Ultizurk III: The Guildmaster's Quest

Hints File
Disclaimer: The author of this hint file is in no way
affiliated with Robert Deutsch, the author of this game.

While I've checked it for accuracy (by playing the game),
I make no guarantees whatsoever as to said accuracy or for
the suitability of this file to any use for any purpose.
Nor will I be held responsible if reading it spoils your
game. Caveat Emptor, Cavis Canem, and Illegitimi Non

1. Getting started.

Q. What do I do first?
A. As usual, view the introduction and read the instructions
   before playing the game.

   Next, take some time to familiarize yourself with the new
   player interface. Click on the character's faces to view
   their stats. Notice that experience points are no longer
   displayed. They still exist, though.

   Click on the icons to the left of the faces and see what
   they do. The closed eye is your LOOK command. When you
   click on it the eye opens, then just click on whatever it
   is on the main screen that you want to look at. (There's
   a built-in shortcut: put the icon on whatever it is that
   you want to look at and click the right mouse button.)

   The hand means USE, the chest is your pack INVENTORY, the
   lips mean TALK, the sword means ATTACK, the book checks
   the amount of gold in your purse (yes, there is money in
   this game), the map is your overhead MAP, and the
   diskette opens up a menu of disk commands-save game, exit
   to DOS, or close the disk menu and resume playing the

   Now talk to Losi. She'll recommend where you should go
   first. To move around, move your mouse cursor near the
   characters in the main screen and it will turn into an
   arrow. You can even move diagonally now. The number keys
   1 through 5 control the speed at which the characters
   move. Hit 1 to cover a lot of ground fast, and 5 to move
   very slowly and carefully. If you have a slower computer,
   hitting 1 or 2 will speed the game up to a comfortable

Q. What next?
A. Do what Losi recommends- head north into the
   castle and talk to King Eldor.  Type the yellow words to
   get more info and continue the conversation. Now explore
   the castle and find the supplies and weapons the King
   left for you. Be sure to get the tent, sextant and watch.
   Get some leather armor and weapons, too. Be sure to talk
   to everyone you meet and snoop in all the chests.  Take
   what you need. Keep an eye out for a scroll- there's a
   message from the King for you. There's also a brass
   plaque on a wall in a room upstairs you can LOOK at to

   In this game you don't have to have food in your pack
   when you make camp in order to heal and restore your hit
   points to their full value. Losi knows some healing
   spells that will do that. Food is handy for during or
   right after battle. Eating some will restore a few hit
   points. There are edible berries growing wild that will
   do this too, as well as some herbs that people grow in
   fields that have some other beneficial effects. People
   you talk to will explain about the berries and herbs.

   Now go out and wander around the village to the SE of the
   castle. Talk to everyone you see. Go in all the buildings
   and look in the chests.

   King Eldor mentioned that the Lycaeum, the great library,
   has been moved to his village. Be sure to visit there and
   read all the books and scrolls. (You have to USE them to
   read them, not just LOOK at them.)


2. Some more basics.

Q. What's the point of this game?
A. Once again, the land is out of balance and has monsters
   running around. You have to figure out why, and restore
   the balance to the land to get rid of the monsters so
   King Eldor can lift his golem-spell that he'd cast on

Q. If I can help myself to stuff in chests, what's the gold
A. Remember Sammy, the sick boy from Ultizurk I? He's now a
   strapping teenager and a master fighter. You can spar
   with him at 100 gold pieces (GP) per turn, and this will
   get you some experience points just as though you were
   fighting monsters, and without getting wounded or killed.

   Also there is an armorer and a weapons dealer in town.
   You can buy weapons and armor from them, if you don't
   want to wait until you happen to find it in a chest

Q. Aha! So I can get killed, right?
A. Wrong. You get knocked out as usual, and King Eldor will
   teleport you back to his castle. You won't lose any
   weapons or pack contents.

