During gameplay press ENTER to display the 

communication window, then enter the code.

Result           -       Code  

Fart when walking - silentbutdeadly 

2D players - turnpunchkick 

Disable AI - nobrainer 

Wounding shots - kill wounddeath 

Very heavy breathing - 1-900 

Selected character is invincible - avatargod 

Invisible mode - theshadowknows 

Refill ammunition - 5fingerdiscount 

Toggle victory conditions - explore 

Monocle mode - monocle 

Clodhopper mode - clodhopper 

Big head - bignoggin 

Mega head - meganoggin 

Stumpy mode - stumpy 

Debug keys (activate) - debugkeys 

Do suicide - death

Team invincible - teamgod 

Team invisible ? teamshadow

If you throw a flashbang grenade into a room

before you enter the stunning effect may give

you time to get the drop on the room's occupants.

Here is a tip with ammo. When your on your last

bullet on your primary or secondary weapon, reload

and you'll get full ammo without wasting a clip.

Double your men:

Press ENTER on your keyboard, then go to an area

with terrorists. Then type "gunsalldownmen" and 

all the terrorists in sight will turn into your 
