Phantasie III FAQ(Commodore 64 game)
Version 1.0.1
copyright 2001 by Andrew Schultz This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
with notes on the Apple and PC versions

Please do not reproduce for profit without permission.  This game is 
part of my effort to help preserve the memory of old classic games.  If 
you send me a polite note addressing me by name and asking specifically 
for this FAQ, it will probably be accepted.

Maps for outside, etc. coming soon, I hope.  Look for them at:

    ****AD SPACE****

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for good:

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    Phantasie III is the smallest of the games in SSI's series.  In 
exchange for a smaller overworld and smaller dungeons you get easier 
transportation around a smaller continent(the disk doesn't load once 
when you change sectors,) more party detail, and the ability to see what 
items are as you pick them up.  The graphics also seem a bit more 
refined, especially with towns, and the controls are slightly easier.  
Overall it's probably a slight improvement although the story is still 
rather simple.
    This game takes place in Scandor, where Nikademus's army has ravaged 
the land, starting wars in the north(he's always tearing up the peapatch 
like that) and it's up to you to go gallivanting to find the necessary 
items to reach Nikademus's castle in the underworld and defeat him in 
    The Phantasie series is a bit odd in that, in ports from the Apple 
to the Commodore and PC, the outside maps were rotated a quarter-turn 
counterclockwise.  This changed in Phantasie III, where there was no 
    One nice feature of Phantasie III, which no longer seems to be in 
BASIC, is that the game is faster and there is even a time-lag option.  
Commodore's semi-persistent fighting options are gone, and it would be 
nice if they'd improved that, but overall the changes are good.



OVERWORLD   |26*20*16      |26*20*9       |75*50         |
            | =8320        | =4680        | =3750        |
OTHERWORLD  |26*20*2       |26*20*8       |18*9*2+30*15  |
            | =1040        | =4160        | =774         |
DUNGEONS    |39*34*10      |39*34*8       |30*24*10      |
            | =14260       | =10608       | =7200        |
TOWNS       |11            |10            |17            |*
INNS        |12            |7             |8             |*
SCROLLS     |20            |14            |15            |*
TOTAL       |23620         |19448         |11724         |

    On the Commodore the number of player slots was also dropped from 24 
in P1&2 to 21 in P3.  Three of those are still reserved for elementals, 
who have changed from Fire/Water/Earth to Air/Mist/Mud.

    So you can see that P3 is the smallest of them all in terms of 
outerworld size.  That's not all bad as a lot of "white noise" sectors 
are removed, and with all the towns Scandor really feels like a busier 
place.  However, the similarity of some dungeons(castle of light/dark) 
and slight over-simplicity of others(straw hut, dragons' cave, 
Nikademus's) lead me to believe that imagination may have flagged at the 
end, as it so often does in a series.


    This document will not attempt to explain basic rules.  You can find 
manuals at,, and likely many 
other places I don't know about.  I am largely concerned with details, 
i.e. if you do X, Y happens, or the best/most convenient way to solve 
puzzle Z is to do W.
    Thanks to, I was able to garner a PC version of 
the game.  This made it easier to extract dungeon sayings and 
description as well as scroll text.  Unlike the previous two, the map is 
roughly the same across platforms although the C64's outerworld is a bit 
more detailed than the Apple's, and the PC introduces very subtle 
wrinkles in the outside.  The dungeons, the meat of the game, are 
largely the same although typos were eradicated and spawned in the 
porting.  After extracting raw data for the PC script I compared it tp 
what I could find on the Commodore.  Many small mistakes will have 
resulted from this, and I wouldn't mind if someone else pointed them 
out.  It's not so bad to check, actually.  This document is intended for 
the Commodore version of the game, with notes where the PC diverges.  As 
Apple emulators seemed allergic to the Phantasie series, I decided to 
drop them altogether in writing this.  I have no idea if P3 works on the 
Apple but it's OK on the Commodore.
    The text map is actually for the Apple, where it is easier and more 
logical to extract sectors than the Commodore.  Although the PC 
contained the data on one file it was too detailed to give a good, 
simple text map.  So you won't see details like bridges and so forth.  
The dungeon maps are for the PC but when I ran through the game they 
equated over 99.99% with the Commodore.
    This document tries to explore the details of the game, so it may be 
light on overall improving your characters.  A brief run-through showed 
that the Phantasie series is really rather moderate, and it is 
relatively easy to improve without getting squashed.


    This list is present on in a different form.  
They have been generous enough to allow blanket duplication--although 
this is not the exact same thing and I extracted the data from the file, 
they were there first, and without them I would have had no checks or 
inspiration to include this.  I would also like to thank for writing it up originally and allowing to pass it on as reference.  Check either site out for 
details on what the items do and who can use them.

    There are also sixty items that can just be sold(of course, you can 
read scrolls before you sell them.)  You can substitute plain items with 
these values if you wish to hex-edit as well.

Begin shields.

  1(hex 0x01). Glove
  2(hex 0x02). Wooden Shield
  3(hex 0x03). Wooden Shield +1
  4(hex 0x04). Small Shield
  5(hex 0x05). Small Shield +1
  6(hex 0x06). Small Shield +2
  7(hex 0x07). Small Shield +3
  8(hex 0x08). Medium Shield
  9(hex 0x09). Medium Shield +1
 10(hex 0x0a). Medium Shield +2
 11(hex 0x0b). Medium Shield +3
 12(hex 0x0c). Large Shield
 13(hex 0x0d). Large Shield +1
 14(hex 0x0e). Large Shield +2
 15(hex 0x0f). Large Shield +3
 16(hex 0x10). Giant Shield
 17(hex 0x11). Giant Shield +1
 18(hex 0x12). Giant Shield +2
 19(hex 0x13). Giant Shield +3

Begin armor.

 20(hex 0x14). God Shield
 21(hex 0x15). Clothing
 22(hex 0x16). Robes
 23(hex 0x17). Leather
 24(hex 0x18). Hard Leather
 25(hex 0x19). Ring Mail
 26(hex 0x1a). Scale Mail
 27(hex 0x1b). Chain Mail
 28(hex 0x1c). Splint Mail
 29(hex 0x1d). Banded Mail
 30(hex 0x1e). Plate Mail
 31(hex 0x1f). Cloth +1
 32(hex 0x20). Robes +1
 33(hex 0x21). Leather +1
 34(hex 0x22). Leather +2
 35(hex 0x23). Ring Mail +1
 36(hex 0x24). Ring Mail +2
 37(hex 0x25). Chain Mail +1
 38(hex 0x26). Chain Mail +2
 39(hex 0x27). God Robes
 40(hex 0x28). God Armour

Begin bows.

 41(hex 0x29). Self Bow
 42(hex 0x2a). Self Bow +1
 43(hex 0x2b). Self Bow +2
 44(hex 0x2c). Short Bow
 45(hex 0x2d). Short Bow +1
 46(hex 0x2e). Short Bow +2
 47(hex 0x2f). Medium Bow
 48(hex 0x30). Medium Bow +1
 49(hex 0x31). Medium Bow +2
 50(hex 0x32). Compound Bow
 51(hex 0x33). Compound Bow +1
 52(hex 0x34). Compound Bow +2
 53(hex 0x35). Gnome Bow
 54(hex 0x36). Long Bow
 55(hex 0x37). Long Bow +1
 56(hex 0x38). Long Bow +2
 57(hex 0x39). Crossbow
 58(hex 0x3a). Old Bow
 59(hex 0x3b). Crossbow +2
 60(hex 0x3c). God Bow

Begin weapons.

 61(hex 0x3d). Knife
 62(hex 0x3e). Dagger
 63(hex 0x3f). Club
 64(hex 0x40). Mace
 65(hex 0x41). Small Axe
 66(hex 0x42). Staff
 67(hex 0x43). Short Sword
 68(hex 0x44). Flail
 69(hex 0x45). Hammer
 70(hex 0x46). Spear
 71(hex 0x47). Axe
 72(hex 0x48). Sword
 73(hex 0x49). Heavy Mace
 74(hex 0x4a). Trident
 75(hex 0x4b). Large Spear
 76(hex 0x4c). Large Axe
 77(hex 0x4d). Pike
 78(hex 0x4e). Long Sword
 79(hex 0x4f). Bardiche
 80(hex 0x50). Halberd

Begin magic weapons.  Note that the magic weapons have been partially 
scaled down to fit in the new bow feature for Phantasie 3.

 81(hex 0x51). Dagger +1
 82(hex 0x52). Dagger +2
 83(hex 0x53). Club +1
 84(hex 0x54). Club +2
 85(hex 0x55). Flail +1
 86(hex 0x56). Flail +2
 87(hex 0x57). Spear +1
 88(hex 0x58). Sword +1
 89(hex 0x59). Sword +2
 90(hex 0x5a). Sword +4
 91(hex 0x5b). Sword +5
 92(hex 0x5c). Sword +6
 93(hex 0x5d). Halberd +1
 94(hex 0x5e). Halberd +2
 95(hex 0x5f). Sword +10
 96(hex 0x60). Halberd +5
 97(hex 0x61). Halberd +6
 98(hex 0x62). God Knife
 99(hex 0x63). God Mace
100(hex 0x64). God Sword

Begin healing potions.  Number X heals X^2 hit points.

101(hex 0x65). Healing Potion 1
102(hex 0x66). Healing Potion 2
103(hex 0x67). Healing Potion 3
104(hex 0x68). Healing Potion 4
105(hex 0x69). Healing Potion 5
106(hex 0x6a). Healing Potion 6
107(hex 0x6b). Healing Potion 7
108(hex 0x6c). Healing Potion 8
109(hex 0x6d). Healing Potion 9
110(hex 0x6e). Healing Potion 10

Begin magic potions.  Number X heals 3X hit points.

111(hex 0x6f). Magic Potion 1
112(hex 0x70). Magic Potion 2
113(hex 0x71). Magic Potion 3
114(hex 0x72). Magic Potion 4
115(hex 0x73). Magic Potion 5
116(hex 0x74). Magic Potion 6
117(hex 0x75). Magic Potion 7
118(hex 0x76). Magic Potion 8
119(hex 0x77). Magic Potion 9
120(hex 0x78). Magic Potion 10

Begin scrolls.

121(hex 0x79). Scroll I
122(hex 0x7a). Scroll II
123(hex 0x7b). Scroll III
124(hex 0x7c). Scroll III
125(hex 0x7d). Scroll III
126(hex 0x7e). Scroll IV
127(hex 0x7f). Scroll V
128(hex 0x80). Scroll VI
129(hex 0x81). Scroll VII
130(hex 0x82). Scroll VII
131(hex 0x83). Scroll VII
132(hex 0x84). Scroll VIII
133(hex 0x85). Scroll IX
134(hex 0x86). Scroll X
135(hex 0x87). Scroll XI
136(hex 0x88). Scroll XII
137(hex 0x89). Scroll XIII
138(hex 0x8a). Scroll XIV
139(hex 0x8b). Scroll XV
140(hex 0x8c). Scroll XVI

Begin treasures.  Note that some of these are important items and some 
are just ones you find as treasures.  I don't want to spoil anything, so 
I'll just leave things be.

