from the other buttons missing list 
and number 5 from the first button because you already know one is the correct 

                1         2        3        4        5        6
Missing:        1        2 3      3 4      4 5      2 6       6

From this you know that the sixth button will have to be the sixth one to be 
pressed. Remove number 6 from the missing list:

                1         2        3        4        5        6
Missing:        1        2 3      3 4      4 5       2        6

From this you know that the fifth button will have to be the second one to be 
pressed. Remove number 2 from the missing list:

                1         2        3        4        5        6
Missing:        1         3       3 4      4 5       2        6

From this you know that the second button will have to be the third one to be 
pressed. Remove number 3 from the missing list:

                1         2        3        4        5        6
Missing:        1         3        4       4 5       2        6

From this you know that the third button will have to be the fourth one to be 
pressed. Remove number 4 from the missing list:

                1         2        3        4        5        6
Missing:        1         3        4        5        2        6

From this you know that the fourth button will have to be the fifth one to be 
pressed. Now that you know the code, press the buttons in the correct order 
and the vault door will open. Go up the path and enter the vault.

Besides the treasure, the vault contains the skeleton of long dead Guild 
Master Kadish, a note written in D'ni with some annotations in red, a linking 
book with a one way trip to Kadish Gallery and the seventh Journey Cloth on 
the back wall. You will have to jump around the crates in front of the Cloth 
to get to it. When you do, activate it. You are now ready to leave this age.

Go outside and return to the console area. With your back to it, turn a bit to 
the left and walk to the edge, near the broken part. You know you are in the 
right place when the camera tilts to give you a view from above. You should 
see a pipe leading downwards to the Journey Door. Drop down to it and follow 
it to the end. Jump down to the stone platform. Press the hand imprint on the 
Journey Door to open it and continue forward into the Bahro Caves. Once again 
wait for Yeesha's speech to end (the glowing man stops glowing) and press the 
hand on the wall to make the totem disappear. To finish Kadish Tolesa, jump 
into the Void or link back to Relto. Next up, Eder Kemo / Eder Gira Age.

6. Eder Kemo / Eder Gira Age

These are both the most beautiful and most annoying Ages of the whole game, 
because of the way some puzzles have to be solved and the way your avatar is 

While in Relto, go inside your hut and click on the fifth book to open it and 
link to Eder Kemo Age, land of volcanoes, geysers and waterfalls. Eder Kemo 
has night and day cycles, so depending on the time the Age will be bright or 

You will appear in an area with two geysers, two wooden lids, a few plants and 
a climbing slope in front of you. Begin by turning left and stepping on the 
pedal that controls the cover of the geyser. Turn around and climb the slope. 
Turn right and go as close as you can to the edge. Looking down you should see 
a ledge. You will have to drop down to it very gently so as not to fall into 
the lava bellow. When you manage to do it, activate your first Journey Cloth 
for this Age. Turn towards the middle of the canyon and jump to the geyser. If 
you miss the jump, or get tired of trying to do it, take the long way to the 
other side of the canyon and jump from there. When you get to the geyser in 
the middle of the canyon, operate the cover to close it. Turn around and do a 
running jump to the other side. 

There are two geysers in this area. Cover both of them. From the geyser 
farthest from the wall, climb up the slope and cross the natural bridge. 
Continue along the path until you get to an open area with the last geyser. 
Cover it also. Continue following the path and eventually you will return to 
the starting point. By now, the uncovered geyser in the starting area should 
have enough pressure to lift you up in the air. Step into it to be lifted 
towards the second Journey Cloth. Activate it and drop down to the starting 

Walk all the way back to the other place that has two geysers and uncover the 
one closest to the wall. Once again, return to the starting area and cover the 
geyser that is not covered. Return to the previous area and step on the 
uncovered geyser. You will be thrown to the other side of the wall, and to a 
new area.

Note: there are six geysers in Eder Kemo, but only five can be covered at the 
same time. If you cover all six, the pressure will be too much releasing every 
cover, and you will have to cover to ones that interest you all over again. 
That is way you will have to do a bit of back-and-forth on this age.

Proceed along the path through some arches and between some giant ribs. You 
will get to an area with a lake and waterfalls. You will be seeing a lot of 
this area as this will be the place for one of the most annoying puzzles of 
Uru. If you keep on walking you will see a circular area with some wood 
planking and a wooden plinth with a linking book. This books links to Eder 
Gira, the Garden Age. Before you go there, start setting up this area to solve 
the cave puzzle. Cross the small river that is to the left of the Eder Gira 
linking book. Across it, you will find a standing stone with a linking stone 
in it. This links to a dead end, a DRC area. Do not use it yet. You will get 
back to it later.

