UHS Hints file 
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*                                     *
*          W e l c o m e !            *
*                                     *
*  to another HAYES tutorial to get   *
*  you through another of INFOCOM'S   *
*  brilliant text adventures...       *
*                                     *
*       S  O  R  C  E  R  E  R        *
*                                     *
*       The Second Book In The        *
*              ENCHANTER              *
*               Trilogy               *
*                                     *

Well, the folks at INFOCOM have done it
again. Another superb text adventure
which picks up where ENCHANTER left
off. While not quite as difficult as
ENCHANTER, SORCERER is nonetheless a
very entertaining and challenging
adventure, with new twists on old
standards (the glass maze comes to
mind) and a very logical set of
puzzles to solve.

While some of you may be working off
a pirated copy of this game, I urge
you to go out and buy an original.
If any software company deserves our
continued support, it is INFOCOM.
They are truly the pioneers in the
field of interactive fiction and they
make up for the price of their disks
by supplying original and very enter-
taining game packages and docs.
Besides, one day an original copy of
some of these games may be worth some-
thing... I can remember a few comic
books I wish I'd held on to!

Anyway, enough of the commentary...
as usual, everything between commas
is input and seperate comments are
between (parenthesis) or offset by
the arrow --->.

And away we go...

S, (you'll get eaten by the hellhound
and then wake up), Frotz Me (can you
think of a better light source!), Get
Up, W, W, Pull Hanging, Get Key, Open
Drawer, Unlock Journal, Read Journal

---> Inside the journal is written a
     code word which will change every
     time the disk is booted, much like
     the space coordinates in STARCROSS
     were protected. Write this code
     word down as you will be referring
     to it in a moment...

Drop Key and Journal, E, S, S, W, Get
Matchbook and Vial, Open Vial, Drink
Potion, Drop Vial, E, Open Mailbox,
Put Matchbook in Mailbox, E, Get
Scroll, Gnusto Meef, W

---> Now, if you haven't heard the
     doorbell ring yet, keep typing
     'wait' until the mailman arrives
     and delivers the mail. If you've
     heard the bell, then the mail is
     already here...

Open Mailbox, Get Orange Vial, D

---> OK, Now we need to unlock this
     trunk. The combination of buttons
     to push depends upon the codeword
     found in Belboz' journal. Follow-
     ing are the various words and
     their associated combinations.

     Example: If the code is 'Blood-
     worm', you would input:

           Push White,
           Push Gray,
           Push Black,
           Push Red,
           Push Gray

     and the lock would open. Here are
     the various codes (thanks to the
     great FINEOUS FINGERS for supply-

Bloodworm:  White Gray Black Red Gray
Brogmoid:  Red Purple Red Black Purple
Dorn:  Gray Purple Black Gray White
Dryad:  Black Gray White Red Red
Grue:  Black Black Red Black Purple
Hellhound:  Purple White Gray Red Gray
Kobold:  Red Purple Black Purple Red
Nabiz:  Purple Black Black Black Red
Orc:  Red Gray Purple Gray Red
Rotgrub:  Gray Red Gray Purple Red
Surmin:  Black Black Purple Red Purple
Yipple:  Gray Purple White Purple Black

---> OK, the lock should pop open and
     then you should...

Get Moldy Scroll, Aimfiz Belboz, NE

---> That should get you away from the
     hellhound. I would advise saving
     the game here, so you don't have
     to go through all that again if
     you happen to slip up. Also, from
     now on, you will find yourself
     growing sleepy from time to time.
     Whenever you start feeling tired,
     just 'Sleep' wherever you are.
     Make sure, however, that you are
     not in the middle of solving a
     time-crucial puzzle like the maze
     or the coal-bin room where sleep
     will lead to your doom. I will
     mention the places where sleep
     seems to overcome you, so don't
     worry about this too much. On
     to the solving...

