Fatal Relations (PC)

Author : Ben Woodhouse 
Date : December 6, 2002
Version : 1.0

All information and work in this document is copyright by 
Ben Woodhouse unless otherwise stated.

Fatal Relations is (c) C's Ware and Himeya Soft.

This FAQ is approved for posting on websites:

GameFAQs - www.gamefaqs.com

Any other site or publication posting it has ripped this FAQ.  
React according to your own moral standards.

******************CONTENT DISCLAIMER*******************
Fatal Relations is an adult bishoujo game, meaning it 
contains sex, and in this case violence.
Therefore it is intended solely for people over the 
age of 18.  If you are of age and still find such 
material objectionable, then you probably have no 
interest in playing this game or reading this FAQ.


  i.     Introduction
  ii.    Characters
  iii.   Yuko's Q & A
  iv.    Walkthrough
  v.     Version History


One month ago, Ken Ohsato's parents tragically died in a car
accident.  His future was unsure, until he received an unbelievable
offer.  Mrs. Reiko Hayami, the owner of the company where his father
had worked, offered to adopt him!  Not only was Mrs. Hayami incredibly
rich, she also had five lovely daughters!  Ken could only dream about
his new life in the Hayami household... would it turn out to be a

You take control of Ken, and dictate his actions once he joins his new
family.  Fatal Relations is a menu driven game, much like any other
bishoujo game you might have played.  You'll choose where Ken goes in
the Hayami mansion, and how he acts when he runs into someone else.
Enjoy the story!


Ken Ohsato - The story is told from Ken's perspective.  He seems like
             a decent person, or, at least, he keeps telling himself
             that he is one...

Mrs. Reiko Hayami - The matriarch of the the Hayami family, she's also
                    head up her deceased husband's enormous
                    corporation.  Ken can't believe how kind she was
                    to take him into her home.  He might be shocked
                    later, however...

Reika Hayami - The oldest daughter, Reiko is cold and businesslike.
               She doesn't seem too enthusiastic about Ken's arrival.
               Perhaps she just needs some time to warm up to him?

Shizune Hayami - The second oldest daughter.  Shizune is very delicate
                 and somewhat sickly; Ken is immediately attracted to
                 her fragile beauty.

Yuko Hayami - The middle daughter, Yuko seems to be the typical
              bookish girl(complete with glasses).  She's much too
              busy studying to be bothered by Ken's presence.

Aya Hayami - The fourth daughter, Aya is a total tomboy.  She spends
             her time playing sports or working out and loves the 
             prospect of having a guy around to challenge.

Miyuki Hayami - Miyuki appears cute and innocent.  Being the baby of
                family, she's used to getting her own way.  What she
                wants the most is attention from Ken.

Sayori ???? - Sayori's the maid.  Ken worries about her; she always
              looks so unhappy.  Perhaps Ken's arrival will bring
              about a positive change in her.  

  YUKO'S Q & A

Yuko only likes smart men; you have to pass her test before she'll 
do anything with you.  Try to answer the questions yourself if you 
like trivia.  Don't worry, the only penalty for missing one is that 
you have to start back from the first question.  She'll praise  your
intelligence no matter how many times you screw up.  If you don't want
to bother, here are the answers:

QUESTION : Which of the following is the area of a triangle?
ANSWER   : 2. A = 1/2(LH)

QUESTION : Which of the following is the Supreme Court under?
ANSWER   : 3. The Constitution

QUESTION : A.D. is an abbreviation of which language?
ANSWER   : 2. Latin

QUESTION : An airtight box weighs 50 grams.
           A bird inside weighs 5 grams.
           If the bird flies around inside, what is the total weight
           of the box?
ANSWER   : 3. 55 grams

QUESTION : What does 'C' in the computer language stand for?
ANSWER   : 2. It means after 'B'

QUESTION : Why was the black hitman in "Pulp Friction"(Ha!) not hit
           when shot at from very close range?
ANSWER   : 3. Can all events be explained by a law of averages?

QUESTION : How long will it take to solve the Towers of Hanoi problem?
ANSWER   : 3. Over 50 trillion years

That's the end.  Yuko is now yours.


Okay, I admit, this game doesn't need a walkthrough at all, at least
not in the traditional sense.  Fatal Relations is completely linear;
its more a visual novel than a game.  None of the decisions you make 
in conversation affect the story.  In fact, if you choose
"incorrectly", Ken will resist and you'll have to go back and choose 
the other option.  Basically, all you do is move the story along by 
visiting the correct room in the mansion.

However, even though there are only eight rooms, I was still greatly
annoyed at having to uselessly check empty rooms until I triggered the
next event.  Follow these instructions to save yourself a little time.

  1. Visit the daughters' rooms in any order.
  2. Visit Mrs. Hayami's room.
  3. Go to Ken's room.

  1. Visit Mrs. Hayami's room.           7. Visit Reika's room.
  2. Visit all the empty rooms.          8. Visit Mrs. Hayami's room.
  3. Visit Mrs. Hayami's room.           9. Go to Ken's room.
  4. Go to Ken's room.                  10. Visit Aya's room.
  5. Visit Mrs. Hayami's room.          11. Visit Yuko's room.(Quiz time)
  6. Go to the entrance hall.           12. Go to Ken's room.

  1. Visit Shizune's room.
  2. Visit Miyuki's room.
  3. Go to Ken's room.
  4. Visit Mrs. Hayami's room.

  1. Visit all the rooms.                5. Visit Shizune's room.
  2. Go to the entrance hall.            6. Visit Aya's room.
  3. Visit Yuko's room.                  7. Go to Ken's room.
  4. Visit Reika's room.

  1. Visit Mrs. Hayami's room.           6. Visit Yuko's room.
  2. Visit Yuko's room.                  7. Visit Aya's room.
  3. Go to Ken's room.                   8. Go to Ken's room.
  4. Visit Miyuki's room.                9. Visit Mrs. Hayami's room.
  5. Visit Reika's room.

  1. Visit Miyuki's room.                4. Go to the entrance hall. 
  2. Go to the entrance hall.            5. Visit Miyuki's room.
  3. Visit Aya's room.


v1.0 - All material complete.
If you have any additions or corrections that you feel belong in this
document, feel free to let me know!