Go behind the waterfalls, and it should be very dark. Go as far left as you 
can without entering a small tunnel. Walk to the back wall of the cave and 
turn around so that you are looking at the waterfall. You should be able to 
see a silhouette of a machine. Move the cursor around the top-middle of the 
machine and when it indicates you can click on something, do. This will turn 
on the first steam light generator. On the right side of the cave you fill 
find another one of these. Turn it on also. 

Note: If you can not find the generators, do not worry. Continue from the 
point where I write about pushing the wooden stool thing. When you return here 
with some fireflies from Eder Gira Age it will be easier to turn the 
generators on.

Now that you have some light, look for something that looks like two wooden 
stools tied together. You will find it behind the wall between the two 
waterfalls, inside the cave. You can push it around, and that is what you will 
have to do. I will refer to it as wood stools. Push the wood stools into the 
lake and continue pushing it towards the small river. Wedge it between the two 
banks so that it forms a sort of bridge. The place to do this is in front of 
the stone that looks like a bone sticking out of the floor, near the beginning 
of the river. It is very important to test the bridge before coming here with 
the fireflies, because if you as much as touch a bit of water, they will fly 
away, making you go back to Eder Gira. After you are comfortable with the 
positioning of your bridge, go to the Eder Gira linking book, and link out of 
Eder Kemo.

You will arrive in this Age on the middle of a stone gazebo. It occasionally 
rains in this Age. This will only be a problem if you are walking with 
fireflies, because they do not like water and will fly away if they get wet. 

Climb the stairs in front of you and run straight ahead, crossing the stone 
arch bellow you,  until you get to a large open garden with a huge stone, 
surrounded by trees. This stone has the third Journey Cloth on its side, so 
activate it. To the right of the stone is a pavilion. Behind it, and to its 
right, there is a small recess with lots of small trees. Enter this recess and 
you should find the fourth Journey Cloth on the right wall. Return to the 
large open area. Take the path between the huge stone and the pavilion, going 
away from the fountain that is on the other end of the area. You should see 
the Journey Door to your right. Walk past it and through the small tunnel to 
the next garden.

Keep walking past the brain like trees, until you get to a fork in the path. 
Turn right and walk a little bit further in. To your left there is a circular 
area with lots of drawings on the walls, a stone bench and a lamp high on the 
wall. Climb the stone ledge that leads to the lamp, and you should find the 
fifth Journey Cloth on the lamp arm. Activate it. Climb back down, and 
continue to the Puffer Plants area. 

Climb down the stairs to the first Puffers. There's a wood pavilion to your 
right. Go to this area. When you enter it, go to the left side and turn to 
around. You should see the sixth Journey Cloth on the wall to your right. 
Activate it. Now, continue ahead to the next Puffer area, past the lamp on 
your left and stop before entering the next tunnel. Climb either side of the 
tunnel and at the top you will find a book about King Shomat. With your back 
to the tunnel, and while on top of its entrance, you should see a Relto page 
in a seemingly inaccessible area, to the right, between the two Puffer areas. 

Still with your back to the wall climb down the right side. Before you go 
completely down, line up with the stone that is closest to you. You will have 
to do a running jump to get on top of it. The Puffer closest to it will help 
you stop. Once you do, turn to the area with the page and do a running jump to 
it. Click on the Relto page to add it to your book. This one allows for some 
decorations to be applied to the hut. Climb down from this raised area and go 
catch some fireflies.

Note: there is another way of reaching that page, and it might be easier. It 
has been recently post (21.11.03) in the Uru Live forum, along with some 
screenshots explaining how to, that it is possible to walk/jump up the stone. 
This must be done with your Caps Lock off. I have not tried it but it seems to 

Return to the brain trees and find the buzzing firefly cloud. Walk through it 
once, so that some stick to you, allow it to drift away a bit and walk through 
again. This will ensure that you have a bigger cloud of flies buzzing around 
you. Notice that I said walk. One of the other things they do not like is fast 
movement, so as long as you have them around you do not run or jump (ok, you 
are allowed one jump, but you will have to use it to cross the waterfalls on 
Eder Kemo). The other thing they do not like is steam, so you will have to be 
careful when you return to Eder Kemo because linking back from Eder Gira will 
place you in front of a steam vent. If you step on it, the fireflies will 

Now that you have learned how to care for your fireflies, walk back to the 
tunnel after the Puffer area. If it starts raining before you get there, find 
shelter or wait for it to stop and catch the fireflies again. Continue through 
the tunnel to the other side. Cross the stones over the water. Do not worry 
about falling in, because you can not. Enter the room at the end of the stone 
path. Go to the linking book and link back to Eder Kemo.

