Ultima IV Moongates Help Mini-FAQ version 2.1
Last updated on 12/3/99
Started on 11/27/99 by Earthshaker (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Copyright 1999 by Earthshaker

Anyone may print out this mini-FAQ on a normal printer, but if you 
place this anywhere or alter this in any way without my permission 
and/or this disclaimer intact, there will be some serious legal 
trouble.  If I do give you permission to place/alter this FAQ, BE SURE 
TO GIVE ME CREDIT WHEREVER IT IS DUE.  If there are any questions, 
comments, gripes, and whatnot, send them to me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Oh, and one more note.  If this FAQ is found anywhere else aside from 
these sites (www.gamefaqs.com and home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts) Email either the 
runners of the sites or me immediately.

1. Revision history
2. Introduction
3. Explanation 
4. Glossary
5. Repeat Warning!

-----------------------------1. Revision History-----------------------

12/3/99- Version 2.1- I simply made this available to another site.  
Nothing else.
11/27/99 (again) Version 2.0- To ease confusion, I gave the proper 
names to the phases of the moon

11/27/99 Version 1.0- Made this semi-confusing FAQ.  But, since I'm 
sure I'm covering everything, I'm not going to come around for more 

-----------------------------2. Introduction---------------------------

   OK, I've made this FAQ for two reasons.  First off, I haven't 
written a new FAQ or updated any of my other FAQs recently, so to add 
in a little bit more memory to my contributor page, here it is.  
Second, the concepts of the moongates as travel in Ultima IV really 
confused me, until I wrote it down.  Since I felt others might be 
confused if they played it, I felt I should help them by giving what 
helped myself.  Now, on with the FAQ.

Wait!  On a side note, this FAQ can be used for both the DOS version of 
Ultima IV and for Ultima: Quest of the Avatar for the NES.  It works 
both ways, trust me!  

-----------------------------3. Explanation----------------------------

   The two moons play an important role for travelling in Ultima IV.  
Each phase (crescent waxing, first quarter, gibbous waxing, full moon, 
gibbous waning, last quarter, crescent waning, new moon, in that order) 
of the first moon is decided by the faster moving phases of the second 
moon.  For each three phases of the second moon, the first moon goes 
through a phase.  Confused what this has to do with anything?  Well, 
for each of the phases of the first moon, a moongate appears at a 
certain place in Brittania, close to one of the eight towns of virtue.  
Once the gate pops up, it stays up for the next three phases of the 
second moon, then disappears.  If the gate is stepped in before it 
disappears, it will teleport you to a different site of where the 
moongate pops up, depending on what the phase is of the second moon.  
Very confusing stuff, huh?  

   Here's something that makes it a bit easier.  Each city's moongate 
has a set phase of the moon.  When that set phase appears on the first 
moon, the moongate for that city will pop up.  If the set phase appears 
on the second moon, then you will be teleported to that city.  Here are 
each of the set phases of the moon.

Crescent waxing     Britain
First quarter       Jhelom
Gibbous waxing      Yew
Full moon           Minoc
Gibbous waning      Trinsic
Last quarter        Skara Brae
Crescent waning     Magnicia
New moon            Moonglow

   Okay, here's a quick example.  Suppose the first moon was at the 
Full Moon and the time when you wanted to step in was when the second 
moon was at the last quarter.  Since the first moon is the full moon, 
the moongate would appear at Minoc.  If you stepped in it during the 
last quarter (which is the phase right before it disappeared,) you 
would be teleported to Skara Brae.   Need another example?  Okay? what 
would happen if you stepped in a moongate while both of the moons were 
new?  First off, you would be in Moonglow, because that's where the New 
Moon moongate pops up.  But? the second location is Moonglow!  What 
does that mean?!  Well, it means that you'll be in the same place you 
were when you entered the gate!  This only happens in four places: Yew, 
Moonglow, Minoc, and Magnicia.  However, as with most things, there is 
an exception to the rule.  If you enter the two-Full-Moon moongate, 
then you would be teleported to the Shrine of Spirituality.  

Okay, that's it for my explanation.  Hope I cleared some confusion up.
Then again, I probably confused you even more? Oh well.

------------------------------4. Glossary------------------------------

OK, for some of the terms that may confuse you (and some that won't), 
I'll put them here.

Crescent- A crescent moon shows only a little sliver of light, sort of 
like this- (.  That is if it is waxing.  If waning- )

Gibbous- This term refers to a moon that is almost full.  

Waning- This term means that the moon's light is decreasing and heading 
towards the new moon.

Waxing- This term means that the moon's light is increasing and heading 
towards the full moon.

And now, to insult your intelligence?

First quarter- This is when a moon is half-full and waxing, and looks 
like a backwards D.

Full moon- This is when the moon is fully highlighted.  

Last quarter- This is when a moon is half-full, and looks like a D

New moon- This is when the moon has no light upon it.

---------------------------5. Repeat Warning!--------------------------

Ultima IV Moongates Help Mini-FAQ version 2.0
Started on 11/27/99 by Earthshaker (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Copyright 1999 by Earthshaker

Anyone may print out this FAQ on a normal printer, but if you place 
this anywhere or alter this in any way without my permission and/or 
this disclaimer intact, there will be some serious legal trouble.  If I 
do give you permission to place/alter this FAQ, BE SURE TO GIVE ME 
CREDIT WHEREVER IT IS DUE.  If there are any questions, comments, 
gripes, and whatnot, send them to me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Oh, and one more note.  If this FAQ is found anywhere else aside from 
this site (www.gamefaqs.com,) Email either CjayC or me immediately.
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