141(hex 0x8d). Quartz
142(hex 0x8e). Pearl
143(hex 0x8f). Crystal
144(hex 0x90). Gold Ore
145(hex 0x91). Statuette
146(hex 0x92). Jade
147(hex 0x93). Onyx
148(hex 0x94). Statue
149(hex 0x95). Sapphire
150(hex 0x96). Azurite
151(hex 0x97). Coral
152(hex 0x98). Turquoise
153(hex 0x99). Topaz
154(hex 0x9a). Jacinth
155(hex 0x9b). Burnt Gem
156(hex 0x9c). Sweet Bottle
157(hex 0x9d). Foul Bottle
158(hex 0x9e). Black Jar
159(hex 0x9f). Ruby
160(hex 0xa0). Nice Gem
161(hex 0xa1). Opal
162(hex 0xa2). Star Ruby
163(hex 0xa3). Emerald
164(hex 0xa4). Blue Opal
165(hex 0xa5). Diamond
166(hex 0xa6). Amethyst
167(hex 0xa7). Fire Opal
168(hex 0xa8). Gem of Light
169(hex 0xa9). Black Urn
170(hex 0xaa). Dark Key
171(hex 0xab). Black Vase
172(hex 0xac). Light Key
173(hex 0xad). Golden Chalice
174(hex 0xae). Silk Tapestry
175(hex 0xaf). Painting
176(hex 0xb0). Golden Belt
177(hex 0xb1). Old Crown
178(hex 0xb2). Old Coin
179(hex 0xb3). Old Wine
180(hex 0xb4). Wand of Nikademus


    There are minor variations between the two versions.  Although the 
monster names seem to be the same, some statistics aren't quite.  Most 
of this is due to the way data is stored;  BASIC-like storage on the 
Apple II(numbers stored as strings) vs. byte-storage on the PC.  So for 
instance you can't get more than 65535 experience for a kill on the PC, 
but you can on the Apple.  Although I haven't been able to track down 
the exact data for Commodore monsters, their pattern seems to follow 
that of the PC so I am assuming Commodore=PC.  In any case you are 
unable to acquire over 65535 gold on the Commodore as well.

    This list of attributes, although it covers the main stuff, is also 
incomplete, as I am not sure which data stands for which attributes.  If 
any brave soul wants to help out, drop me a line and I can send you the 
.dat and .c files I'm using to process the data.  I'd be grateful.  For 
instance, I don't think the wolf has zero hit points.

             |   |   |ITM|ITM| |     |     |
NAME         |MAX| HP| 1 | 2 |U|TREAS| EXP |
Skeleton     | 5 |  3| 66| 67|U|   20|   77|
Sniverling   | 5 | 10| 65|  8|N|   35|  150|
Drip Slime   | 5 |  1|  0|  0|N|    0|   97|
Undead Gnome | 3 | 15| 65|  6|U|   90|  406|
Wild Cat     | 5 |  4|  0|  0|N|    0|  108|
Giant Bee    | 5 |  3|  0|  0|N|    0|   73|
Viper        | 2 | 20|  0|  0|N|  200|  731|
Wild Dog     | 4 | 11|  0|  0|N|    0|  164|
Orc          | 5 |  6| 23| 66|N|   25|   87|
Kobold       | 5 |  5| 22| 65|N|   15|   52|
Ranger       | 5 | 12|  9| 67|N|   65|  234|
Scribe       | 5 |  3|103| 22|N|   30|   87|
Small Devil  | 4 | 20| 69|  8|U|  200|  336|
Zombie       | 4 | 12| 68| 23|U|  111|  245|
Ghoul        | 5 |  5| 66| 23|U|   70|  133|
Dark Elf     | 5 | 10| 43|  8|N|    0|  290|
Sting Beetle | 5 | 10|  0|  0|N|    0|  199|
Constrictor  | 2 | 16|  0|  0|U|    0|  616|
Panther      | 4 |  8|  0|  0|N|    0|  339|
Troll Baby   | 5 |  5| 66| 12|N|   70|  136|
Goblin       | 4 | 20|  0|  0|N|  100|  752|
Barbarian    | 5 |  9| 69|103|N|  100|  192|
Illusionist  | 5 |  6|112|103|N|  150|  325|
Lesser Wizard| 4 |  7|113| 23|N|  200|  416|
Undead Dwarf | 4 | 22|  8| 69|U|  600| 1393|
Wight        | 4 | 20|116| 82|U|  200| 1414|
Death Fly    | 4 | 56|  0|  0|N|    0| 2600|
Beeping Blob | 5 | 14|  0|  0|N|    0|  920|
Killer Bee   | 5 |  8|  0|  0|N|    0|  633|
Cobra        | 5 | 12|  0|  0|N|    0|  794|
Baby Dragon  | 5 | 16| 83|148|N|  300| 1613|
Wolf         | 5 |  0|  0|  0|N|    0|  878|
Gremlin      | 5 |  8| 71| 23|N|  225|  507|
Dwarf        | 5 | 13| 72| 12|N|  325|  731|
Dwarf Lord   | 5 | 12| 73| 25|N|  250|  934|
Priest       | 5 | 10|  9|106|N|  350|  759|
Devil        | 3 | 30|118| 88|U|  500| 4424|
Wraith       | 4 | 32|147| 24|U|  800| 3605|
Giant Wasp   | 4 | 63|  0|  0|N|    0| 5197|
Hissing Skuz | 5 | 14|  0|  0|N|    0| 1473|
Viper Moth   | 5 | 10|  0|  0|N|    0| 1753|
Asp          | 4 | 56|  0|  0|N|    0| 3958|
Small Dragon | 4 | 37| 33|153|N|  325| 3552|
Valley Giant | 2 | 40| 25| 76|N|  400| 3335|
Dark Gnome   | 5 | 34| 74| 16|N|  500| 3377|
Dark Dwarf   | 5 | 72| 26| 87|N| 1600| 5477|
Gnome Mage   | 5 | 22|109| 46|N|  550| 3825|
Gnome Lord   | 5 | 23| 75|118|N|  775| 3384|
Demon        | 4 | 39| 26| 77|U| 1200| 8666|
Vampire      | 2 | 70| 27|118|U| 1800|12957|
Giant Ghost  | 5 | 18| 34|153|U|  700| 4305|
Creeping Skum| 4 | 38|  0|  0|N|  800| 4266|
King Cobra   | 2 | 77|  0|  0|N|    0| 8557|
Mud Elemental| 2 | 77|  0|  0|N|    0| 8529|
Dragon       | 2 | 87|153|162|N| 2200|17006|
Forest Elf   | 5 | 18|109| 90|N|  500| 2824|
Troll        | 4 | 42| 17| 78|N| 1300| 6478|
Undead Lord  | 4 | 20| 89|153|U|  700| 9996|
Illusion     | 4 | 24|  0|  0|N| 1000| 9789|
High Ranger  | 5 | 27| 17|109|N|  800| 6968|
High Demon   | 4 | 96| 36| 94|U| 1800|18515|
High Devil   | 2 |110| 35| 79|U| 2000|20300|
Creeping Mold| 2 | 83|  0|  0|N|    0|11042|
Leopard      | 3 | 97|  0|  0|N|    0|13016|
Spirit       | 5 | 25|  0|  0|U|    0| 5663|
Sludge       | 3 |101|  0|  0|N|    0|12932|
Dragon King  | 2 |133|165|175|N| 2200|23593|
Storm Giant  | 2 |115| 19| 79|N| 1800|14472|
Cloud Giant  | 2 |122| 28| 92|N| 2000|19827|
Great Troll  | 4 | 98| 18| 91|N| 1300|10783|
Wizard       | 5 | 24| 36|119|N|  700|11098|
Overlord     | 5 | 37| 27|109|N| 1000|11602|
Guagle Beast | 1 | 90|  0|  0|N|    0|25000|
Great Beast  | 1 |150|  0|  0|N|    0|36000|
Ancient Beast| 1 |200|  0|  0|N|    0|60000|
Light Fairy  | 1 |204|  0|  0|N|    0|64150|(150K on Apple)
Boo Boo Kitty| 1 |203|  0|  0|N|    0|64100|(100K on Apple)
Nikademus    | 1 |212| 98| 39|U|    0|64999|(300002 on Apple)
Nikademus    | 1 |209| 98| 39|N|64099|64300|(999999 on Apple)
Lord Wood    | 1 |209| 97| 38|N|64099|64500|(500000 on Apple)

Nikademus II and Lord Wood also give 99999 treasure on the Apple.
"LIGHT FIARY" is a typo on Apple as well but not C64.


    Below you have a list of scroll text that tell you what's written on 
each one.  There are a lot of huge hints here so don't look through this 
unless you're sure you don't mind spoilers.


I, Kilmor, am writing this account of my last days for posterity. Months 
ago I led my Dwarven people in battle against the great army of the evil 
Nikademus with little success. In our final battle we were defeated and 
I was captured and imprisoned here in the Hall of Giants, far to the 
south where no one would suspect. Nikademus himself then came and took 
me to a dark and evil place, the exact location of which I cannot guess. 
There I was tortured and he attempted to brainwash me. I was told of the 
great power I would receive if I betrayed my people and joined 
Nikademus. Proudly, I never gave in, so I was returned here and left to 

The History of Scandor
Scandor is known to be the center of the civilized world. It is also the 
largest known land mass. To the south of Scandor lie the much smaller 
islands of Gelnor and Ferronrah and the Pookney Islands. These areas are 
generally inhabited by the more intelligent humanoids including Humans, 
Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Orcs, and to a lesser extent Halflings, Kobold, 
Ogres, etc. To the north of Scandor lies the great northern continent 
which is generally occupied by Trolls and Giants. They have occasionaly 
been known to invade Scandor in crude boats or to cross on ice bridges  
which form between the two continents during the winters. Other lands 
are rumored to exist but little is known about them. Though there have 
been small skirmishes between the different races in the Scandor area, 
for many thousands of years, nothing could prepare the citizens for the 
most terrifying period in their history which began just a few years ago 
and continues today. A great army of men, beasts and even undead 
creatures invaded the island of Gelnor. They came in thousands and 
thousands of ships from lands unknown and waged war upon the better 
trained but hopelessly outnumbered Gelnorians. Though Gelnor is said to 
have the most powerful mortal wizards alive, and its citizens fought 
heroically, the island fell. Nikademus, who is the leader of of the 
terrible army, then moved his troops on to the smaller island of 
Ferronrah. Within a matter of days Ferronrah too fell to Nikademus who 
cast a great curse on the entire island which prevented anyone from 
easily leaving. This feat established him as the greatest mortal wizard 
of all time. Nikademus then moved to invade Scandor. He was joined by 
thousands of its citizens who were tempted by bribes or were simply 
afraid of opposing his evil army. He has taken the north, including the 
mountains of the Dwarves who made a fierce charge at him, led by the 
great Kilmor, but made no real progress. Everyday now the evil army 
makes more progress and the future of Scandor seems more in doubt.

