Cheat codes for AGE OF EMPIRES 2 : AGE OF KINGS

Press [ENTER] while playing to bring up chat box, then type:

 Code                                                        Result
ROCK ON                                                      1000 Stone
LUMBERJACK                                                   1000 Wood
ROBIN HOOD                                                   1000 Gold
CHEESE STEAK JIMMY'S                                         1000 Food
MARCO                                                        Reveal Map
POLO                                                         Remove Shadow
AEGIS                                                        Fast Build
NATURAL WONDERS                                              Control Nature
RESIGN                                                       You Lose
WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY                                              Destroy Yourself
I LOVE THE MONKEY HEAD                                       Gives VDML
HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON                                      Gives a Cobra car
TORPEDO#                                                     Kill Opponent #
TO SMITHEREENS                                               Gives a Saboteur
BLACK DEATH                                                  Destroy All Enemies
I R WINNER                                                   You Win

You may also start the game with the following command-line parameters:

800                   Sets the screen resolution for the game to 800 x 600 pixels. 
1024                  Sets the screen resolution for the game to 1024 x 768 pixels. 
1280                  Sets the screen resolution for the game to 1280 x 1024 pixels. 
autompsave            This will cause the game to save every 5 (or so) minutes. 
Mfill                 Fixes horizontal line display issues and black screen areas that may occur with some video adapter
Msync                 Fixes a problem where the computer stops responding with some SoundBlaster AWE configurations. 
NoMusic              Turns off all music. 
NormalMouse          Replaces the custom mouse pointer with a standard mouse pointer. 
NoSound              Turns off all sounds, except those played in cinematics. 
NoStartup            Skips all cinematic sequences before the game starts. 
NoTerrainSound       Turns off all terrain sounds.