Q. How do I get stuff from the chests?
A. USE the chest to open it. Your inventory screen will also
   open up. Click MOVE, click an item in the chest, then
   click an empty area in your or Losi's pack. You can move
   things back and forth between your and Losi's pack the
   same way- just click the inventory icon then MOVE, then
   the item you want to move, then an empty space to move it
   to. You can put items in a chest this way, too.

Q. Is there anything else besides chests that have goodies?
A. Yes. There are hollow trees all over the landscape that
   have stuff that the pirates stashed there. In dungeons,
   look in niches in the walls and in skeletons laying on
   the floor. King Eldor mentioned this, I believe.

Q. My pack's full. What do I do?
A. You can eat some food or use some herbs or berries if you
   want, otherwise you'll have to put some items in a chest
   or something.  (See above for how.) Remember that King
   Eldor said he has a storeroom for you and Losi to use?
   It's a room that's kind of NE by E of where the king's
   standing, and is full of empty chests. It's a good idea
   to try to always put stuff here, so you'll remember where
   it is later.

   Another thing you can do is sell fish, weapons or armor
   to the guys in Eldorville, if you have any of those
   things in your pack that you're sure you won't need.

Q. How do I use a shovel, bucket, pickaxe, etc.?
A. To use tools and most objects in your inventory, you have
   to PUT them in your weapons hand then USE it on
   something. Let me explain. To use a shovel to dig a hole,
   first click the chest icon to open your inventory, then
   click PUT, then click on the shovel, then click on the
   area next to the character's right hand. If it's empty
   you'll see a brownish outline of a sword. Now click X-IT
   to go back to the main player interface screen. Click the
   hand icon then click on the ground next to your character
   on the main screen. To fill an empty bucket, open your
   inventory, PUT the empty bucket in your weapons hand then
   X-IT (exit) the inventory screen, then USE the water. You
   have to be standing right next to water, either a
   fountain or shoreline, and have to click on the water
   right next to your character.

Q. How do I fight?
A. Open your inventory and PUT a weapon in your weapons hand
   (right hand), then X-IT the inventory screen, click the
   sword icon to ATTACK, then click on the monster. You can
   skip the first part if there's already a weapon readied.
   I've found (accidentally) that shovels, buckets, etc.
   will even kill monsters. I guess you just bludgeon them
   to death.

   Note that you have to be right next to the monster (you,
   not Losi, although she'll kill them too) in order to use
   a close-combat weapon on it, such as a sword, lance,
   glaive, etc. If you're using a throwing-star or
   boomerang, there can't be any trees or anything between
   you and the monster or it'll just bounce off of the tree.
   Sunbane-type weapons go through trees and hit whatever
   monster you've aimed at.

Q. What is the Boardwalk?
A. One of the characters in Eldorville explains, but it's a
   shopping mall that sells all kinds of junk, some of it
   useful. Watch out, Losi will go nuts there! Thank God
   there isn't a shoestore! They charge for stuff but most
   merchants will give you a free sample.

Q. How do I give an item to somebody?
A. Easy! Just be carrying it in your (or Losi's) pack, then
   go talk to the person you want to give it to. If you
   don't see any dialogue relating to giving them the item,
   then you're either talking to the wrong person or there's
   something else you need to do first.

Q. I can't see in the dungeon(s).
A. If there are torches on the walls, you cane USE them to
   light them.

   If you have flares in your pack, PUT one in your weapons
   hand and USE it on the dirt floor to create a firepit. To
   put it out again, PUT a bucket of water in your weapons
   hand and USE it on the fire.

   Ol' Killer has a device that can provide a magical light
   in the wink of an eye!

Q. How do I use the rafts?
A. You have to be standing right next to it (you do, not
   Losi). Then click the USE icon (the hand) then click on
   the raft. You and Losi will seem to disappear, but you're
   really on the raft. Use the movement-mouse-arrows to move
   the raft around. Remember the speed control keys (1-5).
   They can let you cover a lot of ocean in a hurry, or
   navigate carefully around coastlines or along rivers.

