Unlimited lives:
Quickly tap [Space] during game play.
Information in this section was contributed by Warren Nunes. 

Cheat mode:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC command before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 51114,173 
Cheat mode (alternate):
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC command before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 36258,173



Jack The Nipper II - In Coconut Capers

Programming              Andrew Green
Graphics                        Terry LLoyd
Game Concept             Greg Holmes
Music                            Ben Daglish
Assistance                Rob and Chris

G r e m l i n  G r a p h i c s      1987 

Solution from                     Zk  2005


1.0  The story beginns    . . . 

Imagine the scene - blazing hot sun beats down over a tropical	
forest, the chattering monkeys, a trumpeting elephant and the
screeching of the parakeets. Gazelles graze pecefully and 
zebras are slipping gently from a tropical pool when the place
is disturbed by the drone of an aeroplane.
Suddenly a triumphant, blood curding yell, swiffly follwed by the
sound of a thud, shatters the stillness - Jack has landes !
So beginns the story of Jack´s exploits in the jungle. After
beens so dastardly in his last adventure   ......


2.0 The Game "Jack the Nipper II"

You are in the wild jungle and many
adventure waits for you.

In this jungle you meet pigmy, hunters and wild animals.
You across different landscapes, for example
the stonecave, the swamp, the tropical forest 
with his huge trees,different tempelcomplexes,
 the crocodile sea and last but not least the mine.

When you want to be the "King of the Jungle", you must 
to solve serveral task or naught´s :-)

In the jungle you find serveral things, at once this are your

---  WEAPON ---


- coconuts
- blowpipe
- dynamite
- shild


at twice this are the things, which are important for you Naughtmeters


- Gresse
- Rope
- Pineapple
- Mouse
- Onion
- Honey    
- Toffee
- Woodworm


and now.................

have fun an enjoy it, just be jack the nipper!


3.0 The solution "Jack the Nipper II"

Jack is in the jungle and he must to solve severeal "naughty´s"
And now this are the "naughts":

Naughty 1 :-) 		                                                        * GRESSE *

To the start of the game, grabbing the * GRESSE * en route. 

Make your way to the tarzan above the main temple
complex,and do the greese hit on Tarzan. 

Naughty 2 :-) 			                     Just use the * BLOWPIPE *

Once you get to the honey make your way right,
along the ropes, and rope bridges. Once over the
mian rope bridge in the center of the map and in
the pigmy village, pick up a BLOWPIPE. 
Swing accross the crocodile pit...
WAIT...until the rope is near by. 
Shoot the pigmy who is stood there and leap back 
on the rope,and the pigmy will now walk into the

pit.....not so smart is he? 

Naughty 3 :-) 		                                                          * ROPE *

Grab the * ROPE *rope from the left hand side of the village, 
and then work your way down to the "stony knoll" 
beneathe ... well where the rope bridge was. 
Climb up to the branch which stands over the hill, 
now use the rope, and fish for a pigmy. 

Naughty 4 :-) 		                         * PINEAPPLE * ( + DYNAMITE)


Now make your way up and to the right to get 
the * PINEAPPLE *. I can only find the one at the 
top right hand side of your map. 

Make your way to the bottom left of the map, 
and pick up some DYNAMITE, and destroy one 
of the Tazmanian devils. 

Naughty 5 :-) 		                                                        * MOUSE *

Work your way back to the * MOUSE *, 

Then go to the main temple areas,
and scare the elephant. 

Naughty 6 :-) 		                                                        * ONION *

Climb up through the temple complex, into the trees, 
and then head left. Now make your way to the * ONION *. 

Slighty to the left of the onion, you should see a 
straight drop down into the 'underground bit' 
Jump and parasail down using the nappy. make your
way left, towards the hiena,( a screen or two away
above the tazmanian devil in the right in the left
hand corner of the map).

Hit the Heina with the onion....
it will start crying. Then kill it. 

Naughty 7 :-) 			                 * HONEY * ( + BLOWPIPE)

Then making my way all the way over to the Bee 
hive on the right hand side of the map, knocking
it off, by climbing up on some branches to the 
left hand side of the tree, and shooting the
beehive with a BLOWPIPE. 

Now run back to the hut on the left, and use 
the HONEY in the door way. 

You can 'snag' the sprites on the edge of the
screen as you scroll, so you can effectively 
keep the bees at bay whilst you do this. 

Naughty 8 :-) 		                                                        * TOFFEE *

Work your way down to the mine entrace, swing a left, 
Now grab the coconuts here, and the  * TOFFEE *and then 
it's onto the mine chase. 
Once you have survived the mine chase, it's 
the crocodiles pits. Use the toffee with the crocolides
by casting it down there, with luck, in one shot, 
you'll have seeled the jaws of certain doom. 

Even with the jaws of all the crocs shut, it's still tricky. 

Naughty 9 :-) 		                                              * WOODWORM *

Drop into the temple complex....
(the one with the scared elephant), grab the * WOODWORM*. 
Make your way back up into the tree tops and accross the 
rope bridge, (don't kill the pigmy), 
once accross, hit the rope bridge with the termites,
and now little pigmy is stuck in mid-air
..just for a second or too. 

Final Naughty 10  :-) ) )

Just like the original jack the nipper, 
there are no more 'puzzles' to be performed, but 
you should STILL be 'short' on naughty points. 
Run round shoot things and cause general mayhem. 

You'll know when you are successfull, because you
can now, head to the temple, in the top right side of the map, 
The guard should be gone, and you can now walk in. 

they will pronounce you their king

....or god

....with the repetitive "pop goes the weazel" muzak..... 

+++ now you have finished the game +++



Jack The Nipper II - In Coconut Capers

The Solution by ZK´2005

Fan of Jack the Nipper II