Departed Souls
Whenever a mortal from the Material Plane dies, his soul begins the 
journey to the Astral Plane for judgement. The journey can take years 
and a resurrection spell cast during this time may recall the soul to 
the body. If the soul arrives at the Astral Plane it will be judged, and 
if deemed unworthy of existence, it will be destroyed. The soul may be 
judged as premature and be returned to its resurrected body. If the soul 
belonged to an outstanding being, it may be accepted into the Olympic 
Planes if good, or deep into the Netherworld if evil. Those souls that 
are left are returned to their bodies as 'undead' and left to roam the 
Material Plane or lower levels of the Netherworld.

The Wand of Nikademus
The origins of the infamous wand are uncertain, but it is believed to 
have been created by Pluto or another evil god and given to Nikademus. 
Some say that it is the wand itself which turned Nikademus to evil by 
corrupting him with power. The wand is so powerful and compelling that 
no person or group of people could willingly part with it. Once Pluto 
had to take it from Nikademus so he would not become overpowered by it. 
The wand can only be used with the aid of Pluto. Thus if it did fall 
into the hands of good beings, it would be useless to them. Nikademus 
would locate the wand and eventually a confrontation would occur.

The Great Gnome Bowmakers
It is said that many years ago the gods in Olympus looked down upon the 
Material Plane and saw that the Gnomes were not equal to the other 
humanoid races. They decided that to help the Gnomes they would send the 
god Aries to teach them the art of making bows. It is rare that the gods 
will make such direct intervention in mortal affairs. Aries taught the 
Gnomes how to make bows with magical qualities. It takes an elder Gnome 
many months of work to make a good bow. It is rumored that Gnomes will 
give these bows to great warriors who can prove themselves.

The universe is divided up into many planes. The Material Plane is that 
upon which mortal creatures dwell. Occasionally mortal creatures can 
leave the Material Plane or other creatures can visit it. The Planes of 
Olympus are the homes of those gods and minor dieties who are bent 
towards goodness. These planes lie above the Material Plane. The exact 
number and extent of the planes are not known. The first plane is the 
closest to the Material Plane, the second is the one above that, and so 
on. The planes of the Netherworld are the homes of evil gods and other 
immortals bent toward chaos. These planes lie below the Material Plane. 
The river Styx is a magical river which surrounds and connects many of 
the planes. It was created many ages ago during the Age of Harmony, as a 
means of transportation between the planes. It is not accessible by 
mortals and does not connect with the Material Plane. Powerful magic is 
the only other means of transportation between the planes. The Astral 
Plane consists of all the "empty" space not used by the other planes. It 
is filled with light from the other planes. The Plane of Light lies 
adjacent to the Material Plane. It provides light, warmth and other 
energy to the Material Plane. It is a place of extreme goodness. The 
Olympic gods select only the purest of mortals to live there and watch 
over it. The Plane of Darkness lies opposite to the Plane of Light and 
is the antithesis of it in every way. It is inhabited by some of the 
most evil mortal beings.

The Pendragon Town Archives
The Town of Pendragon is known throughout Scandor for its scholars who 
contribute so much to the current knowledge of nature, history, etc. 
Most of the work of these men has been collected at the town archives 
which are said to be among the most extensive in the world. The 
organizer of the archives is the wise old sage Filmon. Some say he is 
the most learned man alive, others say he is an old fool who knows only 
of flowers and trees. Some areas of the archives are said to contain 
sacred items and are so heavily guarded that it would take a small army 
to reach them.

The Hall of Giants
The Hall of Giants lies in the southern part of Scandor. The Giants who 
live there are said to be very unfriendly and some people even say that 
they have sided with Nikademus. This is probably just a rumor. It is 
true, however, that many of the visitors to the hall have been thrown 
into the dungeons and left to rot. The dungeons are not well guarded but 
they are solidly locked.

The Dwarven Burial Grounds
Whenever a great Dwarven leader dies, a funeral is held at the Dwarven 
Burial Grounds. Such events are traditionally attended by the greatest 
leaders or worthy representatives from all of the races in Scandor, 
Gelnor, and Ferronrah. Even the Elves have been known to send 
representatives in the past. Being invited to a Dwarven burial held 
there is considered to be one of the greatest of honors and attending is 
a somber but unforgettable experience.

The Gnomes of Eastern Scandor
There is a large section of eastern Scandor which is covered with rock 
strewn hills. This is where most of the Gnomes on the continent make 
their home. The capital of the Gnome community is the town Rocky Hills. 
The Gnomes are a peaceful and jolly people. They are content and safe in 
the hills. They are very seldom invaded because there is a general 
agreement that the Gnomes have nothing of great value. The most sacred 
place of the Gnomes is a series of catacombs dug out of the rocks 
thousands of years ago by the Gnomes. It is here that the most respected 
elder Gnomes go for deep undisturbed meditation.

The Chambers of Chronos
Chronos is the keeper of all time and dimensions. He is perhaps the 
oldest being alive except for the gods. He keeps extensive records on 
the history of the entire universe. His records are kept in a large set 
of chambers. They are all made in magical writing which only he can 
read. Chronos has the ability to move the chambers around magically to 
any plane. He is equally welcome in all places from the Netherworld to 
the Olympic planes. He will help those who have what he deems to be a 
worthy cause, but since his chambers can be anywhere he might be 
difficult to find.

The Plane of Light
When the gods created the Material Plane they also created the Plane of 
Light next to it. It provides light and heat for the mortal beings who 
live on the Material Plane. The most pure and innocent mortals are 
selected by the gods to watch over the Plane of Light. The Castle of 
Light was placed in the Plane of Light for its occupants to stay in. The 
castle contains many very precious items and is watched over by the 
gods. In spite of this it is often invaded by evil beings. The Light 
Fairy, the most pure of mortal beings, watches over the castle while her 
servants are sent out to inspect the Plane of Light.

The Darkness
When the gods created the Material Plane and the Plane of Light, they 
instantly saw the need for another plane to "balance" the other two and 
created the Plane of Darkness. At first the Plane of Darkness was empty 
but it was soon used as a place of exile for the most evil and vile 
mortal creatures. After thousands of years, a community of great power 
grew there. The greatest wizards of the plane created a Castle of 
Darkness and there created the most evil and powerful mortal imaginable, 
Nikademus. His power was great enough to open a portal to the Material 
Plane and the entire community went through, led by Nikademus on a 
campaign for bloody vengence.

News About the Great War
When Nikademus brought his army to Scandor he surprised everyone by 
landing on the northern shores. With the element of surprise behind him, 
he was able to take the northern part of the continent, all the way down 
to the Great Forest, in a few months. Nikademus then took a break to 
reorganize his troops and set up military rule in his newly gained 
territory. When Nikademus finally began to move further south he was 
disturbed to learn that Lord Wood was leading a counter attack against 
him on the northern shores near Lansing. This move has slowed Nikademus 
considerably since he has had to divert troops to the north where the 
fighting is still heavy to this day.

The Fortress of Nikademus
Nikademus is one of the very few mortal beings ever to achieve the power 
to freely teleport between any of the planes. When Nikademus first 
perfected this power he frequently visited his favorite place, the 
Netherworld. Though most gods do not care to dwell near mortals the gods 
of the Netherworld found Nikademus so delightfully evil they made an 
exception and gave him a small plot of land on the third level of the 
Netherworld. He constructed a fortress there and now uses it as a 
conference place to meet with his highest ranking officers and discuss 
plans of his assault on the Material Plane. Nikademus was also given 
undead servants and guards for his fortress.



    I think that the stuff you really need can be listed as follows:

    1.  Heal spells 1-4
    2.  Transport spell
    3.  Fireflash spells 5-8
    4.  Turn Undead spell
    5.  Flamebolt spell 37-40

    The old trick of not resetting the dungeons works quite well in 
general.  Early on, though, you can create a bunch of characters you'll 
immediately dismiss and hit them up for their gold.  That will allow 
your party to start out with the best equipment available.  As for 
starting out, I like the following party:
--2 dwarf fighters
--2 elf priests
--2 elf mages
    A dwarf in your party will allow you into certain places necessary 
to win the game.  High constitution and intelligence seem to be the best 
conditions for a good character starting out and if he's no good you can 
of course always take his gold.
    You really won't have that many traps to disarm but maybe for the 
first few levels one of your spellcasters can work on that.  Of course 
fighters will want to develop attack and parry and probably spellcasters 
should develop bow.  Everyone should become a decent swimmer as swimming 
often helps create shortcuts and a critical dungeon is across the water.
    Be sure to visit the straw hut as well.  It's only a one-off but it 
will improve critical stats;  I'd go with intelligence.  The giants will 
also help your constitution if you win a certain fight.
    Pretty much every dungeon works good for resets although specific 
ones have specific items you may want to get six of.  Lord Wood's camp 
has a great treasure trove if you can win four combats.  The dragon's 
den has a ton of gold.  The giants don't have much reward for all that 
fighting, and the castles don't require much fighting either, but even 
the Pendragon Town Archives can be useful for lower-level characters;  
it's so close to a town that you won't be wasting a lot of character-
years traveling around and building up.
    Also keep track of lowering hit points.  If you get too low, you 
really risk breaking something.  That's not cool.


    It's so convenient to be able to transport to a town and quickly 
visit a dungeon.  A quasi-mass transportation system aids this.  I'll 
list the dungeon and the town it's closest to.  In the underworld there 
is only one town on the same map as each dungeon, so I ignore that.  
Some are very close indeed.

DUNGEON                |NEAREST TOWN(#, distance)
    ARCHIVES           |PENDRAGON(1, 2S1E)
GIANT CAVES            |TIRITH(6, 6E2S)
GNOME CAVES            |ROCKY HILLS(4, 4N1E)
STRAW HUT              |LANSING(12, 25E2N)
DRAGON CAVES           |TIERRIN(7, 4W3N)

    So basically there are six towns that are really important(Tierrin 
being borderline as the Dragon Caves aren't critical to the game,) 
although the other ones are fun to visit, too.


    I won't include tricks to build your party up here.  Just the blow-
by-blow account.

