Critical Point (PC)

Author : Ben Woodhouse 
Date : October 3, 2002
Version : Final

All information and work in this document is copyright by Ben
Woodhouse unless otherwise stated.

Critical Point is (c) 2002 by Peach Princess and Will Japan.

This FAQ is approved for posting on websites:

GameFAQs -

Any other site posting it has ripped this FAQ.  React 
according to your own moral standards.

*********************CONTENT DISCLAIMER**************
Critical Point is an adult bishoujo game, meaning it 
contains sex, and in this case violence.
Therefore it is intended solely for people over the 
age of 18.  If you are of age and still find such 
material objectionable, then you probably have no 
interest in playing this game or reading this FAQ.


  i.     Introduction
  ii.    Characters
  iii.   Non-spoiler Walkthrough
  iv.    Episode spoilers - Do you live?, 
                            Who do you end up with?,
                            Who do you sleep with along 
                              the way?
  v.     Updates

   Critical Point is a sci-fi, multi-ending adult bishoujo game 
from Japan, translated into English by Peach Princess.  Again, its 
an adult game; turn back now if you object.
   The history of humankind on earth is littered with great 
catastrophes; why would the future be any different?  In 2037, 
after worldwide famine followed by an energy shortage, the world's 
population has decreased by 75%.  The survivors have been left to 
fight for control of the rebuilding process.  No one can escape the 
conflict; almost every young person somehow finds his way into an army.
   As the character Leiji Osumi, you are no different.  You're 
currently assigned as a Special Investigator and Intelligence Officer 
and have been sent to investigate sabotage on the remote 
Moon Base D-02, a seemingly remote, insignificant technical outpost.  
Upon your arrival, you see that much more is going on, though.  Almost 
all of the staff is suffering from uncontrollable sexual desire.  What's
causing it?  Is it related to the sabotage?  To find out, you'll have
to make the right choices in the game.


FASF Captain Leiji Osumi - This is you!  As the lead investigator of
                           the sabotage at Moon Base D-02, you've got
                           your work cut out for you.  Pressure
                           shouldn't be a problem for you though.
                           When you were a fighter pilot on the front
                           lines, you faced death everyday.  Of
                           course, after you were captured and
                           tortured by the enemy.... you just weren't
                           the same.  If you can't deal with your deep
                           psychological scars on this mission, you
                           might not make it back to Earth alive.

FASF Corporal Reiko Shinozuka - Reiko's your official support on the
                                base, i.e. your gohper.  She seems
                                like a total scatterbrain; you're
                                shocked to learn that she's actually a
                                technical genius!  Of course, that
                                means she's a potential suspect for
                                the damage to the base's computer
                                system.  Surely someone so naive
                                couldn't be responsible, could she?

FASF Lieutenant-Colonel
         Carla Benedict - She's the top commander of the moon base.
                          Having both a techinical and commando
                          background, she's perfectly suited to be in
                          charge of all the base operations.  All that
                          knowledge and power also makes her a prime 
                          suspect.  Can she be trusted?

FASF Lieutenant Elise Triad - Elise is your secret main support on the
                              base. To most everyone else on the base, 
                              she's an ordinary, low level technical 
                              staff memeber.  However, you know her real
                              identity.  She's actually android
                              prototype EL-03, undergoing onsite
                              testing on this remote base.  Given your
                              past traumatic experience with androids,
                              can you possibly trust her?  Should you?

FASF Captain Lai Wong - She's the commanding officer of the technical
                        portion of the base, where all the sabotage is
                        occuring.  Wong is extremely resentful of
                        anyone holding power over her(this means
                        YOU!) and isn't afraid to show it.  Being a
                        ***** doesn't make her an automatic suspect,
                        but her complete knowledge of the base
                        operations means you can't overlook her.

