Ultima Online

Ultima Online is a fantasy and Non-fiction RPG Online game.  The fun of the game is to get good at it and like 
be a blacksmith,or a Ranger. You can even buy a house!!  this guide tells you about what you can get and is a 
good guide for beginers. Please use the guide and I hope it brings good luck in the Ultima Online world.
                                                     Creating Characters
Creating a character is not very hard. At first you choose your strength, intelligance, and more.  Than you 
start picking your skills there are skills like animal taming, and stuff. Than you choose the hair color, the 
beard and stuff(and the color of that), than the gender (male or female). Than it will create the character and 
you will be in the Ultima Online world.
                                                     The Britannia World
In the world there are towns, people, houses, and much more. But the 2 most important things are people and 
shops.  The best thing to do with the people is ask for things like armor or even gold cause at the shops they 
are much more expensive.  Or you can me a miner and a blacksmith than you can turn the ore into ingots and than 
you can turn the ingots into armor.  There are many towns in the game there just a far distance apart from each 
Britain(West)                                      Britain(East)                                     Buccaneers 
Cove                                                     Jhelom                                               
Minoc                                                 Moonglow                                            
Ocllo                                                Serpents Hold                                       Skara 
Trinsic                                                   Vesper                                                  
Weapons                       Damage              Speed                   Skill                  Req. Strength
Executioner's Axe            4-28                   50             Swordsmanship                35
Axe                                  4-28                   40             Swordsmanship                25
Large Battle Axe              4-36                    20            Swordsmanship                45
Double Axe                     7-31                    35             Swordsmanship                35
Hatchet                            5-23                    55            Swordsmanship                15
Pickaxe                            4-32                    40                 Fencing                        25
Two Handed Axe             4-32                    30            Swordsmanship                40
War Axe                          8-33                    35            Swordsmanship                 35

Knifes and Daggers
Weapons                       Damage               Speed                   Skill                  Req. Strength
Butcher Knife                    2-8                      80            Swordsmanship                5
Cleaver                            3-12                     70             Swordsmanship              10
Dagger                             3-12                     55            Swordsmanship                1
Kryss                             6-18                      50          Swordsmanship               10
Skinning Knife                 2-8                       80          Swordsmanship                5

Maces and Hammers
Weapon                      Damage                  Speed                Skill                Req. Strength
Club                              3-12                       60           Mace Fighting                 10
Hammer Pick                 9-33                       30           Mace Fighting                 35
Mace                             4-16                       55           Mace Fighting                 20
Maul                              9-21                       40           Mace Fighting                 20 
Smithy Hammer             4-16                        60          Mace Fighting                 30
War Hammer                 4-36                       20           Mace Fighting                 40
War Mace                     6-34                       30           Mace Fighting                 30

Weapon                      Damage                   Speed               Skill               Req. Strength
Broad Sword                5-25                         35          Swordsmanship               25       
Cutlass                          6-18                         45          Swordsmanship               10
Katana                          4-20                         40          Swordsmanship               10
Long Sword                  4-28                         35          Swordsmanship               25
Scimitar                         6-22                         45          Swordsmanship               10
Viking Sword                4-32                         35          Swordsmanship               40

Weapons                       Req. Strength
Buckler                                 15
Chaos Shield                          0 
Heater Shield                        30
Metal Shield                          15
Kite Shield(wooden)             30
Order Shield                          0
Round Bronze Shield             20             
Kite Shield(metal)                  20
Wooden Shield                      5
Armor                       Req. Strength
Body Plate                        40
Arm Plates                        40
Gauntlets                           40
Helmet                              40
Leg Plates                         40

Armor                       Req. Strength
Helmet                             20
Leggings                          20
Tunic                               20

Armor                 Req. Strength
Gloves                          10
Gorget                          10
Leggings                        10
Sleeves                          10
Tunic                             15
Cap                               15

Armor                   Req. Strength
Sleeves                          40
Body Plate                     60
Gauntlets                        30
Gorget                           30
Helmet                           40
Leggings                        60

Armor                   Req. Strength
Gauntlets                     20
Leggings                      20
Sleeves                        20
Tunic                           20

Studded Leather
Armor                   Req. Strength
Gloves                         25
Gorget                         25
Leggings                      35
Sleeves                        25
Tunic                           35
I made this book for begginers or poor and weak experts.  I thank you for downloading this manual for Ultima 
Online.  Thanks!!
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