show map

Pause the game and enter circle,circle,circle,up,circle,box,r1,circle,circle,circle 
Submitted by neo shnitter 

Japanese mode
Enter "godzilla" as a password. All voices will be in Japanese 
Submitted by neo shnitter

Bonus Level

For 10,000 funds and 10 commandos, type PATSUX
Submitted by Viola622

Covert Ops

Type COVERTOPS for extra covert ops.
Submitted by Viola622

for 5000 extra dollars

press pause and pushright down down left L1 left right down.
Submitted by kip smedley

instant ion cannon

right down left left down right right down left Xsquare triangle
Submitted by kip smedley

Instant air strike:

R D L L D R R D L X square circle.
Submitted by kip smedley

Nuclear strike

R D L L D R R D L X up X