FASF Lieutenant Maretta Dias - One of the technical staff, she's
                               appears to be the perfect subordinate.
                               She'll carry out any orders immediately
                               and to the letter.  Could her
                               squeaky-clean image hide some
                               clandestine activity?

Monica Brown - Monica's a civilian reporter who somehow managed to get
               clearance to this base, despite the fact that most of
               the activity here is classified.  She has a dual
               personality: aggressive and vulgar while wearing the
               goggles for her 3-D camera, shy and unsure without
               them.  Even with her limited access to the facitilies,
               as a civilian few people would seriously consider her
               capable of the sabotage.  Could it be a cover?  Is
               Monica an enemy hiding in plain sight?

FASF 2nd Lieutenant 
     Julietta Thorndike - She's the commando squad leader on the
                          base.  While the model of physical fitness,
                          she's really ignorant when it comes to
                          technical matters.  This makes it virtually
                          impossible for her to be the saboteur, but
                          can you really overlook her?

FASF Sergeant Jackie Kaminski - One of the few men on the base,
                                Kaminski's one big muscle.  The
                                ultimate professional, he has the
                                respect of everyone.  However,
                                he has a reputation for not getting
                                "involved" with other troops, even
                                though others currently have no
                                self-control in that area.  Can you
                                overlook him as a suspect?       


Just follow the instructions to get a particular ending, and watch for
yourself how it unfolds.  Note that there all multiple ways to get
particular endings, i.e. not all the choices affect the outcome(most
notably choice #1).  Playing through each episode will give you 100%

Two Convenient Save Points - 
Episodes [1, 3, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, & 99] 
share the first nine decisions in this walkthrough, so a good 
save point is right before decision 10.
The same applies to episodes [2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 19, 20, & 23].

Engrish Titles courtesy of the game!
(Incidently the only poor translation you'll see in this game)

Episode I - "Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind."
1. Leave it up to base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well?
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are human.
11. Review the situation and gather my thoughts.
12. Go to Carla's office.
13. Look around for a while.
14. Look around a bit more.
15. I guess I'll find someone first and inform them.
16. Let her go to him.
17. This isn't the time for that!
18. Go to the commander's room.
19. I'll just have to trust Elise.
20. We should discuss this some other time.
21. I see her as being just another person.

Episode II - "Be Overconfidence Have Too Much Confidence."
1. Tell him to switch to manual control.
2. I want to talk to Reiko some more.
3. Go to my own compartment.
4. Is it always like this around here?
5. Do as Lai Wong says.
6. Have Reiko order dinner for me.
7. Give myself some lead time and leave for CIC now.
8. Go onto CIC alone.
9. I'll just leave her alone for now.
10. Might as well follow her lead.
11. Look around for a while longer.
12. Look around a bit more.

Episode III - "A Miss Is As Good As A Mile."
1. Leave it up to the base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well.
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are the greatest masterpiece.
11. Stroll around the base for a while.
12. Look around a little while longer.
13. I might as well give up and head back to my quarters.
14. Go to Carla's office.
15. Look around a while longer.
16. Its time to check outside.

Episode IV - "Discreation Is The Better Part Of Valor."
1. Tell him to switch to manual control.
2. I want to talk to Reiko some more.
3. Go to my own compartment.
4. Is it always like this around here?
5. Do as Lai Wong says.
6. Have Reiko order dinner for me.
7. Give myself some lead time and leave for CIC now.
8. Go onto CIC alone.
9. I'll just leave her alone for now.
10. Might as well follow her lead.
11. Its about time to return to my room.

Episode V - "Live And Let Live."
1. Leave it up to the base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well.
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Go on in.
9. Just leave her like that.

Episode VI - "All Is Well That Ends Well."
1. Leave it up to the base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well.
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Go on in.
9. I'd better help her out.