Q. How do I get off the raft?
A. It has to be snug up against the shore or a dock. Then
   just click the USE icon then click the raft.

   TIP: Every time you get off the raft, unless it's at a
   well-known spot like the dock at Eldorville, open your
   inventory and USE the sextant then write the coordinates
   down. This will keep you from losing the raft. Eldor said
   the raft will always be replaced by the sprites with
   another one at the same place this one was, but that's
   only if you get knocked out while on an island or
   something and Eldor teleports you back to his castle. If
   you lose it any other way you just have to wander around
   the shoreline until you stumble across it again.

Q. How do I camp?
A. You have to be more or less out in the open- not next to
   a cliff, shoreline or plant- in order to have enough room
   to spread out the tent. Then open your inventory and USE
   the tent.

   You'll get an opportunity to talk to Losi before you
   sleep. There aren't any words in yellow to prompt you, so
   use your imagination .

Q. Haha! I tried that! Any other little "secrets" like that
   in this game?
A. I already mentioned about looking at holes and watching
   the dialogue between you and Losi at the bottom of the
   screen, didn't I? Another that the author built in just
   for grins, is to hit Shift-@ then move around, and look
   at Losi. Hitting Shift-@ again puts it back the way it
   was. No, it doesn't make camping with her any more fun.

   One more is her reaction when you read the brass plaque
   on the wall upstairs in Eldor's castle. That isn't much;
   she just blushes and makes a comment.

   Losi gets real mushy and lovey-dovey, and embarrassed
   too, whenever you pick a honeysuckle clover plant. The
   Indian dancing-girl tells you about these clovers. Pick
   one every so often. They play a part in the quest, too.
   (You can always stash them somewhere if your pack gets
   too full of them. No need to carry them around. She only
   reacts when you pick one fresh.)

Q. I can't find any monsters. Where are they hiding?
A. Did you follow Losi's advise and talk to King Eldor? The
   game was constructed so that monsters won't attack you
   until after you do. The author wanted to avoid having
   monsters try to get you until after you'd found out why.


2. Where is... (Places)

Q. Hmm, well (ahem), back to the game. Where is the Lycaeum
A. In one of the bigger buildings in Eldorville. See
   "What next?" in the Getting Started section above.

Q. The Boardwalk?
A. NE by E of Eldorville, on a huge dock on the sea.

Q. The rafts?
A. The shipbuilder by the dock at Eldorville tells you where
   to look.

Q. The dock in Eldorville?
A. At the east edge of town.

Q. The armorer?
A. Not far from the dock and a little north. Look at the
   brass placques next to some of the doors. They annouce
   the names of the businesses in town.

Q. The weapons dealer?
A. West of the armorer. The door to his shop faces the back
   of another building, not the street, so he's a little
   harder to find. Again, look for a brass plaque then LOOK
   at it to read it.

Q. The savages' village?
A. There are two of 'em, one to the NW of Eldorville and one
   to the NE. To get to their west village, follow the dirt
   road north out of Eldorville. Look for a T-intersection
   with one road going west and one going north. Go west,
   young man. To get to the other one, head east from the
   west village. You'll have to travel cross-country, going
   around trees and bushes.

Q. The robot city?
A. Their queen, Hapsetshut, hid the entrance to keep the
   monsters out. You'll have to complete her quest, then
   she'll tell you where the entrance is.

Q. Castle Gizdan (or Grizdon, or whatever it's called)?
A. On a large continent to the NE of Gonzor (which is where
   King Eldor is- he's on Gonzor, I mean).

Q. The ranger city?
A. On a continent that's pretty much due east of the
   Eldorville dock. This continent is split into 4 quarters
   by rivers. The rangers are on the NE part. The
   continent's shoreline is surrounded by cliffs, so you'll
   want to land someplace near a ladder.