D, D, S (you should be in the Crater),
NE, NE, E, N, NE, Memorize Izyuk,
Izyuk Me, U, Get Guano and Scroll,
Gnusto Fweep, D, SW, U, W, W, NE, SE,
E, E, Put Guano in Cannon, Get Scroll,
W, Lower Flag, Search Flag, Get Aqua
Vial, W, NW, SW, W, D, D, S (you should
be back at the Crater), W, Memorize
Izyuk, Again (this is so you can re-
member the spell longer), Izyuk Me,
W, W, N, Get Coin, S, E, Izyuk Me, E,E

---> About this time you may need to
     sleep. If not, you might want to
     type 'Wait' a few times until you
     get tired. Then type 'Sleep'.

NE, NE, E, E, Wake Gnome, Give Coin,
E, E, N, N

---> Now on to the Maze! You need to
     memorize the Fweep spell at least
     3 times in order to get through
     this sucker. The spell wears off
     after a while and you will not be
     allowed to carry anything (like
     your spell book) while you are a
     bat (early bugs let you, but that
     is cheating...). If you haven't
     memorized it enough, you'll forget
     it. So...

Drop All but Book, Memorize Fweep,
Again, Again, Fweep Me, E, N, E, S, S,
W, D, E, E, N, N, U, U, S (you should
now return to human form), E, Get
Scroll, Drop Scroll in Hole, Fweep

---> At this point a Dorn Beast will
     start coming at you... GET THE
     HELL OUT!

W, W, S, E (bye bye Dorn!), D, D, W, W,
U, U, N, N, D, E (your Fweep spell
should wear off at this point, so..),
Fweep Me, S, E, N, D, W, S, W, U, W

---> You've done it! Now, keep typing
     'Wait' until you are human again,

Get All, S, S, E, Get Scroll, Gnusto

---> Here's another good place to save
     the game. Sleep if you need to...
     you probably will by the time you
     get to the amusement park.

W, W, W, Search Gnome (AHA!), W, W,
SW, SW, S, SW, W (a gnome will appear),
Give Coin, W, W, S, Get Ball, Open Aqua
Vial, Drink Aqua Potion, Throw Ball at
Bunny, Drop Aqua Vial, N, E, E, NE, S,
Yonk the Malyon, Malyon the Dragon

---> At this point, keep typing 'Wait'
     until your muscles feel the effect
     of the aqua potion wear off.

S, Open Orange Vial, E, Drink Potion

---> At this point, your twin should
     appear. This is an interesting
     time-puzzle that must be solved
     correctly in order to get past
     it with the scroll you find and
     your spell book still intact.
     An interesting bit of trivia for
     all you ZORK fans who always
     wanted to know what the timber
     in ZORK I was meant for...
     In the original mainframe ZORK,
     which incorporated the best of
     ZORK I, II, and III combined
     in one giant adventure, you
     found the crystal sphere (now
     found in the aquarium in ZORK
     II) by tying the rope to the
     timber and then using it to
     stop yourself halfway down the
     chute which ends up in the
     cellar of ZORK I. The authors have
     used this little puzzle here to
     great effect... Anyway, on with
     the solving...

Give Book

---> When you give your spell book to
     your older self, he will give you
     a combination number... remember
     it, then...

Drop Vial, E, Set Dial to (whatever
number you were given), Open Door,
E, Get Rope, U, SW, Get Timber, S,
NE, N, W, Tie Rope to Timber, Drop
Timber, Drop Rope Down Chute, Climb
Down Rope, Get Scroll, Golmac Me,
Open Lamp, Get Smelly Scroll, D,
Tell Younger Self "The Combination
Is (the number you were given)"

---> Remember to use the quotes when
     you talk to your younger self
     this way. He should then give
     you your spell book (think
     about what just happened!!).
     You should immediately go...

D, (Now 'Wait' a few times until
the orange potion wears off and you
feel tired), Sleep

---> You might want to save the game
     before this final set of moves!

Gnusto Vardik, Memorize Meef, Again,
Drop Book, Swim in Lagoon, D, Meef
Weeds, Get Crate, U, W, Drop Crate,
Get Book, Open Crate, Get Suit and
Can, NE, N, Meef Vines, Spray
Repellent on Suit, W, W, Memorize
Vardik, Vardik Me, Open White Door,
Memorize Swanzo, Swanzo Belboz

*** AND THAT DOES IT!!!!! ***