       Y-----E       H   H   A   RRR  RRR  Y   Y    PPP   OOO  TTTTT TTTTT EEEE RRR
      H----R         H   H  A A  R  R R  R  Y Y     P  P O   O   T     T   E    R  R
    A----P           HHHHH AAAAA RRR  RRR    Y      PPP  O   O   T     T   EEE  RRR
   R---O T T E       H   H A   A R  R R  R   Y      P    O   O   T     T   E    R  R
  R---------R        H   H A   A R  R R  R   Y      P     OOO    T     T   EEEE R  R
Y H A-----P
     R---O                                  d        t   h
    Y---T                      aa   n n     d       ttt  h     ee
    H--T                        aa  nn n   dd        t   hh   e  e
   A--E                        a a  n  n  d d        t   h h  ee
   R-R                          aa  n  n  ddd        t   h h   eee
  O                                           fff     SSS
S    CC  h                b                   f      S                       t
    C    h   aa   m m m  b    ee    rr   oo  fff      S   ee   cc   rr  ee   ttt sss
    C    hh   aa  mm mm  bb  e  e rr    o  o  f        S e  e c   rr   e  e   t  s
    C    h h a a  m   m  b b ee   r     o  o  f        S ee   c   r    ee     t   s
     CC  h h  aa  m   m  bb   eee r      oo   f     SSS   eee  cc r     eee   t  sss

  		    ===================   For PC  ===================

				   <<<< version 1.8 >>>>

Thanks to Alan Thorne in Salome, AZ  for this logo

All Harry Potter names, characters, and related indicia
are trademarks of WarnerBros.


Sites where you can find this walkthrough :

- http://www.gamefaqs.com
- http://cheatcc.com
- http://www.flashstand.com
- http://www.a2zcheats.com
- http://www.cheatportal.com
- http://www.911codes.com
- http://www.fastcheater.com
- http://www.25000cheats.com
- http://www.pc-cheats.org
- http://www.skali.com
- http://www.cheathappens.com
- http://www.actiontrip.com
- http://www.gamesover.com
- http://LoneGamers.com


A. Introduction
   1. History
   2. About Me
B. Game Basics
   1. Controls
   2. Spells
   3. Characters
   4. Items
   5. Enemies
C. Walkthrough
   => Whomping Willow
   => First spell : Rictusempra
   => Rictusempra Challenge
   => Weekly House Points
   => Wiggenweld Potion
   => Second Spell : Skurge
   => Skurge Challenge
   => First Ingredient : Bicorn Horn
   => The Duel Club
   => Third Spell : Diffindo
   => Diffindo Challenge
   => Second Ingredient : Boomslang Skins
   => Third Ingredient : bit of Goyle
   => Polyjuice Potion
   => Intruder
   => Fourth Spell : Spongify
   => Spongifyy Challenge
   => Forbidden Forest
   => Aragog' Lair
   => Final Encounter : path to Chamber of Secrets
   => Final Encounter : Basilisk
   1. The Famous Witches and Wizards Cards
   2. Bean Trading
   3. Cheats
   4. Secrets
   5. Frequently Asked Questions
   6. Mails
E. Credits

A. Introduction	>>

1. History

   12/05/2002 - Fix the Bicorn Horn quest, add a new mail, add 2 more tips of duelling
   12/01/2002 - Fix the Skurge challenge, add a new cheat, add secret section (ver 1.8)
   11/30/2002 - Try to find and write down all the secrets
   11/26/2002 - Add a cheat in cheat section (version 1.7)
   11/25/2002 - Fixing a minor mistake (thanks to ), add mail section,
		    add some explanations about 'unfriendly creatures' and how to beat them.
  		    thanks to Nathan for this. (version 1.6)
   11/20/2002 - Add the Dueling Club section and tips on bean trading (ver 1.5)
   11/18/2002 - Finished writing the walkthrough (ver. 1.2)
   11/17/2002 - Continue writing, minor fix on Diffindo Challenge (ver 1.0)
   11/15/2001 - Start writing this walkthrough (version 0.5)
   11/15/2002 - Bought the game

2. About me

   Hi, I'm Danny (but not Daniel Radcliffe).
   This is my second walkthrough after the first Harry Potter game in PC.

   EAGames really did a great job this time.
   The game is more challenging. The field are more 'free' and the environments are huge.

   I keep trying to write this eventhough I have a lot of task to do.
   So please excuse me if you find many parts of this walkthrough 'unreliable'.
   Even so, I want all of you to help me this time.
   Please send me any secrets you find. I'll give you a full credit.


First thing first. About the system requirement, you can read it
from the Read Me file.

I played this game with Celeron2 1.2GB processor, NVidia GeForce2 MX 200,
192 MB RAM, Sound Blaster Live 5.1 Sound Card with screen 800x600 resolution,
high textures, color depth 32 bit under Windows 98 Second Edition and using
DirectX 8.1. It did fine.

1. Controls

OK, here are the default control. The keys still the same with the first game :
Arrow keys	: Move Harry
Alt key		: Cast magic
Control key	: Jump
Even you still can config it as you please.

There's a 'special key' in this game: Enter.
(For me, it's 'special')
Just press it if you want to skip the cutscenes.

WITH one exception : this time you can use your joystick or any
'gaming devices' you have.

When you run the application, there will be a window with 4 buttons

- New Game	=> start a new game
- Load game	=> Load the last saved game
- Options	=> change the video, sounds, controls, etc
- Quit		=> Quit the game

2. Spells

Just like the first game, you cannot use certain magic until you learn
it from class.

This time, to master a magic it easier than the first game.
All you have to do is enter the correspondent arrow keys when the wand
move through the spell pattern.
Each spell lesson will give you 30 house points in total, consist of
3 level of the magic.
You'll be given 3 chances to fail the magic which means if you fail the
nagic 3 times, you won't get the house points AND won't be able to the
next level of the magic. But if you pass the first level, you can still
use the spell.
The only way to pass the magic learning is consentration.

Oh, one thing. Just like in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in
PSX version, this time you will be able to mix Wiggenweld Potion.
This potion is useful to replenish your health, especially in the
dungeons. So, if you are not really need the potion, don't use it. Use
the chocolate frogs instead. (This time the frogs can avoid you, and
this is very annoying speacially when you are encounter the gnomes, slugs,
fire crabs, etc)

3. Characters
This is the list of characters in the game:

- Harry Potter
- Ron Weasley
- Hermione Granger
- Fred Weasley
- George Weasley
- Draco Malfoy
- Goyle
- Albus Dumbledore
- Minerva McGonagall
- Severus Snape
- Gilderoy Lockhart
- Professor Flitwick
- Rubeus Hagrid
- Lucius Malfoy
- some other 'unknown' students

4. Items
These are items you can find around Hogwarts :

- Chocolate Frogs		    : replenish health
- Wiggentree Bark		    : ingredients for Wiggenweld Potion
- Flobberworm Mucus		    : ingredients for Wiggenweld Potion
- Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans : collect these to exchange them with
				      Wiggentree Bark, Flobberworm Mucus,
				      Silver Cards, Nimbus 2001, or Quidditch
- Bicorn Horn			    : ingredient for Polyjuice Potion
- Boomslang Skins		    : ingredient for Polyjuice Potion

5. Enemies

- Gnomes		      : hit them with Flipendo then throw them into the hole to get more
- Giant Orange Snails	: Hit them with Rictusempra then push them with Flipendo to
		              nearby pattern/platform (if there any)
- Fire Crabs		: same as Giant Orange Snails
- Spiky Prickly Plants  : Cast Diffindo on them (formerly Spiky Bushes)
- Pixies		      : cast Rictusempra
- Venoumous Tentaculas	: Diffindo on its 'leaves' for disable them permanently
- Norklup Mushrooms	: cast Diffindo on them or let the gnomes turn it into beans
- Browtuckles		: cast Rictusempra to get Wiggentree Bark
- Spiders		      : cast Rictusempra
- Imps			: cast Rictusempra then throw them into hole
- Ectoplasms		: cast Skurge (I put it here since it can reduce your health)


=> Whomping Willow :

After you are capable to control Harry, run to your left,
pass through the Whomping Willows's root, and enter the room.

