Taxi Grap

in the level minianapolis when a taxi cab comes than hold X and right when he is about to hit you, press triangle, this trick is worth 1000 points

Turn off displays

Pause Hold L1 square left up triangle 

Random Start locatons

pause game hold L1 and press box,circle,x,up,down the screen will shake if you enter it correctly

Officer Carrera

Start with officer dick an any mode,pause the game Hold L1 and press triangle, up, triangle, up, circle, up, left, triangle. The screen will not shake. Quit and go back to character selection and the new character (Private Carrera.) will be their instead of officer dick. Note:The game will freeze if you try to restart the game with her. 

Private Carrera
ho ho ho
left, up, triangle
The Well hardflip
Somi Spin


Pause game hold L1 square,left,up square,left for slow motion
Submitted by vinny mac

Mad Grinding!

On Burnside to get maximum grinds on the wall at the far end of the skatepark(you're facing it when youstart off)just before you hit the fence ollie straight into the fence,hold triangle while in the air and you will start grinding back the other way.You can do this as many times as you like.
Submitted by Gene Martin

Vview character's ending sequence 
Use a character to get the gold in all three competitions. Then, select the 
"View Replay" option to view that skater's ending sequence.
Submitted by AkaMYSELFi

Level select 
Pause the game, then hold L1 and press Triangle, Right, Up, Square, Triangle, Left, Up, Square, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.
Submitted by AkaMYSELF 


When at the skatepark start off by doing a few tricks hen go into the bowl. (this skatepark is the one that has the halfpipe & a bowl that looks like a big letter C) while in the bowl get some air by just by doing ollies. Then jump out of the bowl and go on top of the screen that displays a music video or a skateboarding video. HOLD TRAIGLE AND THE BACK BUTTON. when you stop at the top of the screen do any amout of tricks you want. You won't fall however you can do lots of combos and rack up points. DON'T STAY ON TOP OF THE SCREEN TOO LONG OR
Submitted by Sk8tr13

Bust a Move

Durring the game to accumulate more points, press left and x (continuously) when jumping beside any wall. This works great of any handrail!
Submited by Basit Mirza

Mega Cheat

go to freeskate or single session, when you get in PAUSE game hold L1 then press O,RIGHT,UP,DOWN,O,RIGHT,UP,SQUARE,TRIANGLE.If you entered the code right the pause screen will shake.Now you will have all the tracks,all boards ,all skaters will have all 50 tape,and OFFICER DICK.
submitted by SLIK182 & Madsk8er15

Topped Meter
Pause the game, hold L1 and press X, Triangle, Circle, Down, Up, Right.

Attributes + 10x 
Pause the game, then hold L1 and press Square, Triangle, Up, Down.

Attributes + 13x 
Pause the game, then hold L1 and press X, Square(x2), Triangle, Up, Down.

Always in Special Mode (Unlimited Special)

When you start your run or the level pause the game and press and hold L1 then press X, Triangle, Circle, Down, Up, Right and you should then be able to do your signature moves without having to do tricks and earn it.
Submitted by Beemercat1 & PiMpC2O02

Big head mode 
Pause during a game, hold L1 and press Square, Circle, Up, Left (twice), then unpause the game.

Play as Officer Dick 
To access the character Officer Dick, Collect all video tapes with any character in career mode.

Special Video
To access the special video. Complete the character mode, select Officer Dick and win three gold medals.

View character's ending sequence 
Get the gold in all three competitions. After that select the "View Replay" option to view the ending sequence.

Extra points 
While in the air, hold the D-pad + Circle and release the button before hitting the ground.

Special moves 
Note: Your skater's special bar must be flashing yellow to do these moves

Andrew Reynolds 
Backflip Press Up, Down, Circle.
Heelflip Bluntslide 
Press Down(twice), Triangle.
Triple Kickflip 
Press Left(twice), Square.

Bob Burnquist 
1 Footed Smith 
Press Right, Right, Triangle.
Press Up, Down, Circle.
Press Left, Up, Triangle.
Fingerflip Airwalk 
Press Left twice and then Square while on the half pipe on the street course.

Kareem Campbell 
Front Flip 
Press Down, Up, Circle.
Casper Slide 
Press Up, Down, Triangle.
Kickflip Underflip 
Press Left, Right, Square.

Rune Glifberg 
Catch a lot of air with special aviable press Up twice, X
Triple Kickflip 
Press Right(twice), Circle.
Christ Air 
Press Left, Right, Circle.
Triple Kickflip 
Press Up, Down, Square.

Tony Hawk
Kickflip McTwist
540 Board Varial:
left,left,circle (Reported by BMX 671 as being Left, Left, Square)
360 flip to mute
The 900

Bucky Lasek 
Kickflip Mctwist 
Press Right Twice, Circle.
Fingerflip Airwalk 
Press Left, Right, Circle.
Varial Heelflip 
Press Down, Up, Square.

Judo Madonna 
Press Left, Down, Circle.
Officer Dick 
Yeeeehaw Front Flip 
Press Down, Up, Circle.
Neckbreak Grind 
Press Left, Right, Triangle.
Assume The Position 
Press Left(twice), Circle.

Chad Muska 
Front Flip 
Press Down, Up, Circle.
One Foot 5-0 
Press Right, Down, Triangle.
360 Shove-It Rewind 
Press Right(twice), Square.

Elissa Steamer 
Press Up, Down, Circle.
Primo Grind 
Press Left(twice), Triangle.
Judo Madonna 
Press Left, Down, Circle.
Submitted by Bighamkorn

Geoff Rowley 
Press Down, Up, Circle.
Double hard flip 
Press Right, Down, Square.
Press Left, Right, Triangle.

Jamie Thomas 
Front Flip 
Press Down, Up, Circle.
One Footed Nosegrind 
Press Up, Up, Triangle.
540 flip 
Press Left, Down, Square.

Private Carrera
ho ho ho
left, up, triangle
The Well hardflip
Somi Spin
Submitted by T. Kirkwood & Carol Van Ness

Officer Dick 
Yeeeehaw Frontflip 
Press Down, Up, Circle.
Assume The Position 
Press Left, Right, Square.
Neckbreak Grind 
Press Left, Right, Triangle.