Unlimited lives:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 25370,173
SYS 32020 
Unlimited energy:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 25389,173
POKE 25370,173
SYS 24320 
Garfield stays awake:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 2538,173
SYS 32020




 First of all get the aniseed balls (which make Odie follow
 you). Go to the back door, where there's a bone. Pick it up
 and put it to the left by the door. Odie now opens the cat
 flap, allowing you free access to the rest of the
 locations. Go and get the lamp and find Nermal. Give him a
 good kick and pick up the clockwork mouse. Go to the health
 food shop and drop the mouse next to the man. A 'Donut'
 magically appears, which should be picked up - and be
 careful NOT to eat it.
 Go to the giant oscillating rat, drop the donut and it runs
 off. Kick open the chest and get the key that's contained
 within. Return to the starting location and drop the key.
 Get the trowel, walk to the hardware shop, and use it by
 the man. A dollar appears from nowhere, which should be
 collected. Return to the health food shop, use the dollar
 next to the man and get the bird seed. Take this to the
 right hand side of the park, drop it and a bird flies by.
 Leave the bird and go and get the key. Return to the park
 and jump on the bird (don't drop the key) and it drops you
 in the City Pound. Enter and walk right into the cell and
 Arlene is rescued. Garfield can now live happily ever