Episode VII - "Other Times, Other Manners."
1. Tell him to switch to manual control.
2. I want to talk to Reiko some more.
3. Go to my own compartment.
4. Is it always like this around here?
5. Do as Lai Wong says.
6. Have Reiko order dinner for me.
7. Give myself some lead time and leave for CIC now.
8. Go onto CIC alone.
9. I'll just leave her alone for now.
10. I can't sleep with this kid!
11. I should try to comfort her./
    I need to explain and try to gain her cooperation.(skip an h-scene)
12. Allow her to leave.

Episode VIII - "Fortune Knocks Once At Everyone's Door."
1. Tell him to switch to manual control.
2. I want to talk to Reiko some more.
3. Go to my own compartment.
4. Is it always like this around here?
5. Do as Lai Wong says.
6. Have Reiko order dinner for me.
7. Give myself some lead time and leave for CIC now.
8. Go onto CIC alone.
9. I'll just leave her alone for now.
10. I can't sleep with this kid!
11. I need to explain and try to gain her cooperation.
12. Don't allow her to leave just yet.

Episode IX - "Second Thoughts Are Best."
1. Tell him to switch to manual control.
2. I want to talk to Reiko some more.
3. Go to my own compartment.
4. Is it always like this around here?
5. Do as Lai Wong says.
6. Have Reiko order dinner for me.
7. Give myself some lead time and leave for CIC now.
8. Go onto CIC alone.
9. I'll just leave her alone for now.
10. I can't sleep with this kid!
11. I should try to comfort her.
12. Don't allow her to leave just yet.

Episode X - "It Is More Misfortune To Give Than To Receive."
1. Leave it up to the base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well.
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are more than human.

Episode XI - "Art Is Long. Life Is Short."
1. Leave it up to the base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well.
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are the greatest masterpiece.
11. Stroll around the base for a while.
12. Look around a little while longer.
13. I might as well give up and head back to my quarters.
14. Go to Carla's office.
15. Look around a while longer.
16. Look around a bit more.
17. I guess I'll find someone first and inform them.
18. Let her go.
19. This isn't the time for that!
20. I'll just have to trust Elise.

Ending XII
Doesn't Exist.

Ending XIII - "Catch Not At The Shadow And Lose The Substance."
1. Leave it up to base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well?
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are human.
11. Review the situation and gather my thoughts.
12. Go to Carla's office.
13. Look around for a while.
14. Look around a bit more.
15. I guess I'll find someone first and inform them.
16. Let her go to him.
17. This isn't the time for that!
18. Go to the storage bay brig.

Episode XIV - "Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread."
1. Leave it up to the base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well.
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are the greatest masterpiece.
11. Stroll around the base for a while.
12. Look around a little while longer.
13. I might as well give up and head back to my quarters.
14. Go to Carla's office.
15. Maybe I should check outside.

Episode XV - "Look Before You Leap."
1. Leave it up to the base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well.
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are the greatest masterpiece.
11. Stroll around the base for a while.
12. Look around a little while longer.
13. I might as well give up and head back to my quarters.
14. Go to Carla's office.
15. Look around a while longer.
16. Look around a bit more.
17. I guess I'll just drive outside.

Episode XVI - "Time And Tide Wait For No You."
1. Leave it up to the base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well.
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are the greatest masterpiece.
11. Stroll around the base for a while.
12. Look around a little while longer.
13. I might as well give up and head back to my quarters.
14. Go to Carla's office.
15. Look around a while longer.
16. Look around a bit more.
17. I guess I'll find someone first and inform them.
18. Let her go.
19. I guess I'll have to do as she says.

Episode XVII - "Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May."
1. Leave it up to the base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well.
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are the greatest masterpiece.
11. Stroll around the base for a while.
12. Look around a little while longer.
13. I might as well give up and head back to my quarters.
14. Go to Carla's office.
15. Look around a while longer.
16. Look around a bit more.
17. I guess I'll find someone first and inform them.
18. Hold her back.
19. Not Good! I'd better put her back to sleep.

