The Sims: Superstar (PC)
Full Strategy Guide

Document written by PyroFalkon (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Current Version: 1.3
Last Update: 24 June 2003


v1.3 (24 June 2003)
Many people have told me that the stalker can go upstairs, so I've deleted Brad
Harris's contribution. A reader told me that the modeling career is not as
cheap as I thought it was, so that's under the Heidi Klum section. Finally, a
reader refined a reader strategy.


 1. Intro
 2. Creating a family
    a. Attributes
 3. Buying a lot and building a house
    a. Build Mode, and tips for building
    b. Buy Mode, and tips for buying
    c. the Option gump
 4. Taking care of yourself
    a. Hunger
    b. Comfort
    c. Hygiene
    d. Bladder
    e. Energy
    f. Fun
    g. Social
    h. Room
 5. Taking care of others
 6. Money
    a. Jobs
    b. Arts and Crafts
    c. Farming
    d. Other Money Tips
 7. Skills
    a. Skill Gain Rates
 8. Sim Love
    a. Having and Greeting Visitors
    b. Interests
 9. Astrological Signs
    a. Aquarius
    b. Pisces
    c. Aries
    d. Taurus
    e. Gemini
    f. Cancer
    g. Leo
    h. Virgo
    i. Libra
    j. Scorpio
    k. Sagittarius
    l. Capricorn

10. Downtown
    a. Having a date or friend with you downtown
    b. Constructing buildings
11. Vacation Island
    a. Having a date with you on vacation
12. Old Town
13. Studio Town: The New Area of SimCity
    a. Who Said Being a Superstar Was Easy?
    b. Let's Get It On!
    c. Music: The Next Will Smith!
    d. Acting: The Next Patrick Stewart!
    e. Modeling: The Next Heidi Klum!
    f. Rubbing Elbows with the Mighty
    g. Butlers and Stalkers

14. Pets
    a. Which Pet is Which?
    b. Preparations
    c. Getting a Bundle of Fluff
    d. Low-Maintenance Pets
    e. High-Maintenance Pets
       a. Pet Mood Meters
       b. Pet Personalities
       c. Pet Skills
       d. Breeding
       e. Other Pet Things
15. Throwing Parties
16. Kids
    a. Babies
17. Disasters
    a. Death
18. Other Events and Rumor Killers
19. Strategies
    a. PyroFalkon's Alpha Strategy
    b. Relationship Strategies
    c. Other strategies and short tips
    d. Strategies Submitted by Readers
20. Customizing your sims
21. Cheat Codes
22. Unconfirmed Information

23. Contributor List
24. Version History
25. Copyright Info
26. Contact Info

|                PART 1: THE BASICS                  |

||1. INTRO||

I'm PyroFalkon, and these four things I know are true:

-Death and taxes are the only assured things in life.
-Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
-"Around the Horn" has gone downhill since they changed the format.
-There's as many games of The Sims as there are days of the week.

One more expansion pack, one more FAQ from yours truly. Yay!


Once you get past the title screen and all that, you'll come to a view of the
huge neighborhood. There may be a bunch of houses scattered around, one of
which has a big flashing arrow. That's the tutorial house, and I recommend you
play it before leaping into The Sims. Of course, you don't have to, and I cover
in this FAQ pretty much everything it says in the tutorial.

Across the top are a few buttons. The one you're interested in is the left-most
of the center group, the one with a few people on it. Click that and you'll be
taken to a screen that lists all the families that are not currently in houses
(I call this the barracks; what can I say, I'm a fan of Worms: World Party).
Click an empty line (or the button with a few people and a plus sign) to create
a new family.

You'll be prompted to enter a last name. For my examples, I'll refer to my
primary family that I've got going here... so, type in the last name that suits
you. In my case, "Falkon."

After that, click the button that lit up: the top one of the group of three.
Here, you'll get to personalize your first character. The simplest thing listed
is at the top, the first name. Obviously, "Pyro" goes here for me.

Next, you need to enter your character's attributes.

|2a. Attributes|

The attributes are divided into five catagories: Neat, Outgoing, Active,
Playful, and Nice. You can assign up to 10 points to any attribute, but you
have a total limit of 25 points.

NEAT indicates how environmentally-conscious your sim is, and what the chance
is of it doing cleaning actions automatically. If it's set to max, then your
sim will always clear the table and flush the toilet when finished eating and
doing their business, respectively (at least, I HOPE it's respectively). A
minimum rating of zero will make your sim a complete slob who doesn't mind
being in its own filth. This rating has an indirect effect on the Room bar; see
Mood Bars their own section for details.

OUTGOING indicates how well your sim gets to know others. If set to 10, it
makes friends easily; if set to 0, it makes friends as easily as a corpse. This
rating has an indirect effect on the Social bar.

ACTIVE indicates how much your sim likes to move around. A high rating means
that it would rather play basketball, for example, than watch TV. A low rating
means just the opposite. Also, the rating directly affects how long it takes
for that sim to get up after it wakes up. A sim with an ACTIVE rating of 10
will literally leap out of bed. A sim with a zero rating will take one full
game hour to get out of bed once it wakes up.

PLAYFUL indicates how much your sim prefers games over serious things. This,
combined with ACTIVE, gives you an idea of what your sim wants to do with
itself to get its Fun mood up. Again, check out the Mood Meter section for

NICE indicates just how well your sim gets along with others. This, combined
with OUTGOING, affects the way your sim makes friends.

Once you have your attributes set, check out the series of seven buttons to the
right. The top two affect whether the sim is a child or an adult. Families
should have at least one adult, since children can't get jobs to earn money.
Below that are three buttons that change your sim's skin tone from light to
medium to dark. The bottom two set its gender; the one on the left is for
males, the one to the right is for females.

Once you have your sim's age, skin tone, and gender set, take a look at the
arrows that flank your sim's head and body. Using those, you can scroll through
the available choices of heads and clothes (called skins). Don't worry so much
about the clothes since those can be changed in-game, but once you choose a
head, it's locked in for eternity.

The attributes are almost permanent once you set them, so make sure you think
carefully before you confirm your choice.

At the bottom of this screen is a section where you can write a bio. It's
totally optional, but I think it's fun to give my sims backstories.

To confirm your choices, click the Done button. You'll be taken back to the
family screen where you entered the last name. You can add up to seven more
family members for a total of eight, but you have to be careful. The more
people you have, the faster you earn money, but the more maintenance you pay.
If this is your first family, I'd stick with no more than two.

For my strategy (outlined in a later section), I use three adults: Pyro,
Stephanie, and Pud. Well, Pud isn't the name I call him on my game, but I doubt
CJayC will allow me to use that word on an FAQ, so it's good enough for now.

In the bios, I declare Pyro and Stephanie to be married, and Pud is Pyro's
brother. Now, there is no "official" way to set any relationship; I could
consider the Falkons to all be siblings if I wanted, or all be married to each
other, or both. Of course, since I'm normal, I'm just sticking with a simple
marriage with a tag-along brother.

If you make a mistake on a family member, you can click that sim, then the
bottom button of the Create Family screen to edit him or her. If things go
horribly wrong, you can click the sim, then the middle button to end its life
before it even begins. Once you're satisfied with your family, click the done
button on the Create Family screen, but remember that you can never come back
to the Create Family screen again to edit anyone.

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