Cast Alohomora to the chest, and continue to the right and climb up
the stairs. Touch the save game book to save your game.

Get closer to the dragon statue and it will move. Go to the new opened
way, cast Lumos to the gargoyle, pass through the way. (You can pass the
way as long as Harry's wand still shining)
Cast flipendo to the block and climb up.

Watch out for the the next Whomping Willow's root. Take the chocolate
frog inside the box. You can cast alohomora to the lightning-like wall
to open a secret way. Take it, then go back.

Pass through the next root, then cast Flipendo to the Whomping Willow.

Enter the room where Ron run into, and cast Lumos to the gargoyle to
reveal a hidden block. Save your game.

In the next room, collect all the Bertie Bott's before jump down.
After you jump, cast Flipoendo to the platform (with a pattern on it)
twice. Jump up, then jump to the other side.

In the next area, cast Lumos on the gargoyle, go to the next area.
Then cast Flipendo to the wall.
Before you enter the next area and get your first Wizard Card, don't
forget to cast Alohomora to the secret door to the right.

After getting the Wizard Card, cast the armors twice each. Each armor
should give you 4 Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean. Now follow Ron.

=> HOgwarts Grounds (night)

Go in front of the dragon statue, cast Flipendo twice on it's head.
Now, on your left there's a chest. Take it, then follow Ron.

Before enter the castle, take the right path, take the chest on the top,
cast Alohomora on the upper banners, then take another chest contain your
first Silver Card ever.

** NOTe : You can still take this card on daylight, but once you take it
          there will be no card anymore only the beans

Go back. Now check out the left side of the castle. You can see
a Wizard Card on the top. Ignore it for now. You can take it if after
mastering Spongify spell. Keep go to the left. there's a symbol on
the wall. Cast Alohomora on it. Take everything (but you still cannot
pass through the branches for now, you need Diffindo spell for it)
and go back.

Go down, take the chest, cast Alhomora on the wall if you wish (but
it's still useless since you cannot pass through the wall because of the
branches), and get back. Enter the castle.

After the cutscene, check the left side of the stairs. There's a chest
there. Go up the stairs, cast Flipendo on the armors.

Check out the southern left side room. Cast Alhomora to the symbol on
wall, outside the House Point Chamber. Be ware when you are collecting
the beans. don't ever step on the green-slimy thing because it will
reduce your health.

Now check the area on the left side of the armors. Cast Alohomora on
the mirror, take all the beans, then continue up the stairs.

Cast Flipendo on the statue three times. Then go to the other side
and cast another Flipendo to the statue. Step on the swith on the floor,
take the chest contain your first Silver Wizard Card. Now, it's time
to follow Ron.

There will be a quite long cutscene.
After you are able to control Harry, go to the northern most door in
side the castle and you'll be in 'the moving stairs' area.

Before you go up, you can trade the beans you have collected with
the other students below (which mark with : they are holding and
throwing the bean).

Go up the stair and it will move. You'll find Nearly Headless Nick.
He'll show you a secret door. After the cutscene, hit all the cauldrons,
take the beans the go up the stair cases.
Check the box on the tables, and symbol in the next room. then go back,
up the stairs.

Go up once again. You can cast Flipendo on the statue three times before
you enter the infirmary. Cast Flipendo on all 4 pictures here to open a
secret. Take the Wizard Card, then continue to the next room with a bean.

There's a gargoyle here. Cast lumos on it, then you can see a block in
the stair case in front of it. Climb it and take another Wizard Card.
Now you can go down and check all the cauldrons (don't forget the chest)
then go back.
**NOTE : There's still another secret here, but you still cannot take it since you
         need Spongify spell for it.

Goodness, this place is so huge!

Go back to the floor where you saw Ron.
Before continue, look at the suspicious wall on your left. Hit it with
Flipendo then take the cauldron near Mrs Norris.

Before enter the class, don't forget to open the secret on the right.

=> First Spell : Rictusempra

After the cutscene, Profesor Lockhart will ask you to input some commands
with the arrow keys to complete the spell, Rictusempra. You have only three
chances to fail it. Remember, if you succeed, you'll get house points (30
house points in total).

=> Rictusempra Challenge

First, put the Fire Crab into the hole contain it's pattern. Proceed to
the next area.

Now put the Giant Orange Snail in to the holes, hit all of the Fire Crabs
until the 'jails' close, then Grab the Challenge Stars and the Wizard Card.
Ignore the two snails, proceed and save.

Cast flipendo to the potrait of Lockhart and take the cheast. Go upstairs,
take the chocolate frog if nessesary and grab the chest.

Next, you have cast Rictusempra to the Fire Crabs and hit them until they
fall in the other side. Keep going and take the challenge star.

Ignore the falling snails and keep to the next area.
NOw, hit the crabs and put them into the green holes. the wall will move down.
Climb up the wall in the left side of the exit, hit the cauldron,
cast Rictusempra to the fire crab, cast Alohomora on the wall contain Lockhart's
potrait, and cast Lumos to the gargoyle.
You should notice a hidden door near the last fire crab you hit. Take
the challenge star inside it, the jump down.

NOw, up to the right wall of the exit, follow the path , take the challenge star
and hop to the left side of the exit. Cast Flipendo on the pattern in the top of
the wall, and take the chest.

Now go back to the exit, hit the block with Flipendo and jump down. Take the chest
and move to the next area.

Ignore the snail, and continue to the next room.
There are 3 flipendo patterns here. Low, middle, and high. At this point, you
have to flip the potraits with until it matches to the potrait in the door.
Do to the right and left door first, enter it, step on the foot prints, and take
the chests. After you done it, a challenge star will fall down. Take it, and
flip the potraits again to open the middle door. Proceed.

step on the foot print, take the chest behind you, and save.

Cast Lumos on the gargoyle you pass by, ignore the snails and proceed to next
Look for the hidden area, take the chest then continue your journey.

Cast Alohomora to the potrait in the wall, enter and take the chest. Go back.
Make your way to the other side, and put the crab into the hole.
Follow the path, ignore the snails, hit cauldrons, chst along your way.

When you are get trapped with two crabs, you know what to do.
Proceed, look for the chest on the right side, then continue. Before save,
there's a secret room in the right side of the save game book. Cast Flipendo
to the pattern in the top of the wall.

In the next area, all you must do is put all 4 crabs into the pattern below.
This can be very time consuming, since it won't fall directly to the pattern.
Need several flipendos. Check out the crabs if the star doesn't go down.

If you already put at least 2 of the crabs into the hole, you can open the secret
passage near the crabs symbols.
In the secret pessage, follow the path. Cast Flipendo on Lockhart's potrait,
step on the footprints defeat the gnome and take the Card. Finally, go up and take
the challenge star.

If you already put all the crabs, the big challenge star will be reachable.
Your remaining time will become your personal High Score.

