Level select:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. Note: X represents a level number from 0 through 19. 

POKE 16424,X
SYS 16384 
Disable collision detection:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 16632,0
SYS 16384 
Unlimited lives:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 16432,5
SYS 16640 
Set number of lives:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. Note: X represents the desired number of ???. 

POKE 1624,X
SYS 16640 
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 16571,173
SYS 16640 
Cheat mode:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 16573,234
POKE 16572,234
POKE 16571,234
SYS 16384 
Cheat mode (alternate):
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 16423,5
POKE 16571,173