Enter the following in the cheat menu

Juggernaut team BULLDOZER

Maximum recruiting points HEADCOACH

Maximum attribute points BALLER

Slow Players CEMENTFEET 

Reveal Plays MINDREADER 

Quicker Players SCRAMBLE 

Faster daytime effects DAYNIGHT 

Defense always intercepts OSKIE 

Change the date Y2K 

Receivers always catch HANDSOFGLUE

All stadiums unlocked OPENSESAME 

Wind at maximum SAFETY 

Unlock All Stadiums OPENSESAME 

Vew the Whole Poll POPULARITY

Unlock The Juggernaut Team BULLDOZER

Submitted by scott larson

End Zone Celebrations

After scoring a touchdown, immediately press the following to celebrate. These man result in an unsportsmen like conduct penalty.

Heis Pose - Hold X
Ball Spike - Hold Circle
Muscle Flexing - Hold Square
Back Flip - Hold Triangle
Spin the ball - Hold R1