    You don't need to stop at the Pendragon Town Archives, but they're a 
good place to get your bearings.  With the layout a bit different you 
may need to get used to the new dungeon view a bit.  The wand of 
Nikademus is well-guarded in the door in the northwest of the entry 
room, but if you go through the northeast there's a secret door that 
leads to treasure and then to Filmon's through another secret door.  You 
can also go through the lower right main door and all the way down.  
Filmon fills you in on what you should be doing next.  Be sure to pray 
at the altar each time you enter as that gets you a spell the first time 
and gold thereafter.
    The next place to go is south to the Giants'.  You'll get thrown in 
a cell but should be able to escape.  The lower left part should be left 
for later.  Right now you want to visit all the cells where you were 
locked up and find Kilmor.
    Once you've found Kilmor you will be invited to a dwarven funeral.  
It is juuust west of Pendleton and if you want exercise you can walk 
west of Pendragon.  By now you really should have town transport, 
though, so just cast a spell to get there.  It's fairly straightforward 
to view the funeral, but you can knock around a bit and win some fights.
    The next stop is the gnome caves.  While the monsters there may be 
tough, it shouldn't be too bad to get through the whole mess.  A 
southeasterly pattern gets you to the dining room, but first take a 
secret door off to the right and follow the passage into the corner.  
Take the foul smelling bottle.  From there you want to go back up and 
west to get the viper from the egg.  Distract the viper for an awesome 
item.  Repeat if necessary by not resetting the dungeon.  The divine 
spell is also in here--it's off to the east as you go to the dining 
    By now you're quite ready to go to Chronos's.  There aren't a lot of 
combats there.  Bash around until you get the key of light and figure 
out how to operate the machine.  Left spiral, set the settings, right 
spiral, pull the lever, and if you do it right, BINGO!  You're in the 
plane of light.
    There's a minor puzzle in the Castle of Light.  Map it well as you 
go to find the fairy who will give you more advice.  Get the gem of 
light and leave.
    Cast a town transport spell from the Town of Light to re-enter the 
overworld.  Tirith is the best place to go, as you'll need to revisit 
the giants' cave where you didn't go before.  They're some tough ****'s, 
so hit them hard with spells.  Valley giants are relatively weak but 
Storm and Cloud Giants are nasty indeed.  In the southwest corner you 
will find the Key of Darkness.
    Now a brief detour before you hit the home stretch.  In Lord Wood's 
camp(teleport to Lansing to short-cut there) you want to go west then 
south a lot.  That will let you into Lord Wood's tent.  On the right 
side you have some very good weapons.  If you can hack through the four 
encounters several times, your party will be the better for it.  Also be 
sure to stock up on healing potions and magic potions.
    Back to Chronos's.  Set the settings to go to the Plane of Darkness, 
and enter the castle there.
    In the Castle of Darkness, you can destroy stuff.  Doing so will 
reveal a message from Nikademus to you.  If you haven't gotten the wand 
yet, and you need it to finish this castle, it will be in the upper left 
but if so that space will be blank.  Take the mirror-image path to that 
you took in the Castle of Light.  Be very careful as one false step will 
seriously injure your party.  Once you get to the room at the end of the 
maze, try to break the wand.  You'll be sucked into a location by a new 
    Now you're in the underworld.  Watch your party's hit points before 
they go through each lava patch.  Damage will occur.  You'll need to go 
in a sort of spiral and eventually you'll see the castle.
    Nikademus's castle is not too tough to navigate.  In fact, you can 
get to the center without tripping over any of the set encounters.  Just 
beware of secret walls.  Zigzagging from the northwest corner of the big 
building will land you safely at the bottom(SSSSWSSSSESSSSWSSSSE) and 
then after the second-bottom secret door to the east you need to find 
two more secret doors on the east walls.  A long passage north has a 
secret wall to the west after which there's a passage that will get you 
to the center of the maze and Nikademus.
    There are several ways to win the game here but the easiest seems to 
be to cast a spell and then say #57 when the computer asks you.  
Nikademus should now be undead, so dispell him.  Although it is a bit 
harder to fight Lord Wood, you certainly can win the game that way.  
It's an alternate ending, and the text and graphics have slight but cute 



s = start(in underworld)
t = town(generic)
# = inn
L = lava
" = underworld terrain(mist)
[space] = underworld terrain(darkness, gloom et al)
. = grass
+ = road
* = forest
M = mountain
^ = hill


Town locations are listed below.

  a : Pendragon.  Center of the map.
  b : Sandy Shores.  First on the road west of Pendragon.
  c : Pendleton.  The second town on the road west of Pendragon.
  d : Rocky Hills.  WSW of Pendragon, along the road.
  e : Deltor.  Past Rocky Hills on the road, on the east coast.
  f : Tirith.  By the mouth of the river in the south, by a bay.
  g : Tierrin.  On the west part of the south coast.
  h : Asmith.  The town north of Pendragon on the road.
  i : Seirion.  On the southern part of the west coast.
  j : Xanador.  On the southeast island.
  k : Flagler.  In the extreme northeast.
  l : Lansing.  In the north nook of the huge mountain range.
  m : Scanport.  In the far northwest.
  n : Sciattica.  Northwest of Pendragon, where the coastline curves.

Inn locations and names are listed below.
  1 : Deadly Inn.  Directly west of Tirith.
  2 : Crown Inn.  On the center part of the east coast.
  3 : Portal Inn.  North of the Crown Inn.
  4 : Mystic Inn.  On the island surrounded by mountains.
  5 : Desert Inn.  West of Sciattica, on the central west coast.
  6 : Kanpai Inn.  One west and two south of Sciattica.
  7 : Jolly Inn #1.  Directly north of Pendragon.  [it appears this 
might be a mistake;  the PC and C64 version have "The Royal Inn" in its 
data, which does not appear on the C64.  As Pendragon is the capital I 
suspect this one is the bogus Jolly Inn.]
  8 : Jolly Inn #2.  On the road south of Pendragon.

Dungeon locations are listed below.  I had to use some weird characters 
since I ran out--oh well.

  S : Giant Caves
  T : Gnome Caves
  U : Dragon Caves
  V : Pendragon Town Archives
  W : Chronos's tower
  X : Lord Wood's camp, a bit northeast of Lansing.
  Y : Dwarven Burial grounds, just west of Pendleton.
  Z : Straw Hut, in the northeast corner.



The town here is the Town of Light.  The dungeon is the castle of light.  
You can probably flee from any combat.  Cast transportation to return to 
the mortal plane.  Don't think you need any tips to guide you through 



  The town here is the Town of Dark.  The dungeon is the castle of dark.  
You can probably flee from any combat.  Cast transportation to return to 
the mortal plane.  Don't think you need any tips to guide you through 


**L""  **********"""""  ******
**L"" " ********L""""     ****
*LL*"t***   ****L""***    LLL*
*LL*****     ***L"***  *  LLL*
*LL""""       *LL"********LLL*
*LL"""""   *  *LL"***"*"  LL**
**L"***" ****  LL****"""  ****
************** LL****"" ******
*LL"""  D***** L*****"" LLL***
*L********** ********** LLLL**
*L**""* ***   ****""""***LLL**
*LL"""         LL""""   LLLL**
***""""*    ** LL"     ***LL**

  The way through is pretty obvious.  You'll enter at the Town of Death 
in the upper left.  The passage then winds;  there's nothing tricky 
except remembering to heal your party after each time it goes through 
lava.  You can heal while on the lava and not get burned twice doing so.  
Of course you want to heal up before you enter the final dungeon, 
Nikademus's castle.


    There are some basic rules for the dungeon ledger.  The more 
obviously acceptable ones are used throughout, but the more specific 
ones are listed with that dungeon.

X = wall
  = secret door
| = door
- = door
! = planned combat
: = trap
; = character hears monsters, go back?

    Dungeon maps may not have borders on all sides, but I wanted to keep 
the dungeon's original dimensions(24x30.)  And I was too lazy and 
worried about mistakes to convert everything anyway.


 J XI   H XlX   I I I   
 X X XXXX X X           
 X X X  H X X           
 XXXXX1 |     | IXXXXX~X
 X   ;  ;     ;  gB  X  
 XS  X     Xo  ; XR  X X
 X$    X   X   X ;   X  
 XZ  X     X$  ~ XY  X X
 X  B  X   X   X ;   X X
 XX;XX           XX-XXX 
LX$  XY  XR  X   X  $X  
 X   X   X   X   X   X X
XXXXM   N  XA   ~  H  H 
 X   O   N X X   X 3 XXH
 P   P   Q X X  2X   XXb
Xr    Q  Q X XXXXXXbXX  

  OVERVIEW:  There's a hard part and an easy part.  The easy part(east 
and center) is where you get scrolls, a spell and even advice from 
Filmon.  You also get to beat up a lot of kobolds, which helps very low-
level adventurers.  The left side features a winding passage where you 
get increasingly more difficult fights.  In places like that it may be 
worthwhile to save the dungeon status after each one.  At the end is the 
Wand of Nikademus.  If you can get it now it will save you a lot of work 

  You start off in a clean marble hallway.  It opens onto a large stone 
room with four wooden doors although the bottom two go back to the 
hallway.  Treasure on the left includes scrolls II and III.  Damp, dark 
stone passages head off from the upper left and right exits although 
there is a waste disposal area in the northeast if you go right.  Weapon 
storage room in southeast.  Special archives room, then Filmon's, next 
to it.  The back hallway has no description.  Before the upper secret 
door there's a room with wine and cheese on a table.

A : trap, fire arrows from ceiling
B : trap, moulten[molten on PC] lead poured from ceiling
[ceiling -> roof on PC for A, B]
H : encounter with kobolds/orcs
I : encounter with scribe/ranger/wild dog
J : encounter with kobolds/barbarians
K : encounter with dwarves
L : encounter with valley giants
M : encounter with dark dwarves
N : encounter with forest elves
O : encounter with undead lords
P : encounter with storm giant
Q : encounter with great troll
R : Small room with many useless scrolls
S : Small room with table in back
Y : small room with desk and writing equipment
Z : Empty room

1 : A sign reads: Warning Danger lies beyond
[quotes but no WARNING in PC version]
2 : Filmon.  He gives you progress reports and tells you what to do 
  [first time:]  Filmon the wise old sage speaks, "Greetings ye intrepid 
[if you transferred the characters:]
who defeated the Black Lord of Gelnor,/who could not defeat the Black 
who destroyed the orb of Ferronrah,/who could not destroy the orb,
prepare yourselves for the greatest challenge of all, to defeat 
I choose you because you have proven yourselves worthy of the task.
[if untransferred:]
I choose you because Nikademus would never suspect you.
You must begin by rescuing Kilmor who is imprisoned in the Hall of 
Giants tothe south, then return to me."
  [2nd time through:]
    "Listen to Filmon of Pendragon" , etc.
  [after finding Kilmor:]  You must go to the dwarven burial     
grounds, to the west, to attend the   funeral of Kilmor. Return to me 
after you attend the ceremony and meet with the guests."
  [after going to the funeral:]
  "You should go to the east where the Chamber of Chronos, keeper of all 
timeand dimensions, can be found. He will take you to the plane of light 
where  you can find the Castle of Light.
  "You should visit the castle but not harm anything there, unless you 
are attacked, for it is a place of great  goodness. Talk to the 'Light 
Fairy' and return to me. Remember it is terribly evil to destroy 
anything in the Light Castle."  
  [once you have the light key:]
  "You should return to the Chambers of Chronus, to the east, but this 
time seek the way to the Castle of Darknesswhich is a place of great 
evil where Nikademus was created. Return to me once you find it."
  [after visiting the Town of Death:]
  "You must go to the north where the warbetween good and evil is 
heaviest. Youshould meet Lord Wood at his camp there."
  [after visiting Lord Wood in battle:]
  "You must now meet Lord Wood in the Fortress of Nikademus, in the 
Netherworld which can be accessed from the Castle of Darkness."
3 : Here is a strange altar.
  1) Inspect it
  2) Destroy it
  3) Leave
  4) Pray on it  
  [choose 1:]  it is strange.
  [choose 4:]  A minor diety appears and grants you the spell of Divine 
Aid, to be used in dungeons. 
  [if you do it again, you get some gold.]
4 : A metallic pedestal stands here, with a beautiful wand upon it.
  [If you take it:]  The wand is cursed. You cannot get ridof it now.  


