
To activate the EX-Game, just complete the game.

Extra Ammo

After Watching the opera go to the storage area where you see the little girl jump in the big hole in the ground, you should notice soon that backup has arrived go outside to talk to them and when the heavy police officer asks you if you want bullets don't stop taking them keep going up to him and press the action button and you should get a lot of ammo until he says sorry I'M out.

Ultimate Weapons

On the fourth day, collect 300 Junk and give it to Wayne at the Police Department, and he will turn it into any weapon you want.
Submitted by Fredricktt

Trading Cards Trick

When you get to the Hospital, be sure you have room in your inventory 'cause you only can do this once. Go to the upper right door, enter it, and defeat the monster. At the top part of the room there should be a shelf that looks out of place, check behind it to get unlimited trading cards. Well, almost unlimited. *Note*>> Once you leave that room you can't do the trick again.