=> Weekly House Points

After the class, you'll meet a girl that will tell you about weekly
house points. Follow her. If Griffindor wins the house points, you'll
get a limited time to collect the beans.
Collect as many beans as you can. These will be useful for trading.

Then, if you're done with your bean collecting, Wood will meet you and
asked you to follow him.

NOTE : you can access the Great Hall now, through the only opened door
       in the first floor and take the beans from the chests.

       The weekly house points happens every time you finished a challenge.

Follow wood to the Quidditch Pitch. Don't forget to take the chests in
the places you ever visit before (yes, they have 'refilled' it).
Take your Quidditch lesson and watch the cutscene.

After that, you have to Potion Class (Oh, no!). Follow Hermione to the
dungeon. Open the second hidden place with the beans (you can see
through it). Check the area before enter the class. Hit the armors,
take the chest, cast Lumos on gargoyle, and take the beans below.

=> Wiggenweld Potion :

Snape will ask Harry to take the chest and mix the potion. Watch out!
Never cast any spells to the potions on the table, except you want to
lose house points.

After the class, there will be a cutscene.

After that, you'll have to follow Hermione to the Charm Class.

=> Second Spell : Skurge :

After answering Hermione's question, you'll learn skurge from
Prof Flitwick. Like before, just follow the pattern with arrow keys.
You'll get 30 points in total if you can complete it all in 3 levels.

Then, you have to enter the Skurge Challenge. Just like before, follow
the path, open the chests, and secret areas. (I'll welcome anyone who
is willingly write for this part with a full credit, of course)

=> Skurge Challenge :

Follow the path, cast skurge to the Ectoplasm in the door. Follow the path,
cast another egtoplasm to the door.
Remove the ectoplasm in the left and right side of the block, then cast
Flipendo move the block until it fell. Jump, take the challenge star, save.

Follow the path. In the next room, take the chest then go right, avoid al
the crabs. Just follow the path until you encounter Peeves.
Hit him with Skurge until he loses all of his stamina.
Proceed, then cast Alohomora to the dragon statue. Save.

Go back to the previous room and take the newly opened path. Take the challenge
star and the beans then go back.

Hit the Flipendo pattern, the go to the gargoyle statue then cast Lumos on it.
Go through the newly opened secret door, follow the path, take the chest.
Cast SKurge to the blocked way and keep moving. Ignore all crabs, back to the
room with many ectoplasm and enter the door in front of you (it way blocked
before). Cast Lumos on the gargoyle once again then follow the opened path.
In the left of the chest contains a Card there's a secret room. But you only can
pass through it when Lumos still active.

Follow the path and save.

In the left there's an ectoplasm. Remove it, then ut a snail in it. Grab the chest,
then keep moving to the other side. In this room there's a Flobberworm Mucus on top.
Cast Flipendo on it then take it. Go back.

Cast Skurge then put the nearly snail in it. For the further one, just move in
the edge so you don't have to go down.

Proceed to the next room. Take the chest, and the challenge star.
Go down, knock down the cauldron, hit the box on the table 3 times, then cast Lumos
to gargoyle.

Defeat the pixie, hit the pattern on the right wall with alohomora, follow thepath,
take the beans and the challenge star, jump down.

Run from the crab, cast Skurge to the door, then exit this room.
Cast another Skurge to the ectoplasma, move to the 2 platforms, cast Flipendo to the
square with no pattern near it. Head back, take the beans and the card. Go back.
Proceed to the other side.

Go to the only way ot here then follow the path. In the end, you have to hit the
block until it fall. Remove the ectoplasma. defeat the gnomes, then take the Card.
Before you jump down, don't forget the box on the table. Cast Flipoendo on it 3 times
then take the beans.

Jump down, take the challenge star, open the next chest, pass the slug.

There's another chest below, but don't open it. It contain Peeves.

If you notice, there should be a gargoyle here. Cast Lumos on it, pass the chest
contain Peeves, jump up to the new reveal block. Then cast Alohomora on the upper wall
to reveal the last secret room.
Take the star and the beans, go through the openes way, then jump down to
take the Completion Star.
(thanks to  and  for this last star)

After the challenge, there will be another weekly house points.
You know what to do.

=> First ingredients : Bicorn Horn :

After the cutscene, follow the path, enter Snape class and take a Wizard
Card from the chest in the back of class. Don't forget about Flobberworm Mucus
and Wiggentree Bark on the table. GO back.

Remember the gargoyle? Now, you can get the chest contain a Wizard Card
by cast Skurge into the geen-slimy thing below.
Now go and find the door with the green thing. Cast Skurge on it then enter.
Follow the path, cast Alohomora on the door. In the end, cast Flipendo
on patterns on the further wall. Ride up, take the chest, then go down to
the lowest level. Remove the slimes, and proceed.

**NOte : There's another room here with a gargoyle. If you cast Lumos on it it will
         reveal invisible path.

In the room with two slugs, hit the slugs and put them into the pattern.
Crabs will fall down. Put each crab into the cells and proceed.
The gargoyle will make a path into the cauldron in the next room.

Just keep going to the next are and solve the puzzles. I think it's easy.
When you enter a place with 4 Flipendo pattern in red, purple, green, and

First, cast Flipendo to the red one. Go down, take the chests inside the secret rooms
(there are 2 secret rooms), then go back.
This time cast Flipendo to red, purple and green. Take the last secret room here before
going on.

** NOTE : The secret areas with chest inside have special 'mark' on the walls.
	    You can see it from above.

Manage your way, take Flobberworm Mucus, Wiggentree Bark, beans you found. Then keep
going. In the room with moving wooden plates, don't forget to hit down that pixie
before jump to the plate, then find the way to pass the rest of moving wooden plates area.

Rictusempra the crab before going up. Save.

There should be another chest in the following area. Take it, defeat the gnome and
the crab, then going up. Before go to the next area, please remember the suspicious
looking wall contain a gargoyle.

Now, in the next area try to pass the moving bridge to open another secret room.
After take the chest, go back to the room with the suspicious wall.

Cast Flipendo to the pattern on the right side of the wall, then Lumos on the gargoyle.
You should see another secret room reveals.

Take the chest, Alohomora the locked door, then continue.
Take beans and a Flobberworm Mucus here before going to the very end of the room.

When you fall, defeat the crabs then cast Flipendo to them move out the way.
Jump, and manage your way to the next area.

Keep going, and before take the horn there are 4 more beans in the left side room of
the horn.
After taking the horn, then you will be automatically move through the exit,
in Snape's classroom.
(thanks to  for helping me writing this part)

Before leaving, there's a secret room in this class, near Snape's chair.
Jump to the switch below to reveal a stair. Take the Card from the chest.

=> The Duel Club :

Now, you have to go to the Great Hall to attend the Duel.
It's just a simple game.
The controls:  space bar / right mouse button = select magic
               Alt key / left mouse button = cast magic
You can 'power up' your magic by holding the cast button.

After the cutscenes, it's the time for Herbology class.

=> Third Spell : Diffindo :

Follow Ron. He'll show you Herbology class.
Complete the spell pattern in correspondent keys and take the challenge.

=> Diffindo Challenge :

Cut the branches that block your path.
Take the chest, follow the path.
Hit the cauldron, chest, and the pot.
The wall with the coloured pattern can be opened. It contain a wizard card.
Now go to the next area.

Hit the slugs on each side and put them into the pattern on left and right
side (blocked by branches).
Knock down the pots if you like, then go to the next area.

Take the challenge star, hit the cauldron, cut the rope, then save.
Cut the Norklup Mushrooms, rotate your view so you can see a secret room below
(it's near the enterance). Just enter the room, but don't take the chest. It
contains that wretched Peeves.