Q. The ice continent?
A. East of the ranger's continent.

Q. The mermaid's isle?
A. North of the ice continent.

Q. The dungeons?
A. There are cave mouths all over the place. The entrance to
   the dungeon under King Eldor's castle is located in a
   room near the SW corner of the castle. Look for a hole in
   the floor with a ladder in it, leading down. For
   something funny, LOOK at the hole and see what happens.

Q. The ship?
A. Both King Eldor and the old shipbuilder standing next to
   the dock will explain about that.


3. Where is... (Things and people)

Q. The Sunbane?
A. A book in the library explains that the Sunbane is now
   three weapons. Two of them are Ol' Killer's, and he'll
   give you a sort-of hint where to look. The third one is
   hidden in a dungeon. You have to complete a quest for a
   young girl that's one of the Boardwalk merchants, and
   then she'll tell you where to look.

   Using these Sunbane weapons now depletes your mana each
   time you use them. See the book in the library.

Q. Golden armor?
A. It's to be found in chests in dungeons all over the place
   or purchased from the armorer in Eldorville. See "How do
   I get past the snotty guard" below.

Q. Ranger armor?
A. See above for where to find it. It's a piece of green
   body-armor or mail.

Q. A particular weapon?
A. See the Where Is/How Do I section below.

Q. More gold?
A. There's a little island in the underground river in
   Eldor's dungeon with a chest on it. There's another place
   in his dungeon where there are some red and green floor
   tiles. I think there's some in the chests there. There
   are islands in the far corners of the sea with chests on
   them. There's some in a dungeon south of Castle Gizban,
   way to the north then west, past a boardwalk through the
   stars. These are all chests of ingots worth 10 GP each,
   and/or bars worth 100 each.

   Individual gold pieces are all over. Look in chests, in
   hollow trees, in skeletons and niches in the walls of

   The fishmonger in Eldorville will buy fish from you and
   tell you how to catch them. There's a woman with an herb
   farm south of the NW savage village that will pay you to
   pick herbs for her. The weapons master in Eldorville will
   buy weapons that you find, and the armorer will buy

Q. Queen Hapsetshut?
A. She's on top of some icy cliffs in the far NW of Eldor's
   continent, NW by N of the western savage village.

Q. Ol' Killer
A. His "castle" is in the NW part of the dungeon under
   Castle Eldor. You'll have to pick some locked doors. Keep
   going north and west.

Q. Queen Rebecca?
A. She's queen of Grizbon, or whatever the name of that city
   is. Her castle and the city is in the NW part of a
   continent that's NE of Eldorville.

Q. The tinker?
A. Standing by a road in Eldorville.


4. Where is/how do I...(Miscellaneous)

Q. Where are the ruins of the temple?
A. in the NE quarter of the ranger continent.

Q. How do I get more than "Greetings" out of the strange
   blue man?
A. King Eldor will give you a word to say to him, after
   you've completed certain quests to find certain objects
   and placed them where they need to be, and have a certain
   item in your pack (that you'll be given once you've
   placed those items).

Q. What's the deal with the golem version of myself in the
A. The strange blue man will tell you a word to say to
   him...er, ah, yourself...

Q. A hooked fauchard, spetum, glaive, Lucern hammer, other
A. In chests in dungeons, in niches in their walls, in some
   skeletons, all over. Or buy them from the armorer
   (they're expensive, though)

Q. A shovel, a pick-axe, flares, lockpicks, other tools?
A. Again, in chests all over- in dungeons, in buildings. Or
   you can get some from a merchant on the Boardwalk. He has
   some of these items in a chest that you can take.

Q. How do I get past the guard at the ranger city?
A. Both you and Losi have to be wearing some ranger armor.
   See "Ranger armor" above.