X    ;    X XXX    IXXXX
X    X    X XXX H  XXXXX
    X   k    BH   J     
X   X   X     X   X  X X
X   o   M   M XX-XX  XHX
X   XeeeX     L   |  X X
XX  X  XX L   X  X  X   
    X  XX    KX  ;  X   
    B   X     X  X  X H 
           MX   X  J  IX
 .......... XX-XX XXXXXX
 ...    ... X   ~ = ~   
 ... w  ... X XXXXX XXX 
 ...    ... X XXXXX XXX~
 ...    ... X X  |   |4
 .......... X X  XX XX 9
            X XXXXX XXXX
XX6XXXX-XXX X ~  | 2 |  
    X  A  X-XXX  XX XX  
    X     X   XXXXX XXXX
    X     X   X1 |   |  
7   X 8 8 X   X  XX3XX  

  OVERVIEW:  The southwest part is tough to get to, what with three 
giant fights in a row to bash through.  You might even consider saving 
this dungeon when you leave so that you don't have to fight all over 
again several times.  You're thrown into location 9 once you walk in, 
and you need to leave through the secret door.  Push all the buttons, 
visit all the cells, exit through cell 3 and another secret door, then 
leave.  The second time through you can concentrate on going after the 
monsters.  The guagle beast by all the dots is worth fighting and I 
don't know if resetting the dungeon gives everyone an extra constitution 
point again.

  "The Walls are wooden and the floor is dirt." --entrance and 
miscellaneous halls.  When you slide down to the cells, they will be 
numbered 3-6 with cell full of bones and prison cell above them.  Behind 
the secret door the brick hallway continues until you get to where you 
started.  First room to the side is the weapons room and then there are 
some guard rooms before you reach the main intersection.  Four rooms of 
slave quarters in the northwest.  Great Hall south of the main 
intersection with guest rooms off to the east side(note a lot of fixed 
giant encounters, so watch your step.  In fact, don't try to get in here 
until you're fairly good.)  To the west of the hall you have a tasting 
area and then a kitchen area and a room full of dead bones.  The 
wrestling area is to the south.  The dark lifeless room is in the 
southwest, the chiefs room in the south, and the captains room is in the 

. : although this usually indicates something special, in this case, 
it's just blank.  Probably there for effect to make the place look like 
a wrestling ring.
= : unbreakable lock
v : you're sent to a cell--cell 2.
 [script:]  You fall down a chute and slide down a narrow passage until 
you land on a hard floor in a small cell. The hole that you fell from is 
closed off by a trap door.        
1 : "Kilmor was here."
  [been here before:]  You see bloodstains on the floor here.
  [if not:]  You have found the gaunt body of the  once great dwarf 
Kilmor who has apparently died of starvation. Clutched in one hand is a 
scroll written in blood.
2 : [if you haven't pushed the buttons:]  You hear 2 horrible beasts 
  [if you have:]  You see two dead beasts here.     
3 : There are 6 buttons here. Push 1-6 or 7 to leave the buttons.  
  [push 3 or 4:]  You see a terrible beast come out of a cell to the 
north. It looks as if it may rip you to shreds if you approach it.
  [push the other:]  Another beast comes out of a cell to the north and 
immediately attacks the one in the hall. After a long battle both lie 
4 : Through the door you see another cell.
5 : A giant here says, "If you wrestle theancient Guaggle Beast without 
spells  it will give you all +1 constitution."
  1) Okay
  2) No
[WARNING:  your magic gets zapped to zero if you fight here.]
6 : [without key of light] A dark force extinguishes all of your lights 
and pushes you out of the room.
  [with it:]  A dark force engulfs the party and ex-tinguishes all of 
your lights except the key of light which is glowing. The party can 
continue into the room.
7 : In the corner of the room floating in the air is a black skeleton 
key. [take the dark key]
8 : There's a large chest here.
  1) Burn it
  2) Carefully open it
[choose 1:]  In the ashes you find 2 tarnished gems.  
[choose 2:]  You set off a poison gas trap! You find 2 nice gems.
A : trap with a slab falling if you trip it
B : spear trab
H : encounter with lesser wizard/viper
I : encounter with boa constrictor/giant bee
J : encounter with giant bee/elf
K : encounter with valley giant
L : encounter with storm giant
M : encounter with cloud giant

Miscellaneous unused:
Room full of dead gnomes. 
"Avoid the Giant's living area until  you are strong enough to fight 


XXXX   X   XxX $ X   XXX
XXXX   X   X X   X   XXX
XXXX   X   X X   X   XXX
   Q CB        B   B|PC$
XXXX D X   X X   X   XXX
XXXX $ X   X X   X   XXX
XXXXX              XXXXX
XXX X              X XXX
XX FX              X CXX
X   X              X   X
E   F  a  b  c  d   B   
X   X              X   X
XXC X              X FXX
XXX X              X XXX
XXXXX  e  f  g  h  XXXXX
XXXXX              XXXXX
DXXXX              XXXXE
    X              X    
    X  i  j  k  l  X    
    X              X    
    X              X    
XXXXX   X      X   XXXXX
XXXXX   X      X   XXXXX
XXXXX   X   m  X   XXXXX
XXXXX   X      X   XXXXX

  OVERVIEW:  This dungeon is a cute reunion from former Phantasie games.  
You'll find a lot of side encounters with dwarves but this won't turn 
the main dialogs against you.  The best treasure is the one in the east 
and the one in the west is actually an empty chest.
  You can't actually get anywhere here until you complete the giants' 
dungeon, because they won't know Kilmor is dead, and they can't hold the 
funeral for him.  After the funeral there's not much to do here, but you 
might as well have a few low-level fights and some treasure, 
particularly in the northeast.

  There is an elegant gold hallway north of the Large Cathedral Area.  
The small rooms in the north are small dark Dwarven Burial Tombs.  The 
northeast exit from the cathedral area leads to a small ornate side 
temple and the rest are empty rooms.

B : encounter with dwarves
C : encounter with dwarves, dwarf lords
D : encounter with undead dwarves
E : encounter with kobolds, dark dwarves
F : encounter with priests
G : encounter with BEEPING BLOBS, my favorite monster.
Q : I was unable to open this lock, but there's nothing behind according 
to the disk info.
= : To the south lies Kilmor in a small casket
a : Turak the Cleric and his party are sitting here
b : The Wood Elf Princess Charista and her court sit here.
c : Lefrod, Elf Prince, and his men are here.
d : High Lord Argon & his entourage sit here.
e : Filmon and some other wise aged sages are sitting here. "I am glad 
you made it here" he says.
f : Lord Wood of Gelnor and Lady Katherine sit here.
g : Pedaloe and other halflings are here.
h : Here sits Pelzer and other important gnomes.
i : Kilmor's parents and immediate family are sitting here.
j : Kilmor's friends Clindroy and Lord Corin Stonepoint sit here.
k : Your seat.
    This area is reserved for your party.
    1) Take your seat
    2) Look around
  [choose 1:]
    The ceremony begins. An aged dwarf walks to the front of the room 
and speaks.   
    Suddenly a huge, black robed figure appears next to him and begins 
to cast powerful flamebolts and other spells on the guests.   
    The aged dwarf and many of the guest liecharred and burned, 
scattered about the room. The rest of the guests are fleeing the room. 
The figure speaks...       
"I, Nikademus, warn those who dare oppose me. I am unstoppable! What I 
have done here today is mere child's play. Only those who turn to evil 
can succeed in the society I am creating."
    "I will ultimately destroy every last shread of decency and good on 
earth. But those who turn to evil and join me will be rewarded."  He 
begins to cast more spells.
    Nikademus laughs long and hideously as his image slowly fades away.  
  [now all you see is:]There are many twisted, burned bodies here./There 
are many empty chairs here.  
l : Here sit an odd collection of peoples from many races and many lands 
who Kilmor met in his famous travels.
m : In this casket lies the highly decorated body of the Dwarven hero 
  [after the ceremony:]
    This casket contains ashes.
n : An usher says, "Welcome to Kilmor's funeral you may meet the guests 
if you wish before the ceremony begins. It will start when you take your 


X   XxXX XXXX  X    XXX 
    X ~   X   XX  X   X 
    X X    X  X  XX X   
   XX1XX X       X     X
 X@X   XXXX X   X   XX X
 XX    XXX    uYXY  XX~X
 |    XX X XXXXXXXX X   
 X   XX  | |      X b   
tXXXXX   X X      ~ X   
 XX@     X X XXX  X XXXX
X     XX   XX   XXX b2  
XXXXX    X  |    XXtX   
     XX X X  XX  XX XXX$
      XKX XX  X  XX |3 #
9    8X ;! XX XX  X X   
     XX X  XX  X  X XXXX
X   XXu X %$XX X^ X X   
X   | X           X X   
    XXX   ~ ~ ~   XYXXXX
      X           X4    
X     X ~ ~~~~~ ~ X     
X    XX           XX-X-X
XX   XX   ~ 7 ~   X  X  
XXX   X           X5 X 6

  OVERVIEW:  there's some nice treasure in here, although the best stuff 
comes when you get the egg from the viper.  Secret doors will allow you 
to look around quite a bit, and there's a good test fight in the jail 
cells(a great beast who hides a rather good bow.)  Yes, it's only one 
item you get from the viper, but the Old Bow is the best non-God bow in 
the game, so it counts extra.  It's worth shuttling back and forth, 
resetting the dungeon, etc.

