Cheat Room:
In old New York City, the second part of it, there is a fridge or a radiator thing on the ground on its side. jump up and grab onto its side and then jump across and you'll find a nibbler $70 and loads of items.

Get More Lives Trick: 
This trick only works in the levels Planet Express and Market Square. Market Square has two Sections in the same area. The total amount of gold that can be collected in this area is 50 which is worth 2 extra lives. Get to Section 2 without collecting over 24 gold in Section 1. Now collect all of the money in Section 2 to get 2 extra lives and then jump into the lava. You will start in Section 2 again where you can repeat the above trick to get 2 more lives each time you die. 

To do this in the Planet Express level you must follow the same guidelines listed for the Market Square level, but it takes more time since the money is more spread out.

Press anytime while playing the game: 

Extra Lives: 
hold L, press A, hold R, press X, Y, release R, press A, hold R, press X, Y, B, A, Black, release R, press A, hold R, press Back. 

FMV Skip (press START to skip): 
hold L, press A, hold R, press X, Y, release R, press A, hold R, press X, Y, B, A, release R, press Y, Y, hold R, press Back. 

hold L, press A, hold R, press X, Y, release R, press A, hold R, press X, Y, B, A, Black, Y, Back. 

Maximum Ammo: 
hold L, press A, hold R, press X, Y, release R, press A, hold R, press X, Y, B, A, Black, release R, press B, hold R, press Back. 

Maximum Special Move Charges:
hold L, press A, hold R, press X, Y, release R, press A, hold R, press X, Y, B, A, Black, release R, press X, hold R, press Back. 

Refill Health Meter:
hold L, press A, hold R, press X, Y, release R, press A, hold R, press X, Y, B, A, Black, release R, press Y, hold R, press Back. 

Unlock all movies, music, and gallery pictures: 
hold L, press A, hold R, press X, Y, release R, press A, hold R, press X, Y, B, A, Black, B, Back. 

Warp to last level (Fry Fights Back):
hold L, press A, hold R, press X, Y, release R, press A, hold R, press X, Y, X, Y, Y, release R, press A, hold R, press Back. 

As if you did´nt know: 
R - Right trigger. 
L - Left trigger.