Do not move! If at any time you loose the fireflies, you will have to go back 
to Eder Gira to collect some more. If you do, always make sure you collect two 

Now, avoiding the steam vent in front of you, cross the small river by using 
the wooden stools you have previously wedged in it. Walk around the huge stone 
jutting out from the floor in front of you, past the other stone with the 
linking stone in it until you are close to the waterfall and hug the right 
wall. Get as close to the edge as you can without falling into the water and 
do a standing jump to the cave. If you have not turned the generators on, do 
so now. It should be easier to find them with the helping light of the 
fireflies. Proceed to the left side of the cave.

Climb up the tunnel, and when you arrive at the next room, turn the generator 
you find there on. Find the switch on the wall and open the large door in this 
room. There is another tunnel leading out from this room, close to the one you 
used to enter, but do not worry about it now. You can now run again without 
worrying about loosing the fireflies, because you will loose them in a moment. 
Run through the open door, up the small corridor. You will arrive at a room 
behind another waterfall. Exit toward a lake, turn left, and go behind the 
waterfall you find here. There are two more wooden stools here. Push both of 
them outside to the lake. Push them over the wall so that they fall to the 
lake below. Jump to the lake below.

You will have to push both wooden stools, one at a time, to the area behind 
the waterfall to the right, more precisely, to the place you jumped with the 
fireflies to enter the cave. Push both against the wall so that they form a 
bridge. They should be side by side with one flat hexagonal top to the wall 
and the other turned to you. Test them to make sure you will not fall into the 
water when trying to cross them. You have to do this because you need to use 
the "jump-only-once-capability-while-surrounded-by-fireflies" on another place. 
Return to Eder Gira, collect some more fireflies, and return to Eder Kemo.

Once again, avoid the steam vent in front of you, cross the small river via 
first wooden stools, walk close to the entrance to the cave. Using both wooden 
stools as a bridge, cross to the cave. Walk to the tunnel at the end and climb 
it. When you arrive at the other generator room, turn left and exit through 
the dark tunnel. Walk to the end of the tunnel and exit to a ledge with the 
waterfalls to your left. Follow the ledge around until you get to a small 
stream that falls into the lake below. This is where you need to do the 
standing jump you are allowed to do with the fireflies. 

Once you are on the other side of the river, continue along the ledge and 
enter the cave at its end. Locate the light generator and turn it on. Once 
again, you can now run, and forget about the fireflies. You do not need them 
anymore. You should now be able to see the seventh Journey Cloth on the wall. 
Activate it and we are almost ready to leave this age. Return to the lake and 
go to the place where the linking stone is. Link through the picture.

This is a DRC area, and it is a dead end. It has several tables with books 
about D'ni Kings, D'ni Society, D'ni Religion and D'ni Customs. It also has an 
unusable Journey Cloth with a Post-It stuck to it. There is a telescope that 
allows you to look down on the City. Explore all you like, read the books and 
notes you find, and when you are ready to leave, link to Relto.

Once in Relto, take a moment to admire the decoration of the hut. When you are 
done, go inside and link to Eder Gira via the book on the sixth slot. Link to 
the starting position, instead of using the Journey Marker. Run to the open 
area with the huge standing stone and activate the Journey Cloth. This will 
help you in a bit. Continue forward to the Journey Door. Press the hand 
imprint, wait for it to open and step in. Walk into the darkness. Once at the 
Bahro Caves, wait for Yeesha's speech to end (the glowing man stops glowing) 
and press the hand on the wall to make the totem disappear. To finish Eder 
Kemo / Eder Gira Age Kadish Tolesa, jump into the Void or link back to Relto. 
You are almost done with the game.

7. Bahro Caves Age

Remember Yeesha's last speech? She said you should return that which you have 
taken, so that is what you have to do now. While in Relto, notice that the 
totems have now raised. To return them to the Bahro Caves you have to go back 
through the Journey Door of each of the four Ages, and press each hand imprint 
on the wall. Start with Gahreesen. 