  The gnomes won't turn unfriendly even though there are all sorts of 
encounters with them, so don't worry about that.  The main object here 
is to pick up spell 57 although if you can get the gnome bows that are 
lying around, more power to you!

  A secret door to the east of the main entry leads to a cavern.  The 
main hallway is a "stone lined hallway."  Guard room is to the 
northwest.  Below that is a gnome temple where you find Scroll VI.  To 
the east are two sleeping areas and below them is a wizard's lab.  The 
big room in the south is the dining room.  Prison cells are on the right 
wall.  The records room is in the far southeast with the sweet smelling 
room to the left and the foul smelling one to the right.  Storage room 
is west of wizard's lab, with the viper room west of that.  Training 
area in the southwest.

t : poison gas trap
u : rocks-from-the-ceiling trap
Y : huge immovable iron door
1 : When you approach the door a covered  slit is opened.  
[dwarf/gnome in party] A voice from the slit says, "Welcome, weary 
travelers, to the catacombs.    Food will be served soon in the 
diningroom". The door opens.   
  [no dwarf/gnome in party] A voice from the slit tells you that  only 
dwarves and gnomes are welcome.  
2 : An elvin[sic] maiden warns you of the beastin the next cell.  
3 : There is a great ferocious beast in the cell.          
 [if you won the fight:]  The remains of a great beast lie in   the 

4 : Here are many boxes marked "records"   
5 : On the table are several bottles of sweet smelling liquids.
6 : On the table are several bottles of foul smelling liquids.
7 : [script]
  You are greeted by a portly gnome at  the head of the table. "Sit and 
eat," he says as several servants bring some food. Throughout the meal 
he tells you stories about gnomes and the catacombs, their holy place. 
[and=& on PC]
  Of all his stories, you remember the one about a great and terrible 
beast he has locked in his dungeons. He also tells you that the gnomes 
here are thegreatest of bow makers. When you ask about obtaining one, he 
issues a challenge.
  "You must take an egg from my giant viper without attacking it or 
being attacked" he says, "the viper room is west of here, meet me 
  [passage to viper room opens]
8 : A gnome says, "Remove the egg without force"
9 : the viper [script]
You have approached an enormous viper nesting a single egg.
  1)Try to snatch the egg quickly
  2)Distract the viper from the egg
  3)Ask the viper for the egg
  [choose 3:] The viper says nothing.
  [choose 1 or 2:]
    [you have the foul bottle:]
  The viper backs off.    You take the egg.The gnome chief congratulates 
you for using the monster repellant and not the monster attractant.  
  The gnome chief presents you with an  ancinet, powerful bow.
    [you don't have it:]  The gnome says, "The air was bad, try later" 

! : Gnome Mage/Gnome Lord encounter
@ : Dark Gnome encounter
# : Great Beast encounter
$ : you find a magnificent bow(Great Bow) behind the Great Beast 
encounter--don't confuse this with "Old Bow" you get for tricking the 
% : Gnome Lord encounter
K : encounter(?)
^ : talk with old wizard
  There is an old human wizard here.
    1) Attack
  [face overlords and wizards]
    2) Talk
  [choose 2:]
    [you've seen him already:]  He says, "I see you have the powerful 
ancient spell of summoning. It will be useful someday."
    [you don't have the spell yet:]  He says, "For all your gold and 
some  experience, I'll give you an ancient  powerful spell"
    [choose 2:]  "It is done", he says.
Miscellany not used:  "Find the prison area. There is some- thing 
powerful in the air there."  


       XXXX.XXXX$      X
      XXXXX.XXXXX      X
     XXX   5   XXX     X
    XX           XX    X
   XX             XX   X
   |               |   X
 XXX    X     X    XXX X
XX.|               |.XXX
XX.XX             XX.XXX
XX.XXX          4XXX.XXX
  8  XXX      3XXX     X
     ~9XXXXXXXXXXX     X
     XXXf X  XXe X$    X
h | |g X-XX-XXX-XXX  Xa 
  X X  |  |  |  X |  X  
  | |dIXIcXX-Xb |  X  X 
  XXXIIXIIXX |  X  |  | 

  OVERVIEW:  there aren't a lot of combats in here so it should be 
pretty simple sailing, and the ones here aren't tough.  The main thing 
is to pick up and decipher Chronos's cryptic notes strewn across the 
bottom.  Also you'll find an important item in a side room to the main 
place.  You can even find two scrolls.  Using the arrows to steer your 
party is highly recommended here, as you'll be traveling down lots of 
long corridors you already know are safe.  Chronos may give helpful 
advice after you've progressed a bit, although he sleeps a lot, too.

    The circular room in the center is "large domed room with many 
tapestries."  To the upper left is "Dragon's room full of rags, bones 
and hay."  To the upper right is "The bedroom of Chronos."  To the lower 
right is "Room with a large chair, a desk and many books."  In the 
southern area you have all "empty room" except where marked.  The 
hallways turn to "A narrow stone hallway."

    The object here is pretty simple.  Figure out how the transport 
machine works and use it.  You can probably see from the text below how 
it works out.  You'll want to pick up the Light Key first, though.  
Combat is relatively rare here and you can zip around the place with the 
arrow keys even in the spirals that contain the transportation 

. : A large black stone hallway.
1 : adjust settings to leave
  There is a machine here with many but-tons. Push them?
  1) Yes
  2) No
  [if Yes:]
  The first three buttons are labeled A,B and C.
  1) Push A
  2) Push B
  3) Push C  
  The next buttons are labeled 1-9. Push which?  
  The last two buttons are labeled '+'  and '-'.
  1) Push '+'
  2) Push '-'
2 : pull lever to activate leaving to a different plane
  There is a large lever here marked,   "Activation Lever" Pull it?
  1) Yes
  2) No  
  [if 1:]
  You here(sic) a noise in the distance.
3 : Chronos's Dragon[script:]
    There's a small green dragon here eat-ing cookies and dried lizards.
  2)Scratch his neck
  3)Talk to him
  (choose 1:)
  The dragon curls up and sleeps.
  (after which you always see:)
  There is a sleeping dragon here.

  (choose 2, random between these:)
    "A little higher please," he says.
    "A bit to the left," he says.      
    "Ah, that's good", he says.
  (choose 3:)
    "Remember Chronos takes long naps", hesays.  
4 : Chronos[script:]
  [first meeting:]
  An old man here says, "Welcome to the Chambers of Chronos, Keeper of 
Time and Dimensions. What are you here for? Matter-Energy Transference? 
No, no, that was Tuesday. Space Deletion? No, that's not it either."
  "Ah yes," he says, "Interdimensional Travel, that's it, the Astral 
Pl...   No, which plane was it?"
  "The Plane of Light," the dragon replies, "you set  the coordinates 
this morning."
  "Ah yes," says Chronos then he curls up and takes a nap.
  Chronos sleeps.
  [leave and return:]
  Chronos says, "I've been watching you"
  [been to neither castle:]
  "Now, go and find the Castle of Light.The key is in my chambers."  
  [been to Castle of Light:]
  "You found the way to the Castle of Light"
  "Now, go and find the Castle of Darkness, opposite of the Castle of 
Light. The key is not around here."
  [been to Castle of Darkness:]
  "I cannot do anything else for you"
5 : you see a man and a dragon to the southeast
a : Here are many scrolls on the age of light.
b : Here are many scrolls on the age of chaos.
c : Here are many scrolls on the age of harmony.
d : "Age of Beasts" scrolls.
e : Scrolls on the "First Age of Man"
f : Scrolls on the "Second Age of Man"
g : Scrolls on the "Age of Desstruction"[sic, fixed in PC version]
h : This room has scrolls about the current age
6 : The following is written on a paper onthe wall:   Monday-Time Space 
Deletion  Tuesday-Matter Energy Transference  Wednesday-Plane of Light        
7 : Written on the wall is the following:  Monday A7+  Tuesday B7-  
Wednesday C2+
8 : Light comes from a crack in the east wall
9 : There is a bright glistening key floating in the air.
$ : treasure.  Scroll VII in Chronus's bedroom, scroll V in his study.  
"There is a scroll pinned to the wall."
* : very important treasure(light key)

[the text is a bit different in the PC version.  "Scrolls on the Age of 
X are here," and you often do not have quotes.]  For practical purposes 
these differences are negligible since the rooms contain nothing of 
value anyway.

Miscellaneous script: "Light is opposed by darkenss"


  X X  X  X1XX  X  X X 6
  | |  X  X  X  X  | |  
  X X3 X        X  X X  
  | |  X  X  X  X  | |  
  X X  X        X  X X  
  | |  X        X  | |  
  X XXXX        XXXX X  
XXX                  XXX
  X XXXX        XXXX X  
  | |  X        X 5| |  
 4X X  X        X  XXX  
XXX XX X          X2    
X +8#  X XXXXXXXX X     
X XXXXXX    +8# X X     
X X   XXXXXXX X X X     
X  7XXX XXX#X X +8# XXX 
X   X   X X+X X   XXXXX 
X X+   7X XXXXXX+8#X X X
X  7XXX+X +8#  X X   X X
XXX   X     X  X       X

  OVERVIEW:  There's not a lot to do here, although you'll probably want 
to go through the maze to visit the fairy.  She doesn't have a critical 
item but getting there does allow you to draw the map, which will be 
useful later.  There are also statues you probably don't want to break 
unless you want to try the evil ending, which you really can achieve any 
time you want anyway.  There aren't many encounters here.

  The Draw Bridge is the introductory room.  Then there is a white 
marble courtyard with the passages to the east and west leading to the 
guard rooms.  Further down the passages(bright glowing hallways) lead to 
several bright white rooms.

1 : There is a huge crystalline gate here with a large keyhole.
  [have key of light:]
  You cannot pick the lock or break down the gate.
  [don't have it:]
  The "Key of Light" opens the gate.
2 : There is a small delicate fairy sitting on a glass mushroom.
    1) Leave her
    2) Attack her
    3) Talk to her
  [choose 3, and this happens even if you have committed evil acts:]
  "Ho wanderers!" says the Light Fairy, "Chronos told me you would be 
coming. It is nice to see such adventurers as yourselves fighting to put 
down evil. It is sad that you must now go to the Castle of Darkness, a 
place of pure evil." 
  "You can reach it through the Plane ofDarkness just as you reached 
this Cas-tle through the Plane of Light. Usual-ly only creatures who 
have displayed  extreme evil can get in, but you may  get in with the 
Key of Darkness from  the Hall of Giants."
  "Remember to do just the opposite of  what you did to reach here & you 
will be okay. Good luck." She flutters up into the air and waves 
goodbye.  "It is a mirror image of the Castle of Light."
  "Remember your steps"

3 : Here is a large crystalline statue of a dwarf.
  1) Leave it
  2) Break it    
  (choose 2:)  It shatters into white dust.
4 : There is a large crystalline statue of an elf here. (see above)
5 : Here is a large crystalline statue of a man. (see above)
6 : [script]
  [got the gem of light:]  On a glass table here lies a clear gem
  [don't have it:]  There is an empty glass table here.
7 : You see a glowing arch to the north & south
8 : You see a glowing arch to the east and west
+ : You feel a warm glowing feeling walking under the arch.
# : The arch begins to glow brightly and a scorching heat fills the air.
[you take a bit of damage here.  It's nowhere near as much as you take 
in the Castle of Dark, but check your characters just in case.  
Unfortunately the glowing feeling doesn't heal you.]