Go up then step on the square on the left side of the exit.
Cast Diffindo to the rope in front of you to realese the block.
Use the block to help you going up. Take the beans, cut the rope, then jump
down. Enter the next area.
Take another wizard card in the chest, then cast Flipendo on the box 3 times,
take the beans andthe Flobberworm Mucus.
Cut the rope, push the block until it fall and open the way to the next area.

Cast Diffindo to Spiky Prickly Plants (previously Spiky Bushes), hit the block,
cut the rope then use the elevator to move up. Cast Diffindo to the branches,
cut the rope, and then follow the path.
Jump down, go to the next area.

Hit the all armors you meet, and take the beans. Cast Diffindo to the spider web
then save.

Jump down then cut the rope.
Cast Lumos on gargoyle then follow the path up.
When you find a rope DO NOT cut it yet. Keep going and take the challenge star
then get back and cut the rope.
There will be a transparent wall in your right.
Enter it, take the card from the chest, then go up and hit the block until it fall.

Back to the place you find the gargoyle, then hit the block. Take another card from
the chest. Continue your journey.

Ignore the slug and the crab, remove all ectoplasmas and manage yourself up.
Stand inside the square then cut the rope. Hit the cauldron then save your game.

Manage yourself out of the next area, to the field with venomous tentacula.

Avoid all the venomous tentacula, don't forget to grab the chest on the left.
Go up, cut the nearest rope, fight the Browtuckles to get Wiggentree Barks, then
move up. In the next bridge, cut the further rope so you can cross it. Move up again,
fight the Browtuckles if you like then save.

Remove the brach that blocked the pattern on the floor, then move a slug into it.
Do this on both sides to open the door.

Enter the house, cast Flipendo on the pattern near the roof.
Aim your spell to the upper side of the challenge star then cast Diffindo spell on it.
The star will fall down.

There's a gargoyle on the left side of the enterance, but I still don't know what's
the function of it.

Now, manage yourself to the next rooms, don't forget to open the secret doors with
colour patterns. Those contains Wizard Cards. Save when you reach save point.

Go to the next area, cast Lumos on gargoyle, pass through the wall, then cross to
the next area.You'll have to encounter a slug here. Remove it, then continue.
There's lightning pattern on the wall. Open it, take the beans, then go out and
keep walking until you encounter 3 more slugs. Put 2 in the wall and the other one
to the pattern on the floor in the secret area. Take the wizard card.

After you find the big challenge star, don't take it yet. There's a chest on
the right side and a Flobberworm Mucus on the left side.

After completing the challenge, Ron will meet you. He'll show the way to
the Green House to find another ingredient for Polyjuice Potion.

**NOte : If I'm not wrong, there are still 2 more secrets here.
         Mail me if you know anything.

=> Second ingredient : Boomslang Skins

Before going anywhere, don't forget to open the secret door (in the ground
where you showed up after the challenge.
Cast diffindo on the branches, take the beans and the Card in the chest. Then
cast Lumos to the gargoyle.
Now, before the light in your wand dissapears, go to the most right wall
in the right side of the castle and locate the secret hidden way.
climb up the stairs, take the items, and before youing back, do regular jump
to the switch on the ground (you will something different on the floor)

You can also take the beans inside the pattern on the wall.

Now follow Ron to the green house.

Before enter the Green House, check all the area surround the class room
and get 2 wizard cards.

Inside the green house, just follow the path, going up, cross the brigde,
cut the ropes, then jump down.

Go up and cross the brigde once again, cut the ropes. Then do regular jump on
square on the floor to open a secret door. Cast Lumos on the gargoyle (I suggest
you to enter this room too since this is the first secret room) and then move
to the next area.

Save. Take the chest contains a wizard card inside the wall, then keep going on.

Keep going on, remove the mushrooms, avoid the venomous tentaculas, follow
the path. Cast Rictusempra to the spiders then go up. Defeat the Browtuckles
and step on the square on the floor.

Don't get in just yet, because in the end of path there's another secret room.

Once you jump down, don't forget to take the wizard card before take
the boomslang skin.

This quest isn't hard. You'll get the ingredients in no time.

After the scene, there's another Weekly House Points. Now you can take the chest
inside the secret room near the chamber of House Points

And, after another long cutscene, you'll have to follow Goyle.

=> Third Ingredient : the bit of Goyle

This one pretty tricky. But here we go!

Follow Goyle into the next area. Hit the block so it get closer to the higher blosk.
Defeat all enemies here, take the wizard card, hit the Flipendo pattern on the wall
then go up the stairs (take the beans if you want)

Remove all the branches, take all the beans, then manage yourself into the next area
(don't forget the chest)

Jump to the wood, cast Diffindo to remove the spider web, then jump into it.
Go and cast Flipendo to the luggage from the opposite direction.
Go down, take everything you can get. Before going anywhere, hit the luggage to
the bookshelves, then cast Lumos on the hidden gargoyle. Go up the bookshelves, there
should be a secret room.

Then go up the stairs. Save.

Continue walking through the door (with spider web), climb up hit the block until it fall
then go back.

Climb up the block, and keep up until you can reach the gargoyle on the left side
with your magic. Cast Lumos on it, go and take the beans and chocolate frog if you like,
then go back and climb up the window.

check the sorrounds for beans, cast Lumos on the gargoyle, and look for a secret
hidden chest in nearby wall (in front of the exit). Then exit.

Defeat the tentaculas, spiky bushes, take the items below if you want, then jump to
the opened window.

Follow the path then cast Diffindo on the window. The other area should be open.
But don't be so hasty to enter it. Jump down (be careful, because if its too high,
you'll lose your health) enter the opened door below.

Fight the 2 crabs and 2 slugs then open the chest contain a wizard card. Go out and
enter the window. Save.

Follow the path, look for a shelves with spider web on your left.
Cast Diffindo on it then cast Lumos to gargoyle. Take the chest in hidden room,
then go back, release the other shelves with Spider web then continue your journey.
You'll encounter a crab before you pass this library, so becareful.

Keep going, cast Alohomora to the lock in the upper right follow the path to the back of
the gargoyle, take the chest then go back.

Cast Lumos on the garyople then go down the secret stairs.

Now, all you must do is to flip the woods and arrange red in a line. Do the same
thing for blue, then go up. Take the chests on left and right side, then go to
the next area.

Remove all ectoplasma, but don't open the chest. It contains Peeves.
Go to the next room.
Cast Lumos on gargoyle to open the secret chest on the left, then keep going on.
Save your game.

Follow the path, remove any spider webs on your way, defeat the pixie, take all
the beans on the right, then go down through the way on the floor.

Jump onto the block then cut the rope.

Manage yourself to the other side, follow the path to the right, to the area
with a slug and venomous tentaculas but don't jump down yet.

Kepp follow the path until you can see a rope on the floor. Cut it.
Enter the new opened door, look at the other side, cast Diffindo on the rope
(it's hidden but near wall on the right side) to reveal a chest. Take the wizard card
then go back.

If you want, you can go to the secret area with a gargoyle just ion the left side of
this room. Cast Lumos on gargoyle, then take the secret chest in front of the gargoyle.

Go pass the slug, open the door, and enter it. Before you reach Goyle at the end, be sure
to take all the beans on the right and the left door.

=> Polyjuice Potion

** NOTE : For more secrets, check the secrets section

After you can control 'Goyle', check out the whole room. Hit the toilet, grab the chest.
Then go to the dungeons and enter the Slytherin common room.

