CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

April 4, 2003

Version 0.2

Written By: Scott Krumpe

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If you notice omissions from this guide, please e-mail me so I can correct.
If you have anything you would like to add, please e-mail me.

Copyright 2003 Scott Krumpe

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, 
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publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other 
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Their respective trademark and copyright holders own all trademarks and 
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This game is based on the popular TV series of the same name and the main
characters you interact with are the ones from the show, using the real
actors and an actual scriptwriter.

To save time and space and keep this guide simple, I have assumed certain
things that should be followed unless otherwise noted:

1)	Ask all questions that are on the screen.
2)	Talk to all witnesses/victims/suspects.
3)	All evidence with a yellow tag needs no further evaluation.
4)	Unless necessary, I won't say what info you get from the game.

This game ships with 5 cases:

1)	"Inn & Out"-This is the tutorial case. A female murder victim is
   discovered in her hotel room tied to her bed.
2)	"Light my fire"-A fire is set in a businessman's home office.
3)	"Garvey's Beat"-You must investigate the death of a police officer.
4)	"More Fun Than a Barrel of Corpses"-A strange call comes in to the CSI
switchboard. Upon investigation, you come upon a body in a barrel.
5)	"Leda's Swan Song"-Grissom is missing, and your job is to find him.

And you get 14 tools to detect and collect evidence in the field.
The info on the tools is in the manual and game so I won't detail here.

Case 1-"Inn & Out"

Case 2-"Light my Fire"

Case 3-"Garvey's Beat"
    You start by meeting Nick at the crime scene. Examine the head wound and
use the Mikrosil to make a cast. Then examine the bullet wounds to the chest.
Zoom out and then take a swab of the blood near Nick's feet. You will also
see a gun between the officer and his car, dust it for prints and then
collect it. Pan around to find the tire iron behind Nick and zoom in on it.
Use the Magnifying Scope to find and collect the red fiber and then collect
the tire iron.
    Next pan to the car and click on it. Inside you will collect the ID you
find between the seats and then zoom in and tear off the top page from the
notepad. There is also a stain on the driver's seat, spray it with Luminol
and then collect a sample with the swab. Then you will go to the morgue and
get the info from Al.
    Now go to the lab and have Greg examine the red fiber, the gun, the tire
iron, the bullets recovered from the body, the page from the pad, the cast of
the wound the blood sample from the road, the blood sample from the car, and
the ID you found in the car. Next run the prints from the gun through AFIS
and scan the ID.
    You will then return to the crime scene to collect the gun that was under
the car. Go to the lab and use the computer to get in on a web chat session.
Then give the gun to Greg to examine. You will then be able to go to Brass
and ask some questions.
    You will receive a new location, Riley's apartment. You go to Riley's,
then back to Brass to get a warrant, and then back to Riley's. There you will
collect the prints from the soda cans at the right of the screen and the info
from his computer. You also need to look at the crime books on his desk and
his bulletin board to gain those points. Go to the lab and run the prints you
just found through AFIS.
    Next you go to Brass and you get another new location, the UNLV computer
lab. Go to the computer lab and talk to the Professor and collect the prints
from the soda can behind Nick. Then go to the lab and run the new set of
prints. Go back to Riley's and ask him your new questions.
    Next you go back to Brass and get him to bring in Laskin, your newest
suspect. You will question him and collect a fiber from his sweater. Go to
the lab and have Greg check this new fiber. Then you get a tip about the
computer lab you have to check. When you get there zoom in on the sweater
between Nick and the officer. You will zoom in until you can collect the
dandruff flakes, then zoom back out to grab the sweater.
    Go to Brass to get warrants for DNA from all your suspects, you will go
to the locations based on which suspect you chose and Laskin will be
eliminated. Go to the lab and give Greg the new DNA evidence, then go back to 
Brass to bring in the Professor for interrogation.
    That will get you all the info you need to solve the crime and get 100%.