WWF Wrestlemania arcade faq
                                          For the sony playstation

                                          VERISON 2.0

Table of contents
1. Verison history
2. Faq information
3. Roster
4. Character moves
5. Finishing moves
6. Biographies
7. Gameshark codes
8. Other faqs i wrote
9. Special thanx to...
10. Copyright

I. Verison history

Verison 1.0- Lame design, no combos, not that many moves, no special thanx to.

Verison 1.1- Good design, combos added, more moves, special thanx to.

Version 2.0- Better design,screename updated,Careless spelling errors fixed.
II. Faq information
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Genre-Arcade fighting
Release date-1995

This faq my be reproduced without permission for personal use only. This faq may NOT be reproduced in a profitable way. 

III. Roster
Doink the clown
Razor ramon
Shawn "Heartbreakkid" Michaels
Bret "hitman" hart
Bam bam bigelow
Lex "Total Package" luger
The undertaker

IV.Character moves
ARRRRGH! What is this? mortal combat-like FIGHTING? look, this is a wwf game, right? yeah, not a mortal combat game. WWF is WRESTLING not FIGHTING. So why did midway put mortal combat-like attacks in it? god only knows. Otherwise this game is pretty good. Graphics are amazing, Sound is good (although it only plays a little clip of the wrestler's song) and with ringside announcers jerry "king" lawler saying OVER 100 different phrases and howard finkels's voice at the chracter selection screen saying "ladies and gentleman, welcome to wrestlemania" i would give this game a 9.

DF-down foward
DB- down backward 
SP-super punch
SK-super kick

To do head hold: press foward, foward, triangle

To do power lift[note 1]: While in head hold, press triangle+circle

Combos: get opponent in head hold

Note 1: only 3 wrestlers are compatible with this, which are: YOKOZUNA, Bam bam
 bigelow and Lex luger.

Controller diagram:L1 L2                     R1 R2                Triangle                                          
    {backward} left                          right {foward}  Square         Circle                            
                              Down                                     x                             

Bam bam bigelow
Fire punch-hold down p for 3 seconds then let go, quickly tap p again.
Jumping kick-b b sk
Back drop-b b p
Flying drop kick- run k or sk
Mega clothesline-Run p or sp
Back breaker- Get man in power lift d sk
Head slam- Get opponent in head hold, f f sp
Pogo pile driver- get opponent in head hold d d sk
Head slam- get opponent in head hold f f sp


22 hit- F,F,P,SP,K,SK,P

Doink the clown
Ear slap-d df p
Mega clothesline-run p or sp
Hip toss-b b p
Head slam- get opponent in head hold, d d sk
Happy hammer- f f sk
Boxing glove- Repetedly tap p
Joy buzz- Hold p for 3 seconds then release p
Punches- Get opponent in head hold f f p
Face slam- Get opponent in head hold  d d sk
Head slam (he has the stupidest laugh doing this)- Get opponent in head hold, f f sp


18 hit- F,F,SP,SK,K,P,SP,SK 

Bret "hitman" hart
Rake to the eyes- d df f p
Rolling uppercut-d df f sp
Arm drag-b b p
Bulldog-get oppoent in head hold dd sk
Flying clothesline-run, p or sp
Running uppercut- d d p
Jumping kick- b b sk
Take down- Run, when close to opponent press sp
Face to Knee Slam - df p  
Neck Breaker - d d sk
Slam- f f sp


16 hit- F,F,SK,SP,P,K,SK

Lex "total package" luger
Sliding elbow smash-f f p
Double axhandle-get close to opponent, sp
Vertical suplex-get opponent in head hold f f sp
Hip toss- b b p
Chain whip- f f sk
Fist crush- Hold p for 3 seconds then release p
Elbow- get opponent in head hold, d d sk
vertical suplex- get opponent in head  hold f f sp


19 hit- F,F,SK,K,P,SP,SK,L1

Shawn "heartbreakkid" michaels
Front leg whip-f f k
Sunset flip-run sp
Body slam-b b p
Arm bend- get opponent in head hold f f p
Hurricanerana- f f sk
German suplex- hold p for 3 seconds then release p
Flying drop kick-hold sk for 3 seconds then release sk
Hard head butt- f f sk 


22 hit- F,F,P,SP,K,SK,P

Razor ramone
Uppercut-get opponent in head hold d sp
Piledriver-get opponent in head hold d d sk
Hip toss-b b p
Razor swipe- get opponent in head hold u or d p
power slam- f f k
Uppercut- Get man in head hold d d sp
Head slam- get opponent in head hold d d sk