Follow the path, srep on compass on the floor, keep going, defeat the gnomes if you want,
and keep going.
Cast Flipeondo to the armors and the statue here. A pattern of Flipendo will show up.
Stand in the pattern on the floor, then hit the patern.

Keep going unti you reach another compass, then follow the way to the save game book.

In the right side of the save game book there's a secret switch. Hit it until a secret
room opens, then enter it, remove the ectoplasma, hit all the symbols on the wall, take
the chest then go back and take the chest outside.

In the wall near the bridge there's a Flipendo pattern. HIt it to activate the elevator.
Go up.

Remove ectoplasm that cover the Flipendo pattern, then hit the pattern. Cast Lumos on
the gargoyle then jump down.

Step onto the foot print, then continue your journey to the Slytherin common room.

In the common room, cast Alohomora to the Sun-like painting in the middle. Enter,
follow the path until you reach the library.

When you enter the library, there's a block (with a ring) in your left side.
Cast Alohomora to it. The shelves should go down. climb up, a secret item will reveal.
Open it then take the Wizard Card. Go out.

Before going anywhere, go to the opposite side, in the room with a fountain and 2 armors.
Cast Alohomora to the fountain take the Wizard card, then go to the common room.

There's a Flobberworm Mucus in the table on the common room. Take it.
Now go to the only way, then turn right. You'll meet Malfoy.

After the cutscene, go to the place you met Malfoy then go up the stairs and take
the chest.

After that, go out the common room. You'll be automatically saved because after this
you have to run for your life.

** NOTE : I found a bug here. If you skip the cutscene, quit the game, then load it,
          all you can see is nothing except Harry's health bars. If this happens, there
          is no way to continue your game. Play once again from the beginning.
          I hope EA Games can fix this bug.

=> Intruder

All you can do is hiding behind pillars or anything, until you are close enough to the
If someone call for Snape, it's the time to run. Run, and avoid all student along your
way. Because if you get caught, you have to start over again.

=> Fourth Spell : Spongify :

Follow Hermione to Defense Against Dark Art class.
You know what to do then.

=> Spongify Challenge

Follow the path, defeat 2 gnomes and a wall between
the 2 gnomes homes will open with a gargoyle.  Cast Lumos to the gargoyle
then go up again where you found the carpet spongify  the carpet then go up.
Don?t proceed yet, look back again where you?ve been, look up to your left
and you?ll find a secret room here.

Jump to the room and you?ll get a silver wizard card.
There?s another secret room on that room look up on your right side and
you?ll see the wall with lightning mark, cast alohomora to it.
Manage to go up again to get beans.
Then jump down to the carpet again and cast spongify to it so you can go up
again for your 1st star then move to the next area.
Defeat the gnome and the imp here to open a secret room on your left side.

Next area, don?t cast spongify first to the carpet,
look at your left side of the room, there are beans in there, manage to go
there.  Cast spongify to the carpet to jump to the opposite side.  Cast
Alohomora to the wall on your left to get your 2nd star.
Look at the opposite side again, manage to go there to open the chest.
Go back to where you saw the 3rd star.  Proceed then save..

OK, this is quite hard. Defeat all the imps and throw them into the hole.
A secret wall will open. Cast Lumos on the gargoyle, and enter the room
behind the chocolate frog. Take the wizard card inside it.
Move the block and make it as your point to the upper level.
Take the 4th challenge star then proceed to the next room.

This is really hard. since you must deal with 4 crabs at once.
Don't spongify the carpet yet. Instead, jump down
and defeat all the crabs and put them into the hole on the wall.
A secret room will open.
Take another wizard card from it them spongify the carpet to throw you up.
Now go back to the spongify carpet near the entrance then spongify it.

When you are already up on a wood, cast Flipendo to the pattern behind you.
Jump higher then cast another Flipendo to the pattern.
Take the 5th challenge Star.

Next cast skurge to the ectoplasma, go down, proceed.
Before going down the stairs, cast flipendo to the inverted painting
on the right side of the wall The stairs will move down.  Take chest
then proceed.

Take right path, go down and cast Alohomora on the middle part of the stage, then cast
Lumos to the gargoyle, go up again, jump to upper level, cast spongify to
revealed carpet, move block then jump up again.  Cast Flipendo first
Flobberworm Mucus and Wiggentree Bark on the right side of the wall then
jump to the left to cast Alohomora to the wall with a mark of lightning. Take
the 6th star and the chocolate frog.  Don?t forget to get the Flobberworm
Mucus and Wiggentree Bark.
Go back to the stage.

Move the block until you can move up get the 7th star then save.
Proceed to the next room.

Spongify the carpet then jump to the higher level.
Cast Rictusempra on giant crab, remove the ectoplasma, and climb up.

If you need some health, the room with another crab contains chocolate frogs

Go upstairs, cast spongify from the carpet, then jump to the other side &
get your 8th star.

In the next area, defeat the pixie, cast Alohomora on the flying Owl
then take the 9th challenge star, and the chest inside the secret
area. Go down where you saw the gorgoyle first before saving.
Cast Lumos to the gorgoyle a stair will appear on your left side,
go down cast flipendo on the painted wall on one of the posts, 2 rooms will open.
Go inside the 1st room on your right side, cast spongify to the carpet to go to
the other side. Open chest, then go back by casting spongify to the carpet in
that room.  Manage to go up again then Save then proceed.

When you are trying to take the chest you'll encounter 2 spiders. Defeat
them, then cast Flipendo on both sides.

Cast Lumos on the gargoyle then continue follow the path.
Enter the room with 2 pixies on the right through the secret area.
Grab the chest,then go back, continue your challenge.
In the next room, jump on the foot print, grab the chest, cast Alohomora
to the pattern on the wall and take the 4 beans, then use Spongify to
throw you to the upper level.

Follow the path, cut the rope, defeat crab and spiders, go up, cross the bridge
to the other side get 10th star. Save.

Jump to the carpet. Use it to manage you to the other side.
Enter the next room.

You should see a shadow below. Cut the spider web above your head, then defeat the spider.
There's a hole in wall. Cast Flipendo on the pattern
near the hole to reveal a secret spongify pattern under your
feet. Use it to jump to the hole.
Take the chest then continue on.

Use the last Spongify to the other side.
And  before taking the Completion Star, hit the pattern on the upper wall behind
the big star with Flipendo. Use the spongify pattern here to throw you to back to
the other side. Take the Flobberworm Mucus and Wiggentree Bark here, then jump
to the other side, and take the chest.

Now go back and take the Completion Star.

(Thanks to  for fixing some stuffs here. NOTE :
Since your mail was truncated, I added the rest of this challenge on my own)

There will be another weekly House Points.

when you out of the chamber, Ron will meet you and tell you about Moaning Myrtle.

Before following him, you can use your ability to take items.
There are 2 spongify patterns outside the castle, one near the dungeon,
one on the last room of infirmary, one outside the infirmary, inside the room near
secret silver card's room (that showed by Nick), in front of main stair cases in
main hall, and the center Spongify carpet on the hall with moving staircases.

There will be a long cutscene after you meet the Moaning Myrtle. Save the game
then go through the castle enterance to Hagrid's Hut.

=> Forbidden Forest

There will be a cutscene. After that, take all the beans you find, take the
wizard card, then save. Enter the forbidden forest.

Inside the forbidden forest, after Ron helped you to the other side, cast
Lumos on the gargoyle.