@ X X  X  XX1X  X  X X  
  | |  X  X  X  X  | |  
  X X  X        X 4X X  
  | |  X  X  X  X  | |  
  X X  X        X  X X  
  | |  X        X  | |  
  X XXXX        XXXX X  
XXX                  XXX
  X XXXX        XXXX X  
  | |2 X        X  | |  
  XXX  X        X  X X3 
     X          X XX XXX
  e  X XXXXXXXX X  #5+ X
     X X #5+    XXXXXX X
d    X X X XXXXXXX   X X
bXXX #5+ X X#XXX XXX6  X
 XXXXX   X X+X X   X   X
X X X#5+XXXXXX X6   +X X
X X   X X  #5+ X+XXX6  X
X       X  X     X   XXX

  OVERVIEW:  This place is very similar to the castle of light.  In 
fact, it's almost a mirror image, with that area in the upper left 
notwithstanding.  You can break whatever you find here, and you'll get 
some hints from it, but you do have to be careful about walking on to a 
wrong square.  It will seriously damage(80+ hit points) each party 
member.  At the end of the tunnel there are a few set fights before you 
approach a pedestal.  The right choice will lead you to the second level 
of the underworld.

The opening room says "Draw bridge" and then you move to the "Black 
marble courtyard."  There are guard rooms in the first east/west 
corridors and then a dull black hallway after that.  It leads to several 
black lifeless rooms.

a : zombie/vampire encounter
b : giant ghost encounter
c : high demon/viper moth encounter
d : "a circle on the floor is drawn in blood"["on the floor here" on the 
e : You are in the center of the room.    Nikademus is not here.
    2)Place the wand on the floor
    3)Turn around 3 times & wave the wand
    4)Break the wand
    5)Throw the wand at the wall
    6)Wave the wand & say 'Straticon uble'
You do not have the wand.
  [choose 2, 5:]  The wand will not leave your hands.
  [choose 3, 6:]  A terrible explosion!!! [teleported back to lifeless 
room east of gate]
  [choose 4:]  As you start to break the wand you hear a terrible 
ripping sound and a black void appears before you and sucks you in.  
[teleport to ?]
  [choose 7:]  Nothing happens.
"Don't use the wand until you're ready to withstand its terrible power."  
y : exit to 2nd level of underworld
? : void(I think)
@ : if you haven't gotten the wand from the Pendragon Town Archives yet, 
you will have a bunch of fights to go through to get here.  Otherwise 
there will seem to be nothing in this area.  [script:]
    There is a black statue of Nikademus here holding a wand.
    1) Destroy the statue
    2) Take the wand
    3) Leave 
  [choose 1:]  You cannot even scratch it. 
  [choose 2:]  The wand seems to overpower you. You  feel as if you 
cannot get rid of it.
# : All your light is extinguished as you are totally engulfed by a 
soul-sucking black cloud. [you went the wrong way and took a lot of 
+ : A cold empty feeling overcomes you.
1 : There is a black gate here.
  1) Leave
  2) Knock
  [script:]  A slit opens in the door and two beadyeyes peek out at you.  
  ..."You haven't done enough evil deeds toenter here," a voice says.
  ...A voice says, "You are not quite evil enough to enter here."  
  ..."Enter evil ones," a voice says, "Welcome to the Castle of 
Darkness.  Nikademus is not in."    
  3) Try the lock
  [no key of darkness:]  You cannot pick the lock. 
  [have key of darkness:]  Your "Key of Darkness" opens the lock.As you 
enter a voice tells you that Nikademus is not in.  
2 : There is a black vase on a pedestal
  1) Break it
  2) Take it
  3) Leave it
  [choose 1:]
    On the pedestal where the vase sat these words are written:
    "Welcome     in   will    wand
     adventurers my   be      in
     to          evil greatly the"
3 : There is a black urn on a pedestal
  1) Break it
  2) Take it
  3) Leave  
    On the pedestal where the urn sat these words are written:
    "My     ways    rewarded magic
     castle and     to       circle
     if     destroy find     in"
4 : There is a black jar on a pedestal
  1) Break it
  2) Take it
  3) Leave      
On the pedestal where the jar sat these words are written:
    "You  Lord me    my
     join Wood break room
     me   you  the"
[Obviously there is a secret message here.  Noting things such as how 
"Lord Wood" probably should be kept together and "Welcome adventurers" 
is the combination whcih makes the most sense, you can see that you pick 
out every fourth word.  The following messsage appears:]
    "Welcome adventurers to my castle if you join me in my evil ways and 
destroy Lord Wood you will be greatly rewarded to find me break the wand 
in the magic circle in my room."
5 : There are dark ominous arches east and west
6 : There are dark ominous arches north & south.


......X  X  X  X........
aaaaaaX        Xdddddddd
......X  X  X  X........
......XXXX  XXXX........
......X  X  X  X........
......X        X........
bbbbbbX4 X  X $Xaaaaaaaa

  OVERVIEW:  This is a very nasty place to work through despite its 
simple appearance.  If you poke around too long the random combats will 
probably overcome you.  However, the place can be reloaded to pick up 
all the treasures inside the tent a second time if you can make it 
through.  There are four rather tough encounters you must survive to 
leave, and I heartily recommend leaving the same way you came, so you 
walk over squares where the encounter has been completed.  So, one west 
of the center exit, go south, and remember when you go north from the 
tent to be on the right side of the exit.  This is a good place for 
finding items to boost your party, but the fights may be too tough for 
experience building.  See the gnome or dragon caves for that instead.

  There are prisons full of monsters in the south, and they are only 
good for extra training if your party is so good you don't need it.  
Walking around is bad enough as you can get random combats with dragon 
kings and the like.

  Inside the tent there are several descriptions.
    Hallway: Inside the tent
    NW room: Food storage room
    NE room: Medical room
    SW room: Lord Wood's
    SE room: Munitions room

$ = very good treasure indeed!

. : In the midst of a huge battle
1 : You have entered the tent. It is quiet inside.
2 : There is a large tent to the south
3 : A large prison full of monsters.
4 : Lord Wood is here.  
I believe it says "There is no one here." if your party has turned evil.

**Script follows for good party:**
    Lord Wood is sitting here. When you approach he stands up and turns 
to greet you. "Welcome," he says.
[If you've been here before, he throws in the following paragraph:]
    "I cannot tell you anymore than I already have. I will repeat the 
plan  for you."
    "The first thing I should do is give you these two scrolls so you 
will know what we are dealing with", he says as he hands you two 
[party receives scrolls V and XIV]
    "I apologize if you had any difficultygetting here. As you can see 
we are under heavy attack here today. I could keep the enemy at bay with 
my magical powers but I am saving them for our confrontation with 
    "It seems we must find Nikademus in the Netherworld and destroy him 
there. If I engage him in a battle of psychic energies while you attack 
him, we may have the strength to defeat him."
    "You must find the Fortress of Nikademus in the Netherworld. Go 
there and confront him. Cast the 57th spell, it will open a portal 
through which I will come."
    "This will surprise Nikademus and he will not have his psychic 
defenses ready. If this plan works we will have a chance to overpower 
[If you don't have spell 57:]
    "If you don't have spell 57, go to theGnome Catacombs."
    "Go now my friends, do not forget the plan. The gods will be with 
a : encounter, overlords/cobras & wizards
b : encounter, great trolls
c : encounter, priests & overlords
d : encounter, wolf & high devils
x : exit


 0=X    1=~    8=A    b=B   12=C   13=D   80=E   81=F   82=G   83=H   
84=I   8.=J   d6=K   d7=L   dd=M   
1.X    X       X     X5.
..XXXX ~ XXX~XX  XXX ~..
..~  X X X X~XX XX X X..
..XX X X X ~~XX XX X X..
.2X  X X X XX X     XX.4
..X XX X   X   XXXX XX..
..X    XXXX  X ~~~~ XX..
..XXXXX     XX XX~XX ~..
3.~     XXXXX  X     X3.
..XX~XXX     XX XX~XXX..
..K  XX 8XXX8 X XX  XX..
..K  X  X   X   XXX XX..
.4XXX  XX 9 XXXX X X ~.2
..~   XXXX XXXX  ~ X X..
..XXXX   X   7  XX X X..
..~  X X 8XXXXXXXX X X..
5.XX   XXX   X   X X ~1.
..~ XXX XXXX  XX    XX..
..X     XXXXX ~~~XXX ~..
..XXXXX ~   X XXXXX  X..
..X   X XXX   XX   X X..
..X X  X   XXX   XXX X..
..~ X~XX X     XX    X..
..XXX~~~ XXXXXX   XXX~..

  OVERVIEW:  This is not such a bad place to explore unless you are 
without spell 57.  If you know where to go it's a relative breeze except 
for the fighting Nikademus bit.  From the square NW of the building's NW 
corner, take the following steps:
should meet up with Nikademus.  Cast a spell at him(57) and when Lord 
Wood appears, fight Nikademus, who is easier than Lord Wood.  There's a 
clue elsewhere in this FAQ that tells a weakness of his(doesn't happen 
in regular combat) but I don't want to spoil it in an overview.