If you have been following the walkthrough, using the Journey Cloth marker 
should link you to the stone mesa between the two rotating buildings. As you 
have done before, with your back to the Journey Cloth, walk a bit to the left 
of the raised section in front of you. Do a running jump to the lower stone 
mesa. After landing, turn to the right and to the Journey Door. Line up with 
it and do another running jump. Press the hand imprint and walk inside.

The Bahro caves are now orange instead of deep blue. Press the hand on the 
wall and watch the totem reappear. Notice the symbol on the floor. Copy it to 
a piece of paper. You will need it in a moment. Jump into the void or link to 
Relto. When you link in, you will see a fissure appear in the area between the 
pillar totems. Go inside the hut and link to Teledahn.

You should appear in the docking area. Go inside the room, climb the stairs 
that lead to the area with the Journey Door, and press the imprint. Walk 
inside and return to the Bahro Caves. Press the hand on the wall to return the 
totem. Copy the symbol on the floor. Jump into the void or link to Relto. When 
you link in, the fissure will increase a bit. Go inside the hut and link to 
Kadish Tolesa.

You will appear inside the Vault. Go outside to the console area and drop down 
to the pipe that leads to the Journey Door. Open it and walk into the Bahro 
Caves. Again, press the hand on the wall to return the totem. Copy the symbol 
on the floor. Jump into the void or link to Relto. When you link in, the 
fissure will become bigger. Go inside the hut and link to Eder Gira, via Cloth 

You will appear in the large open area near the Journey Door. Go through the 
door to the Bahro Caves. Operate the hand on the wall to make the final totem 
return. Copy the symbol .Jump into the void or link to Relto. When you link in, 
the fissure will now open completely. Jump into it and you are done with the 

8. Return to Desert the Cleft

Welcome back to the Desert Cleft! After landing flat on your face, pick 
yourself up, dust yourself off, go around the volcano and down the wooden 
ladder to the cleft. Cross to Yeesha's house and go to the room with the 
projector. You need to input the code with the symbols on the floor of the 
Bahro cave to trigger Yeesha's last message. Unfortunately, the code changes 
each time you play the game, so I can not tell you which symbols to use and 
where to put them. You will have to figure it out by yourself. You know you 
have the right combination when Yeesha says "A new ending has been written...".

Note: I think the way you have to arrange the symbols is tied to the order in 
which you return the pillars to the cave, that is, the symbol that goes on top 
is the symbol of the first Age you return the totem from. Benjamin Pandjojo 
suggest that you note all the symbols in a circle formation and that you keep 
their relative positions intact. That way you will have at most four possible 
combinations. Thanks Benjamim!

Listen to the message, and when she offers you a book, at the end, link to it. 
You will be transported to a different Cleft, and Yeesha will talk about a 
final gift: rain. When she finishes talking, go to the machine with the green 
button and press it.

A Relto page will appear. Click it to add it to your book. This is the one 
that allows rain to fall on Relto and your tree to grow. Afterwards, go 
outside, cross to the other side and climb out of the Cleft. A FMV will start 
showing the Bahro returning to their cave. Click on the Uru book, listen to 
Peter Gabriel music, read the credits, and when you are done click outside of 
the book.

Congratulations! You have finished the single player version of Uru. Hope you 
enjoyed it as much as I did.

9. Final Considerations

First off, I can not wait to have access to Uru Live. There is so much more 
this world has to offer and I would like to discover it.

After you are done with the Uru credits book, you can link to Relto and watch 
how your tree is doing. There is a new book on the bookshelf (first slot) with 
two versions of the Cleft: with rain and without rain.

Do not forget to check the closet in the hut. You will have a new addition to 
your wardrobe: a T-Shirt with the Journey symbol on it. You can now show 
people that you have finished the game or that you have chosen your faction.

I did not know where the fogged link on the book that is on the eighth slot 
led to. Thanks to Gregg Pokey, I now know that it leads to your D'ni 
Neighborhood and will only be available in the Online version.

There is a way to see Shroomie 2 (as the first one got shot, accordingly to 
Douglas Sharpner Diary). You need to lower the metal gate after the Journey 
Door in Teledahn. Then you need to stop the generator because the noise scares 
Shroomie away. You also need to use both feeders frequently: one is to the 
side of the wooden walkway, after you body slam the plank down and the other 
is near the gun you use to blast the stones. If you have done all of this, you 
will occasionally see Shroomie at a distance, while you are near the second 
feeder, and sometimes she will make a whale like sound. I do not know if she 
gets any closer.