24 hit- F,F,SP,P,K,SK,SP

The undertaker
Snap mare-b b p
Super uppercut- get opponent in head hold d sp
Tombstone slam-f f sk
Neck breaker- hold p for 3 seconds then release
Dropkick- run, k or sk
Dark neck breaker- Hold p then run when next to opponent release p
Ghosts 1- Df k
Ghosts 2- Db k
Uppercut- Get opponent in head hold d d sp
Neck breaker drop- Get opponent in head hold f f sp
Face smash- Get opponent in head hold d d k


21 hit- F,F,SK,K,P,SP,SK

Bucket slam-get close to opponent sp
Belly bomb-f f p
Sicssor smash-f f sk
Suplex-get opponent in head hold d d sk
Butt to face drop- f f sk
Fast punch- Df p
Repeated head butts- When next to opponent repeatedly tap p
Salt throw- Hold p for three seconds then release p
Neck breaker drop- Get opponent in head hold  f f sp
Pile driver- Get opponent in head hold d d sk
Spin by legs- Get opponent in power lift d sk


14 hit- F,F, SP,P,SK,K,P,SP

VI.Finishing moves

Although this game is not really wrestling, every Good WWF game ish not complete without
Finishing moves. im really suprised that midway even took the time out to put finishing moves in this game. 

Wrestler name          Name of finisher          How to do it
Bam bam
bigelow...................Greetings from asbury park........... climb  turnbuckle, press triangle.

Doink.....................Whoopie cushion...........climb turnbuckle, press triangle.

Brett heart..............Sharpshooter..................opponent on ground, press triangle near opp. feet.

Lex luger................Toutre rack....................get opponent in power lift, press up and triangle.

Shawn michaels.....Sweet chin music...........while standing, press down, downfoward, foward and X.

Razor ramone........The razor's edge.............get opponent in head hold, press foward, foward, triangle.

The undertaker.......Tombstone piledriver...get oponent in head hold, press down, down,circle

YOKOZUNA.........Banzai drop..................climb turnbuckle, press any button except square

VII. Biographies

The undertaker

Weight-328 lbs.
Hometown-Death valley
Finishing move-Tombstone piledriver

Weight-568 lbs.
Finishing move-Banzai drop

Razor ramone
Weight-262 lbs.
Hometown-Miami, florida
Finishing move-The razor's edge

Shawn `heartbreakkid` michaels
Weight-235 lbs.
Hometown-San antoinio, taxas
Finishing move-Sweet chin music

Brett `Hitman` Hart
-----------------------------                                                                                                                          -----------------------                             
Weight-234 lbs.
Hometown-Calgary, alberta canada
Finishing move-Sharpshooter

Lex "total package" Luger

Weight-275 lbs.
Hometown-atlanta, Georgia
Finishing move-Toutre rack

Doink The clown
Weight-240 lbs.
Hometown-Parts unknown
Finishing move-whoopie cushion

Bam Bam Bigelow
Weight-360 lbs.
Hometown-Asbury park, new jersey
Finishing move-Greetings from asbury park

VII. Gameshark codes

ATTENTION: You need a gameshark to use these codes *no duh*

1 P1 Infinite Energy 8006E860 00A0 
2 P1 No Energy 8006E860 0000 
3 P2 Infinite Energy 8006E870 00A0 
4 P2 No Energy 8006E860 0000 
5 Infinite 'Combo' Meter P1 8006E866 0010 
6 Infinite 'Combo' Meter P2 8006E86E 0010 
7 P1 No Combo Meter 8006E866 0000 
8 P2 No Combo Meter 8006E86E 0000 
9 Easy Computer 300100E0 0001 

VIII. Other faqs i wrote
1. wCw nitro
2.WWF super wrestlemania
3.WWF royal rumble

IX. special thanx to...
1. Me
2. www.gamefaqs.com
3. www.cmgsccc.com
4. the instruction manual

X. copyright
® World wrestling fedaration,WrestleMania and it's logos are registerd trademarks of TitanSports, inc. All distinctive character names and likelenesses are trademarks of TitanSports, inc. ©1995 TitanSports, inc. All rights resserved.

Software developed by scultptured software, inc.

®&© 1995 Acclaim entertainment, inc. All rights resserved.
