Unlock Bonuses, Earn Cheats:
Earn a 3-star rating on any level in order to unlock a bonus piece of artwork. As an added bonus, each piece of art has half of a code on it. Combine the left bonus code with the right bonus code to get the cheat.
Enter these codes at the main menu:
Fully equipped - R1, R2, L1, L2, Down, Up, Left, Up
Helium hunters - R1, R1, Triangle, Circle, Square, L2, L1, Down
Invisibility - Square, Square, Square, Down, Square, Down, Circle, Up
Monkey skin - Square, Square, R2, Down, Triangle, Square, Circle, Down
Piggy skin - Up, Down, Left, Left, R1, R2, L1, L1
Rabbit skin - Left, R1, R1, Triangle, R1, R1, Square, L1
Regenerate - R2, Right, Circle, R2, L2, Down, Circle, Left
Runner - R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right
Silence - R1, L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, Left, Left
Super punch - L1, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Circle, R1
Unlock Bonus Level "Monkey See, Monkey Die": Beat the game once.