To enable UFO:
Aftermath cheats open the file config.cfg (found in the game installation directory) with notepad and add the following line:
KEY "cheats" BOOL TRUE
Note: The config.cfg will only be present after you go into the game's setup and then close it by pressing "Ok".
Now during gameplay prss [Shift]+[~] to bring up the console and enter a code from below.
Code - Effect
hireunit - (On global strategic view) adds a new member to your squad
finishrd - (On global strategic view) complete current research
allitems - (On global strategic view) now have all weapons
destroyobj - Destroys objects under the cursor with red center circle
quickvictory - Instant win but don't take the items (don't do it on important missions as Area 51)
cancontrol - Removes all mind control effects on squad
canparalyse - Removes all paralysing effects on squad
quicklose - Same as quickvictory but you lose the mission
enemies - Shows all enemies in area
ids # - Shows squad position number 1-7 (ids 0-6)
heights - Shows terrain level/height flat or sloping
visibility - Shows the current visible area by your squad LOS
allplans - Shows enemie's squad path and enemies are grey
godmode - Soldiers will not die but still need sickbay to heal before missions
unitsashidden - Units become transparent
quickabsolutevictory - Win mission with items recovered
hitpoints - You can see your health and enemy health in %