3 Count

IN the media Center in hardcore challenge mode, hit your opponent over the head with TV to unlock the three members of the 3 Count. 

Alternate (rude) Grunts

At main menu press R1, L1, R1, R1, Triangle, Triangle

Big Women Wrestlers

At the main menu press, R1, R1, Triangle, Triangle, L1, L1

Buff Bagwell

To unlock buff, Defeat Buff in hardcore challenge mode on medium difficulty


To unlock Daffney, Win Hardcore Gaulet with Sid

Eric Bischoff

Beat hardcore challenge mode on the hard diffculty with Vince Russo

General Reatcion

Win hardcore Gaulet with Sting

Indestructible Weapons

At main menu press L1, R1, L1, R1, Square, Square.

Infinite Stamina

At the Main Menu press R1, R1, Triangle, R1, R1, Triangle


Beat Hardcore challange mode on hard with Diamond Dallas Page

Low Gravity

At main menu press, R1, L1, L1, L1 Square, Trinagle

Kronik (Brian Adams and Bryan Clark) 

In the block in hardcore challenge mode, set your opponent on fire to unlock Brian Adams and Bryan Clark. 

Media Center 

Complete the Hardcore challenge and win the Hardcore title. Then compete for the US Title. The Media Center will now be unlocked before you complete it 


In hardcore challenge, Enter the ladies Bathroom to unlock Medusa

Mona, Elizebeth, and The Total Package 

Beat the Hardcore Challenge mode with a created wrestler.

Norman Smiley

Use a created wrestle and give him the Big Wiggle taunt. Then select wrestler in hardcore challenge mode any diffculty and do the Big Wiggle taunt at any time to unlock Smiley...

Parking Garage 

Complete the Hardcore challenge and win the Hardcore title. Then win the US Title and compete for th World title. The Parking will now be unlocked before you complete it 

Small Wrestlers

At the main menu press R1, R1, L1, L1, Square, Square


At the truck area In hardcore challenge, set your opponent on fire 

Vince Russo 

In the Media Center or Parking Garage in hardcore challenge, knock out your opponent with the brief case.