The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon Cheat Codes

While playing, just press "~" to bring up the console, write "player->[command]" and press "Enter". [command] is one of the items listed below. 

Code / Result 
TMG - God Mode 
TGM - God Mode (On Some Systems) 
Help - List of All Debugging Commands 
SetFlying 1 - Fly Mode 
SetSuperJump 1 - Super Jumping Mode 
SetWaterWalking 1 - Walk on Water Mode 
SetWaterBreathing 1 - Breathe Under Water 
SetLevel [level] - Sets Player Level to [level] 
AddItem "Gold_100" [gold] - Adds Gold where [gold] = amount 
SetFatigue [fatigue] - Sets Player Max Fatigue to [fatigue] 
SetMagicka [magic]- Sets Player Max Magic to [magic] 
SetHealth [health]- Sets Player Health to [health] 
filljournal - Add all entries to journal; takes a long time