Q, How do I get past the snotty guard at Castle Grizbon?
A. The guard tells you what you need to be wearing: the
   livery of Queen Rebecca's soldiery. Both you and Losi
   have to be dressed this way. See "Golden armor" above.

   By the way, you have to have PUT each item in it's proper
   place-the shield on your shield-arm, the helm in your
   helmet spot, etc. If something isn't in its proper place
   he still won't let you in. Once he opens the gate for you
   it stays open. You don't have to be wearing the stuff to
   get back inside once you've already been in.

Q. Where is the dungeon that connects Castle Eldor with
A. Up north, just east of Ol' Killer's castle, the dungeon
   continues through a series of lacked doors and firepits
   that have to be put out. Eventually you'll end up in a
   long passage heading east. It curves around south and all
   over, but eventually winds up in the continent of
   Grizbon. When you come out on the surface, use your
   sextant and write doen the location.

   Or, you can just start exploring south of Castle Grizbon
   and use your overhead map until you see something (on the
   map) that looks like cliffs.

Q. Where's the other dungeon on Grizbon continent?
A. SE of the first one, just east of some fields of herbs.
   Again, use your overhead map to look for a small patch of

Q. Where are Ol' Killer's jesting items?
A. In a chest out in the middle of the country somewhere,
   like he says. I forget if it was on King Eldor's
   continent or on Queen Rebecca's.

Q. I found 'em. How do I use 'em?
A. Like he told you, go look in a book in the library. It
   gives complete instructions.

Q. What good are Ol' Killers' cigars? Lollipops?
A. I don't think his SEEgahs... er, cigars... do anything,
   but you have to say YES when he offers you one (and have
   room in your pack for it) or he won't keep talking to

   His lollipops are real handy. Eat one after (or during)
   battle and it will restore your hit points to maximum!

Q. What good are the bottle, jar, clay cup, book of poetry,
   quill pen?
A. They take up space in your pack. They have nothing to do
   with the quest. The only valuable items are weapons,
   armor, gold (of course), food, and certain plants. Once
   you're high enough in level that you don't get "killed"
   easily, you don't even have to carry food or plants.

Q. What about the buckets?
A. You need to fill these up with water and keep them in
   your pack. If you have to drop a flare in a dungeon (see
   "I can't see in the dungeon" in the More Basics section
   above) and need to put it out later because it's blocking
   your way, USE the bucket of water (after PUTting it in
   your weapons hand) on the fire.

   Some of the dungeons have fires that block access to
   doors or chests and will need several buckets of water to
   put them out. If you're going a-dungeoning, always have
   at least two full buckets handy.

Q. I can't kill those dungeon monsters!
A. A book in the library tells you which weapons work best
   for each particular kind of monster. The dungeon-beasts
   still need several hits, even with the right weapon,
   before dying.

   TIP: It won't earn you any experience points but you can
   always run away. The monsters will "flee" after you move
   so many spaces. If one is blocking your line of retreat,
   simply run right into it and keep trying to go that
   direction- keep clicking that mouse button- until the
   number of moves has gone by. If you click fast enough you
   won't give them a turn so they can hit at you.

Q. What ARE those dungeon monsters? LOOKing at them gives me
   no info!
A. I'm not sure, but the white humanoids seem to be the
   Ghost Knights or Death Knights that the library book
   mentions. I think the blue spider-like things are liches
   and the red insect-looking things are gazers.

Q. What are the land monsters, then?
A. The grey ones are supposed to be wild boars. The purple
   ones are spiders and the red octopi-looking ones, I
   guess, are reapers.

   TIP: In addition to the weapons that the book recommends
   for these monsters, I've found that lances generally kill
   boars and spiders in one hit, and reapers in two or
   three. Broadswords work pretty well for all of them, too.
   If you want to use a ranged-weapon, try a magical one
   (throwing-star or boomerang) or at least a metal one. The
   wooden ones take too many hits per monster to kill it.