Episode XVIII - "Man Proposes, God Disposes."
1. Leave it up to base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well?
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are human.
11. Review the situation and gather my thoughts.
12. Go to Carla's office.
13. Look around for a while.
14. Look around a bit more.
15. I guess I'll find someone first and inform them.
16. Let her go to him.
17. This isn't the time for that!
18. Go to CIC.

Episode XIX - "Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady."
1. Tell him to switch to manual control.
2. I want to talk to Reiko some more.
3. Go to my own compartment.
4. Is it always like this around here?
5. Do as Lai Wong says.
6. Have Reiko order dinner for me.
7. Give myself some lead time and leave for CIC now.
8. Go onto CIC alone.
9. I'll just leave her alone for now.
10. Might as well follow her lead.
11. Look around for a while longer.
12. I might as well give up and head back to my quarters.
13. I should go see Carla.

Episode XX - "Necessity Has No Law."
1. Tell him to switch to manual control.
2. I want to talk to Reiko some more.
3. Go to my own compartment.
4. Is it always like this around here?
5. Do as Lai Wong says.
6. Have Reiko order dinner for me.
7. Give myself some lead time and leave for CIC now.
8. Go onto CIC alone.
9. I'll just leave her alone for now.
10. Might as well follow her lead.
11. Look around for a while longer.
12. I might as well give up and head back to my quarters.
13. I might as well go back to my room.
14. Ask for Carla's opinion.

Episode XXI - "Take Time By The Forelock."
1. Leave it up to base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well?
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are human.
11. Review the situation and gather my thoughts.
12. Go to Carla's office.
13. Look around for a while.
14. Look around a bit more.
15. I guess I'll find someone first and inform them.
16. Let her go to him.
17. This isn't the time for that!
18. Go to the commander's room.
19. I'd better stop Elise.

Episode XXII - "The Man Who Delibrates Is Lost."
1. Leave it up to the base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well.
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are the greatest masterpiece.
11. Stroll around the base for a while.
12. Look around a little while longer.
13. I might as well give up and head back to my quarters.
14. Go to Carla's office.
15. Look around a while longer.
16. Look around a bit more.
17. I guess I'll find someone first and inform them.
18. Let her go.
19. This isn't the time for that!
20. I'd better stop Elise.

Episode XXIII - "Love Is Power."
1. Tell him to switch to manual control.
2. I want to talk to Reiko some more.
3. Go to my own compartment.
4. Is it always like this around here?
5. Do as Lai Wong says.
6. Have Reiko order dinner for me.
7. Give myself some lead time and leave for CIC now.
8. Go onto CIC alone.
9. I'll just leave her alone for now.
10. Might as well follow her lead.
11. Look around for a while longer.
12. I might as well give up and head back to my quarters.
13. I might as well go back to my room.
14. This is an emergency - just release them!

Episode XXIV - "As You Sow, So Will You Reap."
1. Leave it up to the base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well.
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are the greatest masterpiece.
11. Stroll around the base for a while.
12. Look around a little while longer.
13. I might as well give up and head back to my quarters.
14. Go to Carla's office.
15. Look around a while longer.
16. Look around a bit more.
17. I guess I'll find someone first and inform them.
18. Hold her back.
19. Well, might as well screw her.

Episode XXV - "It Is No Use Crying Over Split Milk."
1. Leave it up to base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well?
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are human.
11. Review the situation and gather my thoughts.
12. Go to Carla's office.
13. Look around for a while.
14. Look around a bit more.
15. I guess I'll find someone first and inform them.
16. Let her go to him.
17. This isn't the time for that!
18. Go to the commander's room.
19. I'll just have to trust Elise.
20. We should discuss this some other time.(skip an h-scene)/
    We should move elsewhere to discuss this.
21. I see her as being more than human.