Use the upper Spongify carpet to throw you up.
Defeat the spider, release the log, then use spongify to move move to the
other side. Defeat the Browtuckles, trelease the log, take the chest, then use
spongify to help you go down.

Go back to the first log. On the ledge on your right side should be a Flipendo Pattern.
Open it to enter the first secret room.

In the next area, cast Diffindo on the giant tentacula then run to the other side
before it awakes.

When you crossing the brigde you'll fall. Release the gnomes and let them take
care of the mushrooms. You can take the beans after the gnomes change the
Save your game then proceed.

Follow the path, remove all spider webs, defeat all spiders, enter the newly opened room,
then go to the next area.

Now you have to use the spongify magic to jump. Keep follow the way until you reach
the enterance of center tree.

From the enterance, jump down, use Spongify to throw you up. Then take the card on
the branch. Jump to the nearby cliff, then use the spongify path once again to
go to the center tree.

** NOTE : never jump all the way down inside the tree! It can cause instant death!

Go to the way you passed before onto the next area. Save.

Defeat all the Browtuckles, cut the rope, go up, cast Flifendo on the stalagtit
(or stalagmit? Whatever), jump up, take che chest behind the spider web, go to the
last area.

Open the chest contain a gnome and let it eat the mushrooms for you.

Go straight then enter the Aragog's Lair.

=> Aragog's Lair :

After the cutscene, go around the lair (ignore all the spiders, they are limitless)
and cut all the 'pillar' spider webs.
Aragog will drop down, then you have to face him.

Cast Flipendo only when he rise himself up. In his other position, spell won't
hurt him.

After you beat Aragog, there will be another cutscene

=> Final Encounter : path to Chamber of Secrets

Go to the Moaning Myrtle's bathroom to trigger another cutscene.

After that, jump down to the Chamber of Secrets.

another cutscene will appear, and finally you are on your own in a room with a lot
of ectoplasmas.

Take the right path, follow the path until you can jump onto the middle 'elevator'.
But don't jump yet. In the room on your right there's a gargoyle. Hit it with Lumos
and go back to the previous room.
On your way down, don't forget to take the beans on the chests. Then use the elevator
again to go down.

Remove the spider web then jump down. Watch out for the spiders here.
Remove the ectoplasm, then continue. Save.

The rocks will fall down when you approaching the chest. Cast Flipendo to the upper
pattern. Take the right path, and follow it.
In a room with moving walls, just stand in the end of it (Don't jump down!)
then take the right path and enter another secret room.

Remove the ectoplasm and spider webs that bloking your way, don't forget to take the
chest on the right side. Continue on. Save.

Take the 2 cauldrons then jump down. Take another cauldron and the chocolate frog, then
try to eliminate all pixies before you continue. These pixies can block your way and
make you fall. Watch out for the crab.

Enter the next room then take the right path. Cast Spongify and Lumos, then jump to
the other side. Jump up, cast Lumos and Spongify again, jump to the other side, defeat
the imps then continue on.

If you notice, there will be a elevator in the center and a wall the the other side.
Cut the rope on the right side, cast Flipendo to the wall then go down and take
the chest. Defeat the crab, then use the Spongify carpet to throw you to the next room.

Defeat the crabs and put them into the hole (cast Flipendo on the pattern first).
Then cast Flipendo to the other pattern on the wall. Use Spongify carpet below to

Defeat all the imps then throw them into the hole. A statue of gargoyle will show up.
Before using the gargoyle, cast Flipendo on the wall first then Spongify the carpet
below. This should save some time until you are in the upper level.

Follow the path, jump, then use another Spongify carpet to go up.
Take the items, then continue.

Jump down, cut the ropes on both sides. You'll drop down.
Hit the Flipendo patterns on the floor first, take the chocolate frogs, then
save you game. Continue.

Before enter the next room, try to lure one of the slug to come near you.
If it's already in the room, stun it, then go to the next room until a short cutscreen
takes a place. This should close the door behind.
Now, before going anywhere, push the other slug into the trap. Then go to the other side
with Spongify pattern. Hit the pixies above you first, then jump up then cut the rope.
Go to the other side then do the same thing before.

Jump down, and you can go through the way to the next room. Take the cauldron then save.

Run from the boulder, remove any branches blocking your way, go to the end then jump down.
Take the Wiggentree Bark and Flobberworm MUcus here then save.

In the next room, you have to cut the rope, use the wood as your bridge to the other side.
(I wonder is there any secret below?)

In the final chamber, avoid the fire, in cross road take the Wiggenweld Potion's
ingredients on the left then use the cauldron on the right to mix some potion.
Go through the fire again, then save. This is the final boss.

=> Basilisk

Hold your cast button to make a powerful spell. Hit the snake with it (the cursor is quite
'invisible' but you can manage it).

** NOTE : Beware of it's poison. Watch out for it's bites too.

When it's health are gone this is the time for the difficult one.
The snake will show up in 4 holes near Ginny and throw you some poison.
Gather your energy then hit it when it mouth is open. If you try to hit it when the mouth
isn't open, it will dodge your magic.

** NOTE : Usually, the head's moving left, right, then open it's mouth

Use as many potions as you can. This boss needs a lot of patience and potions.

* Congratulations! * You have just finished the game!
After this, you can go anywhere and do anything you want around Hogwarts.

Why don't you try the Dueling Club and the Quidditch game? You can still re-enter
the spell challenges but you won't get house points as much as the first one.

D. HINTS    >>

1. Famous Witch and Wizard Cards :
I've never expect these many of Wizard Cards. They are so many, and I
still cannot collect them all yet.

Mail me if you know the precise location of the cards.

There are 3 kinds of cards: Bronze (50), Silver (40), and Gold ().

Collect 10 Bronse Cards, you'll get permanent additional health
for Harry.

The Gold cards don't have any use, but if you got all the 40 Silver Cards,
go to the secret door Nearly Headless Nick told you to collect the Gold Cards
(those are 11 in total). Then you can see the card in 3D view in the room!

Cards to find :
These are cards that I found :
- Whomping Willow quest							:  1  card
- Rictusempra Challenge							: 11  cards
- Gryffindor Common Room						:  2  cards
- Behind the statue (chest with cauldron beside)		:  1  card
- The lowest level of the moving stairs				:  1  card
- Snape's classroom							:  2  cards
- Skurge Challenge							:  5  cards
- Outside Snape Clasroom (Skurge required)			:  1  card
- Quest to find Bicorn Horn						:  6  cards
- Diffindo challenge							:  5  cards
- Outside castle								:  4  cards
- Mirror with spider web						:  1  card
- Pattern near the House Point Chamber				:  1  card
- Dumbledore Office							:  2  cards
- Defense Against Dark Arts Classroom				:  1  card
- Charm Classroom								:  1  card
- Quest to following Goyle						:  4  cards
- Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom						:  1  card
- Near Hagrid's Hut							:  1  card
- Forbidden Forest							:  2  cards
- Chamber of Secrets							:  1  card
- The middle carpet in moving staircases room			:  1  card
- Enterance of Herbology classroom, symbol up the door	:  1  card
- Behind Herbology classroom						:  1  card
- Inside chamber of Secrets						:  1  card

I think I'll pass this section since there is somebody else
wrote about the cards

I found the rest of the cards by winning the duels then trade
the beans for cards.

2. Bean Trading :

You can change your beans with Silver Cards, Bronze Cards, Wiggentree Bark,
Flobberworm Mucus, Nimbus 2001 or Quiditch Armor.

