Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader Walkthrough

                            By Steven W. Carter
                          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                Version 0.65
                                Last Updated
                             September 09, 2003

* ================= *
* Table of Contents *
* ================= *

01.00.00  Introduction
02.00.00  Character Development
  .01.00  Gender
  .02.00  Race
  .03.00  Spirits
  .04.00  Attributes
  .05.00  Traits
     .01  Racial
     .02  Regular
  .06.00  Perks
  .07.00  Skills
03.00.00  Companions
04.00.00  Equipment
05.00.00  Earned Perks
06.00.00  Gameplay Tips
07.00.00  Walkthrough
  .01.00  Starting Out
  .02.00  Barcelona Map
  .03.00  Barcelona Gate District
  .04.00  Barcelona Temple District
  .05.00  Barcelona Port District
  .06.00  Barcelona Sewers
     .01  Sewer Entrance
     .02  Hall of Beggars
     .03  Thieves Congregation
     .04  Dungeon One
     .05  Dungeon Two
     .06  Dungeon Three
     .07  Thieves Den
     .08  Unholy Oubliette
     .09  Troll Pit
  .07.00  The Four Factions
     .01  Inquisition
     .02  Knights Templar
     .03  Order of Saladin
     .04  Wielders
     .05  Dark Wielders
     .06  Bonus Summary
  .08.00  Thieves Versus Beggars
     .01  Thieves
     .02  Beggars
  .09.00  Forest Areas Map
  .10.00  Forest Areas
     .01  Crossroads
     .02  Barcelona Coast
     .03  Scar Ravine
     .04  Inquisition Exterior
     .05  El Bosque
     .06  Rio Ebro
     .07  Lago Del Rio Ebro
     .08  Slave Pit Exterior
     .09  Waterfall Passage
     .10  Goblin Camp
     .11  Bounty Hunter Camp
     .12  Old Shipwreck
  .11.00  Montserrat
     .01  Grove at Montserrat
     .02  Montserrat Chambers
     .03  Montserrat Deep Chambers
  .12.00  On the Road to France
     .01  Duero Plains
     .02  Pyrenees Mountains
  .13.00  Montaillou Map
  .14.00  Montaillou
  .15.00  Toulouse
  .16.00  Caverns of Nostradamus
     .01  Heart of Fire Entrance
     .02  Clan of the Hand
     .03  Ogre Den
     .04  Small Chamber
     .05  Clan Retreat
     .06  Tourniquet of Pain
     .07  Clan of the Skull
     .08  Stalagmite Grove
     .09  Contested Alcove
     .10  Nostradamus? Demesne
  .17.00  The Crypt
     .01  Entrance to the Crypt
     .02  Antechamber
08.00.00  Thanks
09.00.00  Revision History
10.00.00  Permissions and Updates


A. Skills
B. Perks
C. Object Modifiers

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