Skip ID sequence:
Enter 00987 as a "Logon I.D." number to eliminate the panel control identification sequence and begin the game immediately on the MFSM. 

Unlimited MRUs:
Enter DEMO PAM as a logon code. 

Logon codes:
Valid logon codes for the game include TITLE, COVER, DEMO, WAMI, DOME, GOMES. 

Unlimited lives:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC command before running or restarting the program. 
POKE 14626,173 

Unlimited lock monitors:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 
POKE 38102,0
POKE 37524,0
POKE 37516,173
POKE 38114,21


At logon type: - TITLE (cr) - COVER (cr, this is special)
               - DEMO PAM (cr, gives unlimited MRU's)
               - DEMO (cr) - WAMI (cr) - DOME (cr) - GOMES (cr)

- HACKER 2 - Skip ID: Enter 00987 as Logon ID number to eliminate panel control
  identification sequence and begin the game immediately on the MFSM
- Unlimited MRUs: Enter DEMO PAM as logon code
- Logon codes: Valid game codes include TITLE, COVER, DEMO, WAMI, DOME, GOMES

At logon type one of these: "00987" | "COVER" / "TITLE" | "WAMI" / "PAM"

During play enter one of these: "RED7"- | "WHITE6" / "BLUE1" | "WHITE50"
NOTE: They might have to be lower case like HACKER II.

Logon codes: Title, Cover, Demo, Demo Pam, Wami, Dome, Gomes
Logon I.D. number is 00987, with this number you can start directly on MFSM.

It  seems  easy enough, once you penetrate  the  security. Just move the MRUs
from  room  to room. Locate the combinations  to the safe. Find the safe. And
remove  the  documents.  But  it's not  that  easy.  In  fact, it's downright
dangerous. Guard patrols. And something called the ...The Annihilator.

  Instead  you can do your spying from home, using a Multi-Function Switching
Matrix  - that could take a little time  to install, so here's one the secret
service  prepared  for  you earlier! It's  a  sort  of multi-purpose terminal
gizmo, which lets you use the base's security cameras for your own ends.

As  well  as choosing the view on  the four screens of this voyeur's delight,
you can tap into the automatic cameras themselves, to get an idea of what the
KGB  is watching. Furthermore, the MFSM contains a radar map, which tells you
where you are. But the device's most important function is to let you control
one  of three Mobile Remote Units, in your search for the safe containing the

  Despite  the  lengthy  MFSM manual, you're left  on  your  own as to how to
tackle your task - much the same as the original . The first thing is
obviously  to  make full use of its  visual facilities. How you configure the
screen is up to you - though it'll probably go something like this.

  On  one  you'll have the radar, which  centres on the MRU in operation, and
indicates the movements of the human guards and the security cameras that are
in operation. You'll need this information for the game of cat and mouse.

  You'll  also need a map of the base, but this'll have to indicate more than
where the rooms and corridors are. If you know which camera covers which area
you can be prepared for them, so you'll avoid alerting the guards.

  I didn't mention the video recorder facility before, but you can use it for
more  than catching last night's episode of . As well as allowing
you to check all movements in an area during the last hour, you can play back
a  picture  of an empty room to the  security cameras, even while your MRU is
investigating a filing cabinet!

  All  the  pictures  are time synchronised, so  if  you fail to use the Fast
Forward  and  Reverse to match up the  video with the reality, the commissars
will have no question about whether it was real or Memorex! They'll liquidate
your droid, which could bring tears to your eyes!