I suggest you to save your beans for items beside Wiggentree Bark and
Flobberworm Mucus since you can found them around Hogwarts.
Silver Cards and Gold Cards are quite rare, so consentrate on these two AND
Quidditch items (if you want)

I'll locate a few students with 'rare items' such as cards and Quidditch

Person	|	Location		| Item to trade		| Beans Required 	|
George	| Hogwarts Ground 	| Quidditch Armor		|      500		|
Fred 		| Hogwarts Ground		| Nimbus 2001		|      700		|
Boy		| Near the exit of 	|				|			|
		| Rictusempra Challenge	| Silver Card		|    various	|
Girl		| In front of witch 	|  				|			|
		| statue			| Silver Card		|    various	|
Boy		| Behind the witch 	|				|			|
		| statue			| Bronze / Silver Card	|    various	|
Boy		| Potrait room with 	| 			 	|       	 	|
		| moving staircases 	| Silver Card	 	|    various	|
Boy		| Potrait room with 	| 		 		|       		|
		| moving staircases 	| Silver / Bronze Card 	|    various	|
Girl		| In front of Castle	|				|			|
		| Enterance			| Silver Cards		|    various	|

These I can found for now. Tell me if you find any.

TIPS: When you want to trade your beans with cards, don't be so hasty.
      I mean, sometimes the person who wants to trade it with you can give lower price.
      I give an example. In my case, (when I trade beans with the boy near Rictusempra
      Challenge room with Silver Cards) he ever gave me 205 - 299 beans. When the price
      is too high, I decline the trade, then talk to him again. I did this many many
      But, before do this I suggest you to collect the beans as many as you can, since
      the trade won't be canceled until you press "No" button. So, if you got a low price,
      you can trade as many cards as you want with the same price.

3. The Dueling Club

Here are the default controls when you have a duel.
Alt key		: cast magic
Space bar	: select magic

You cannot use jump on duel.


I have a tip for easy winning. I'll give an example for it.

When the duel starts, don't just stand in the middle. Go the most right
or to the most left, whichever you like. Don't stand too close and too
far from the opponent.

When you are in position, start gathering your power. When starts to move to
in front of you release the magic. Then go to the other side.
YOu need a perfect timing here so they won't be able to reflect your magic.

There are several tips from other peoples:

- From 

  Here's a tip for dueling I learnt on my own: Charge a power full Rictusempra attack,
let it go, then wait until the opponent hits it back (if it doesn't hit him),
then quickly take a step or two to the side, quickly power up some of the Rictusempra
meter, then fire. If timed exactly, it will hit.

- From 

  In dueling, use Expelliarmus only. Let your opponant choose the spell and
simply send it back. Sometimes they send it back, just keep casting. You will get through
all the duels in no time.

4. Secrets (thanks to )

01) Upstairs in the Gryffindor common room up on the ceiling next to the dorm door.
    There is a rope you cut and shows a hidden entrance

02) Entrance before entering house point ceremony chamber.

03) Mirror at the left,

04) mirror at the right with the web.

05) Entrance before getting to the great hall

06) Snape?s class room with the lightning shape on the wall that brings a staircase
    to the door up.

07) At the foot of the dungeons stair there is a entrance with the beans.
    Spongify carpet brings you up to the area with chest.

08) Spongify carpet at the top of the stairs.

09) Right side castle was a statue that you pushed and there?s a switch you walk
    on that activates the door behind the statue.

10) In the right side across the classroom was a skurge at the far end corner
    and the gargoyle behind it. Activate the gargoyle and go across where the
    gargoyle was and the rope is there. Cut it.

11) Down in the dungeons was a door that hides the gargoyle and activate that
    to get under the gate and hit the skurge and the gate goes down and collect the
    beans and card.

12) The odd looking rectangle at the stair that has two skurges and a chest.

Hogwarts grounds:
01) symbol on the wall at the left side of the castle

02) Lightning shape at the downstairs to diffindo challenge and the gargoyle
    lights up the wall at the right side of the castle. Also  on the castle through
    the lighted wall from the gargoyle was a grayish square at the side of the stair
    which opens the door for the spongify carpet in front of it. That is secret
    number (7)

03) The two blue white flags at the gate of Quidditch field, unlocks the another
    hidden wall.

04) Spongify carpet at the left to get the card

05) Room where the branches blocked. (That is at the left side castle)

06) Cast Lumos on the Gargoyle on tjos room, then go to the right most wall, behind
    pass the girl trader, there will be a secret passage. Take the chest, jump on the
    square (you can recognize it because it's in different colour).
    Cast Spongify to the pattern below the new opened room, then jump up.

07) At the greenhouse, inside the entrance next to the trader, above the entrance
    was a symbol. Hit it with spell for a door behind the trader.

08) Far across the door to get the boomslang skins, was a chest and a room
    with branches blocking it.

Stair cases in Hogwarts:
01) second floor was a symbol on your left.

02) far down the corridor was a dark colour wall.

03) the picture before entering the infirmiry.

04) four pictures hit with flipendo shows a stair case in the middle of the room.
    In the office of the infirmary, was a square. Jump that to revil the open
    ceiling. Use the spongify carpet to get the chest.

05) Door before entering Defense Against the Dark arts classroom.

06) A inner block at the corridor outside where the DADA classroom is.

07) A symbol underneath the tiny cabinet which reveals the hidden elevator in
    Dumbledore?s office.

08) Fourth floor, a wall beside the stair, reveals the slime, rope, and cutting those,
    reveals the spongify carpet and the doors it leads you to.

09) The door where two chests are. (From the spongify carpet at the informiry floor)

10) Was it the ceiling with the wizard card?
    (** NOTe : Use the center Spongify pattern to get it)

(As cGoyle who is going to the common room):
01) Before saving the book to try getting onto the elevator, The symbol on your right
    reveals the flipendo syombol on the inside. Which reveals the hidden door where
    the stair shows. And three symbols reveals the steps for you to walk on to the to the
    area with the chest.
02) Before entering the common room, lighting up the gargoyle doesn?t just light
    the room for the common room but two areas. See the two steps? One on the right hand
    side of the gargoyle? That leads to the area with one chest and two statues.
    Before the hidden wall to the common room, there were steps that leads you to under
    the bridge. Be sure that the light still shining. There is a hidden wall for two
    chests and a statue. (3)

04) Hit the two Slytherin symbols that faces the boy?s common room and get the chest
    that is hidden behind the gargoyle.

05) In the room on the left of the common room with the blue sun, shows a chest inside.

06) There is a sun in the room with paintings, that leads to the library which was
    the left side of the boy?s common room.

07) Hit the symbol between the book shelf cases, which shows the two book shelves
    lowering, and climb that and a small hidden door reveals the chest.

08) Up the stairs where Draco came out of to find you.

First part of the chamber :
01) Room full of slimes, there is a gargoyle. Hit it and run forward to the next area
    to the room. There is a hidden wall and now down to the ground.

02) Part where the walls closing in, do not jump off the ledge.
    (The sliding wall won?t crush you if you were at the ledge. Go around
    the closed walls, and see the hidden door to the chest.)

03) This is very complicating. There are many bloody pixies and a crab so annoying
    that I felt like kicking it?s butt hard. After deliberately getting over tht e
    left side and running down the corridor to get to the right side and get up to
    the upper ground and battle the annoying imps, (So much want to strangle them) and
    cut the rop to reveal the door to the last part of the chamber, there is a symbol
    at the left side of the door to the last part of the chamber. Take the elevator down
    to reveal the passageway  to the chest.