Episode 99 - True Ending
1. Leave it up to base guidance systems.
2. I'd better see the base commander and report in.
3. Go to CIC.
4. Aren't those four feeling well?
5. Remain here.
6. I don't need anything right now.
7. Wait here a little while longer.
8. Think about what to do.
9. I can't sleep with this kid!
10. You are human.
11. Review the situation and gather my thoughts.
12. Go to Carla's office.
13. Look around for a while.
14. Look around a bit more.
15. I guess I'll find someone first and inform them.
16. Let her go to him.
17. This isn't the time for that!
18. Go to the commander's room.
19. I'll just have to trust Elise.
20. We should move elsewhere to discuss this.
21. I see her as being just another person.


   Want to see if you can end up with that one special girl?
   Just want to know if she'll take off her clothes?
   Look under you desired ending, after the choice number indicated,
       the listed events will occur. 

Episode I - Good Ending
  You end up alone.  

    Choice      H-scene
    ------      -------
      7.        w/ Carla
      8.        Maretta & Wong in S&M gear
      9.        Reiko partial nudity
                w/ Carla
                w/ Elise
      12.       w/ Elise
      15.       Julietta
                More Julietta

Episode II - Bad Ending
  Another gruesome demise.  

    Choice      H-scene
    ------      -------
      7.        w/ Carla
      10.       w/ Reiko
                more w/ Reiko

Episode III - Bad Ending

   Death by plastic vibrator.  Ouch.

     Choice     H-scene
     ------     -------
       7.       w/ Carla
       8.       Wong & Maretta in S&M gear
                Reiko partial nudity
       9.       w/ Carla
                w/ Elise

Episode IV - Bad Ending
  Death from an unknown hand.  

    Choice      H-scene
    ------      -------
      7.        w/ Carla
      10.       w/ Reiko
                more w/ Reiko

Episode V - Bad Ending

  Maretta kills you!

     Choice      H-scene
     ------      -------
       7.        w/ Carla
       8.        w/ Maretta & Wong

Episode VI - Good Ending

  You remain on the base, but are paired with no one.

     Choice     H-scene
     ------     -------
       7.        w/ Carla
       8.        w/ Maretta & Wong
       9.        More Maretta & Wong
                 Ending CG w/ Carla, Maretta, & Wong

Episode VII - Bad Ending

  Carla skewers you.

     Choice     H-scene
     ------     -------
       7.       w/ Carla
       9.       Reiko partial nudity
       10.      w/ Monica
       11.      more w/Monica
                w/ Julietta 

Episode VIII - Good Ending

  Back on Earth, Reiko and Julietta demand your attention.
  Monica's around, but there's nothing between you.

     Choice     H-scene
     ------     -------
       7.       w/ Carla
       9.       Reiko partial nudity
       10.      w/ Monica
       11.      w/ Julietta 

Episode IX - Good Ending

  Will you chose Monica or Reiko.....

     Choice     H-scene
     ------     -------
       7.       w/ Carla
       9.       Reiko partial nudity
       10.      w/ Monica
       11.      more w/Monica
                w/ Julietta 

Episode X - Bad Ending

  Elise reprograms your brain.

     Choice     H-scene
     ------     -------
       7.       w/ Carla
       8.       Maretta & Wong in S&M gear
                Reiko partial nudity
       9.       w/ Carla
                w/ Elise
       10.      w/ Carla(?)

Episode XI - Bad Ending

   You return to Earth alone.

     Choice     H-scene
     ------     -------
       7.       w/ Carla
       8.       Wong & Maretta in S&M gear
                Reiko partial nudity
       9.       w/ Carla
                w/ Elise
       18.      Julietta

Episode XIII - Bad Ending

    Choice      H-scene
    ------      -------
      7.        w/ Carla
      8.        Maretta & Wong in S&M gear
      9.        Reiko partial nudity
                w/ Carla
                w/ Elise
      12.       w/ Elise
      15.       Julietta
                More Julietta

Episode XIV - Bad Ending

   Killed in a truly humiliating position.