That is it. 
Hope you enjoyed my walkthrough, and I hope to see you in Uru Live!

--- E. Short Guide to Journey Cloths ---

    Desert Cleft
      1. Behind the metal plate near the starting point.
      2. On the back of Zandi's trailer.
      3. On the left mandible of the Whark skeleton, behind the volcano.
      4. On the right wall of the opening in front of the first fallen bridge 
         you have to climb in the Cleft.
      5. On the wall to the right of the projector, activated by Yeesha.
      6. On the outside of the door to the projector room.
      7. On the bucket, near the tree in the Cleft.

    Teledahn Age
      1. On the outside and back of the hut where the Age starts.
      2. In the control room, on the wall between the two telescopes.
      3. On the wall of the room above the control room.
      4. On the pressure plate room (Prison).
      5. On the outside wall of the room in the Docking Area.
      6. In front of the Journey Door.
      7. On the room above the room in the docking area.

    Gahreesen Age
      1. Behind the debris on the first floor, in the crevice room.
      2. Above the scarab shelves in the room where you have to cross the 
         stone slab.
      3. On the room with the huge cog wheel that powers the Age.
      4. On the mesa that serves as a bridge between the two rotating 
      5. Inside one of the conference rooms of the big building.
      6. On the wall of the small cell.
      7. On the back of one of the outer stone pillars on top of the big 
         rotating building.

    Kadish Tolesa Age
      1. On the other side of the room with the first clock mechanism, near 
         the beginning.
      2. On the left wall of the dais for the second clock mechanism.
      3. Inside the circular room, after you solve the clock mechanism puzzle 
         (need to press the blue button outside the circular room).
      4. Outside, on a recess on the right side of the pyramid.
      5. On the corridor after the elevator tile puzzle.
      6. Near the ceiling of the Pillar puzzle room.
      7. On the back wall, inside the Vault.

    Eder Kemo Age / Eder Gira Age
      1. (Eder Kemo) On a ledge you have to drop to in the wall of the lava 
      2. (Eder Kemo) On a high ledge accessible through geyser steam in 
         starting area.
      3. (Eder Gira) Side of huge stone in open area near starting area.
      4. (Eder Gira) On a recess to the side of pavilion in open area near 
         starting area.
      5. (Eder Gira) On the arm of the lamp post above circular area near 
         brain trees area.
      6. (Eder Gira) On a wall, next to the pavilion in Puffer plants area.
      7. (Eder Kemo) On the wall of the last dark cave after the waterfalls.

--- F. Short Guide to Relto Pages ---
    Desert Cleft
      Obtainable near the end of the game, controls raining in Relto Age. 
      Allows for the trees to grow. You need to press the green button on the 
      other machine in the projector room, and then click on the image of the 

    Teledahn Age
      Behind a crate, next to the bed in the room above the control room. 
      Allows you to customize the roof of the Hut. (Thanks Mark!)

    Gahreesen Age
      First one, at the bottom of the crevice room. Allows the addition of 
      boulders and logs to the Age.

      Second one, on a pillow in one of the cots of the prison cell. Allows 
      the addition of a waterfall and lake to the Age.

    Kadish Tolesa Age
      Before entering the area with the pyramid, jump the gap to the other 
      side. This one allows the trees to grow.

    Eder Kemo / Eder Gira Age
      On a raised area in Eder Gira Age, in the Puffer Plants area. Allows the 
      addition of outside decoration to the hut as well as a rug on the inside.

--- G. Contributors ---

 - Me. ^_^
 - Nolpscpj and Warren Odgers (help with the dead end link to the Tree Stump 
   in Teledahn)
 - Mark (for letting me know what the Relto page found on Teledahn does).
 - Gregg Pokey (for letting me know where the fogged link in the eighth book 
   leads to)
 - Chris Baley and Uriel Klieger (for explaning the logic behind pillar puzzle 
   in Kadish Tolesa).
 - tcgrant (correction to stuck plank in Teledahn)
 - Piha from Uru Live (ASCII diagrams for clock mechanism puzzles in Kadish 
 - Benjamin Pandjojo (suggestion for Return to Desert Cleft)