Q. How do I kill water-nagas?
A. Read the book in the library. The sunbane works quite
   well on them, too.

   TIP: All monsters in an area will flee as soon as you
   board a raft, due to the influence of the sprites.

   TIP: You can't make camp or talk to a person between the
   time monsters have appeared and when Losi announces that
   they've fled.


5. Where is/How do I... (Quests)

Q. What do I need to do to heal the land and finish the
A. There's an encoded scroll in the dungeon where the
   Sunbane is hidden (see Where is the Sunbane below). One
   of the characters can translate scrolls for you. There's
   a certain word you have to say to Queen hapsetshut that
   isn't one of the yellow words in her dialogue.

   She'll then tell you what she thinks the problem is, and
   give you another word to say to another character.  He'll
   give you some more info and tell you what you need to do;
   what your ultimate quest is.

Q. Where is the valve?
A. The robot that told you about it mentioned that it's in a
   chest somewhere in the city. Look around. He then tells
   you how to have the other robots add parts to make it
   fully functional, and what to do with it when it is. The
   parts have to be put on in a certain order, so if a
   particular robot doesn't help you with the valve come
   back and talk to him later.

Q. The tomahawk?
A. In a chest in the robot city.

Q. OK, I found it, now what?
A. With it in your or Losi's pack, go talk to the queen of
   the east savage village.

Q. The peace pipe?
A. In a dungeon somewhere on a little island. I don't
   remember exactly where, and I think it was in a chest
   that was buried.

Q. I found the pipe, what do I do with it?
A. Take it to the queen of the east savage village. She'll
   tell you what to do next.

Q. Queen Hapsetshut's gem?
A. She tells you about where it is. It's in a buried chest
   in the dungeon on the little island she tells you about.

Q. The amulet?
A. The girl tells you where to look. It's buried. Look for
   the reactor outside the robot city then count off paces
   and dig.

Q. The ring?
A. Just go to the approximate area that the woman said the
   pirates were at when they stole it, and start looking for
   hollow trees.

Q. The dungeon on the ice continent?
A. You have to complete the tomahawk and peace pipe quests,
   then King Eldor tells you where to look for it. The
   dungeon itself is south of the Keeper's cabin.

Q. The altar?
A. In a dungeon on a little island NE of Gonzor (Eldor-land)

Q. The artifacts?
A. One is in a chest somewhere, either in a dungeon or
   sitting out in the open in the countryside somewhere. I
   don't remember where, but it isn't hidden or anything and
   is pretty easy to find. I thing this one is a "gimme" to
   pique your interest in finding the others.

   The robots tell you where one is buried after you get
   their valve fixed.

   One of the rangers (I think it was) tells you a word to
   say to the herb farmer woman, his sister. (It may have been
   someone in the city east of Rebecca's castle. I don't remember
   exactly who it was.) She then gives you a quest to do, and will 
   then give you a word to say to one of the savages, who in turn 
   will tell you where one of the artifacts is buried.

   One is hidden (buried, I think) at the end of the dungeon
   on the ice continent. See "The dungeon on the ice
   continent" above.

   An encoded scroll in a dungeon at the SE corner of the
   ranger's continent has a clue where the last one is

Q. I've placed the artifacts on the altar and have the cup.
   Now what do I do?
A. See "How do I get more than `greetings' out of the
   strange blue man?" above..

Q. Where's the fountain?
A. See "How do I get more than `greetings', etc." above.
   Also see "What's the deal with the golem version of
   myself in the dungeon.

   After you've successfully done all the things related to
   that, Losi says she knows where the fountain is, but isn't much
   help in telling you! Use your overhead map and look for a
   little blue speck out in the middle of the country on
   Grizdan continent (where Queen Rebecca is).

   It's a pool of water surrounded by red steps like the
   ones in Eldorville, in Castle Eldor, in some people's
   houses, in some of the dungeons, etc.  You have to PUT
   the cup into your weapons hand then USE the fountain.
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