Level Passwords

Mama's Boy

Mission 02:FWQP

Mission 03:PLRQ

Mission 04:SZNF

Mission 05:TD5S

Mission 06:J1BT

Mission 07:K2CV

Mission 08:N3DW

Mission 09:M4FX

Mission 10:X5GZ

Mission 11:C6H0

Mission 12:D7J1

Mission 13:F8K2

Mission 14:FGK3

Mission 15:JFM4

Realtime level:LRTN


Weekend Warrior

Mission 02:GWQP

Mission 03:QLRQ

Mission 04:TZNF

Mission 05:VD5S

Mission 06:K1BT

Mission 07:L2CV

Mission 08:P3DW

Mission 09:N4FX

Mission 10:Z5GZ

Mission 11:D6H0

Mission 12:F7JI

Mission 13:G8K2

Mission 14:GGL3

Mission 15:KMF4

Realtime Level:MRTN


Loose Cannon:

Mission 02:HWQP

Mission 03:RLRQ

Mission 04:VZNF

Mission 05:WD5S

Mission 06:L1BT

Mission 07:M2CV

Mission 08:Q3DW

Mission 09:P4FX

Mission 10:05GZ

Mission 11:F6H0

Mission 12:G7J1

Mission 13:H8K2

Mission 14:HGL3

Mission 15:LFM4

Realtime Level:NRTN


No Remorse

Mission 02:JWQP

Mission 03:SLRQ

Mission 04:WZNF

Mission 05:XD5S

mission 06:M1BT

Mission 07:N2CV

Mission 08:R3DW

Mission 09:Q4FX

Mission 10:15GZ

Mission 11:G6H0

Mission 12:H7J1

Mission 13:J8K2

Mission 14:JGL3

Mission 15:MFM4

Realtime Level:PRTN 


View Pictures and heath

Enter the password LOSR (it will come up as incorrect but will still works). Then enter the password XXXX to view some pics. During game play, hold R1 and hit either X or O (full life and energy and all the weapons).
Submitted by Wizz 

Enable Cheat Mode

To enable the cheat mode, enter the password LOSR at the Passcode screen. It should respond with a password is invalid message, but cheat mode will be enabled. To use it, enter one of the following codes while you're playing a game.

Full Health And Energy

Enter Square+R1 at any time to replenish your health (*Note this cheat requires Cheat Mode Enabled)

All Weapons and Items

Enter Circle+R1 at any time to get all the weapons and other items. (*Note this cheat requires Cheat Mode Enabled)