     Choice     H-scene
     ------     -------
       7.       w/ Carla
       8.       Wong & Maretta in S&M gear
                Reiko partial nudity
       9.       w/ Carla
                w/ Elise
       15.      Short Julietta

Episode XV - Bad Ending

   Done in by careless driving.

     Choice     H-scene
     ------     -------
       7.       w/ Carla
       8.       Wong & Maretta in S&M gear
                Reiko partial nudity
       9.       w/ Carla
                w/ Elise

Episode XVI - Bad Ending

   You show up for the final battle...after its over.

     Choice     H-scene
     ------     -------
       7.       w/ Carla
       8.       Wong & Maretta in S&M gear
                Reiko partial nudity
       9.       w/ Carla
                w/ Elise
       18.      Julietta
       19.      w/ Julietta

Episode XVII - Bad Ending

   You and Julietta get the "Kaminski" treatment.

     Choice     H-scene
     ------     -------
       7.       w/ Carla
       8.       Wong & Maretta in S&M gear
                Reiko partial nudity
       9.       w/ Carla
                w/ Elise
       18.      Julietta

Episode XVIII - Bad Ending
  Kaminski whacks your head clean off!  

    Choice      H-scene
    ------      -------
      7.        w/ Carla
      8.        Maretta & Wong in S&M gear
      9.        Reiko partial nudity
                w/ Carla
                w/ Elise
      12.       w/ Elise
      15.       Julietta
                More Julietta     

Episode XIX - Bad Ending
  Kaminski beheads you and Elise.  

    Choice      H-scene
    ------      -------
      7.        w/ Carla
      10.       w/ Reiko
                more w/ Reiko

Episode XX - Bad Ending
  Death by Kaminski, again.  

    Choice      H-scene
    ------      -------
      7.        w/ Carla
      10.       w/ Reiko
                more w/ Reiko

Episode XXI - Bad Ending
  I....ain't got no booooody.  

    Choice      H-scene
    ------      -------
      7.        w/ Carla
      8.        Maretta & Wong in S&M gear
      9.        Reiko partial nudity
                w/ Carla
                w/ Elise
      12.       w/ Elise
      15.       Julietta
                More Julietta

Episode XXII - Bad Ending

   Kaminski wins.  You die.

     Choice     H-scene
     ------     -------
       7.       w/ Carla
       8.       Wong & Maretta in S&M gear
                Reiko partial nudity
       9.       w/ Carla
                w/ Elise
       18.      Julietta

Episode XXIII - Good Ending
  Reiko's "true ending".  That means you end up with her! 

    Choice      H-scene
    ------      -------
      7.        w/ Carla
      10.       w/ Reiko
                more w/ Reiko

Episode XXIV - Good Ending

   You live happily ever after with Julietta.... well, maybe.

     Choice     H-scene
     ------     -------
       7.       w/ Carla
       8.       Wong & Maretta in S&M gear
                Reiko partial nudity
       9.       w/ Carla
                w/ Elise
       18.      Julietta
       19.      w/ Julietta

Episode XXV - Bad Ending

  You are alone and in anguish.

    Choice      H-scene
    ------      -------
      7.        w/ Carla
      8.        Maretta & Wong in S&M gear
      9.        Reiko partial nudity
                w/ Carla
                w/ Elise
      12.       w/ Elise
      15.       Julietta
                More Julietta

Episode 99 - True Ending

   You and Elise are happy together.

    Choice      H-scene
    ------      -------
      7.        w/ Carla
      8.        Maretta & Wong in S&M gear
      9.        Reiko partial nudity
                w/ Carla
                w/ Elise
      12.       w/ Elise
      15.       Julietta
                More Julietta


vFinal - Corrected a mistake in the True Ending walkthrough!
         Added an omitted choice to a few of the walkthroughs.
         Added the episode spoilers section.

If you have any additions or corrections that you feel belong in this
document, feel free to let me know!