Get Moo!?

GET MOO!!!!! all you do is use the phoenix code and have the phonix lose 2 battles then buy two smoked snakes and give them to the phoenix the it will be a MOO!!!!!

Eternal Life

This trick is really expensive. You have to keep buying Smoked Snakes. Each time you use a Smoked Snake, it increases your monster's life span by one week but can cause your monster's loyalty to decrease. This means you have to feed your monster a Smoked Snake every week.
Submitted by Fredricktt

Easy Money

To do this trick you must have Monster Rancher 1. In town, you must go to the shrine. Put in the Monster Rancher 1 CD to create a monster with stats that will make him almost invincible. Have that monster fight in battles, don't worry about his loyalty. Keep winning battles and when you're ready to retire him, just go sell him.


To get the Phoenix you must join Dr. Talico on his adventure to the Volcano. Then on your way you'll see the first building to be searched. Search it (DUH!) and the Phoenix will get out of the Volcano! Search it again and you should find a Fire Feather! Combine it with any 2 Monsters and you should get the Phoenix 100%. The Phoenix is good in any area!