. : outside a large black building[the building is big on the PC]
[space] : narrow black passage.
On the other side of 7, the description is "terrifying lifeless area"
1 : viper moth/high demon encounter
2 : small devil/spirit encounter
3 : great troll encounter
4 : dragon king encounter
5 : wolf/high devil encounter
6 : nothing here.  It is marked as a special square but I only fought 
two leopards the second time through.
7 : A cold lifeless feeling overwhelms you
8 : Through the crack you hear a hideous laugh
9 : this is of course the endgame encounter.  [script:]
    You see the hideous figure of Nikademus lurking in the corner. He 
steps out of the shadows and looks at you in a casual, unsurprised 
manner. He seems to be concentrating on something else.
  2)Talk to him
  3)Cast a spell  
[choose 2:]
Nikademus turns towards the party and addresses you,  
  [little or no evil:]  "I have been watching you for months," Nikademus 
says. "You are too pure and good for me. Prepare to die fools!"     
  [some evil:]  "I have been watching you for months,"Nikademus says. 
"You have shown some  evil tendencies. If you prove yourselves to be 
truly evil by defeating  Lord Wood, I will reward you greatly."       
  [very evil:]  "I have been watching you for months," Nikademus says. 
"You have proven to be totally evil in your actions. You may join me if 
you pass one test first, defeat Lord Wood."        
[choose 3:]
Cast which spell?
[don't choose 8:]  Your spell has no noticable effect at this distance.  
[choose 8:]
  [if you don't know it:]  "You do not know that spell stupid."  [STUPID 
is eliminated in the PC version.  Heh--PC, PC.  Pun, there.]
  [if you know it:]  A black gate suddenly appears and Lord Wood walks 
through it into the room.  He looks at the party and shouts, "Attack 
him! Attack Nikademus now!"       
  His voice trembles slightly saying, "No, attack Lord Wood and I will 
give you true greatness."    
Lord Wood stretches both hands out toward Nikademus. Suddenly an arc of  
blue energy forms between them as theyengage in fierce psychic combat.  
Nikademus casts a spell creating a large ball of flames and smoke. 
Seconds later you can distinguish the figure of Lord Wood, choking and 
confused in the middle of the smoke.  You momentarily watch in awe of 
the spectacle as the combat continues. A sickening charring odor fills 
the room and jars you back to reality.  You realize you must now take 
  1)Fight Lord Wood
  2)Fight Nikademus

  Note that NIKADEMUS IS UNDEAD if you cast spell 57.  Otherwise he is a 
normal monster.  This helps you hugely in combat.

(Stray stuff : "Have courage mighty warriors.")



1 : old man gives you two attribute improvements

  This dungeon, the Straw Hut, is very easy to get through.  All you 
have to do is walk to point 1, increase your attributes, and leave.  
Unfortunately you cannot double-dip this improvement even if you reset 
the dungeon.  I don't believe there are any combats in this dungeon.

  All squares are described as "Inside a small straw hut."

  There's only one dialog, at (1).  I list it below.

  A venerable man in the corner of the room says, "Sit & rest my 
friends, you look weak and tired."    
  "I have some soup that will make you feel better. You may drink two 
bowls of soup but you must all drink the same type if you are here at 
the same time." 
The old man suddenly grows into a hugedark shadowy figure. "I am 
Nikademus," he snarls, "You have seen my power and how it can benefit 
you. You would not like to see how it can harm you. If  you join me you 
will never have to."    
"In order, the soups are: soup of strength, soup of intelligence, soup  
of dexterity, soup of constitution, and soup of charisma. They will help 
you very much."
"You may drink now or later but you will only drink two bowls total. 
Whichdo you choose?"
  6)We will drink later

  Incidentally this dungeon was merged with the Dragons' Cave in 
Apple/C64 versions, but they are separate and duplicate on the PC.  This 
was probably to save memory, and the PC did not need it.  You just 
entered in different places--the only other dungeon in the series that 
did this was Pluto's Smallest Dungeon in Phantasie II.


 0=X   80=~   81=A   82=B   83=C   8b=D   8c=E   d7=F   d8=G   dd=H   
e0=I   e1=J   e2=K   e3=L   
X    cbXXXXba  XXbaXXXXX
X$   Xccba  XX XXXb XXXX

  There are a lot of combats here, and they are of four different 
magnitudes.  The tunnels are fairly straightforward to work through, and 
there's a stash of gold in each actual room.  As you would expect, the 
further you go into the cavern, the better the treasure.

  The description is always "Cavern which smells of sulfur" and at 
treasure the game notifies you "You have found a dragon's hoard."

a : baby dragons(give club+1, statue)
b : small dragons
c : dragons
d : dragon kings


    *SIGH* well, I suppose I'm more guilty than you are for looking 
here.  I put time into writing this section, after all.

    First of all I should mention that cheating attributes up to a 
ridiculous level can backfire.  You may not be able to learn spells, and 
training may cost 15000 gold for the first level;  cost of training 
varies with the abilities you've acquired.  Improving attributes to 99 
and skills to 255 also frequently caused the Apple version to flip out 
when I went into encounters.  I recommend 40 across the board and giving 
one person 255 skills.


    I wasn't able to start an Apple game reasonably.  Therefore I will 
refer you to my Phantasie II and Phantasie FAQs for that information.


  The duplication tricks that worked in the previous games worked here.
  Shay Addams's "Quest for Clues" describes the process as follows, 
although first you will need to make a backup "dummy" disk.  If you have 
an emulator, this is not hard, and in fact you can try this trick with 
two backups first so you don't ruin your main game if something goes 

    1.  enter town A
    2.  sell off the items you want to duplicate
    3.  teleport to town B
    4.  remove main disk, insert dummy
    5.  teleport to town C
    6.  remove dummy, insert main disk
    7.  teleport to town A
    8.  buy the new items that have mysteriously appeared in the town 
armory's inventory!

  This also would work for the Apple but probably not the PC.  However 
it is easy enough to manipulate the PC town data files anyway.

    For the Commodore editing characters can be tricky.  If going back 
from the name offset would cause you to skip a boundary you have to, in 
addition to changing sectors, move backwards another two bytes.  That is 
because in each 256-byte block the Commodore has two initializing bytes 
at the beginning.  Alternatively you can just move up from the start.  
In any case numbers appear to be ac/54 away from each other instead of 
aa/56 away.  In addition, the sectors jump around a bit more randomly 
with the Commodore.  I created a bunch of characters named "AA01" 
through "AA18" and was able to produce the byte values with a hex 

Here's where to start the hacking if you can remember the slot names.

 1 |15487 |15404
 2 |15e33 |154ae
 3 |15edd |1555a
 4 |15589 |15f06
 5 |15f35 |15fb0
 6 |15fdf |1565c
 7 |1568b |16008
 8 |16037 |160b2
 9 |160e1 |1575e
10 |1578d |1610a
11 |16139 |161b4
12 |161e3 |15860
13 |1588f |1620c
14 |1623b |162b6
15 |162e5 |15962
16 |15991 |1620e * - note : may be 15a91
17 |1633d |159b8 * - note : may be 15ab8
18 |163e7 |16374

19, 20 and 21, which should be elementals, aren't easily visible here.  
But you don't need elementals to win the game, so hacking is not a big 

Here are the bytes to hack in a hex editor.  Search for the name if you 
forget the slot.  Note the "from name start" negative values.  I've 
sometimes put notes there but if there aren't any just change the hex 
byte to the desired value.  I'd generally advise not giving more than 
99(x63) as three-digit numbers could goof up the display slightly.

            | FROM | FROM
            | NAME | SLOT
Strength    |-0x82 | 0x01
Intelligence|-0x81 | 0x02
Dexterity   |-0x80 | 0x03
Constitution|-0x7f | 0x04
Charisma    |-0x7e | 0x05
Luck        |-0x7d | 0x06
Age         |-0x7c | 0x07 This is actually Age - 17.
Max SP      |-0x7b | 0x0a
Cur SP      |-0x7a | 0x0b
Max HP      |-0x79 | 0x0c
Cur SP      |-0x78 | 0x0d
Gold        |-0x77 | 0x0e [this is 2 bytes, high/low]
Attack cur  |-0x6f | 0x14
Attack pos  |-0x6e | 0x15
Score       |-0x49 | 0x2a [on 1...100 scale]
Experience  |-0x50 | 0x33 [this is 3 bytes, high->low]
Race        | 0x20 | 0xa3 (see below for values)
Item 1      | 0x15 | 0x98 [NOTE:  The C64 has a convention
Item 2      | 0x16 | 0x99 [where 0's(no item) are first, then
Item 3      | 0x17 | 0x9a [item number appears in
Item 4      | 0x18 | 0x9b [increasing order.  This doesn't seem
Item 5      | 0x19 | 0x9c [to upset game play but you should
Item 6      | 0x1a | 0x9d [probably abide by the rules.]
Item 7      | 0x1b | 0x9e [see item section of FAQ for which
Item 8      | 0x1c | 0x9f [value gives which item.  Values over
Item 9      | 0x1d | 0xa0 [0xb4 may cause an array overflow.]

RACE:  A value from 0x00 to 0x0f defines the race.  Here's the table.
2 = ELF
7 = OGRE
b = ORC

To change a special item(less risky than outright editing) you can do 
the following:
  1) buy scroll 1(easy to find)
  2) open up the image in a hex editor.  Just after your character's 
name there should be the number x79 with descending numbers after it.  
That is scroll 1.
  3) add to that number.  To see scroll 14, add 0xd, i.e. put 0x86.  
Save the game.  You can now read scroll x86.
  See my section on special items to get any other item you want.  Of 
course you can do this to more than one item at a time and even get ring 
nine this way.


    Data is stored as in the Commodore, by bytes, only some items that 
took up one byte on the Commodore take up two bytes in the PC save file.  
That file is GAMESAVE.DAT.  Each character gets a separate 0x104 bytes 
of data and all of a character's data comes after his name.  Again look 
for hex values of attributes and gold and experience to modify them.  
Relative locations of data seem about the same although some will 
obviously be allotted more bytes in the PC version than the Commodore.


    You can make the computer do something silly in the giants' lair.  
Pull lever 3 or 4 and go north.  Kill the great beast that has come out 
from the cell.  Then pull lever 4 or 3.  You'll notice that the monster 
that appears is killed by the beast in the other cell--which you already 
    Demons are listed as undead but aren't in most RPG's.
    Depending on what you do Nikademus may or may not be undead.  
Although Lord Wood appears in one game version and starts a big ol' 
fight, you never see him kill Nikademus, so this is inconsistent.
    You can bring a fighter over to the underworld and back with only a 
penalty of two months if you add him to your party at an inn.  If he 
doesn't have any keys or gems this would seem very hard.
    The world of Phantasie is very modern.  Not only do you have roads 
well in advance of other RPG's, but there are banks.  And they even have 
bank fees!  That's right.  Every time you distribute the gold(which you 
must do when you enter a town) the gold gets rounded down to the nearest 
multiple of the total number of shares.  In fact you may even find that, 
if you try to split up 6000 gold equally among 6 people, you wind up 
with 999 gold each.  Too bad society isn't advanced enough to have 
consumer advocacy!




1.0.1 submitted to on 12/21/2001 after sending in a dud 
copy the night before.  Added some info about items.
1.0.0 submitted to on 12/17/2001.  I believe this is a very 
adequate first draft although I imagine errors always seem to leak 

Thanks to for the manual and PC images,,,, 
Evin's Apple Emulator Page(which is sadly part down now) and Delorie GPP 
freeware that allowed me to extract information from the files.  Also 
kahei's hex editor( helped me to locate lots of data.

Shay Addams's _Quest for Clues_ book was invaluable when it came to 
checking my work.  I frequently referred to it and although I have not 
directly quoted anything from it besides the duplication cheat, it has 
still been a huge help and has probably influenced my solution in ways 
unimaginable.  At the very least it saved me a lot of time as a great 
reference guide.