5. Cheats :

 Hiya Danny,
   I came across your Walkthrough for this game when
 I got stuck and decided
 that it was time to cheat.  The Walkthrough didn't
 help me solve my problem,
 but I did find it interesting when I played the game

 I got stuck twice.  The first time I solved by
 cheating shamelessly, the second
 I couldn't solve at all.. I had to quit the game.

 First the shameless cheat:  I was busily heading
 towards Aragog's lair with
 not very much left in the way of health.  I had 43
 Bronze cards which gave me
 4 health bars, but only one of them was showing any
 health - and that one was
 only 1/2 full.  Not a good situation to be in when
 you have to defeat Browtuckles
 and a giant spider.  So I cheated.  In the system
 directory where the game was
 installed, I found a file called DefUser.ini. I
 openend it with Notepad and
 had a squiz.  The last 3 lines in the file were:


 I changed the numbers to


 and re-started the game.  Later I tried changing
 them to all 0.0. The effect
 was that whenever I got bitten or did something else
 that I shouldn't have done,
 my health bar only dropped a tiny bit.  Think of it
 as armour.  Even with all
 values set to 0, if you let a Fire Crab blast you
 repeatedly, your health will
 still diminish.  Just more slowly than with the
 stock numbers.

 I felt like such an awful schmuck with this
 artificial armour that I put things
 back they way they were supposed to be after I found
 some frogs and the immediate
 health danger was over.  But still - I thought you
 would like to know about
 this little nefarious dodge.

 The second time I got stuck was when I decided to be
 greedy.  It was right after
 I had defeated Aragog and should have been on my way
 to the Chamber.  I decided
 to have a look around outside in the grounds.  To my
 delight, all of the chests
 had been re-filled and there were a whole bunch more
 Wizard cards to be found.
  I gorged myself on Bertie Bott's Beans and found
 lots more cards, then headed
 back inside.  This is where it all turned to
 custard.  While I could open the
 front door to Hogwarts, the main entrance was just a
 blank wall with a picture
 of the entanceway on it.  Try as I might, I couldn't
 find a way back inside.
 Serves me right for being greedy, but it is surely
 worth a hint: DON'T GO OUTSIDE
 AT NIGHT unless you are supposed to.

 Defeating the Basilisk only takes a minute or two if
 you twiddle the damage
 settings - kind of making it too easy.

 Just thought you'ld like to know what I found.

Below just a few little 'trick' from me when executing the program:
If you are tired looking at the EA logo and WB logo when starting the program,
all you can do is find game.ini in
...Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secretssystem folder then change this




** NOTe : don't change this when you are executing the program.
          Exit the program first, then change it.
          I won't responsible if there's something wrong on your game

After applying this codes, maybe you can still view WB logo run in the background.
It's OK. But never click on it. It will crashes your program and you have to restart
the program once again.

6. Frequently Ask Questions :

Ok, several people already ask me this :

1) Q: How can I throw the first crab in Rictusempra Challenge in to the platform?
   A: Simple. Just knock it with Rictusempra, then hit it with Flipendo to push it over

7. Mails :

These are mails that sent to me. Most of them telling me about secrets.
I just paste it here.

1> From 
 A part you can add is in Myrtles bathroom.
You can go into the bathroom stall that opens as she flies over it.
Left side of room second door, there is a puddle of water on the floor in
front of the door.
You go in and jump on the toilet and then on top of the tank.
Next jump up and you will climb on top of the stall.
All the toilets are accessible from here, jump to each on one side. Shoot out
the toilets and collect your prizes.
To get to the row of stalls across from here jump from the top of the stall
with the puddle of water to the other side. All these have prizes too, beans,
trolls, fairies etc...
Now I think there may be another secret here at the back of the bathroom.
On the wall is a silver hanging, looks kind of like a mirror.  I threw a troll
through it and the troll disappeared. I did this at the end of the game during
Harry's Last Try. I am not sure if this was a glitch or not but it seems odd.

2> From  and 
 I know where the missing Challenge star is in the Skurge Challenge.
As you approch the end near the peeves box(hall before it) there should be a gargoyle,
cast lumos then jump on the block that appears by the
stairs then cast Alohomora at the top of the wall,
walk in and collect the last star.

** NOTE : There are several people sent mails and told me about this. but since these
          are the first one, I'll just put this here. Sorry.
          *Both letters use different explanation, but I used

3> From 
 The gold wizard cards dont really have a use but when you gat all the silver cards and
you open the locked door, run through and you will see blue curtains along a wall
with a wizard card symbol on them in gold. You keep going and there will be an entrance
to a door and you will see a timer appear. You can really only do the gold wizard card
challenge if you know all the spells for all of them are used with in the challenge.

4> From 
 Bicorn Horn:  answer to your gargoyle question: the gargoyle lights up a ledge in
the other room- this gives you access to the cauldron.

5> From 
 In order to get any gold cards, you must get ALL the silver cards.  This unlocks
a special area where you go through a "gold card challenge"  You play through this
challenge and collect the special gold cards.  There are 11 in all and they appear in
a special room in 3D!  Of course the 11'th card is Harry potter.  To get all the silver
cards  make sure you buy all the silver cards you can.  It helps to develope your
dueling skills untill you can beat Peter fairly consistantly.

** NOTE : I missed some letters in 11/25/2002 by accident
          including tips from Nathan (forgot his email address) for me.

6> From  
 After you finish the game, go to duel with the children who are next to the great hall.
It is best to duel with the one that gives you 200 points, but it is also the hardest one
(Train and you should have no difficulty). Then when you get a lot of beans, go outside
the castle, and talk to the girl you see just outside. She will have silver wizard cards.
(About 270 beans per one). Get as many as you can but if you still have to get more beans
to reach 40 silver wizard cards, make sure you leave around 210 beans so you can go again
and duel. When you get 40 silver cards enter the secret room, and enter through the door
in the secret room. You will be timed. Try to be quick and get all the gold wizard cards
you can. It isn't so hard. If time passes and you still have some more cards to get,
re-enter through the door. The gold wizard cards will be shown in the secret room, and
of course, the last one is Harry Potter.

** NOTE : I'll add something here about trading beans with Silver Cards.
          I think the boy who stand near the Rictusempra Challenge is the only one who
          can trade cards with lowest sum of beans. I myself ever got 205 - 299 beans.
          About how to trade, please look at bean trading section

7> From 
 There are two Silver Wizard cards, in the Gryffindor common Room, not one.
The first card is in the chest is SWC & beans, "in the common Room" which I got
before the Rictusempra challenge.
The Second One is , (this is my walk through) after you do the Diffindo Challenge,
and when you have to time do this, go to the common room, I did it right after
the challenge,  you will see an other set of stairs, go up the stairs, walk over to
the landing (where you can look down at the room), now look up to the ceiling there
a block that does NOT look like the others, cast Flipendo  on it, the side of the
wall of the staircase will open, you will see it because it is right next to you, you
will see a rope, cast Diffendo on it, this will open a section of a wall under
the staircase, (walk back down stairs & and under the stairs), there you will see
a chest with the SWC and beans, this is also one of the 12 secrets in the Entrance hall
and corridors section.


I shall give my gratitude to :
- Mrs J.K. Rowling for all of her hard works
- Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson: your second movie is great!
- To Richard -Albus Dumbledore- Harris, we will miss you, Professor.
- EA Games. They really did a great job. I hope they will make the third one.
- My friends that support me.

If you have any problems, tips, cheats, or you notice something I don't
and know how to solve it, please mail me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You'll get full credit.

** NOTE : Anyone can send me mail using Indonesian. Why? Because I'm an Indonesian.

Thanks for reading my walkthrough.

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