Unlimited energy:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 19245,169
POKE 19246,0
POKE 19247,234
SYS 16896 
Alternate sprites:
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 25446,169
POKE 25447,0
POKE 25448,234
SYS 16896


I coloured the chests in the map to inform about the contents. In the game all chests are the same colour (except the one in the ice cave at P1, that's ice-coloured).
All red chests contains a Scroll Fragment. You've to collect all scroll fragments to finish the game. You can press 'S' at any time to see the scroll.
All green chests contains Stamina Potions, use those to regenerate your Stamina (i.e.: your life energy!).
All pink chests contains Portcullis Keys, use those to open the vertical gates.
All orange chests contains Trapdoor Keys, use those to open the horizontal trapdoors.
All light blue chests (not the one at P1!) contains Fungata Potions, use those on top of the fungi (example: O1)
The grey chest at D5 contains a Cloronar Potion, use it on the weed at N1, before the static spell goes fired at you.
All yellow chests contains an amulet. See below for location and use.

The amulets allow you to fire spells. You can change the active spell pressing 'SPACE'.
PLEBATA - the only one you've when you start. Use it to kill soldiers and archers.
ROIMORT - located at B1. Allows you to kill the dead kings, like the one at C1.
COBRON - located at I6. Allows you to kill the serpents (cobras), like the ones at H1.
MAGUSAAN - located at I2. Allows you to kill the spectres (banshees), like the one at D1.
QUASILIN - I was never able to found this one. My guess is that its use should be to kill the hunchbacks (Quasimodo), like the one at A10. This can impose a limitation to access the screens on the right side of the map, because there's almost a continuous line of such hunchbacks after column 10. On the other hand, there's nothing very important to finish the game on the right side of the map...
WISPITH - located at C6. Allows you to kill the small spectres, like the ones at A7.
DRACONIS - located at L4. Allows you to kill dragons, like the one at A1 (not the one at P1, you can't fire the spell there!).
MINGOS - located at F7. Allows you to kill those strange purple guys, like the one at I1.
KRAKOLI - located at O4. Allows you to kill the octopus (kraken), like the one located at B4.

In the screens where there's a fungi, you can't open the chest or fire spells. Using the Fungata Potion on top of the fungi (yes, you've to be on top of it) that restriction disappears (and the Fungata Potion as well).

This is a tricky one. In screen D5 there's a static spell on the right side that will be fired at you after a few seconds. You have those seconds to use your Cloronar Potion on top or near of the small weed (I'm not sure of the location, I vaguely remember using the potion slightly to the right of the small weed). You'll know that you've been successful if you see the weed growing into a tall plant, that will stop the spell (of course it will be a good idea to be on the LEFT side of the plant when the spell is fired...)

You've to get all the Scroll Fragments, and run INTO the Ice Dragon at P1.
That's it.
If you try to exit the room, you die.
If you get the chest at P1, you're trapped forever (and you can die waiting below one of the stalactites).
Not a nice ending, isn't it?

No, the Quasilin amulet is not there. Full stop.
You can get it (if you want) putting $01 in memory location $036d with you favorite machine code monitor.

I'm giving here all the elements needed to enjoy playing Doriath. If I tell you exactly the screen sequence to follow, all the game will be spoiled. Play it without any cheats and ENJOY!

Text and Map by Nekromancer
April 2004